
Defines functions packagefinderAddIn

packagefinderAddIn <-function() {

  # -------------------------- User Interface -------------------------- #

  ui <- shiny::fluidPage(

          #inputs-table {
            border-collapse: collapse;

          #inputs-table td {
            padding-top: 0px;
            padding-bottom: 0px;
            padding-left: 10px;
            padding-right: 10px;
            vertical-align: bottom;

    # titlePanel("packagefinder"),
      shiny::tabPanel(title = "Search",
                      shiny::wellPanel(style = "padding: 0px; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px;", shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(".selectize-control {margin-bottom: 0px;} .shiny-input-container {margin-bottom:0px}  .control-label { margin-bottom:0px; display: block;}")),
                                       shiny::tags$table(id = "inputs-table", style = "width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 0px",
                                                         shiny::tags$tr(style = "vertical-align:middle",
                                                                        # shiny::tags$td(textInput(inputId = "txt_search", label = "", value = "")),
                                                                        shiny::tags$td(style = "vertical-align:middle", shiny::tags$span(style = "margin-top:0px",
                                                                                                                                         shiny::selectizeInput(inputId = "txt_search",
                                                                                                                                                               label = "",
                                                                                                                                                               choices = getOption("packagefinder.lst_searchterms", c()),
                                                                                                                                                               options = list(create = TRUE,
                                                                                                                                                                              createOnBlur = TRUE,
                                                                                                                                                                              onChange = I("function(value) { Shiny.setInputValue('SearchTxtChange', Math.random()); }"),
                                                                                                                                                                              render = I("{ option_create: function(data, escape) { return('<div class=\"create\"><strong>' + escape(data.input) + '</strong></div>');} }")
                                                                        shiny::tags$td(style="vertical-align:middle", shiny::actionButton(inputId = "btn_search", label = "Search"), shiny::actionButton(inputId = "btn_new", label = "New on CRAN")),
                                                                        shiny::tags$td(style="text-align: right; vertical-align:middle",  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "btn_installsel", label = "Install Selected"),
                                                                                       shiny::actionButton(inputId = "btn_close", label = "Close")),
                                                           shiny::tags$td(style="padding-bottom:15px", shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(".checkbox {margin-top:0px; }")), shiny::checkboxInput(inputId = "chk_regex", label = "Regular expression", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optregex", FALSE))),
                                                           shiny::tags$td(shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(".control-label {font-weight:700;}")), shiny::radioButtons(inputId = "rad_mode", label = "Connect search terms with", choices = c("OR", "AND"), selected = { if(getOption("packagefinder.chk_optlog", FALSE) == FALSE) "OR" else "AND" }, inline = TRUE)),
                                                           shiny::tags$td(shiny::tags$style(shiny::HTML(".checkbox {margin-bottom:0px; vertical-align:top; }")), shiny::HTML("<b>Case-sensitivity</b>", "<br>"), shiny::checkboxInput(inputId = "chk_case", label = "Case sensitive search", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optcase", FALSE))),
                                                           shiny::tags$td("Always case-sensitive (comma-sep.):", shiny::textInput(inputId = "txt_alwayscase", label = NULL, value = "", width = "100%")),
                      shiny::wellPanel(style="padding: 5px; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 10px;",
                                       shiny::htmlOutput(outputId = "message")
                      shinybusy::add_busy_spinner(spin = "fading-circle", color = "#ED5036"),
                      reactable::reactableOutput(outputId = "tbl_results")
      shiny::tabPanel(title = "Options",
                      shiny::wellPanel(style = "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 0px",

                                       shiny::HTML("<H4 style = 'margin-top: 30px'>Search</H3>"),
                                       inline(shiny::numericInput("num_opthistentries", label = "", value = getOption("packagefinder.num_opthistentries", 10), min = 1, step = 1, width = "100px"), "Number entries in search history:"),
                                       shiny::checkboxInput("chk_optlog", label = "Use 'AND' as default logical operator to combine search terms", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optlog", FALSE), width = optwidth()),
                                       shiny::checkboxInput("chk_optregex", label = "Use regular expressions as standard search type", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optregex", FALSE), width = optwidth()),
                                       shiny::checkboxInput("chk_optcase", label = "Use case-sensitive search per default", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optcase", FALSE), width = optwidth()),
                                       shiny::checkboxInput("chk_optdf", label = "Automatically save search results as datafame 'packagefinder.results' in the global environment", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optdf", FALSE), width = optwidth()),

                                       shiny::HTML("<H4 style = 'margin-top: 30px'>New on CRAN</H3>"),
                                       inline(shiny::numericInput("num_optcrandays", label = "", value = getOption("packagefinder.num_optcrandays", 3), min = 1, step = 1, width = "100px"), "Number of days for 'New on CRAN' search:"),
                                       shiny::HTML("<H4 style = 'margin-top: 30px'>Search results</H3>"),
                                       shiny::checkboxInput("chk_optzebra", label = "Striped table (zebra-style)", value = getOption("packagefinder.chk_optzebra", FALSE), width = optwidth()),
                                       inline(shiny::selectInput("sel_optnumresults", label = "", choices = c("10" = 10, "25" = 25, "50" = 50, "100" = 100), selected = getOption("packagefinder.sel_optnumresults", 10), width = "100px"), "Number of results per page:"),
                                       shiny::p(shiny::actionButton(inputId = "btn_saveoptions", label = "Save Options"))

