
Defines functions HurlbertPIE pairwiseSpearmanRho

Documented in HurlbertPIE pairwiseSpearmanRho

#' Miscellaneous Functions for Community Ecology
#' This is just a small collection of miscellaneous functions
#' that may be useful, primarily for community ecology analyses,
#' particularly for paleoecological data. They are here mainly for
#' pedagogical reasons (i.e. for students) as they don't appear
#' to be available in other ecology-focused packages.

#' @param x The community abundance matrix. Taxonomic units are assumed to be
#' the columns and sites (samples) are assumed to be the rows, for both
#' functions. The abundances can be absolute counts of specimens for particular
#' taxa in each sample, or it can be proportional (relative) abundances, where
#' all taxon abundances at a site are divided by the total number of specimens
#' collected at that site. For function \code{pairwiseSpearmanRho}, the input
#' \code{x} should be a matrix with two dimensions. For \code{HurlbertPIE}, a
#' vector (an object with only one dimension) will be treated as if it was
#' matrix with a single row and number of columns equal to its length. 

#' @param dropAbsent Should absent taxa be dropped? Must be one of either: 
#' \code{dropAbsent = 'bothAbsent'} (drop taxa absent in both sites for a given pairwise comparison), 
#' \code{dropAbsent = 'eitherAbsent'} (drop taxa absent in either site), or 
#' \code{dropAbsent = 'noDrop'} (drop none of the taxa absent in either site). 
#' The default \code{dropAbsent = 'bothAbsent'} is recommended; see examples.

#' @param asDistance Should the rho coefficients be rescaled on a scale similar to
#' dissimilarity metrics, i.e. bounded 0 to 1, with 1 representing maximum dissimilarity (i.e.
#' a Spearman rho correlation of -1)? (Note that dissimilarity = (1 - rho) / 2 )

#' @param diag Should the diagonal of the output distance matrix be included?

#' @param upper Should the upper triangle of the output distance matrix be included?

#' @param na.rm Should taxa listed with \code{NA} values be dropped from a pair-wise site comparison?
#' If \code{na.rm = FALSE}, the returned value for that site pair will be NA if NAs are present.

#' @param nAnalyze Allows users to select that PIE be calculated only on the \code{nAnalyze} 
#' most-abundant taxa in a site sample. \code{nAnalyze} must be a vector of \code{length = 1}, 
#' consisting of a whole-number value greater than 1. By default, \code{nAnalyze = Inf} so all taxa are
#' accepted. Note that if there are less taxa in a sample than \code{nAnalyze}, the number present will
#' be used.

#' @details
#' \code{pairwiseSpearmanRho} returns Spearman rho correlation coefficients
#' based on the rank abundances of taxa (columns) within sites (rows) from
#' the input matrix, by internally wrapping the function \code{cor.test}.
#' It allows for various options that automatically allow
#' for dropping taxa not shared between two sites (the default), as well as
#' several other options. This allows the rho coefficient to behave like the
#' Bray-Curtis distance, in that it is not affected by the number of taxa absent
#' in both sites.
#' \code{pairwiseSpearmanRho} can also rescale the rho coefficients with (1-rho)/2
#' to provide a measure similar to a dissimilarity metric, bounded between 0 and 1.
#' This function was written so several arguments would be in a similar format to
#' the \code{vegan} library function \code{vegdist}. If used to obtain rho
#' rescaled as a dissimilarity, the default output will be the lower triangle of
#' a distance matrix object, just as is returned by default by \code{vegdist}.
#' This behavior can be modified via the arguments for including the diagonal 
#' and upper triangle of the matrix. Otherwise, a full matrix is returned (by default)
#' if the \code{asDistance} argument is not enabled. 
#' \code{HurlbertPIE} provides the 'Probability of Interspecific Encounter' metric for
#' relative community abundance data, a commonly used metric for evenness of community
#' abundance data based on derivations in Hurlbert (1971). An optional argument allows
#' users to apply Hurlbert's PIE to only a subselection of the most abundant taxa.

#' @return
#' \code{pairwiseSpearmanRho} will return either a full matrix (the default) or (if
#' \code{asDistance} is true, a distance matrix, with only the lower triangle
#' shown (by default). See details.
#' \code{HurlbertPIE} returns a named vector of PIE values for the input data.

#' @aliases communityEcology pairwiseSpearmanRho HurlbertPIE PIE ProbabilityInterspecificEncounter

#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{twoWayEcologyCluster}}; example dataset: \code{\link{kanto}}

#' @name communityEcology

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @references
#' Hurlbert, S. H. 1971. The \emph{nonconcept} of species diversity:
#' a critique and alternative parameters. \emph{Ecology} 52(4):577-586.

