
Defines functions checkFossilRecord fossilRecord2fossilRanges fossilTaxa2fossilRecord fossilRecord2fossilTaxa timeSliceFossilRecord

Documented in fossilRecord2fossilRanges fossilRecord2fossilTaxa fossilTaxa2fossilRecord timeSliceFossilRecord

#' Methods for Editing or Converting Output from Simulated Fossil Record Objects
#' These are a set of functions available for manipulating, translating
#' and editing the objects of class \code{fossilRecordSimulation} output
#' from function \code{simFossilRecord}.

#' @name simFossilRecordMethods

#' @details
#' These functions exist to manipulate \code{fossilRecordSimulation} objects
#' output from \code{simFossilRecord}, particularly so that they can be interfaced
#' with functions in library \code{paleotree} in the same way that output from the
#' deprecated 'legacy' simulation function \code{simFossilTaxa} was used.
#' \code{timeSliceFossilRecord} takes a given \code{fossilRecordSimulation} object
#' and 'slices' the data to remove any events that occur after the given
#' \code{sliceTime} and make it so any taxa still alive as of \code{sliceTime}
#' are now listed as extant.
#' \code{fossilRecord2fossilTaxa} converts a \code{fossilRecordSimulation} object
#' to the flat table format of taxon data as was originally output by deprecated function 
#' \code{simFossilTaxa}, and can be taken as input
#' by a number of \code{paleotree} functions such as
#' \code{sampleRanges}, \code{taxa2phylo} and \code{taxa2cladogram}. 
#' \code{fossilTaxa2fossilRecord} does the reverse, converting a \code{simFossilTaxa}
#' table into a \code{fossilRecordSimulation} list object,
#' but returns a \code{fossilRecordSimulation} object that
#' considers each species as \emph{unsampled} (as sampling
#' information is not contained within a \code{simFossilTaxa} table).
#' \code{fossilRecord2fossilRanges} converts a \code{fossilRecordSimulation} object
#' to the flat table format of observed taxon ranges, as is typically output by processing
#' \code{simFossilRecord} simulation output with \code{paleotree} function
#' \code{sampleRanges}.

#' @param fossilRecord A list object output by \code{simFossilRecord}, often composed
#' of multiple elements, each of which is data for 'one taxon', with the first
#' element being a distinctive six-element vector composed of numbers, corresponding
#' to the six fields in tables output by the deprecated function \code{simFossilTaxa}.

#' @param fossilTaxa A \code{fossilTaxa} object, composed of a table
#' containing information on the true first and last appearance times of taxa,
#' as well as their ancestor-descendant relationships.

#' @param sliceTime The date to slice the \code{simFossilRecord} output at, given
#' in time-units before the modern, on the same scale as the input \code{fossilRecord}.

#' @param shiftRoot4TimeSlice Should the dating of events be shifted, so that the
#' date given for \code{sliceTime} is now 0, or should the dates not be shifted,
#' so that they remain on the same scale as the input? This argument accepts a
#' logical TRUE or FALSE, but also accepts the string \code{"withExtantOnly"},
#' which will only 'shift' the time-scale if living taxa are present, as
#' determined by having ranges that overlap within \code{tolerance} of \code{sliceTime}.

#' @param tolerance A small number which sets a range around the \code{sliceTime} within
#' which taxa will be considered extant for the purposes of output.

#' @param modern.samp.prob The probability that a taxon is sampled at the modern time
#' (or, for \code{timeSliceFossilRecord}, the time at which the simulation data is
#' slice). Must be a number between 0 and 1. If 1, all taxa that survive to the modern
#' day (to the \code{sliceTime}) are sampled, if 0, none are.

#' @param merge.cryptic If \code{TRUE}, sampling events for cryptic taxon-units (i.e.
#' those in the same cryptic complex) will be merged into sampling events for a single
#' taxon-unit (with the name of the first taxon in that cryptic complex).

