Wave-class: Wave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization

Wave-classR Documentation

Wave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization


optimall defines three S4 classes for organizing the multi-wave sampling workflow: Wave, Phase, and Multiwave. An object of class Multiwave holds metadata and a list of objects of class Phase, which in turn holds metadata and a list of objects of class Wave. These three object classes are used together to organize the workflow of multi-wave sampling designs.



A list containing the metadata for the wave.


a dataframe specifying the design of the wave. Is often the output of allocate_wave.


A character vector containing the ids of the units sampled in the wave.


A dataframe holding the data, with ids, collected in this wave of sampling


A dataframe holding the updated full data set with all of the Phase 1 sampling units including the samples collected in this wave.

optimall documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.