
Defines functions translatePBDBocc taxonSortPBDBocc

Documented in taxonSortPBDBocc

#' Sorting Unique Taxa of a Given Rank from Paleobiology Database Occurrence Data
#' Functions for sorting out unique taxa from Paleobiology Database occurrence downloads,
#' which should accept several different formats resulting from different versions of the
#' PBDB API and different vocabularies available from the API.

#' @details
#' Data input for \code{taxonSortPBDBocc} are expected to be from version 1.2 API
#' with the 'pbdb' vocabulary. However, datasets are
#' passed to internal function \code{translatePBDBocc},
#' which attempts to correct any necessary field names and field contents used by
#' \code{taxonSortPBDBocc}.
#' This function can pull either \emph{just} the 'formally' identified
#' and synonymized taxa in a given table of occurrence
#' data or pull \emph{in addition} occurrences listed under informal
#' taxa of the sought taxonomic rank. Only formal taxa
#' are sorted by default; this is controlled by argument \code{onlyFormal}.
#' Pulling the informally-listed taxonomic
#' occurrences is often necessary in some groups that have received
#' little focused taxonomic effort, such that many
#' species are linked to their generic taxon ID and never received
#' a species-level taxonomic ID in the PBDB.
#' Pulling both formal and informally listed taxonomic occurrences
#' is a hierarchical process and performed in
#' stages: formal taxa are identified first, informal taxa are
#' identified from the occurrences that are
#' 'leftover', and informal occurrences with name labels
#' that match a previously sorted formally listed
#' taxon are concatenated to the 'formal' occurrences for that same taxon,
#' rather than being listed under separate elements
#' of the list as if they were separate taxa.

#' This function is simpler than similar functions that inspired it
#' by using the input"rank" to both filter occurrences and directly
#' reference a taxon's accepted taxonomic placement, rather than a
#' series of specific \code{if()} checks. Unlike some similar functions
#' in other packages, such as version 0.3 \code{paleobioDB}'s
#' \code{pbdb_temp_range}, \code{taxonSortPBDBocc} does not check
#' if sorted taxa have a single 'taxon_no' ID number. This makes the blanket
#' assumption that if a taxon's listed name in relevant fields is identical,
#' the taxon is identical, with the important caveat that occurrences with
#' accepted formal synonymies are sorted first based on their accepted names, followed by
#' taxa without formal taxon IDs. This should avoid
#' linking the same occurrences to multiple taxa by mistake, or assigning
#' occurrences listed under separate formal taxa to the same taxon
#' based on their 'identified' taxon name, as long as all
#' formal taxa have unique names (note: this is an untested assumption).
#' In some cases, this procedure is helpful, such as when
#' taxa with identical generic and species names are listed under
#' separate taxon ID numbers because of a difference in the
#' listed subgenus for some occurrences (example,
#' "Pseudoclimacograptus (Metaclimacograptus) hughesi' and
#' 'Pseudoclimacograptus hughesi' in the PBDB as of 03/01/2015).
#' Presumably any data that would be affected by differences
#' in this procedure is very minor.
#' Occurrences with taxonomic uncertainty indicators in
#' the listed identified taxon name are removed
#' by default, as controlled by argument \code{cleanUncertain}.
#' This is done by removing any occurrences that
#' have an entry in \code{primary_reso} (was
#' "\code{genus_reso}" in v1.1 API) when \code{rank} is a
#' supraspecific level, and \code{species_reso} when \code{rank = species},
#' if that entry is not found in
#' \code{cleanResoValues}. In some rare cases, when
#' \code{onlyFormal = FALSE}, supraspecific taxon names may be
#' returned in the output that have various 'cruft' attached, like 'n.sp.'.
#' Empty values in the input data table ("") are converted
#' to NAs, as they may be due to issues
#' with using read.csv to convert API-downloaded data.

#' @param data A table of occurrence data collected from the Paleobiology Database. 

#' @param rank The selected taxon rank; must be
#' one of 'species', 'genus', 'family', 'order',
#' 'class' or 'phylum'.

#' @param onlyFormal If TRUE (the default) only taxa formally accepted by the Paleobiology
#' Database are returned. If FALSE, then the identified name fields are searched for any
#' additional 'informal' taxa with the proper taxon. If their taxon name happens to match
#' any formal taxa, their occurrences are merged onto the formal taxa. This argument generally
#' has any appreciable effect when rank = species.

#' @param cleanUncertain If TRUE (the default) any
#' occurrences with an entry in the respective
#' 'resolution' field that is *not* found in the
#' argument \code{cleanResoValue} will be removed from
#' the dataset. These are assumed to be values
#' indicating taxonomic uncertainty, i.e. 'cf.' or '?'.

