
Defines functions testParentChild charEdge2numeric getUltimateAnc parentChild2taxonTree

Documented in parentChild2taxonTree

#' Create a Taxonomy-Based Phylogeny ('Taxon Tree') from a Table of Parent-Child Taxon Relationships
#' This function takes a two-column matrix of taxon names,
#' indicating a set of binary parent-taxon:child-taxon 
#' paired relationships with a common root, and returns
#' a 'taxonomy-tree' phylogeny object of class \code{phylo}.

#' @details
#' All taxa listed must be traceable via their parent-child relationships to a single,
#' common ancestor which will act as the root node for output phylogeny. Additionally,
#' the root used will be the parent taxon to all tip taxa closest in terms of parent-child
#' relationships to the tip taxa: i.e., the most recent common ancestor. Ancestral taxa which
#' are singular internal nodes that trace to this root are removed, and a message
#' is printed.

#' @param parentChild A two-column matrix of type \code{character} where
#' each element is a taxon name. Each row represents a parent-child relationship
#' with first the parent (column 1) taxon name and then the child (column 2).

#' @param tipSet This argument controls which taxa are selected as tip taxa for the
#' output tree. The default \code{tipSet = "nonParents"} selects all child taxa which
#' are not listed as parents in \code{parentChild}. Alternatively, \code{tipSet = "all"}
#' will add a tip to every internal node with the parent-taxon name encapsulated in
#' parentheses.

# @param reorderTree A logical indicating whether a
# step of \code{reorder.phylo()} will be applied,
# if \code{cleanTree = TRUE}; has no effect
# if \code{cleanTree = FALSE}.
# Reordering may cause more problems than it is
# worth in older versions of \code{ape}.

#' @inheritParams makePBDBtaxonTree

#' @return
#' A phylogeny of class \code{phylo}, with tip taxa as
#' controlled by argument \code{tipSet}.
#' The output tree is returned with no edge lengths.
#' The names of higher taxa than the tips should be appended
#' as the element \code{$node.label} for the internal nodes.

#' @seealso \code{\link{makePBDBtaxonTree}}, \code{\link{taxonTable2taxonTree}}

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @examples
#' #let's create a small, really cheesy example
#' pokexample <- rbind(
#'     cbind("Squirtadae", c("Squirtle","Blastoise","Wartortle")),
#'     c("Shelloidea","Lapras"), c("Shelloidea","Squirtadae"),
#'     c("Pokezooa","Shelloidea"), c("Pokezooa","Parasect"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Linoone"), c("Rodentapokemorpha","Sandshrew"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Pikachu"), c("Hirsutamona","Ursaring"),
#'     c("Hirsutamona","Rodentapokemorpha"), c("Pokezooa","Hirsutamona")
#'     )
#' #Default: tipSet = 'nonParents'
#' pokeTree <- parentChild2taxonTree(
#'     parentChild = pokexample,
#'     tipSet = "nonParents")
#' plot(pokeTree)
#' nodelabels(pokeTree$node.label)
#' #Get ALL taxa as tips with tipSet = 'all'
#' pokeTree <- parentChild2taxonTree(
#'     parentChild = pokexample,
#'     tipSet = "all")
#' plot(pokeTree)
#' nodelabels(pokeTree$node.label)
#' \dontrun{
#' # let's try a dataset where not all the
#'     # taxon relationships lead to a common root
#' pokexample_bad <- rbind(
#'     cbind("Squirtadae", c("Squirtle","Blastoise","Wartortle")),
#'     c("Shelloidea","Lapras"), c("Shelloidea","Squirtadae"),
#'     c("Pokezooa","Shelloidea"), c("Pokezooa","Parasect"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Linoone"), c("Rodentapokemorpha","Sandshrew"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Pikachu"), c("Hirsutamona","Ursaring"),
#'     c("Hirsutamona","Rodentapokemorpha"), c("Pokezooa","Hirsutamona"),
#'     c("Umbrarcheota","Gengar")
#'     )
#' # this should return an error
#'     # as Gengar doesn't share common root
#' pokeTree <- parentChild2taxonTree(parentChild = pokexample_bad)
#' # another example, where a taxon is listed as both parent and child
#' pokexample_bad2 <- rbind(
#'     cbind("Squirtadae", c("Squirtle","Blastoise","Wartortle")),
#'     c("Shelloidea", c("Lapras","Squirtadae","Shelloidea")),
#'     c("Pokezooa","Shelloidea"), c("Pokezooa","Parasect"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Linoone"), c("Rodentapokemorpha","Sandshrew"),
#'     c("Rodentapokemorpha","Pikachu"), c("Hirsutamona","Ursaring"),
#'     c("Hirsutamona","Rodentapokemorpha"), c("Pokezooa","Hirsutamona"),
#'     c("Umbrarcheota","Gengar")
#'     )
#' #this should return an error, as Shelloidea is its own parent
#' pokeTree <- parentChild2taxonTree(parentChild = pokexample_bad2)
#' }
#' # note that we should even be able to do this
#'     # with ancestor-descendent pairs from
#'     # simulated datasets from simFossilRecord, like so:
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, nruns = 1,
#'     nTotalTaxa = c(30, 40), 
#'     nExtant = 0
#'     )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # need to reorder the columns so parents
#'     # (ancestors) first, then children 
#' parentChild2taxonTree(parentChild = taxa[,2:1])
#' # now note that it issues a warning that
#'     # the input wasn't type character
#'     # and it will be coerced to be such

