operator_tokens <- function() {
"'-'", "'+'", "'!'", "'~'", "'?'", "':'", "'*'", "'/'", "'^'",
"SPECIAL", "LT", "GT", "EQ", "GE", "LE", "AND", "AND2", "OR", "OR2",
reserved_words <- function() {
c("FUNCTION", "'\\\\'", "IF", "ELSE",
#' Syntax highlight R code
#' @details
#' See [code_theme_list()] for the default syntax highlighting theme and
#' how to change it.
#' If `code` does not parse, then it is returned unchanged and a
#' `cli_parse_failure` condition is thrown. Note that this is not an error,
#' and the condition is ignored, unless explicitly caught.
#' @param code Character vector, each element is one line of code.
#' @param code_theme Theme see [code_theme_list()].
#' @param envir Environment to look up function calls for hyperlinks.
#' If `NULL`, then the global search path is used.
#' @return Character vector, the highlighted code.
#' @family syntax highlighting
#' @importFrom utils getSrcref getParseData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' code_highlight(deparse(ls))
#' cat(code_highlight(deparse(ls)), sep = "\n")
code_highlight <- function(code, code_theme = NULL, envir = NULL) {
code_theme <- code_theme %||% code_theme_default()
parsed <- tryCatch(
parse(text = code, keep.source = TRUE),
error = function(e) e
if (inherits(parsed, "error")) {
cnd <- structure(
list(message = conditionMessage(parsed), code = code),
class = c("cli_parse_failure", "condition")
theme <- code_theme_make(code_theme)
data <- getParseData(parsed, includeText = NA)
hitext <- data$text
cnv <- function(x), as.list(x))
brackettheme <- lapply(theme$bracket, cnv)
theme <- theme[names(theme) != "bracket"]
theme <- structure(lapply(theme, cnv), names = names(theme))
## Reserved words if else repeat while function for in next break
if (!is.null(theme$reserved)) {
reserved <- data$token %in% reserved_words()
hitext[reserved] <- theme$reserved(data$text[reserved])
## Numeric constants, including NAs, NaN and Inf
if (!is.null(theme$number)) {
num_const <- data$token == "NUM_CONST"
hitext[num_const] <- theme$number(data$text[num_const])
if (!is.null(theme$null)) {
null <- data$token == "NULL_CONST"
hitext[null] <- theme$null(data$text[null])
## Operators
if (!is.null(theme$operator)) {
operator <- data$token %in% operator_tokens()
hitext[operator] <- theme$operator(data$text[operator])
## Function calls
fun_call <- data$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"
if (ansi_hyperlink_types()$help) {
hitext[fun_call] <- pretty_fun_link(data, fun_call, envir)
if (!is.null(theme$call)) {
hitext[fun_call] <- theme$call(hitext[fun_call])
## Strings
if (!is.null(theme$string)) {
string <- data$token == "STR_CONST"
reserved <- theme$reserved %||% function(x) x
raw <- substr(data$text[string], 1, 1) == "r"
hitext[string][raw] <- paste0(
rep(reserved("r"), sum(raw)),
theme$string(substr(data$text[string][raw], 2, nchar(data$text[string][raw])))
hitext[string][!raw] <- theme$string(data$text[string][!raw])
## Comments
if (!is.null(theme$comment)) {
comment <- data$token == "COMMENT"
hitext[comment] <- theme$comment(data$text[comment])
## Brackets
if (length(brackettheme)) {
bracket <- data$token %in% bracket_tokens()
hitext[bracket] <- color_brackets(data$text[bracket], brackettheme)
do_subst(code, data, hitext)
do_subst <- function(code, pdata, hitext) {
pdata$hitext <- hitext
## Need to do this line by line. TODO: multiline stuff might be broken
vapply(seq_along(code), FUN.VALUE = character(1), function(no) {
my <- pdata[pdata$line1 == no & pdata$line2 == no,, drop = FALSE]
replace_in_place(code[no], my$col1, my$col2, my$hitext)
open_brackets <- function() {
c("(", "{", "[")
close_brackets <- function(){
c(")", "}", "]")
bracket_tokens <- function() {
s <- c(open_brackets(), close_brackets())
c(paste0("'", s, "'"), "LBB")
apply_color <- function(x, lvl, l){
k <- (lvl - 1) %% length(l) + 1
#' Colored brackets
#' Add color to brackets. Brackets will be coloured consecutively with the
#' colors provided in \code{color_seq} by scope.