#' @param cleanResoValues The set of values that can
#' be found in a 'resolution' field that do not
#' cause a taxon to be removed, as they do not
#' seem to indicate taxonomic uncertainty.

#' @return
#' Returns a list where each element is different unique taxon obtained by the sorting function,
#' and named with that taxon name. Each element is composed of a table containing all the same
#' occurrence data fields as the input (potentially with some fields renamed and some field
#' contents change, due to vocabulary translation).
#' @seealso
#' Occurrence data as commonly used with \code{paleotree} functions can
#' be obtained with \code{link{getPBDBocc}}. Occurrence data sorted by
#' this function might be used with functions \code{\link{occData2timeList}}
#' and  \code{\link{plotOccData}}. Also, see the example graptolite dataset
#' at \code{\link{graptPBDB}}

#' @author 
#' David W. Bapst, but partly inspired by Matthew Clapham's \code{cleanTaxon} (found at
#' \href{https://github.com/mclapham/PBDB-R-scripts/blob/master/taxonClean.R}{this location}
#' on github) and R package \code{paleobioDB}'s \code{pbdb_temp_range} function (found at
#' \href{https://github.com/ropensci/paleobioDB/blob/master/R/pbdb_temporal_functions.R#L64-178 }{this location} 
#' on github.

#' @references
#' Peters, S. E., and M. McClennen. 2015. The Paleobiology Database
#' application programming interface. \emph{Paleobiology} 42(1):1-7.

#' @examples
#' # Note that most examples here using getPBDBocc()
#'     # use the  argument 'failIfNoInternet = FALSE'
#'     # so that functions do not error out 
#'     # but simply return NULL if internet
#'     # connection is not available, and thus
#'     # fail gracefully rather than error out (required by CRAN).
#' # Remove this argument or set to TRUE so functions DO fail
#'     # when internet resources (paleobiodb) is not available.
#' \donttest{
#' # getting occurrence data for a genus, sorting it
#' # firest example: Dicellograptus
#' dicelloData <- getPBDBocc("Dicellograptus", 
#'     failIfNoInternet = FALSE)
#' if(!is.null(dicelloData)){  
#' dicelloOcc2 <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = dicelloData, 
#'    rank = "species",
#'    onlyFormal = FALSE
#'    )
#' names(dicelloOcc2)
#' }
#' # try a PBDB API download with lots of synonymization
#' 	#this should have only 1 species
#' # *old* way, using v1.1 of PBDB API:
#' # acoData <- read.csv(paste0(
#' #	"https://paleobiodb.org/data1.1/occs/list.txt?",
#' #	"base_name = Acosarina%20minuta&show=ident,phylo"))
#' #
#' # *new* method - with getPBDBocc, using v1.2 of PBDB API:
#' acoData <- getPBDBocc("Acosarina minuta", 
#'     failIfNoInternet = FALSE)
#' if(!is.null(acoData)){  
#' acoOcc <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = acoData, 
#'    rank = "species", 
#'    onlyFormal = FALSE
#'    )
#' names(acoOcc)
#' }
#' }
#' ###########################################
#' #load example graptolite PBDB occ dataset
#' data(graptPBDB)
#' #get formal genera
#' occGenus <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = graptOccPBDB,
#'    rank = "genus"
#'    )
#' length(occGenus)
#' #get formal species
#' occSpeciesFormal <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = graptOccPBDB,
#'    rank = "species")
#' length(occSpeciesFormal)
#' #yes, there are fewer 'formal'
#'    # graptolite species in the PBDB then genera
#' #get formal and informal species
#' occSpeciesInformal <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = graptOccPBDB, 
#'    rank = "species",
#'    onlyFormal = FALSE
#'    )
#' length(occSpeciesInformal)
#' #way more graptolite species are 'informal' in the PBDB
#' #get formal and informal species 
#' 	#including from occurrences with uncertain taxonomy
#' 	#basically everything and the kitchen sink
#' occSpeciesEverything <- taxonSortPBDBocc(
#'    data = graptOccPBDB, 
#'    rank = "species",
#'    onlyFormal = FALSE, 
#'    cleanUncertain = FALSE)
#' length(occSpeciesEverything)

# old examples involving compact vocabulary
#make sure works with compact vocab v1.2
#dicelloData <- read.csv(paste0("https://paleobiodb.org",
#	"/data1.2/occs/list.txt?base_name=Dicellograptus",
#	"&show=ident,phylo&vocab=com"))
#dicelloOccCom1 <- taxonSortPBDBocc(dicelloData,
#		 rank = "species", onlyFormal = FALSE)

#make sure works with compact vocab v1.2
#dicelloData <- read.csv(paste0("https://paleobiodb.org",
#	"/data1.2/occs/list.txt?base_name=Dicellograptus",
#	"&show=ident,phylo&vocab=com"))
#dicelloOccCom1 <- taxonSortPBDBocc(dicelloData,
#		 rank = "species", onlyFormal = FALSE)

