
Defines functions .prettify .combine.size .update .get.time.row .get.row.time .get.next.trade .read.orders .to.time .to.ms .midpoint.returns

## $Id: helper.functions.R 1300 2008-08-27 21:01:11Z liu $
## Internal helper functions

## This formats text for us. Type "p" means that its a price, adds
## commas and has two decimal digits. "s" means that its a size, adds
## commas and no decimal digits.

.prettify <- function(x, type = "p"){
    if(type == "p"){

        x <- formatC(x, format = "f", big.mark = ",", digits = 2)

    } else if(type == "s"){

        x <- formatC(x, format = "d", big.mark = ",")

## Helper function that returns a data frame with the size aggregated
## by price level and with data above 10% on either side of the
## midpoint removed.  Takes an orderbook object as input. Returns
## orderbook object with price, size, and type. Mainly needed for
## plotting.

.combine.size <- function(object, bounds){

    x <- object@current.ob

    ## Save the midpoint

    mid <- mid.point(object)

    ## Removes rows 10% above and below the midpoint.

    x <- x[x[["price"]] < mid*(1 + bounds) &
           x[["price"]] > mid*(1 - bounds),]

    ## Aggregate by price

    x <- aggregate(x[["size"]], by = list(x[["price"]]), sum)

    names(x) <- c("price", "size")

    ## Rows with price above midpoint are ask, price below midpoint
    ## are bid.

    x$type[x[["price"]] > mid] = "ASK"
    x$type[x[["price"]] < mid] = "BID"


## Creates a new current.ob from ob.data. Takes in the object, returns
## the object with an updated current.ob.

.update <- function(ob)
    x <- copy(ob@ob.data)

    ## If trader, then the skip is different than if not

        skip = 6
        skip = 5

    ## Turn hash into a list. Unlist into a vector. Remove
    ## names. Vector is currently id,time,type,size,price repeated
    ## over and over

    x <- as.list(x)
    x <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)

    ## Get out length. Use sequence to pull out the proper values.

    len <- length(x)

    price <- as.numeric(x[seq(3, len, skip)])
    size <- as.numeric(x[seq(4, len, skip)])
    type <- as.factor(x[seq(5, len, skip)])
    time <- as.numeric(x[seq(1, len, skip)])
    id <- as.character(x[seq(2, len, skip)])

    ## If trader then keep track of status

        status <- factor(x[seq(6, len, skip)], levels = c("TRUE",
        ## Create data frame and name it. Put it into the current.ob
        ## slot. Return the order book.

        x <- data.frame(price, size, type, time, id, status,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        names(x) <- c("price", "size", "type", "time", "id", "status")

    } else{

        x <- data.frame(price, size, type, time, id,
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        names(x) <- c("price", "size", "type", "time", "id")

    ob@current.ob <- x


## Returns the row number of the first order after the specified time.

.get.time.row <- function(file, n, skip = 1){

    ## Open the file connection

    file <- file(file, open="r")

    ## Skip to wherever the other function told it to skip to in the
    ## data file.

    x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
              quiet = TRUE, skip = skip)

    ## Increment because now we are at the first line after skip.

    i <- skip + 1

    ## As long as there are still entries, and we haven't found a time
    ## greater than the time we are looking for, keep going.

    while(!identical(length(x), 0) && as.numeric(x[2]) <= n){

        x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
                  quiet = TRUE)
        i <- i + 1




## Returns the time of a row number

.get.row.time <- function(file, n){

    ## Open the file connection

    file <- file(file, open="r")

    ## Skip to 1 before the row in question, then read the line

    x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
              quiet = TRUE, skip = n - 1)

    ## Close the connection


    ## Return the time


## Returns the row number of the next trade after the current
## time. Pretty much the same as the above function, except we look
## for "T".

