
#' A class to perform a preliminary analysis on sequential data for Process Mining issues
#' @description   This class aims at inspecting an event-log for descriptive analysis purposes. The public methods are:
#'                \itemize{
#'                \item \code{logInspector( ) } is the constructor of the class
#'                \item \code{loadDataset( ) } loads data taken from a \code{dataLoader::getData()} method, into a \code{logInspector()} object
#'                \item \code{getEventStats() } computes and returns event-related stats, such as absolute and relative events frequency
#'                \item \code{getProcessStats() } computes and returns process-related stats, such as absolute and relative processes frequency
#'                \item \code{plotEventStats( )} plots the event-related stats (input is the number of most frequent events it has to plot)
#'                \item \code{plotProcessStats( )} plots the process-related stats (input is the number of most frequent processes it has to plot)
#'                \item \code{timeDistribution.stats.plot( )} <not yet commented>
#'                }
#'                In order to better undestand the use of such methods, please visit: www.pminer.info
#' Parameter for \code{logInspector::plotEventStats()} and \code{logInspector::plotProcessStats()} methods is:
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item \code{num } the number of most frequent events/processes to plot
#'   }
#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # -----------------------------------------------
#' #  USING THE METHODS of the class
#' # -----------------------------------------------
#' obj.L<-dataLoader();   # create a Loader
#' # Load a .csv using "DES" and "ID" as column names to indicate events
#' # and Patient's ID
#' obj.L$load.csv(nomeFile = "../otherFiles/test_02.csv",
#' IDName = "ID",EVENTName = "DES",dateColumnName = "DATA")
#' # now create an object logInspector
#' obj.logI<-logInspector();
#' # load the data into logInspector object
#' obj.logI$loadDataset( obj.L$getData() );
#' # get event-related descriptive statistics
#' obj.logI$getEventStats();
#' # get process-related descriptive statistics
#' obj.logI$getProcessStats();
#' # plot event-related descriptive statistics
#' obj.logI$plotEventStats();
#' # plot process-related descriptive statistics
#' obj.logI$plotProcessStats()
#' }
logInspector <- function() {
  eventType <-''
  processInstances <-''
  numberOfDifferentEvents <- ''
  numberOfTotalEvents <- ''
  processInstances.toSymbol <- ''
  # clearAttributes
  clearAttributes<-function() {
  # loadDataset
  loadDataset<-function( dataList ) {
    # Clear some possible previously inserted attribute
    # set the new attributes
    eventType <<- dataList$arrayAssociativo
    processInstances <<- dataList$wordSequence.raw
  # getEventStats
  getEventStats<-function() {
    # some useful variable definitions (unlist everything: don't care about processe instances)
    numberOfDifferentEvents <- length(eventType)
    allEvents <- unlist(processInstances)
    numberOfTotalEvents <- length(allEvents)
    countEventOccurrence <- numeric()
    # calculate how frequent an event occour in patient's log (1 patient counts 1)
    for( IdPat in names(bigList)){
    # check each event name against all log events and count occurrences
    for(i in 1:length(eventType)){
      countEventOccurrence[i] <- length(grep(eventType[i], allEvents))
    names(countEventOccurrence) <- eventType
    # build output structures and fill them
    distribution.abs <- sort(countEventOccurrence, decreasing=TRUE)
    distribution.perc <- distribution.abs/numberOfTotalEvents
    eventStats <- list("Number of different event types" = numberOfDifferentEvents,
                       "Total number of events" = numberOfTotalEvents,
                       "Absolute event occurrence" = distribution.abs,
                       "Percentual event occurrence" = distribution.perc,
