## Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen
## This file is part of the ordinal package for R (*ordinal*)
## *ordinal* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## *ordinal* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## <> and/or
## <>.
## This file contains:
## Functions to assess and check convergence of CLMs. Some
## functions/methods are exported and some are used internally in
## clm().
convergence <- function(object, ...) {
convergence.clm <-
function(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)
### Results: data.frame with columns:
### Estimate
### Std. Error
### Gradient - gradient of the coefficients at optimizer termination
### Error - the signed error in the coefficients at termination
### Rel. Error - the relative error in the coefficeints at termination
### The (signed) Error is determined as the Newton step, so this is
### only valid close to the optimum where the likelihood function is
### quadratic.
### The relative error equals step/Estimate.
## get info table and coef-table:
info <- object$info[c("nobs", "logLik", "niter", "max.grad", "cond.H")]
## Initialize coef-table with NAs:
coefs <- coef(object, na.rm=TRUE)
g <- object$gradient
H <- object$Hessian
tab <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(coefs), ncol=6L,
dimnames=list(names(coef(object, na.rm=TRUE)),
c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Gradient",
"Error", "Cor.Dec", "Sig.Dig")))
tab[, c(1L, 3L)] <- cbind(coefs, g)
res <- list(info=info, coefficients=tab,
class(res) <- "convergence.clm"
if(!all(is.finite(H))) {
warning("non-finite values in Hessian: illegitimate model fit")
## Get eigen values of Hessian:
res$eigen.values <- e.val <-
eigen(H, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
## Compute Cholesky factor of Hessian:
ch <- try(chol(H), silent=TRUE)
if(any(abs(e.val) <= tol) || inherits(ch, "try-error")) {
## Hessian is positive definite:
## Compute approximate error in the coefficients:
step <- c(backsolve(ch, backsolve(ch, g, transpose=TRUE)))
if(max(abs(step)) > 1e-2)
warning("convergence assessment may be unreliable ",
"due to large numerical error")
## Compute approximate error in the log-likelihood function:
env <- get_clmRho(object)
## Note: safer to get env this way.
## env <- update(object, doFit=FALSE)
env$par <- coef(object, na.rm=TRUE) - step
new.logLik <- -env$clm.nll(env)
new.max.grad <- max(abs(env$clm.grad(env)))
if(new.max.grad > max(abs(g)) && max(abs(step)) > tol)
warning("Convergence assessment may be unreliable: ",
"please assess the likelihood with slice()")
### NOTE: we only warn if step is larger than a tolerance, since if
### step \sim 1e-16, the max(abs(grad)) may increase though stay
### essentially zero.
logLik.err <- object$logLik - new.logLik
err <- format.pval(logLik.err, digits=2, eps=1e-10)
if(!length(grep("<", err)))
err <- formatC(as.numeric(err), digits=2, format="e")
res$info$logLik.Error <- err
## Fill in the coef-table:
se <- sqrt(diag(chol2inv(ch)))
res$coefficients[, c(2, 4:6)] <-
cbind(se, step, cor.dec(step),
signif.digits(coefs, step))
print.convergence.clm <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## Prepare for printing:
print(x$info, row.names=FALSE, right=FALSE)
tab.print <- coef(x)
for(i in 1:2)
tab.print[,i] <- format(c(coef(x)[,i]), digits=digits)
for(i in 3:4) tab.print[,i] <-
format(c(coef(x)[,i]), digits=max(1, digits - 1))
print(tab.print, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE, ...)
## Print eigen values:
cat("\nEigen values of Hessian:\n")
cat(format(x$eigen.values, digits=digits), "\n")
conv <- x$$convergence
cat("\nConvergence message from clm:\n")
for(i in seq_along(conv$code)) {
Text <- paste("(", conv$code[i], ") ", conv$messages[i], sep="")
cat(Text, "\n")
if(!is.null(alg.text <- conv$alg.message))
cat(paste("In addition:", alg.text), "\n")
## for(i in seq_along(conv$code)) {
## cat("Code: Message:\n", fill=TRUE)
## cat(conv$code[i], " ", conv$message[i], "\n", fill=TRUE)
## }
## if(!is.null(alg.text <- conv$alg.message)) {
## cat("\nIn addition: ", alg.text, "\n\n", fill=TRUE)
## }
cor.dec <- function(error) {
### computes the no. correct decimals in a number if 'error' is the
### error in the number.
### The function is vectorized.
xx <- -log10(abs(error))
lead <- floor(xx)
res <- ifelse(xx < lead - log10(.5), lead-1, lead)