.get.next.trade <- function(file, n){

    file <- file(file, open="r")

    x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
              quiet = TRUE, skip = n)

    n <- n + 1

    while(!identical(length(x), 0) & !isTRUE(x[1] %in% "T")){

        x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
                  quiet = TRUE)

       	n <- n + 1



## Takes in object and number of lines of the data file to be
## read. Returns an object with updated ob.data, current.ob,
## trade.data, my.trades, file.index, and current.time.

.read.orders <- function(object, n)
    ob <- copy(object)

    ## Pull out current values

    file <- ob@file
    file.index <- ob@file.index
    ob.data <- ob@ob.data
    trade.data <- ob@trade.data

    ## If trader == TRUE, then also include if order belongs to user

        max = 7
        max = 6

    ## Open file connection. Skip to the current place in the file and
    ## read in the first line after that.

    file <- file(file, open = "r")

    x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character", quiet =
              TRUE, skip = file.index)

    ## While there are still lines to read and less than n lines have
    ## been read.

    i <- 0

    while(!identical(length(x), 0) & i < n){

        ## If there is an add change current position, add something
        ## into ID, and increment current position.

        if (isTRUE(x[1] %in% "A")){

            ob.data[x[3]] <- x[2:max]


        ## For a cancel remove the row from ob.data, remove the ID
        ## from list.

        if (isTRUE(x[1] %in% "C")){
            ob.data[x[3]] <- NULL

        ## For a replace find the right row and replace it with the
        ## new size.

        if (isTRUE(x[1] %in% "R")){
            ob.data[[x[3]]][4] <- x[4]

        ## For a trade increment the trade index and store the trade
        ## data.

        if (isTRUE(x[1] %in% "T")){

            trade.data <- append(trade.data, file.index + i + 1)
            trade.data <- append(trade.data, x[2:(max - 1)])

        ## Increase i

        i <- i + 1

        ## Read in the next line.

        x <- scan(file, nlines = 1, sep = ",", what = "character",
                  quiet = TRUE)



    ob@ob.data <- ob.data
    ob@file.index <- file.index + i
    ob@trade.data <- trade.data
    ob@current.time <- as.numeric(x[2])

    ## Run update to create a new current.ob from the new ob.data.

    ob = .update(ob)


## Converts x to a time. x should be milliseconds since midnight
## UTC. Returns as "H:M:S".

.to.time <- function(x){
    x <- as.POSIXct(x/1000+14400, origin = Sys.Date())

    return(format(x, format = "%H:%M:%S"))


## Converts x to milliseconds. x should be a string, e.g. "5:01:02"
## means 5AM, 1 minute, 2 seconds.

.to.ms <- function(x){

    x <- strsplit(x, split = ":")[[1]]
    x <- ((as.numeric(x[1])) * 3600000
          + as.numeric(x[2]) * 60000
          + as.numeric(x[3]) * 1000)

    return(signif(x, 8))


## Midpoint Return, automatically finds the midpoint return for the
## selected message row number for a vector of time in seconds,
## e.g. c(5, 10, 60, 120) means find the midpoint return for 5s, 10s,
## 1 min, 2 min after the trade.

.midpoint.returns <- function(object, trdprice, trdrow, time){

    ## Now the orderbook is at the start order

    tmp.ob <- copy(object)
    tmp.ob <- read.orders(tmp.ob, trdrow - tmp.ob@file.index)

    ## Create a vector with the current time of the orderbook at that
    ## order number added to the times in the vector

    time <- tmp.ob@current.time + time * 1000

    rows <- sapply(time, function(x){.get.time.row(tmp.ob@file, x)})

    ## Find the first midpoint

    mid <- mid.point(tmp.ob)
    midpoints <- vector()

    for(i in 1:length(rows)){
        tmp.ob <- read.orders(tmp.ob, rows[i] - tmp.ob@file.index)
        midpoints[i] <- mid.point(tmp.ob)

    if(mid > trdprice)
       return(midpoints - trdprice)
        return(trdprice - midpoints)

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orderbook documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:19 p.m.