#' @examples
#' # let's load some example data:
#' # a classic dataset collected by Satoshi & Okido from the Kanto region
#' data(kanto)
#' rhoBothAbsent <- pairwiseSpearmanRho(kanto,dropAbsent = "bothAbsent")
#' #other dropping options
#' rhoEitherAbsent <- pairwiseSpearmanRho(kanto,dropAbsent = "eitherAbsent")
#' rhoNoDrop <- pairwiseSpearmanRho(kanto,dropAbsent = "noDrop")
#' #compare
#' layout(1:3)
#' lim <- c(-1,1)
#' plot(rhoBothAbsent, rhoEitherAbsent, xlim = lim, ylim = lim)
#' 	abline(0,1)
#' plot(rhoBothAbsent, rhoNoDrop, xlim = lim, ylim = lim)
#' 	abline(0,1)
#' plot(rhoEitherAbsent, rhoNoDrop, xlim = lim, ylim = lim)
#' 	abline(0,1)
#' layout(1)
#' #using dropAbsent = "eitherAbsent" reduces the number of taxa so much that
#' 	# the number of taxa present drops too low to be useful
#' #dropping none of the taxa restricts the rho measures to high coefficients
#' 	# due to the many shared 0s for absent taxa
#' #############
#' # Try the rho coefficients as a rescaled dissimilarity
#' rhoDist <- pairwiseSpearmanRho(kanto,asDistance = TRUE,dropAbsent = "bothAbsent")
#' # What happens if we use these in typical distance matrix based analyses?
#' # Cluster analysis
#' clustRes <- hclust(rhoDist)
#' plot(clustRes)
#' # Principle Coordinates Analysis
#' pcoRes <- pcoa(rhoDist,correction = "lingoes")
#' scores <- pcoRes$vectors
#' #plot the PCO
#' plot(scores,type = "n")
#' text(labels = rownames(kanto),scores[,1],scores[,2],cex = 0.5)
#' ##################################
#' # measuring evenness with Hurlbert's PIE
#' kantoPIE <- HurlbertPIE(kanto)
#' #histogram
#' hist(kantoPIE)
#' #evenness of the kanto data is fairly high
#' #barplot
#' parX <- par(mar = c(7,5,3,3))
#' barplot(kantoPIE,las = 3,cex.names = 0.7,
#' 	ylab = "Hurlbert's PIE",ylim = c(0.5,1),xpd = FALSE)
#' par(parX)
#' #and we can see that the Tower has extremely low unevenness
#' 	#...overly high abundance of ghosts?
#' # NOTE it doesn't matter whether we use absolute abundances
#'	# or proportional (relative) abundances
#' kantoProp<-t(apply(kanto,1,function(x) x/sum(x)))
#' kantoPropPIE <- HurlbertPIE(kantoProp)
#' identical(kantoPIE,kantoPropPIE)
#' #let's look at evenness of 5 most abundant taxa
#' kantoPIE_5 <- HurlbertPIE(kanto,nAnalyze = 5)
#' #barplot
#' parX <- par(mar = c(7,5,3,3))
#' barplot(kantoPIE_5,las = 3,cex.names = 0.7,
#' 	ylab = "Hurlbert's PIE for 5 most abundant taxa",ylim = c(0.5,1),xpd = FALSE)
#' par(parX)

#' @rdname communityEcology
#' @export
pairwiseSpearmanRho <- function(
		dropAbsent = "bothAbsent", 
		asDistance = FALSE,
		diag = NULL, upper = NULL,
		na.rm = FALSE){
	if(length(dim(x)) != 2){
		stop('x must be a matrix, with samples as rows')
	dropPar <- c('bothAbsent','eitherAbsent','noDrop')
	dropAbsent <- dropPar[pmatch(dropAbsent,dropPar)]
		if(is.null(diag)){diag <- FALSE}
		if(is.null(upper)){upper <- FALSE}
		if(is.null(diag)){diag <- TRUE}
		if(is.null(upper)){upper <- TRUE}	
		stop(paste0('dropAbsent must be one of ',
			paste(dropPar,collapse = ', ')))}
	rhos <- matrix(,nrow(x),nrow(x))
	for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
		for(j in 1:nrow(x)){
			if(i >= j){
				#if no dropping NA and there are any NAs
				if(!na.rm & any(is.na(x[c(i,j),]))){
					#just return NA			
					rhos[i,j] <- rhos[j,i] <- NA
						selector <- !is.na(x[i,]) & !is.na(x[j,])
						selector <- rep(TRUE,ncol(x))
					#now, if dropping absent, add to selector
					if(dropAbsent == 'bothAbsent'){
						selector <- selector & (x[i,] != 0 | x[j,] != 0)
					if(dropAbsent == 'eitherAbsent'){
						selector <- selector & (x[i,] != 0 & x[j,] != 0)
					#check selector
						#then these two samples aren't comparable, return NA						
						rhos[i,j] <- rhos[j,i] <- NA
						samp1 <- x[i,selector]
						samp2 <- x[j,selector]
						rho <- suppressWarnings(
							cor.test(samp1,samp2,method = 'spearman')$estimate
						rhos[i,j] <- rhos[j,i] <- rho
	colnames(rhos) <- rownames(rhos) <- rownames(x)
		rhos <- (1-rhos)/2
		result <- as.dist(rhos)
		attr(result, 'Diag') <- diag
		attr(result, 'Upper') <- upper
		result <- rhos

#' @rdname communityEcology
#' @export
HurlbertPIE <- function(x,nAnalyze = Inf){
		x <- matrix(x,1,length(x))
	if(length(nAnalyze) != 1 | !is.numeric(nAnalyze) | nAnalyze<2){
		stop("nAnalyze must be a numeric vector of length 1, with a value at least equal to 2")
		nAnalyze2 <- as.integer(nAnalyze)
		if(nAnalyze2 != nAnalyze){
			stop("nAnalyze must be a whole number")
		nAnalyze <- nAnalyze2
	PIE <- numeric()
	for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
		#first need to test there is actually more than one species
		samp <- x[i,]
		#remove all but n most abundant
			samp <- samp[rank(-samp)<(nAnalyze+1)]
		#drop zeroes
		samp <- samp[samp>0]
		#first need to test there is actually more than one species
		diversity <- length(samp)
			propAbund <- samp / sum(samp)
			PIE[i] <- (diversity / (diversity-1)) * (1 - sum(propAbund^2))
			PIE[i] <- 0
	names(PIE) <- rownames(x)

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