res[abs(error) >= .05] <- 0
signif.digits <- function(value, error) {
### Determines the number of significant digits in 'value' if the
### absolute error in 'value' is 'error'.
### The function is vectorized.
res <- cor.dec(error) + ceiling(log10(abs(value)))
res[res < 0] <- 0
conv.check <-
function(fit, control=NULL, Theta.ok=NULL, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)
## function(gr, Hess, conv, method, gradTol, relTol,
## tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)
### Compute variance-covariance matrix and check convergence along the
### way.
### fit: clm-object or the result of clm_fit_NR() | gradient, Hessian,
### (control), convergence
### control: (tol), (method), gradTol, relTol
### Return: list with elements
### vcov, conv, cond.H, messages and
control <- fit$control
stop("'control' not supplied - cannot check convergence")
tol <- control$tol
if(tol < 0)
stop(gettextf("numerical tolerance is %g, expecting non-negative value",
tol), call.=FALSE)
### OPTION: test this.
H <- fit$Hessian
g <- fit$gradient
max.grad <- max(abs(g))
cov <- array(NA_real_, dim=dim(H), dimnames=dimnames(H))
cond.H <- NA_real_
res <- list(vcov=cov, code=integer(0L), cond.H=cond.H,
class(res) <- "conv.check"
if(is.list(code <- fit$convergence))
code <- code[[1L]]
mess <-
"0" = "Absolute and relative convergence criteria were met",
"1" = "Absolute convergence criterion was met, but relative criterion was not met",
"2" = "iteration limit reached",
"3" = "step factor reduced below minimum",
"4" = "maximum number of consecutive Newton modifications reached")
if(control$method != "Newton") mess <- NULL
### OPTION: get proper convergence message from optim, nlminb, ucminf etc.
res <- c(res, alg.message=mess)
## }
evd <- eigen(H, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
negative <- sum(evd < -tol)
if(negative) {
res$code <- -2L
res$messages <-
gettextf(paste("Model failed to converge:",
"degenerate Hessian with %d negative eigenvalues"),
## Add condition number to res:
res$cond.H <- max(evd) / min(evd)
## Compute Newton step:
ch <- try(chol(H), silent=TRUE)
if(max.grad > control$gradTol) {
res$code <- -1L
res$messages <-
gettextf("Model failed to converge with max|grad| = %g (tol = %g)",
max.grad, control$gradTol)
## Compute var-cov:
vcov <- try(chol2inv(ch), silent=TRUE)
if(!inherits(vcov, "try-error")) res$vcov[] <- vcov
if(!is.null(Theta.ok) && !Theta.ok) {
res$code <- -3L
res$messages <-
"not all thresholds are increasing: fit is invalid"
## Compute var-cov:
vcov <- try(chol2inv(ch), silent=TRUE)
if(!inherits(vcov, "try-error")) res$vcov[] <- vcov
zero <- sum(abs(evd) < tol)
if(zero || inherits(ch, "try-error")) {
res$code <- 1L
res$messages <-
"Hessian is numerically singular: parameters are not uniquely determined"
### NOTE: Only do the following if 'ch <- try(chol(H), silent=TRUE)'
### actually succedded:
step <- c(backsolve(ch, backsolve(ch, g, transpose=TRUE)))
## Compute var-cov:
res$vcov[] <- chol2inv(ch)
### NOTE: we want res$vcov to be present in all of the situations
### below.
if(max(abs(step)) > control$relTol) {
res$code <- c(res$code, 1L)
corDec <- as.integer(min(cor.dec(step)))
res$messages <-
gettextf("some parameters may have only %d correct decimals",
if(max(evd) * tol > 1) {
res$code <- c(res$code, 2L)
res$messages <-
paste("Model is nearly unidentifiable: ",
"very large eigenvalue",
"\n - Rescale variables?", sep=""))
if((min(evd) / max(evd)) < tol) {
res$code <- c(res$code, 3L)
if(!5L %in% res$code) {
res$messages <-
paste("Model is nearly unidentifiable: ",
"large eigenvalue ratio",
"\n - Rescale variables?", sep=""))
if(!length(res$code)) {
res$code <- 0L
res$messages <- "successful convergence"
cov.conv <- conv.check
### OPTION: let convergence() print convergence info from clm using
### print.conv.check
print.conv.check <-
function(x, action=c("warn", "silent", "stop", "message"), ...)
action <- match.arg(action)
if(x$code == 0L || action == "silent") return(invisible())
Text <- paste("(", x$code[1L], ") ", x$messages[1L], sep="")
if(!is.null(alg.text <- x$alg.message))
Text <- paste(Text, "\nIn addition:", alg.text)
"stop" = stop(Text, call.=FALSE),
"warn" = warning(Text, call.=FALSE),
"message" = message(Text))
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