                       "Absolute Coverage" = coverage,
                       "arr.max.relative.observation.time"= arr.max.relative.observation.time
  # getProcessStats
  getProcessStats<-function() {
    # 1)associate each event name to a letter, and 2) define variables
    eventType.toSymbol <- paste(letters[1:length(eventType)])
    processInstances.toSymbol <- vector("list", length(processInstances))
    processInstances.toSymbolCollapsed <- vector("list", length(processInstances))
    processInstances.toSymbolCollapsedVector <- character()
    # substitute names with letters, then collapse into a singol string for each process instance
    for (k in 1:length(processInstances)){
      processInstances.toSymbol[[k]] <- vector(mode="character", length(processInstances[[k]]))
      for (i in 1:length(processInstances[[k]])){
        for (j in 1:length(eventType)){
          if (processInstances[[k]][i]==eventType[j]) {processInstances.toSymbol[[k]][i] <- eventType.toSymbol[j]}
      processInstances.toSymbolCollapsed[[k]] <- paste(processInstances.toSymbol[[k]], sep="", collapse="")
    processInstances.toSymbolCollapsedVector <- sapply(processInstances.toSymbolCollapsed,unlist)
    processDistributionTable.abs <- sort(table(processInstances.toSymbolCollapsedVector), decreasing=TRUE)
    # build output structures and fill them
    processDistribution.abs <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = length(processDistributionTable.abs)))
    symbolToEventConversion <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(eventType)))
    names(processDistribution.abs) <- c("Process signature", "Absolute frequency", "Relative frequency")
    names(symbolToEventConversion) <- c("Event name","Event symbol")
    processDistribution.abs[,1] <- names(processDistributionTable.abs)
    processDistribution.abs[,2] <- as.vector(processDistributionTable.abs)
    processDistribution.abs[,3] <- as.vector(processDistributionTable.abs)/length(processInstances)
    symbolToEventConversion[,1] <- eventType
    symbolToEventConversion[,2] <- eventType.toSymbol
    processStats <- list("Absolute frequency dataframe" = processDistribution.abs[,c(1,2)],
                         "Relative frequency dataframe" = processDistribution.abs[,c(1,3)],
                         "Event to symbol conversion" = symbolToEventConversion
  # plotEventStats
  plotEventStats<-function(howManyMostFrequentEvents=3) {
    eventsToPlot <- eventStats$`Absolute event occurrence`[1:howManyMostFrequentEvents]
    barplot(eventsToPlot, horiz=TRUE, main = sprintf("First %g event absolute occurrence", howManyMostFrequentEvents), xlim =c(0,max(eventsToPlot)) , ylab = "Name of event type", xlab = "Number of occurrences" )
  # plotProcessStats
  plotProcessStats<-function(howManyMostFrequentProcesses=3) {
    #processesToPlot <- processStats$`Absolute frequency dataframe`[1:howManyMostFrequentProcesses,]
    #processesToPlotSignatures <-  processStats$`Absolute frequency dataframe`$`Process signature`[1:howManyMostFrequentProcesses]
    ToPlot <- cbind.data.frame("processSignature"=processStats$`Absolute frequency dataframe`$`Process signature`, "absoluteFrequency"=as.numeric(processStats$`Absolute frequency dataframe`$`Absolute frequency`))
    ToPlot <- ToPlot[1:howManyMostFrequentProcesses,]
    barplot(ToPlot$absoluteFrequency, horiz=TRUE , main = sprintf("First %g processes absolute occurrence", howManyMostFrequentProcesses), xlim =c(0,max(ToPlot$absoluteFrequency)) , ylab = "Process signature", xlab = "Number of occurrences" )
    axis(2, at=1:length(ToPlot$processSignature), labels=ToPlot$processSignature)
  # timeDistribution.stats.plot
    lst.select.attr.Name=NA, lst.select.attr.value=NA,
    lst.pnt.attr.name=NA, lst.pnt.attr.value=NA,
    color='red',  plotGraph.01=TRUE,
    plotGraph.02=TRUE, deltaDate.column.name='pMineR.deltaDate',
    xlim=c()) {
    # Ordina per data diangosi
    arr.occorrenze<-c(); occorrenza.cum<-c(); occorrenza.diff<-c();
    # browser()