#' @param ranges.only If \code{TRUE} (the default), \code{fossilRecord2fossilRanges}
#' will return the dates of the first and last sampled occurrences of each taxon-unit
#' (i.e. the stratigraphic range of each taxon).
#' If \code{FALSE}, instead a list will be output,
#' with each element being a vector of dates for all sampling events of each taxon-unit.

#' @return
#' Depends on the function and the arguments given. See Details.

#' @aliases timeSliceFossilRecord fossilRecord2fossilTaxa fossilRecord2fossilRanges 

#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{simFossilRecord}}

#' @author 
#' David W. Bapst

#' @examples
#' set.seed(44)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, r = 0.1, 
#'     nruns = 1,
#'     nTotalTaxa = c(20,30),
#'     nExtant = 0, 
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' ##################################################
#' # time-slicing simulations at particular dates
#' # let's try slicing this record at 940 time-units
#' slicedRecord <- timeSliceFossilRecord(
#'     fossilRecord = record, 
#'     sliceTime = 940
#'     )
#' # and let's plot it
#' divCurveFossilRecordSim(slicedRecord)
#' # now with shiftRoot4TimeSlice = TRUE to shift the root age
#' slicedRecord <- timeSliceFossilRecord(
#'     fossilRecord = record, 
#'     sliceTime = 940,
#'     shiftRoot4TimeSlice = TRUE
#'     )
#' # and let's plot it
#' divCurveFossilRecordSim(slicedRecord)
#' # the last two plots look a little different
#'     # due to how axis limits are treated...
#' # notice that in both, 'modern' (extant) taxa
#'     # are sampled with probability = 1
#' ########
#' # let's try it again, make that probability = 0
#' # now with shiftRoot4TimeSlice = TRUE
#' slicedRecord <- timeSliceFossilRecord(
#'     fossilRecord = record, 
#'     sliceTime = 940,
#'     shiftRoot4TimeSlice = TRUE, 
#'     modern.samp.prob = 0
#'     )
#' # and let's plot it
#' divCurveFossilRecordSim(slicedRecord)
#' ############################
#' # converting to taxa objects and observed ranges
#' # convert to taxa data
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # convert to ranges
#' ranges <- fossilRecord2fossilRanges(record)
#' # plot diversity curves with multiDiv
#' multiDiv(list(taxa,ranges),
#'     plotMultCurves = TRUE)
#' # should look a lot like what we got earlier
#' # get the cladogram we'd obtain for these taxa with taxa2cladogram
#' cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # now get the time-scaled phylogenies with taxa2phylo
#' # first, with tips extending to the true times of extinction
#' treeExt <- taxa2phylo(taxa,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # now, with tips extending to the first appearance dates (FADs) of taxa
#' 	# get the FADs from the ranges
#' FADs <- ranges[,1]
#' treeFAD <- taxa2phylo(taxa,
#'     FADs,plot = TRUE)