#' @name parentChild2taxonTree
#' @rdname parentChild2taxonTree
#' @export
parentChild2taxonTree <- function(
		tipSet = "nonParents", 
		cleanTree = TRUE
		#,reorderTree = TRUE
	#takes a two column matrix of character class taxon names
		#each row is a relationship: parent, then child
	if(length(tipSet) != 1 | !is.character(tipSet)){
		stop("tipSet must be a single character element")
		message("parentChild isn't of class character, attempting to coerce")
		parentChild <- apply(parentChild,2,as.character)
	if(length(dim(parentChild)) != 2){
		stop("parentChild must be a matrix of class character with two columns and multiple rows")
		if(!(dim(parentChild)[2] == 2 & dim(parentChild)[1]>1)){
			stop("parentChild must be a matrix of class character with two columns and multiple rows")
	if(!testParentChild(parentChild = parentChild)){
		stop("parentChild relationships are inconsistent")
	# remove singular root edges
	   # trace tips to ultimate ancestor 
     # (should be same for all, as this has already been checked)
	continue <- TRUE
		unqIDs <- unique(c(parentChild[,1],parentChild[,2]))
		ultimateAnc <- sapply(unqIDs,
			getUltimateAnc, parentChild = parentChild)
		if(length(unique(ultimateAnc)) == 1){
			ultAnc1 <- ultimateAnc[1]
			stop("parentChild constructed improperly")
		descEdge <- which(parentChild[,1] == ultAnc1)
		if(length(descEdge) == 1){
			message(paste("Removing singular node leading to root:",ultAnc1))
			# remove from parentChild
			parentChild <- parentChild[-descEdge,,drop = FALSE]
				stop("No branching nodes found?!")
			continue = FALSE
	# first, get nodeNames, with root name first
	nodeNames <- unique(parentChild[,1])
	whichRoot <- which(sapply(nodeNames,function(x) 
	# check that there isn't more than one root
			"Not all taxable are traceable to a single common root \n",
			length(whichRoot),"possible roots found:",
			paste0(nodeNames[whichRoot],collapse = ", ")
	# now resort nodeNames
	nodeNames <- c(nodeNames[whichRoot],nodeNames[-whichRoot])
	if(tipSet != "nonParents"){
		if(tipSet == "all"){
			parentChild <- rbind(parentChild, 
			stop("tipSet must be one of either 'nonParents' or 'all'"
	# identify tip taxa, this will be all taxa who are not-parents
	notParents <- sapply(parentChild[ , 2], function(x) 
		!any(sapply(parentChild[,1], identical,unname(x))))
	tipNames <- parentChild[notParents, 2]
	# now convert parentChild matrix to edge matrix
	edgeMat <- matrix(,nrow(parentChild), ncol(parentChild))
	taxonNames <- c(tipNames,nodeNames)
	# test that none have been lost
	nUniquePC <- length(unique(c(parentChild[,1], parentChild[,2])))
	if(length(taxonNames) != nUniquePC){
			"Number of tip and node names doesn't sum to total number of unique names in parentChild"
	#convert internal nodes to Ntip+nodeNames ID
	edgeMat[,1] <- sapply(parentChild[,1],function(x)
	edgeMat[,2] <- sapply(parentChild[,2],function(x) 
	# reorder edge
	edge <- edgeMat[order(edgeMat[,1],edgeMat[,2]),]
	# check edge
	if(!testParentChild(parentChild = edge)){
		stop("created edge relationships are inconsistent")
	# make the tree
	tree <- list(
		edge = edge,
		tip.label = tipNames,
		edge.length = NULL, 
		#edge.length = rep(1,nrow(edge)),
		Nnode = length(nodeNames),
		node.label = nodeNames
	# give the tree class phylo
	attr(tree, "class") <- c("phylo", class(tree))
	# make it a good tree
		# reordering seems to cause errors?? 06-11-15
		tree <- cleanNewPhylo(tree)
	if(Ntip(tree) != length(tipNames)){
		stop("Taxa number changed while cleaning tree")
	# plot(tree); nodelabels(tree$node.label)

