
Defines functions next_week this_week next_quarter_month this_quarter_month sec_to_0 min_to_0 hour_to_0 day_to_1 month_to_1 next_sec next_min next_hour next_day next_month next_year start_val_sec start_val_min start_val_hour start_val_day start_val_week start_val_month start_val_quarter start_val_year get_start_and_end assure_greater_than_max_x shift_end_from_start span closest_hour_to_min_x check_start_end_shift period_to_time dt_c shift span_around

Documented in span_around

#' Span an equally spaced vector around a datetime variable
#' Span a vector of specified interval around a variable of class \code{Date},
#' \code{POSIXct}, or \code{POSIXlt}..
#' @param x A vector of class \code{Date}, \code{POSIXct}, or \code{POSIXlt}.
#' @param interval Character, specifying the desired interval.
#' @param start_shift Character, indicating the time to shift
#' back from the first observation.
#' @param end_shift Character, indicating the time to shift
#' forward from the last observation.
#' @details Note that use of the \code{start_shift} and \code{end_shift}
#' arguments change the entire spanning when they are not in line with
#' the interval. It is not checked for.
#' @return
#' A datetime vector, with the first observation smaller or equal than
#' \code{min(x)} and the last observation larger or equal than \code{max(x)}.
#' Spaces between points are equal to \code{interval}.
#' @examples
#' span_around(coffee$time_stamp, "hour")
#' span_around(coffee$time_stamp, "hour", end_shift = "2 hour")
#' span_around(coffee$time_stamp, "2 day")
#' span_around(coffee$time_stamp, "2 day", start_shift = "2 day")
#' span_around(emergency$time_stamp, "week")
#' span_around(emergency$time_stamp, "2 month")
#' @export
span_around <- function(x,
                        start_shift = NULL,
                        end_shift   = start_shift) {
  check_start_end_shift(start_shift, end_shift)
  interval_list          <- convert_interval(interval)
  interval_list$interval <- uniform_interval_name(interval_list$interval)
  if (!is.null(start_shift)) x <- shift(x, start_shift, "down")
  if (!is.null(end_shift))   x <- shift(x, end_shift, "up")
  span(x, interval_list)

shift <- function(x, offset, down_or_up) {
  offset_list <- make_interval_list_from_string(offset)
  offset_list$interval <- uniform_interval_name(offset_list$interval)
  if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
    offset_conv <- period_to_time(offset_list)
  } else {
    offset_conv <- period_to_time(offset_list, "sec")

  if (down_or_up == "down") {
    dt_c(min(x) - offset_conv, x)
  } else {
    dt_c(max(x) + offset_conv, x)

dt_c <- function(a, b) {
  ret <- c(a, b)
  attr(ret, "tzone") <- attr(a, "tzone")

period_to_time <- function(interval_list,
                           time_period = c("day", "sec")) {
  time_period <- match.arg(time_period)
  int_hours   <- convert_int_to_hours(interval_list)
  if (time_period == "day") {
    ceiling(int_hours / 24)
  } else {
    ceiling(int_hours * 3600)

check_start_end_shift <- function(start_shift, end_shift) {
  if (!is.null(start_shift)) {
  if (!is.null(end_shift)) {

# when using interval = hour span's return will always start at midnight. Not
# in the hour of the first hour. This because we want intuitive results when we
# we specify multiples of an hour. This does not bother thicken, because
# everyhting earlier will be abandoned anyway. However, for span_around this
# is not a clean result, and we want to remove redundant values.
closest_hour_to_min_x <- function(start_val, min_v, interval){
  smaller <- seq(start_val, min_v, interval)

## this is originally written for thicken, but is now also the body of the
# exported span_around.
span <- function(x,
                 start_val  = NULL) {


  # workaround for rounding is down and ties_to_earlier is TRUE
  # (otherwise the first value to map to be is missing from spanned)
  x[1] <- x[1] - 1
  start_and_end <- get_start_and_end(x, return_interval = interval)

  if ( is.null(start_val) ) {

    start_val <- start_and_end$start_val
    end_val   <- start_and_end$end_val

  } else if ( !is.null(start_val) ){

    end_val <- shift_end_from_start(start_and_end, start_val)
    end_val <- assure_greater_than_max_x(max(x), end_val, interval$interval)


  by_val <- paste(interval$step, interval$interval)
  seq(start_val, end_val, by = by_val)

shift_end_from_start <- function(start_and_end, start_val){

  start_when_null <- start_and_end$start_val
  end_when_null   <- start_and_end$end_val

  if ( inherits(start_val, 'POSIXt') & inherits(start_when_null, 'Date') ) {
    start_when_null <- as.POSIXct( as.character(start_when_null),
                                   tz = attr(start_val, 'tzone'))
    end_when_null <- as.POSIXct( as.character(end_when_null),
                                 tz = attr(start_val, 'tzone'))
  start_offset <- start_when_null - start_val

  return(end_when_null - start_offset)

