
Defines functions calc_contribution getscores getsubs permtest KSEAfilter results_write mk_runlabel

Documented in calc_contribution getscores getsubs KSEAfilter mk_runlabel permtest results_write

#' Calculate score contributions by phosphorylation site
#' @param matched_data Input
#' @return \code{matched_data} with contribution scores calculated
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #Read in example summary statistics dataset from csv
#' summarydata_ex <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_data1.csv", package="pKSEA"))
#' #Get matched data using predictions from NetworKIN
#' matched_data_ex <- get_matched_data(summarydata_ex, NetworKINPred_db)
#' #Calculate contributions
#' calc_ex <- calc_contribution(matched_data_ex)

calc_contribution <- function(matched_data){
  # matched_data$contribution <- matched_data$zscore * log(matched_data$score)
  # matched_data$contribution <- matched_data$t *  log(matched_data$score)
  # matched_data$contribution <- -log(matched_data$pval) * log(matched_data$score, base = loglevel)
  matched_data$contribution <- matched_data$t * matched_data$score

#' Sum score contributions for each kinase across all phosphopeptides
#' @param matched_data Input with calculated contributions
#' @return A dataframe with each kinase as a row and raw kinase activity change score (KAC) calculated
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #Read in example summary statistics dataset from csv
#' summarydata_ex <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_data1.csv", package="pKSEA"))
#' #Get matched data using predictions from NetworKIN
#' matched_data_ex <- get_matched_data(summarydata_ex, NetworKINPred_db)
#' #Calculate contributions
#' calc_ex <- calc_contribution(matched_data_ex)
#' #Calculate kinase activity change scores
#' kac_ex <- getscores(calc_ex)
getscores <- function(matched_data){
  #calculate contributions
  matched_data <- calc_contribution(matched_data)

  #initialize data table from kinases represented in prediction dataframe
  kin_act_ch <- data.frame(row.names = levels(factor(matched_data$kinase_id)))

  #calculate totals
  for(i in 1:length(levels(factor(matched_data$kinase_id)))){
    kin_act_ch[i,1] <- sum(matched_data$contribution[matched_data$kinase_id == rownames(kin_act_ch)[i]])

  colnames(kin_act_ch)<- "rawKAC"

#' Extract summary table with pertinent columns related to included substrates
#' @param matched_data Input with calculated contributions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getsubs <- function(matched_data){
  matched_data <- calc_contribution(matched_data)

  substrates_out <- matched_data[, c("GN",
                                      "pval", "fc", "contribution")]
  substrates_out <- substrates_out[order(substrates_out$kinase_id, substrates_out$contribution),]
  rownames(substrates_out) <- NULL

#' Perform permutation test
#' Returns a table that has permuted the relationship between phosphopeptides and summary statistics
#' (ie. fold change, t-score)
#' @return dataframe with kinases as rows, each column as KAC scores calculated from one permutation
#' @param matched_data Input with calculated contributions
#' @param perms Number of permutations to run, default = 1000
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #Read in example summary statistics dataset from csv
#' summarydata_ex <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_data1.csv", package="pKSEA"))
#' #Get matched data using predictions from NetworKIN
#' matched_data_ex <- get_matched_data(summarydata_ex, NetworKINPred_db)
#' #Calculate contributions
#' calc_ex <- calc_contribution(matched_data_ex)
#' #Perform 5 permutations
#' perm_ex <- permtest(calc_ex, perms= 5, seed= 123)

permtest <- function(matched_data, perms = 1000, seed = 1){
  permtable <- data.frame(row.names = levels(factor(matched_data$kinase_id)))

  peptidelist <- matched_data[!duplicated(matched_data$Peptide), c("Peptide", "GN", "kinase_id", "siteid", "fc",
                                                                  # "zscore",

  for (i in 1:perms){
    #randomly reassign siteid calls
    randompep <- sample(length(levels(factor(matched_data$Peptide))), replace = F)
    randomframe <- matched_data
    randomframe$Peptide <- factor(randomframe$Peptide)
    randomframe[,c("t","pval")] <- randomframe[match(as.numeric(randomframe$Peptide), randompep),c("t", "pval")]

    currentperm <- getscores(randomframe)

    permtable <- cbind(permtable, currentperm)


#' Obtain percentile rank comparing a single value to set
#' @param set Set of values to which given value will be compared
#' @param value Value for which percentile score will be calculated
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
perc.rank <- function (set, value){
  length(set[set <=value])/length(set)*100

