
Defines functions get_cumu_coef.gam get_cumu_coef

Documented in get_cumu_coef get_cumu_coef.gam

#' Extract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard differences)
#' These functions are designed to extract (or mimic) the cumulative coefficients
#' usually used in additive hazards models (Aalen model) to depict (time-varying)
#' covariate effects. For PAMMs, these are the differences
#' between the cumulative hazard rates where all covariates except one have the
#' identical values. For a numeric covariate of interest, this calculates
#' \eqn{\Lambda(t|x+1) - \Lambda(t|x)}.  For non-numeric covariates
#' the cumulative hazard of the reference level is subtracted from
#' the cumulative hazards evaluated at all non reference levels. Standard
#' errors are calculated using the delta method.
#' @rdname cumulative_coefficient
#' @param model Object from which to extract cumulative coefficients.
#' @param data Additional data if necessary.
#' @param terms A character vector of variables for which the cumulative
#' coefficient should be calculated.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to methods.
#' @export
get_cumu_coef <- function(model, data = NULL, terms, ...) {
  UseMethod("get_cumu_coef", model)

#' @rdname cumulative_coefficient
#' @export
get_cumu_coef.gam <- function(model, data, terms, ...) {

  data    <- ped_info(data)
  map(terms, ~cumu_coef(data, model, quo_name(sym(.)), ...)) %>%


#' @rdname cumulative_coefficient
#' @param ci Logical. Indicates if confidence intervals should be returned as
#' well.
#' @export
get_cumu_coef.aalen <- function(model, data = NULL, terms, ci = TRUE, ...) {

  terms <- map(c("time", terms),
      ~grep(.x, colnames(model$cum), value = TRUE)) %>%
  cumu_coef <- model[["cum"]] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(one_of(terms)) %>%
    gather("variable", "cumu_hazard", -.data[["time"]])
  cumu_var <- model[["var.cum"]] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(terms) %>%
    gather("variable", "cumu_var", -.data[["time"]])

      left_join(cumu_coef, cumu_var) %>%
        method     = class(model)[1],
        cumu_lower = .data$cumu_hazard - 2 * .data$cumu_var ** 0.5,
        cumu_upper = .data$cumu_hazard + 2 * .data$cumu_var ** 0.5) %>%
      select(one_of(c("method", "variable", "time")), everything(),


#' @rdname cumulative_coefficient
#' @export
get_cumu_coef.cox.aalen <- function(model, data = NULL, terms, ci = TRUE, ...) {

  get_cumu_coef.aalen(model = model, data = data, terms = terms, ci = ci, ...)


get_cumu_diff <- function(d1, d2, model, nsim = 100L) {

  lp <- compute_cumu_diff(d1, d2, model, nsim = nsim)
  d2 %>%
      cumu_hazard = lp[["cumu_diff"]],
      cumu_lower =  lp[["cumu_lower"]],
      cumu_upper =  lp[["cumu_upper"]])

#' @import dplyr purrr
#' @importFrom rlang sym enquo quo_name
#' @keywords internal
cumu_coef <- function(data, model, term, ...) {

  if (quo_name(term) == "(Intercept)") {
    return(get_cumu_coef_baseline(data, model))

  if (is.character(term)) {
    term <- sym(term)
  } else {
    term <- enquo(term)
  qname_term   <- quo_name(term)
  if (!is.numeric(data[[qname_term]])) {
    x <- levels(as.factor(unique(data[[qname_term]])))
  } else {
    x <- mean(data[[qname_term]], na.rm = TRUE)
    x <- c(x, x + 1)
  dat_list <- map(.x = x,
    function(z) {
      mutate_at(.tbl = data, .vars = qname_term, .funs = ~identity(z)) %>%
      mutate(variable = paste0(qname_term,
        ifelse(is.numeric(z), "", paste0(" (", z, ")"))))

    .x = dat_list[1],
    .y = dat_list[-1],
    .f = ~ get_cumu_diff(.x, .y, model)) %>%
    ~ select(., one_of(c("variable", "tend")), contains("cumu")) %>%
      rename("time" = "tend") %>%
      mutate(method = class(model)[1]) ) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  select(one_of(c("method", "variable", "time")), everything())


#' @keywords internal
get_cumu_coef_baseline <- function(data, model, ...) {

  vars_modify <- colnames(data)[map_lgl(data, is.numeric)] %>%
    setdiff(c("tstart", "tend", "intlen", "intmid"))

  data %>%
      .vars = vars(one_of(vars_modify)),
      .funs = ~c(0)) %>%
    add_cumu_hazard(model) %>%
      method      = class(model)[1],
      variable    = "(Intercept)") %>%
    rename("time" = "tend") %>%
    select(one_of(c("method", "variable", "time", "cumu_hazard", "cumu_lower",

#' Calculate difference in cumulative hazards and respective standard errors
#' CIs are calculated by sampling coefficients from their posterior and
#' calculating the cumulative hazard difference \code{nsim} times. The CI
#' are obtained by the 2.5\% and 97.5\% quantiles.
#' @param d1 A data set used as \code{newdata} in \code{predict.gam}
#' @param d2 See \code{d1}
#' @param model A model object for which a predict method is implemented which
#' returns the design matrix (e.g., \code{mgcv::gam}).
#' @importFrom mgcv predict.gam
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @keywords internal
compute_cumu_diff <-  function(d1, d2, model, alpha = 0.05, nsim = 100L) {

  X1    <- predict.gam(model, newdata = d1, type = "lpmatrix")
  X2    <- predict.gam(model, newdata = d2, type = "lpmatrix")
  V     <- model$Vp
  coefs <- coef(model)
  sim_coef_mat <- rmvnorm(nsim, mean = coefs, sigma = V)
  sim_fit_mat  <- apply(sim_coef_mat, 1, function(z) {
    cumsum(d2$intlen * exp(drop(X2 %*% z))) -
      cumsum(d1$intlen * exp(drop(X1 %*% z)))

  cumu_lower <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)
  cumu_upper <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)
  haz1       <- exp(drop(X1 %*% model$coefficients))
  haz2       <- exp(drop(X2 %*% model$coefficients))
  cumu_diff  <- cumsum(haz2 * d2$intlen) - cumsum(haz1 * d1$intlen)

  list(cumu_diff = cumu_diff, cumu_lower = cumu_lower, cumu_upper = cumu_upper)


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