# by taking the offset in shift_end_from_start the end_val might be smaller
# than the largest value in x this function corrects this
assure_greater_than_max_x <- function(max_x,
                                      interval) {
  if ( inherits(end_val, 'POSIXt') & inherits(max_x, 'Date') ) {
    max_x <- as.POSIXct( as.character(max_x), tz = attr(end_val, 'tzone'))
  } else if ( inherits(max_x, 'POSIXt') & inherits(end_val, 'Date') ) {
    max_x <- as.Date( substr(max_x, 1, 10) )

  while (end_val <= max_x) {
    end_val <- seq(end_val, length.out = 2, by = interval)[2]



get_start_and_end <- function(dt_var,
                              return_interval) {
  min_v <- as.POSIXlt( min(dt_var) ) #nolint
  max_v <- as.POSIXlt( max(dt_var) )

  interval <- flatten_interval(return_interval)

  start_val_func <- sprintf("start_val_%s(min_v)", return_interval$interval)
  start_val <- eval(parse(text = start_val_func))
  if (return_interval$interval == "hour") {
    start_val <- closest_hour_to_min_x(start_val, min_v, interval)
  span <- seq(start_val, max_v, by = interval)
  end_min_1 <- span[length(span)]
  end_val <- as.POSIXlt(seq(end_min_1, length.out = 2, by = interval)[2])

  to_date <- all( c(start_val$hour, start_val$min, start_val$sec,
                    end_val$hour, end_val$min, end_val$sec) == 0 )

  interval_allows_for_date <- !return_interval$inter %in%
    c("hour", "min", "sec")

  if (to_date & interval_allows_for_date) {
    start_val <- as.Date(strptime(start_val, format = '%Y-%m-%d'))
    end_val   <- as.Date(strptime(end_val,   format = '%Y-%m-%d'))
  } else {
    start_val <- as.POSIXct(start_val)
    end_val   <- as.POSIXct(end_val)

  return(list(start_val = start_val, end_val = end_val))

start_val_year <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( day_to_1 ( month_to_1 ( min_v ) ) ) ) )

start_val_quarter <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( day_to_1 ( this_quarter_month ( min_v ) ) ) ) )

start_val_month  <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( day_to_1 ( min_v ) ) ) )

start_val_week <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( this_week ( min_v ) ) ) )

start_val_day <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( min_v ) ) )

start_val_hour <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( hour_to_0 ( min_v ) ) )

start_val_min <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_to_0 ( min_v ) )

start_val_sec <- function(min_v) {
  sec_to_0 ( min_v )

# this set of functions take a POSIXlt and alter time units as named
next_year <- function(x) {
  x$year <- x$year + 1

next_month <- function(x) {
  x$mon <- x$mon + 1
  c(x) # c() normalizes (increase year when Dec |-> Jan)

next_day <- function(x) {
  x$mday <- x$mday + 1

next_hour <- function(x) {
  x$hour <- x$hour + 1

next_min <- function(x) {
  x$min <- x$min + 1

next_sec <- function(x) {
  x$sec <- x$sec + 1
  c(x) # c() normalizes

month_to_1 <- function(x) {
  # note month ranges from 0 to 11
  x$mon <- 0

day_to_1 <- function(x) {
  x$mday <- 1

hour_to_0 <- function(x) {
  x$hour <- 0

min_to_0 <- function(x) {
  x$min <- 0

sec_to_0 <- function(x) {
  x$sec <- 0

this_quarter_month <- function(x) {
  x$mon <- floor(x$mon / 3) * 3

next_quarter_month <- function(x) {
  x$mon <- floor( x$mon   / 3) * 3 + 3
  c(x) # normalizes

this_week <- function(x) {
  x$mday <- x$mday - x$wday

next_week <- function(x) {
  x$mday   <- x$mday   + (7 - x$wday)

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padr documentation built on Nov. 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.