  # -------------------------- Server -------------------------- #

  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    if(!exists("df", inherits = FALSE)) df <- data.frame(list(Score = NA, Name = NA, "Short Description" = NA, ActionPDF = NA, ActionWeb = NA, Favorite=NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    r <- shiny::reactiveValues(df = df, num.results = 0, cran.days = 3)

    package.list = tools::CRAN_package_db()
    if(is.null(getOption("packagefinder.index", NULL))) options("packagefinder.index" = buildIndex())

    shiny::observeEvent(input$btn_close, { shiny::stopApp() })
    shiny::observeEvent(input$done, { shiny::stopApp() })

    shiny::observeEvent(input$btn_search, {
      r$code <- getPackageFinderCode(input, TRUE)
        selector = "#tbl_results",
        where = "beforeBegin",
        ui = waitUI(shiny::isolate(r$code)),
      ui.elems <- c("#msg", "#copy", "#p1", "#p2")
      lst <- processSearch(TRUE, input, package.list)
      r$df <- lst$df
      r$df_ext <- lst$df_ext
      r$num.results <- lst$num.results
      for(i in 1:NROW(ui.elems)) shiny::removeUI(selector = ui.elems[i], immediate=TRUE)

    shiny::observeEvent(input$SearchTxtChange, {
      if(input$txt_search != "" & !is.null(input)) {
        r$code <- getPackageFinderCode(input, TRUE)
          selector = "#tbl_results",
          where = "beforeBegin",
          ui = waitUI(shiny::isolate(r$code)),
        ui.elems <- c("#msg", "#copy", "#p1", "#p2")
        lst <- processSearch(TRUE, input, package.list)
        r$df <- lst$df
        r$df_ext <- lst$df_ext
        r$num.results <- lst$num.results
        for(i in 1:NROW(ui.elems)) shiny::removeUI(selector = ui.elems[i], immediate=TRUE)

    shiny::observeEvent(input$copy, {

    shiny::observeEvent(input$btn_new, {
      r$code <- getPackageFinderCode(input, FALSE)
        selector = "#tbl_results",
        where = "beforeBegin",
        ui = waitUI(shiny::isolate(r$code)),
      ui.elems <- c("#msg", "#copy", "#p1", "#p2")
      lst <- processSearch(FALSE, input, package.list)
      r$df <- lst$df
      r$df_ext <- lst$df_ext
      r$num.results <- lst$num.results
      for(i in 1:NROW(ui.elems)) shiny::removeUI(selector = ui.elems[i], immediate=TRUE)

    output$message <- shiny::renderUI({
      html.found <- ""
      html.sels <- ""
      html.favs <- ""
      if(!is.na(r$df$Score[1])) {
        if(r$num.results > 0) {
          if(r$num.results == 1) package.num <- "package"
          else package.num <- "packages"
          html.found <- shiny::HTML(paste0("<span style='font-weight:bold'>", r$num.results, "</span> ", package.num, " found of <span style='font-weight:bold'>", NROW(r$df_ext), " </span>packages on CRAN."))
          favs.num <- NROW(r$df[r$df$Favorite != "",])
          sels.num <- NROW(reactable::getReactableState("tbl_results", "selected"))
          if(sels.num > 0) {
            if(sels.num == 1) package.num <- "package"
            else package.num <- "packages"
            html.sels <- paste0("&nbsp;	&nbsp; &nbsp;<span style='font-weight:bold'>", sels.num, "</span> ", package.num, " selected.")
          if(favs.num > 0) {
            if(favs.num == 1) package.num <- "package"
            else package.num <- "packages"
            html.favs <- paste0("&nbsp;	&nbsp; &nbsp;<span style='font-weight:bold'>", favs.num, "</span> ", package.num, " marked as favorites.")
        else {
          html.found <- "<span style='font-weight: bold; color: #C70039'>No results found.</span>"
      else {
        html.found <- "<span style='font-weight: bold; color: #000000'>&nbsp;</span>"
      shiny::HTML(paste0(html.found, html.sels, html.favs))

    shiny::observeEvent(r$num.results, {
      if(r$num.results > 0) {
        shinyjs::show("tbl_results", animType = "fade")
      else {
        shinyjs::hide("tbl_results", animType = "fade")