#' @name taxonSortPBDBocc
#' @rdname taxonSortPBDBocc
#' @export
taxonSortPBDBocc <- function(data,rank, onlyFormal = TRUE,
		cleanUncertain = TRUE, 
		cleanResoValues = c(NA, '"', "", "n. sp.", "n. gen."," ","  ")
	#this function inspired by Matt Clapham's taxonClean and paleobioDB's pbdb_temp_range
		#onlyFormal = FALSE;rank = "species"
		#onlyFormal = FALSE;rank = "genus"
	#pull occurrences out of a data table and sort by unique taxa into a list structure
	#translated vocabs!
	data <- translatePBDBocc(data)
	#Second, some warning checks to see if occurrences downloaded correctly: 
	# need phylo and ident data
		#the following is taken with minor modification from code in paleobioDB package
	if (!any("primary_name" == colnames(data)) | !any("genus" == colnames(data))){	
		stop(paste0("need to add 'show = c('phylo', 'ident')' to",
			" pbdb_occurrences query\n *or*\n  'show = ident,phylo' to PBDB API query"))
	#additional checks for rank
	if(length(rank) != 1){stop("length of rank must be 1")}
			function(x) x == rank))
		stop("rank must be one of 'species', 'genus', 'family', 'order', 'class' or 'phylum'")
	#for inconsistencies between rank and onlyFormal - NOT TRUE, IGNORE THIS CHECK
	#if(!onlyFormal & (rank != "species" | rank != "genus")){
	#  stop("Informal taxon does not exist for above genus level, please use 'onlyFormal = TRUE'")}
	#need to replace any empty string values with NAs (due perhaps to use of read.csv with the API)
	data[data == ""] <- NA
	#now,  pull taxa using the relevant variable from 'phylo' for formal ID
		#this matches what paleobioDB now does
	#sort occurrences by unique taxa in each level and then append valid names
	if(rank == "species"){
		#remove uncertain species taxonomy
			data <- data[data[,"species_reso"] %in% cleanResoValues,,drop = FALSE]
		#first formal taxa
		#get species names for taxa formally recognized as species level
		whichFormal <- (data[,"accepted_rank"] == rank)
		taxonVar <- as.character(data[,"accepted_name"])
		taxaNames <- as.character(unique(taxonVar[whichFormal]))  #get unique taxa
		#drop empty entries (occurrences listed at a higher taxonomic level, formally)
		taxaNames <- taxaNames[!is.na(taxaNames)]
		#take rows these taxa are in and drop them into elements of a list
			sortedOcc <- lapply(taxaNames,function(x) data[which(x == taxonVar),,drop = FALSE])
		names(sortedOcc) <- taxaNames
			#now use taxon_rank to identify useful informal occurrence
			taxonVar2 <- data[,c("primary_name","species_name")]
			taxonVar2 <- apply(taxonVar2,1,paste,collapse = " ")
			#which of these occs are useful as informal occs
			stillUseful <- which(!whichFormal & (data[,"identified_rank"] == rank))
			taxaNames2 <- as.character(unique(taxonVar2[stillUseful]))
			#drop any weird empties
			taxaNames2 <- taxaNames2[taxaNames2 != " " & !is.na(taxaNames2)]  
			sortedOcc2 <- lapply(taxaNames2,function(x) data[which(x == taxonVar2),,drop = FALSE])
			names(sortedOcc2) <- taxaNames2
			# merge sortedocc2 with sortedOcc
			share1 <- sapply(taxaNames,function(x) any(x == taxaNames2))
			share2 <- sapply(taxaNames2,function(x) any(x == taxaNames))
			if(sum(!share1)>0){sortedOccU <- sortedOcc[!share1]}else{sortedOccU <- list()}
			if(sum(!share2)>0){sortedOcc2U <- sortedOcc2[!share2]}else{sortedOcc2U <- list()}
			#and for shared names
				shared <- lapply(taxaNames[share1],function(x) 
					cbind(sortedOcc[[taxaNames == x]],sortedOcc2[[taxaNames2 == x]]))
				names(shared) <- names(taxaNames[share1])
			}else{shared <- list()}
			sortedOcc <- c(sortedOccU,sortedOcc2U,shared)
	}else{   #if not at the species rank
		if(cleanUncertain){  #removing uncertain taxonomy if appended to primary_name
			data <- data[data[,"primary_reso"] %in% cleanResoValues,,drop = FALSE]
		taxonVar <- data[,rank] #then our taxonomic variable of interest is just so!
		taxaNames <- as.character(unique(taxonVar))  #get unique taxa
		taxaNames <- taxaNames[!is.na(taxaNames)]
		#take rows these taxa are in and drop them into elements of a list
		sortedOcc <- lapply(taxaNames,function(x) data[which(x == taxonVar),,drop = FALSE])
		names(sortedOcc) <- taxaNames
			#now use taxon_rank to identify useful informal occurrence
			taxonVar2 <- data[,"primary_name"]
			#which of these occs are useful as informal occs
			stillUseful <- which(is.na(taxonVar) & (data[,"identified_rank"] == rank))
			taxaNames2 <- as.character(unique(taxonVar2[stillUseful]))
			taxaNames2 <- taxaNames2[!is.na(taxaNames2)]
			sortedOcc2 <- lapply(taxaNames2,function(x) data[which(x == taxonVar2),,drop = FALSE])
			names(sortedOcc2) <- taxaNames2
			# merge sortedocc2 with sortedOcc
			share1 <- sapply(taxaNames,function(x) any(x == taxaNames2))
			share2 <- sapply(taxaNames2,function(x) any(x == taxaNames))
			if(sum(!share1)>0){sortedOccU <- sortedOcc[!share1]}else{sortedOccU <- list()}
			if(sum(!share2)>0){sortedOcc2U <- sortedOcc2[!share2]}else{sortedOcc2U <- list()}
			#and for shared names
				shared <- lapply(taxaNames[share1],function(x)
					cbind(sortedOcc[[taxaNames == x]],sortedOcc2[[taxaNames2 == x]]))
				names(shared) <- names(taxaNames[share1])
			}else{shared <- list()}
			sortedOcc <- c(sortedOccU,sortedOcc2U,shared)
	# sort occurrences by taxon name
	sortedOcc <- sortedOcc[order(names(sortedOcc))]

