optimall: Allocate Samples Among Strata

Functions for the design process of survey sampling, with specific tools for multi-wave and multi-phase designs. Perform optimum allocation using Neyman (1934) <doi:10.2307/2342192> or Wright (2012) <doi:10.1080/00031305.2012.733679> allocation, split strata based on quantiles or values of known variables, randomly select samples from strata, allocate sampling waves iteratively, and organize a complex survey design. Also includes a Shiny application for observing the effects of different strata splits.

Package details

AuthorJasper Yang [aut, cre], Pamela Shaw [aut], Bryan Shepherd [ctb], Thomas Lumley [ctb], Gustavo Amorim [rev]
MaintainerJasper Yang <jbyang@uw.edu>
URL https://github.com/yangjasp/optimall
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the optimall package in your browser

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optimall documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.