getUltimateAnc <- function(taxa,parentChild){
	count <- 0
		count <- count+1
		taxa <- parentChild[match(taxa,parentChild[,2]),1]
			stop("Some parents are listed as children twice in parentChild")
			stop("Breaking while() loop: cannot find ultimate ancestor")

charEdge2numeric <- function(parentChild){
		stop("parentChild has to be character for charEdge2numeric")
	#get unique IDs
	unqIDs <- c(NA,sort(unique(c(parentChild[,1],parentChild[,2]))))
	parentChild2 <- matrix(,nrow(parentChild),2)
	#convert internal nodes to Ntip+nodeNames ID
	parentChild2[,1] <- sapply(parentChild[,1],function(x)
	parentChild2[,2] <- sapply(parentChild[,2],function(x) 
		stop("parentChild not coercing correctly to numeric for charEdge2numeric")

testParentChild <- function(parentChild){
	#check that its a matrix with two columns
		stop("edge/parentChild matrix must be of type matrix")
	if(ncol(parentChild) != 2){
		stop("edge/parentChild matrix must have two columns")
	#convert to numeric
			parentChild <- charEdge2numeric(parentChild)
			stop("input must be of type numeric or type character")
	#replace NA values
	parentChild[is.na(parentChild)] <- min(parentChild,na.rm = TRUE)-1
	#test monophyly of parentChild
		#test that all but one node has an ancestor
	parentMatch <- match(unique(parentChild[,1]),parentChild[,2])
			"More than one apparent root; \n",
			"more than one parent without their own parent listed"
	#check that any ancestor is listed as its own descendant
	parentANDchild <- apply(parentChild,1,function(x){
		x <- unname(x)
		stop("Some pairs with same ID listed for both parent and child (?!)")
	#trace all tips to a single ancestor
	unqIDs <- unique(c(parentChild[,1],parentChild[,2]))
	ultimateAnc <- sapply(unqIDs,getUltimateAnc,parentChild = parentChild)
	if(length(unique(ultimateAnc)) != 1){
		stop("IDs trace back to more than one unique common ancestor")
	#test for nodes listed as descendant twice
			"Some IDs are listed as a descendant twice in the edge/parentChild matrix",
			paste0(parentChild[duplicated(parentChild[,2]),2],collapse = ", "))
	#test that all but one node has an ancestor
	parentMatch <- match(unique(parentChild[,1]),parentChild[,2])
			"More than one apparent root; \n",
			"more than ancestor without an ancestor listed"

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.