#' @rdname simFossilRecordMethods
#' @export
timeSliceFossilRecord <- function(
                     shiftRoot4TimeSlice = FALSE, 
                     modern.samp.prob = 1, 
                     tolerance = 10^-6
  # take a fossilRecord data object and cut it at some specific date
  checkResult <- checkFossilRecord(fossilRecord)
  # check sliceTime
  if(!(is.numeric(sliceTime) & (length(sliceTime) == 1))){
      "sliceTime must be a single numeric value"
  if(sliceTime < 0){
      "sliceTime cannot be a negative value"
  # checkNegDates <- checkRecordForNoDatePastZero(fossilRecord = fossilRecord)
  # check shiftRoot4TimeSlice
  shiftPar <- c(TRUE, FALSE, "withExtantOnly")
  shiftRoot4TimeSlice <- shiftPar[pmatch(shiftRoot4TimeSlice, shiftPar)]
      "shiftRoot4TimeSlice must be a logical or the string 'withExtantOnly'"
  # drop all taxa that originate after the sliceTime
  droppers <- sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[1]][3]<sliceTime)
  if(sum(droppers) == length(fossilRecord)){
    stop("All taxa appear to originate *after* the slicing time?!")
  fossilRecord <- fossilRecord[!droppers]
  # remove all sampling events after sliceTime
  for(i in 1:length(fossilRecord)){
    # remove all sampling events after (sliceTime + tolerance)
    fossilRecord[[i]][[2]] <- fossilRecord[[i]][[2]][
      fossilRecord[[i]][[2]] > (sliceTime + tolerance)
  # adjusting time, making taxa extant
  # need to first test if there are extant taxa or not
  isAlive <- sapply(fossilRecord,function(x){
      # the old code:
      # (sliceTime-x[[1]][4]) > tolerance
      # new (07-15-19)
      if(x[[1]][4] <= sliceTime){	
        # is the absolute difference in dates
        # greater than the tolerance
        # (otherwise the events are equivalent - should be extinct!)
        # the allowability of finding extinct taxa needs to be higher
        # or else difficult to identify extinct taxa, due to rounding issues
        # so need to be as relaxed as possible identifying extinct taxa
        abs(sliceTime - x[[1]][4]) > tolerance
  # troubleshooting...
  # browser()
  # message(shiftRoot4TimeSlice)
  # message("if you see this message works")
  if(shiftRoot4TimeSlice == "withExtantOnly"){
      shiftRoot4TimeSlice <- TRUE
      shiftRoot4TimeSlice <- FALSE
    # print(shiftRoot4TimeSlice)
  # if shiftRoot4TimeSlice, then the whole thing shifts so time = 0 is slice time
    #adjust all dates so cutdate becomes 0
    for(i in 1:length(fossilRecord)){
      # adjust all dates so cutdate becomes 0
      # so if stillAlive, replace 4:5 with 0,1
      # 07-09-19
      # why would I replace it with 0 and not something standard like NA ??
      # oh because extantTime might NOT be zero... well, shoot!
        # print("live taxon found")
        # print("Original taxon")
        # print(fossilRecord[[i]])
        # print("Slice Time")
        # print(sliceTime)
        # turn all taxa that went extinct after sliceTime so they are still alive
        fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][3] <- fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][3] - sliceTime
        fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][4:5] <- c(0, 1)
        # print("New Taxon")
        # print(fossilRecord[[i]])
        newStartEndTime_extinct <- fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][3:4] - sliceTime
        # test dates
        if(any(newStartEndTime_extinct < 0)){
          # any dates within tolerance are put precisely at 0
          # maybe also try? (0 - tolerance) ?
          withinTolerance <- (
            (newStartEndTime_extinct < 0) & 
              (newStartEndTime_extinct > -tolerance)
          newStartEndTime_extinct[withinTolerance] <- 0 
          # do we still have problems?
          if(any(newStartEndTime_extinct < 0)){
              "Extinct taxon dates being shifted incorrectly to\n",
              "  rescale modern time to zero, creating negative dates.\n",
              " - Old FAD & LAD are: ", 
              paste(fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][3:4], collapse=" "),
              " - sliceTime is: ", sliceTime, "\n",
              " - Newly assigned FAD & LAD are: ", 
              paste(newStartEndTime_extinct, collapse=" ")
        fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][3:4] <- newStartEndTime_extinct
      newSamplingTimes_all <- fossilRecord[[i]][[2]] - sliceTime
      # honestly we should remove all sampling times at or after extant time
      # newSamplingTimes_all <- newSamplingTimes_all[newSamplingTimes_all > 0]
      # test dates
      if(any(newSamplingTimes_all <= 0)){			
        if(any(newSamplingTimes_all <= 0)){
            "Sampling times for taxa are being shifted incorrectly to\n",
            "    rescale modern time to zero, creating negative dates.\n",
            " - Old sampling dates are: ", 
            paste(fossilRecord[[i]][[2]], collapse=" "),
            " - sliceTime is: ", sliceTime,"\n",
            " - Newly assigned sampling dates are: ", 
            paste(newSamplingTimes_all, collapse=" ")					
      fossilRecord[[i]][[2]] <- newSamplingTimes_all
    modernTime <- 0
    # if shiftRoot4TimeSlice = FALSE, then simply replace all extant taxa with
    # LADs at sliceTime and score as extant
    for(i in 1:length(fossilRecord)){
        fossilRecord[[i]][[1]][4:5] <- c(sliceTime,1)
    modernTime <- sliceTime
  # sample at modern based on modern.samp.prob
  whichExtant <- which(sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) 
    x[[1]][5] == 1))
  nLive <- length(whichExtant)
  liveSampled <- as.logical(
      n = nLive, 
      size = 1, 
      prob = modern.samp.prob
  whichSampled <- whichExtant[liveSampled]
  # add sampling event at modern
  for(i in whichSampled){
    fossilRecord[[i]][[2]] <- c(fossilRecord[[i]][[2]],modernTime)
  # make sure it has the right class
  attr(fossilRecord, "class") <- c("fossilRecordSimulation", class(fossilRecord))	  