    output$tbl_results <- reactable::renderReactable({
      if(!is.na(r$df$Score[1])) {
        reactable::reactable(data = r$df,
                             details = reactable::colDef(
                               name = "Details",
                               html = TRUE,
                               width = 80,
                               details = function(index) {
                                 getPackageDetailsHTML(shiny::isolate(r$df_ext[which(r$df_ext$Package == getPackageNameFromHTML(r$df[index, "Name"])),]))
                             columns = list(
                               .selection = reactable::colDef(show = FALSE),
                               Score = reactable::colDef(
                                 format = reactable::colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits = 1),
                                 width = 100,
                                 style = function(value) {
                                   if(NROW(r$df) == 1 | NROW(unique(r$df$Score)) == 1) {
                                     color = "#05B905"
                                   else {
                                     normalized <- (value - min(r$df$Score)) / (max(r$df$Score) - min(r$df$Score))
                                     color <- grDevices::rgb(grDevices::colorRamp(c("#FFFFFF", "#05B905"))(normalized), maxColorValue = 255)
                                   return(list(background = color))
                               Name = reactable::colDef(html = TRUE, width = 220, style="background: #FCFBFA;"),
                               ActionPDF = reactable::colDef(name = "", width = 50, filterable = FALSE, sortable = FALSE, html = TRUE),
                               ActionWeb = reactable::colDef(name = "", width = 50, filterable = FALSE, sortable = FALSE, html = TRUE),
                               ActionGitHub = reactable::colDef(name = "", width = 50, filterable = FALSE, sortable = FALSE, html = TRUE),
                               Installed = reactable::colDef(name = "Installed", filterable = FALSE, html = TRUE, width = 200),
                               Favorite = reactable::colDef(name = "Favorite", width = 100, filterable = FALSE, sortable = TRUE, align = "center", html = TRUE)
                             filterable = TRUE,
                             selection = "multiple",
                             showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
                             defaultPageSize = as.numeric(input$sel_optnumresults),
                             striped = input$chk_optzebra,
                             showSortable = TRUE,
                             highlight = TRUE,
                             rowStyle = list(cursor = "pointer"),
                             theme = reactable::reactableTheme(
                               rowSelectedStyle = list(backgroundColor = "#eee", boxShadow = "inset 2px 0 0 0 #ed5036")
                             onClick = reactable::JS(
                      function(rowInfo, colInfo) {
                        if (window.Shiny) {
                          Shiny.onInputChange('clicked', { column: colInfo.id, index: rowInfo.index + 1, rand: Math.random() })
      else {

    shiny::observeEvent(input$btn_installsel, {
      sel <- reactable::getReactableState("tbl_results", name = "selected")
      if(NROW(sel) > 0) {
        for(i in 1:NROW(sel)) {
          utils::install.packages(getPackageNameFromHTML(shiny::isolate(r$df$Name[sel[i]])), dependencies = TRUE)
          r$df$Installed[sel[i]] <- "Installed"

    shiny::observeEvent(input$clicked, {
      if(!(input$clicked$column %in% c("ActionPDF", "ActionWeb", "Favorite"))) {
        sel <- reactable::getReactableState("tbl_results", name = "selected")
        if(input$clicked$index %in% sel) {
          sel <- sel[-which(sel == input$clicked$index)]
          reactable::updateReactable("tbl_results", selected = sel)
        else {
          reactable::updateReactable("tbl_results", selected = append(sel, input$clicked$index))

      if(input$clicked$column == "Installed") {
        if(shiny::isolate(r$df$Installed[input$clicked$index]) != "Installed") {
          utils::install.packages(getPackageNameFromHTML(shiny::isolate(r$df$Name[input$clicked$index])), dependencies = TRUE)
          r$df$Installed[input$clicked$index] <- "Installed"

      fav = "<span style = \"color: #ed5036; font-size: 18px\">&#10687;</span>"
      if(input$clicked$column == "Favorite") {
        if(shiny::isolate(r$df[as.numeric(input$clicked$index), "Favorite"]) != fav) {
          r$df[as.numeric(input$clicked$index), "Favorite"] <- fav
        else {
          r$df[as.numeric(input$clicked$index), "Favorite"] <- ""

    # Options
    shiny::observeEvent(input$btn_saveoptions, {
      options("packagefinder.num_optcrandays" = input$num_optcrandays)
      options("packagefinder.num_opthistentries" = input$num_opthistentries)
      shiny::updateCheckboxInput(session, "chk_case", value = input$chk_optcase)
      options("packagefinder.chk_optcase" = input$chk_optcase)
      options("packagefinder.chk_optdf" = input$chk_optdf)
      shiny::updateRadioButtons(session, "rad_mode", selected = { if(input$chk_optlog == FALSE) "OR" else "AND" })
      options("packagefinder.chk_optlog" = input$chk_optlog)
      options("packagefinder.chk_optzebra" = input$chk_optzebra)
      options("packagefinder.chk_optregex" = input$chk_optregex)
      options("packagefinder.sel_optnumresults" = input$sel_optnumresults)

  viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer(dialogName = "packagefinder - Search for packages", width=1800, height=1000)
  shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)

Try the packagefinder package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

packagefinder documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:14 p.m.