
# Make sure the value looks like a p value.
expect_p_value <- function(p.value) {
	expect_is(p.value, "numeric")
	expect_lte(p.value, 1)
	expect_gte(p.value, 0)

# Make sure we got a htest
expect_htest <- function(ht) {
	expect_is(ht, "htest")

# Make sure we got a venkatraman test
expect_venkatraman_htest <- function(ht) {
	expect_equal(unname(ht$null.value), 0)
	expect_named(ht$null.value, "difference in at least one ROC operating point")
	expect_is(ht$statistic, c("numeric", "integer")) # Can be either?
	expect_named(ht$statistic, "E")
	expect_is(ht$parameter, "numeric")
	expect_named(ht$parameter, "boot.n")

# Make sure we got a boostrap test
expect_bootstrap_htest <- function(ht) {
	expect_equal(unname(ht$null.value), 0)
	expect_named(ht$null.value) # multiple values are possible
	expect_is(ht$statistic, c("numeric", "integer")) # Can be either?
	expect_named(ht$statistic, "D")
	expect_is(ht$parameter, "numeric")
	expect_named(ht$parameter, c("boot.n", "boot.stratified"))

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pROC documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:05 p.m.