#' @rdname simFossilRecordMethods
#' @export
fossilRecord2fossilTaxa <- function(fossilRecord){
  checkResult <- checkFossilRecord(fossilRecord)
  checkNegDates <- checkRecordForNoDatePastZero(fossilRecord = fossilRecord)
  # a function that transforms a simfossilrecord to a taxa object
  taxaConvert <- t(sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[1]]))	
  rownames(taxaConvert) <- names(fossilRecord)

#' @rdname simFossilRecordMethods
#' @export	
  # convert a fossilTaxa object to a fossilRecord object
  fossilRecord <- apply(fossilTaxa,1,function(x)
  names(fossilRecord) <- rownames(fossilTaxa)
  # make sure it has the right class
  attr(fossilRecord, "class") <- c("fossilRecordSimulation", class(fossilRecord))
  checkResult <- checkFossilRecord(fossilRecord)
  checkNegDates <- checkRecordForNoDatePastZero(fossilRecord = fossilRecord)

#' @rdname simFossilRecordMethods
#' @export	
fossilRecord2fossilRanges <- function(
                 merge.cryptic = TRUE, 
                 ranges.only = TRUE
  # a function that transforms a simfossilrecord 
       # to a set of ranges (like from sampleRanges)
  # merge.cryptic = TRUE or FALSE
  # ranges.only or sampling times?
  # browser()
  checkResult <- checkFossilRecord(fossilRecord)
  checkNegDates <- checkRecordForNoDatePastZero(fossilRecord = fossilRecord)
  sampData <- lapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[2]]) 
  # get sampOcc : separate out the sampling events
  sampOcc <- lapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[2]])
  names(sampOcc) <- names(fossilRecord)
  # merge cryptic taxa
    taxonIDs <- sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[1]][1])
    cryptIDs <- sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) x[[1]][6])
    for(i in 1:length(fossilRecord)){
      if(taxonIDs[i] == cryptIDs[i]){
        # if its the original taxon, collect all sampling events
           # for this cryptic complex into one pool
        # browser()
        sampOcc[[i]] <- unlist(c(sampOcc[taxonIDs[i] == cryptIDs]))
        #check that its a vector
            "sampling data for taxa is not coercing correctly to a vector"
        # if its a cryptic taxon that didn't found the complex, erase its data
        sampOcc[[i]] <- NA
  sampOcc[sapply(sampOcc, length) == 0] <- NA
  # convert sampling events to FADs and LADs
    ranges <- cbind(sapply(sampOcc, max),sapply(sampOcc, min))
    rownames(ranges) <- names(sampOcc)
    colnames(ranges) <- c("FAD", "LAD")
    result <- ranges
    result <- sampOcc

# don't export
checkFossilRecord <- function(fossilRecord){
  if(!inherits(fossilRecord, what = "fossilRecordSimulation")){
      "fossilRecord object is not of class 'fossilRecordSimulation'"
      "fossilRecord object is empty?!")
  if(any(sapply(fossilRecord,length) != 2)){
      "fossilRecord object has taxon entries with more or less than two elements"
  if(any(sapply(fossilRecord,function(x) length(x[[1]])) != 6)){
      "fossilRecord object has taxon entries with more or less than six elements in first element"

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.