#' @param x a character vector of brackets consisting of a valid sequence of any
#' of the following: \code{'[[', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}'}
#' @param color_seq a list of functions that take and return a character scalar. The
#' ordering defines the sequence of color functions to apply to a given scope level.
#' Color functions are recycled when the scope level exceeds the length of \code{color_seq}
#' @details Meant for coloring brackets encountered within \code{highlight}.
#' Note that occurrences of 'orphan' brackets are not taken into account
#' mainly due to the fact that cases such as
#' \code{foo <- function(x){ `[[`(x, 1) }}
#' will either be converted to
#' \code{foo <- function(x){ x[[1]] }}
#' before the brackets are coloured if passed in as
#' \code{highlight(deparse(foo))} or will be identified as a
#' 'SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL' token instead of 'LBB' if passed in as
#' \code{highlight("foo <- function(x){ `[[`(x, 1) }")}
#' Similarly, invalid code that would lead to orphaned brackets is not taken
#' into account as this would be caught before hand in \code{highlight}.
#' @noRd
color_brackets <- function(x, color_seq = list(col_yellow, col_blue, col_cyan)) {
stopifnot(vapply(color_seq, is.function, logical(1)))
open <- c(open_brackets(), "[[")
o <- character()
lvl <- 0
i <- 1
while (i <= length(x)) {
if (x[i] %in% open) {
o[length(o) + 1] <- x[i]
lvl <- lvl + 1
x[i] <- apply_color(x[i], lvl, color_seq)
i <- i + 1
j <- nchar(o[length(o)])
x[i:(i + j - 1)] <-
apply_color(x[i:(i + j - 1)], lvl, color_seq)
i <- i + j
lvl <- lvl - 1
o <- o[-length(o)]
replace_in_place <- function(str, start, end, replacement) {
length(str) == 1,
length(start) == length(end),
length(end) == length(replacement)
keep <- substring(str, c(1, end + 1), c(start - 1, nchar(str)))
pieces <- character(length(replacement) * 2 + 1)
even <- seq_along(replacement) * 2
odd <- c(1, even + 1)
pieces[even] <- replacement
pieces[odd] <- keep
paste0(pieces, collapse = "")
code_theme_default <- function() {
opt <- code_theme_opt("cli.code_theme")
if (!is.null(opt)) return(opt)
rs <- rstudio_detect()
if (rs$type %in% c("rstudio_console", "rstudio_console_starting")) {
opt <- code_theme_opt("cli.code_theme_rstudio")
if (!is.null(opt)) return(opt)
} else {
opt <- code_theme_opt("cli.code_theme_terminal")
if (!is.null(opt)) return(opt)
code_theme_opt <- function(option) {
theme <- getOption(option)
if (is.null(theme)) return(NULL)
code_theme_make <- function(theme) {
if (is.list(theme)) return(theme)
if (is_string(theme)) {
if (theme %in% names(rstudio_themes)) return(rstudio_themes[[theme]])
lcs <- gsub(" ", "_", tolower(names(rstudio_themes)))
if (theme %in% lcs) return(rstudio_themes[[ match(theme, lcs)[1] ]])
warning("Unknown cli code theme: `", theme, "`.")
warning("Invalid cli code theme, see documentation")
code_theme_default_rstudio <- function() {
theme <- get_rstudio_theme()$editor
if (! theme %in% names(rstudio_themes)) {
if (!getOption("cli.ignore_unknown_rstudio_theme", FALSE)) {
"cli does not know this RStudio theme: '", theme, "'.",
"\nSet `options(cli.ignore_unknown_rstudio_theme = TRUE)` ",
"to suppress this warning"
code_theme_default_term <- function() {
reserved = "red",
number = "blue",
null = c("blue", "bold"),
operator = "green",
call = "cyan",
string = "yellow",
comment = c("#a9a9a9", "italic"),
bracket = list("yellow", "blue", "cyan")
#' Syntax highlighting themes
#' @description
#' `code_theme_list()` lists the built-in code themes.