    if(!(deltaDate.column.name %in% colnames(aaa[[1]])   )) stop(" please check the delta.date column name! ErrCode: #rh4389hcv ");
    for(i in seq(1,length(aaa) )) {
        max.Delta<- c(max.Delta, max(aaa[[i]][[deltaDate.column.name]]))
        max.Delta<- c(max.Delta, 0)
    #     Se qualche paziente non ha eventi e'' possibile che si fissi a -Inf, in questo
    #     caso setta a zero la sua massima timeline
    # max.Delta[which(max.Delta==-Inf)]<-0
    # plotta gli assi e definisci i gap per le timeline
    y.gap<-1;  x.gap<-20
    # Se non e' stato passato xlim, calcolalo, senno' usa quello passato
    # (prevedi comunque un gap finale di 20)
    if(length(xlim)==0) { xlim2pass <- c(0,max(max.Delta)+x.gap)}
    else { xlim2pass <- c( xlim[1] , xlim[2]+x.gap) }
    if(plotGraph.01==T) {
      # plot(0,0,xlim=c(0,max(max.Delta)+x.gap),ylim=c(0,length(aaa)*y.gap   ), ylab='Patients', xlab='Time',main='Patient\'s Timeline'  )
      plot(0,0,xlim=xlim2pass,ylim=c(0,length(aaa)*y.gap   ), ylab='Patients', xlab='Time',main='Patient\'s Timeline'  )
    # array che conterranno i punti da plottare in "differita"
    arr.punti.da.plottare.x <- c(); arr.punti.da.plottare.y<-c()
    # Cicla per ogni paziente
    for(i in seq(1,length(aaa) )) {
      # browser()
      # Array con i delta giorni di tutti gli eventi
      # if(lengh(arr.tak)==0) arr.tak<-c(0)
      # la riga orizzontale
      if(plotGraph.01==T & length(arr.tak)>0) points(  x=c(0, max(arr.tak) ), y=c(i * y.gap,i *y.gap),  type='l' , col='grey' )
      # le righette verticali
      if(plotGraph.01==T & length(arr.tak)>0) points(  x=arr.tak, y=rep(c(i * y.gap),length(arr.tak) ) ,pch=3 , col='grey'  )
      # passiamo ai colori
      for( indice in seq(1,length(lst.pnt.attr.name))) {
        sottoMatrice<-aaa[[i]][ which(aaa[[i]][[ lst.pnt.attr.name[indice] ]] %in% lst.pnt.attr.value[[ lst.pnt.attr.name[indice] ]]  ) , ]
        if(dim(sottoMatrice)[1]!=0 ) {
          # if(plotGraph.01==T) points(  x=arr.tak.sottoMatrice, y=rep(c(i * y.gap),length(arr.tak.sottoMatrice) ) ,pch=20, col=color  )
          if(plotGraph.01==T) {
            # points(  x=arr.tak.sottoMatrice, y=rep(c(i * y.gap),length(arr.tak.sottoMatrice) ) ,pch=20, col=color  )
            arr.punti.da.plottare.x <- c( arr.punti.da.plottare.x , arr.tak.sottoMatrice)
            arr.punti.da.plottare.y <- c( arr.punti.da.plottare.y , y=rep(c(i * y.gap),length(arr.tak.sottoMatrice) )   )
    # mo' plotta i punti (in differita)'
    if(plotGraph.01==T) points(  x=arr.punti.da.plottare.x, y=arr.punti.da.plottare.y ,pch=20, col=color  )
    # Calcola l'occorrenza in cumulativo
    if(length(arr.occorrenze)>0) {
      for(i in seq(1,max(arr.occorrenze)) ) {
        occorrenza.cum<-c(occorrenza.cum,length(arr.occorrenze[ which(arr.occorrenze<=i) ])	)
        if(i>1) occorrenza.diff<-c(occorrenza.diff,occorrenza.cum[i]-occorrenza.cum[i-1])
        else occorrenza.diff<-c(occorrenza.diff,occorrenza.cum)
      if( length(occorrenza.diff) < xlim2pass[2] ) {
        occorrenza.diff<-c(occorrenza.diff,rep(0,xlim2pass[2]-length(occorrenza.diff) ))
        occorrenza.cum<-c(occorrenza.cum,rep(occorrenza.cum[length(occorrenza.cum)],xlim2pass[2]-length(occorrenza.cum) ));
      plot(x = seq(1,length(occorrenza.diff)),y = occorrenza.diff ,type='l',col='red',lty=4, xlab='Time', ylab='Absolute Frequencies',main='Frequencies vs Time',xlim = xlim2pass)
      plot(x = seq(1,length(occorrenza.cum)),y = occorrenza.cum ,type='l',yaxt="n", col ='blue',lwd=2, xlab='', ylab='', xlim = xlim2pass)
      mtext("Cumulative Frequencies",side=4)
  # costructor
  # E' il costruttore della classe
  costructor<-function() {
    eventType <<-''
    processInstances <<-''
    numberOfDifferentEvents <<- ''
    numberOfTotalEvents <<- ''
    processInstances.toSymbol <<- ''
  return( list(
    "plotProcessStats"=plotProcessStats ,
  ) )

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pMineR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.