translatePBDBocc <- function(data){
	#translate PBDB occ data	
	if(any(colnames(data) == "taxon_name")){
		#from PBDB API version 1.1 to 1.2
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "taxon_name"] <- "identified_name"	
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "taxon_no"] <- "identified_no"
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "taxon_rank"] <- "identified_rank"	
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "matched_name"] <- "accepted_name"
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "matched_no"] <- "accepted_no"
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "matched_rank"] <- "accepted_rank"
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "genus_name"] <- "primary_name"
		colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "genus_reso"] <- "primary_reso"
	if(any("tna" == colnames(data))){
		#need to translate data from 1 vocab to another
			#do on by-function basis - this is for taxonSort
		#for this just translate colname of relevant taxon variables
			#also will need to translate 'taxon_rank' and 'matched_rank' contents
		if(any("mna" == colnames(data))){
			#then compact vocab v1.1
				"gnl","fml","odl","cll","phl","rst","rss") %in% colnames(data))){
					stop("Not all fields founds for compact vocab v1.1")}	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "tna"] <- "identified_name"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "tid"] <- "identified_no"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rnk"] <- "identified_rank"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "mna"] <- "accepted_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "mid"] <- "accepted_no"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "mra"] <- "accepted_rank"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "idt"] <- "primary_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "ids"] <- "species_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rss"] <- "primary_reso"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rst"] <- "species_reso"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "gnl"] <- "genus"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "fml"] <- "family"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "odl"] <- "order"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "cll"] <- "class"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "phl"] <- "phylum"			
		if(any("idn" == colnames(data))){		
			#then compact vocab v1.2
			if(!all(c(	"idn","idr","iid","tna","rnk","tid","idg","ids",
				"gnl","fml","odl","cll","phl","rsg","rss") %in% colnames(data))){
					stop("Not all fields founds for compact vocab v1.1")}	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "idn"] <- "identified_name"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "iid"] <- "identified_no"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "idr"] <- "identified_rank"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "tna"] <- "accepted_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "tid"] <- "accepted_no"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rnk"] <- "accepted_rank"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "idg"] <- "primary_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "ids"] <- "species_name"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rss"] <- "primary_reso"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "rsg"] <- "species_reso"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "gnl"] <- "genus"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "fml"] <- "family"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "odl"] <- "order"
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "cll"] <- "class"	
			colnames(data)[colnames(data) == "phl"] <- "phylum"			
			#stop(paste0("need to add 'vocab = 'pbdbd'' to pbdb_occurrences",
			#	" query\n  *or*\n 'vocab = pbdb' to your PBDB API query"))
		# taxon rank translation vectors for compact vocab
		taxRankPBDB <- c("subspecies","species","subgenus",
			"kingdom","unranked clade","informal")
		taxRankCOM <- 2:26
		#change contents of "identified_rank" and "accepted_rank"
		data$identified_rank <- sapply(data$identified_rank,function(x) taxRankPBDB[x == taxRankCOM])
		data$accepted_rank <- sapply(data$accepted_rank,function(x) taxRankPBDB[x == taxRankCOM])

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.