#' # Code themes
#' A theme is a list of character vectors, except for `bracket`, see below.
#' Each character vector must contain RGB colors (e.g. `"#a9a9a9"`),
#' and cli styles, e.g. `"bold"`. Entries in the list:
#' * `reserved`: reserved words
#' * `number`: numeric literals
#' * `null`: the `NULL` constant
#' * `operator`: operators, including assignment
#' * `call`: function calls
#' * `string`: character literals
#' * `comment`: comments
#' * `bracket`: brackets: \code{(){}[]} This is a list of character vectors,
#' to create "rainbow" brackets. It is recycled for deeply nested lists.
#' # The default code theme
#' In RStudio, it matches the current theme of the IDE.
#' You can use three options to customize the code theme:
#' * If `cli.code_theme` is set, it is used.
#' * Otherwise if R is running in RStudio and `cli.code_theme_rstudio` is
#' set, then it is used.
#' * Otherwise if T is not running in RStudio and `cli.code_theme_terminal`
#' is set, then it is used.
#' You can set these options to the name of a built-in theme, or to list
#' that specifies a custom theme. See [code_theme_list()] for the list
#' of the built-in themes.
#' @return Character vector of the built-in code theme names.
#' @family syntax highlighting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' code_theme_list()
#' code_highlight(deparse(get), code_theme = "Solarized Dark")
code_theme_list <- function() {
pretty_print_function <- function(x, useSource = TRUE, code_theme = NULL, ...) {
if (num_ansi_colors() == 1L) return(base::print.function(x, useSource))
srcref <- getSrcref(x)
src <- if (useSource && ! is.null(srcref)) {
} else {
err <- FALSE
hisrc <- tryCatch(
code_highlight(src, code_theme = code_theme, envir = environment(x)),
error = function(e) err <<- TRUE)
if (err) return(base::print.function(x, useSource))
## Environment of the function
hisrc <- c(hisrc, utils::capture.output(print(environment(x))))
cat(hisrc, sep = "\n")
#' Turn on pretty-printing functions at the R console
#' Defines a print method for functions, in the current session, that supports
#' syntax highlighting.
#' The new print method takes priority over the built-in one. Use
#' [base::suppressMessages()] to suppress the alert message.
#' @export
pretty_print_code <- function() {
registerS3method("print", "function", pretty_print_function, asNamespace("cli"))
cli::cli_alert_success("Registered pretty printing function method")
pretty_fun_link <- function(data, fun_call, envir) {
sprt <- ansi_hyperlink_types()$help
wch <- which(fun_call)
txt <- data$text[wch]
if (! sprt || length(wch) == 0) return(txt)
scheme <- if (identical(attr(sprt, "type"), "rstudio")) {
} else {
pkg <- vcapply(wch, function(idx) {
prt <- data$parent[idx]
sgs <- which(data$parent == prt)
# not a pkg::fun call?
if (length(sgs) != 3 || data$token[sgs[1]] != "SYMBOL_PACKAGE" ||
data$token[sgs[2]] != "NS_GET") {
# note: we do not process ::: which would be NS_GET_INT
find_function_symbol(data$text[idx], envir %||% .GlobalEnv)
} else {
wlnk <- which(!
txt[wlnk] <- style_hyperlink(
text = txt[wlnk],
url = paste0(scheme, ":", pkg[wlnk], "::", txt[wlnk])
find_function_symbol <- function(name, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
empty <- emptyenv()
while (!identical(envir, empty)) {
if (exists(name, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE, mode = "function")) {
env_name <- environmentName(envir)
if (grepl("package:", env_name)) {
env_name <- sub("^package:", "", env_name)
if (grepl("imports:", env_name)) {
env_name <- environmentName(environment(get(name, envir)))
if (grepl("package:", env_name)) {
env_name <- sub("^package:", "", env_name)
if (env_name %in% c("", "R_GlobalEnv")) {
env_name <- NA_character_
} else {
envir <- parent.env(envir)
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