#' Get percentile ranks across permutations
#' @param results Results of kinase scoring
#' @param permutations Results of permutations
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

perc.permutation <- function (results, permutations){
  scored <- as.data.frame(results)
  for (i in 1:nrow(results)){
    scored$permutationScore[i] <- perc.rank(permutations[i,], results[i,])
  colnames(scored)[1] <- "rawKAC"

#' Filter matched data to remove positive IDs from KSEA
#' @return Result of get_matched_data function with features existing in KSEA database removed.
#' @param matched_data Results of get_matched_data function
#' @param kseadb KSEA database containing substrate gene name "SUB_GENE" and phosphorylated residue
#' "SUB_MOD_RSD" in standard form (ie. T302).
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

KSEAfilter <- function(matched_data, kseadb, reverse= F){

  #Generate siteid
  kseadb$siteid <- paste(kseadb$SUB_GENE, kseadb$SUB_MOD_RSD, sep = "_")

  #extract elements of netinput_filt that do not have corresponding KSEA info
  if(reverse== F) {
    matched_filtered <- subset(matched_data, !(matched_data$siteid %in% kseadb$siteid))
  } else {
    matched_filtered <- subset(matched_data, (matched_data$siteid %in% kseadb$siteid))

#' Output writing of pKSEA compare() results
#' Output only:
#' uses results from compare(), outputs up to three files labeled full.csv and no_ksea.csv and ksea_only.csv
#' appended to an output name (KSEA-filtered results only if KSEA database was provided to compare()).
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @param full_ksea.results results from compare() including full and optional KSEA excluded and exclusive results
#' @param outputpath parent directory for output, defaults to tempdir() unless defined by user
#' @param outputname file name of output
#' @param singlefolder if desired, name of output folder within output directory. Default is separate folders
#' for each compare() run
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Read in example summary statistics dataset from csv
#' summarydata_ex <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_data1.csv", package="pKSEA"))
#' #Get matched data using predictions from NetworKIN
#' matched_data_ex <- get_matched_data(summarydata_ex, NetworKINPred_db)
#' #Perform single run of pKSEA analysis
#' single_run_results_ex <- run_on_matched(matched_data_ex, n_permutations = 10)
#' #Export results to R session temporary directory
#' \dontrun{
#' results_write(single_run_results_ex, outputpath= tempdir(), outputname= "example")
#' }

results_write <- function(full_ksea.results, outputpath= tempdir(), outputname, singlefolder = NULL){
    outfolder <- file.path(outputpath, singlefolder)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(outfolder), dir.create(outfolder), F)
    write.csv(full_ksea.results$full, file = file.path(outfolder, paste(outputname, "full.csv")),
              quote = F, row.names = T)
    if(any(names(full_ksea.results) == "noksea")){
      write.csv(full_ksea.results$noksea, file = file.path(outfolder, paste(outputname, "no_ksea.csv")),
                quote = F, row.names = T)
      write.csv(full_ksea.results$kseaonly, file = file.path(outfolder, paste(outputname, "ksea_only.csv")),
                quote = F, row.names = T)

  } else {
    runlabel <- mk_runlabel(parentdir = outputpath, customsuffix = outputname)
    write.csv(full_ksea.results$full, file = file.path(outputpath, runlabel, paste(outputname, "full.csv")),
              quote = F, row.names = T)
    if(any(names(full_ksea.results) == "noksea")){
      write.csv(full_ksea.results$noksea, file = file.path(outputpath, runlabel, paste(outputname, "noksea.csv")),
                quote = F, row.names = T)
      write.csv(full_ksea.results$kseaonly, file = file.path(outputpath, paste(outputname, "ksea only.csv")),
                quote = F, row.names = T)
  message("Output files are located in: ", outputpath)

#' mk_runlabel()
#' Utility function for generating new identifiers for each run, labeled by time run was initiated and
#' custom suffix
#' @param parentdir parent directory
#' @param customsuffix additional suffix to run identifier
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

mk_runlabel <- function(parentdir= tempdir(), customsuffix){
  runlabel <- paste(format(Sys.time(), "%F %H-%M"), customsuffix)
  ifelse(!dir.exists(file.path(parentdir, runlabel)), dir.create(file.path(parentdir, runlabel)), F)

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pKSEA documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.