
Defines functions service rds

Documented in rds

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common new_handlers new_service set_config merge_config

#' Amazon Relational Database Service
#' @description
#' Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service that
#' makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in
#' the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, resizeable capacity for an
#' industry-standard relational database and manages common database
#' administration tasks, freeing up developers to focus on what makes their
#' applications and businesses unique.
#' Amazon RDS gives you access to the capabilities of a MySQL, MariaDB,
#' PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or Amazon Aurora database
#' server. These capabilities mean that the code, applications, and tools
#' you already use today with your existing databases work with Amazon RDS
#' without modification. Amazon RDS automatically backs up your database
#' and maintains the database software that powers your DB instance. Amazon
#' RDS is flexible: you can scale your DB instance's compute resources and
#' storage capacity to meet your application's demand. As with all Amazon
#' Web Services, there are no up-front investments, and you pay only for
#' the resources you use.
#' This interface reference for Amazon RDS contains documentation for a
#' programming or command line interface you can use to manage Amazon RDS.
#' Amazon RDS is asynchronous, which means that some interfaces might
#' require techniques such as polling or callback functions to determine
#' when a command has been applied. In this reference, the parameter
#' descriptions indicate whether a command is applied immediately, on the
#' next instance reboot, or during the maintenance window. The reference
#' structure is as follows, and we list following some related topics from
#' the user guide.
#' **Amazon RDS API Reference**
#' -   For the alphabetical list of API actions, see [API
#'     Actions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_Operations.html).
#' -   For the alphabetical list of data types, see [Data
#'     Types](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_Types.html).
#' -   For a list of common query parameters, see [Common
#'     Parameters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/CommonParameters.html).
#' -   For descriptions of the error codes, see [Common
#'     Errors](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/CommonErrors.html).
#' **Amazon RDS User Guide**
#' -   For a summary of the Amazon RDS interfaces, see [Available RDS
#'     Interfaces](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Welcome.html#Welcome.Interfaces).
#' -   For more information about how to use the Query API, see [Using the
#'     Query
#'     API](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Using_the_Query_API.html).
#' @param
#' config
#' Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{credentials}:} {\itemize{
#' \item{\strong{creds}:} {\itemize{
#' \item{\strong{access_key_id}:} {AWS access key ID}
#' \item{\strong{secret_access_key}:} {AWS secret access key}
#' \item{\strong{session_token}:} {AWS temporary session token}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{profile}:} {The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.}
#' \item{\strong{anonymous}:} {Set anonymous credentials.}
#' \item{\strong{endpoint}:} {The complete URL to use for the constructed client.}
#' \item{\strong{region}:} {The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{close_connection}:} {Immediately close all HTTP connections.}
#' \item{\strong{timeout}:} {The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.}
#' \item{\strong{s3_force_path_style}:} {Set this to `true` to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. `http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/KEY`.}
#' \item{\strong{sts_regional_endpoint}:} {Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy \url{https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-sts-regionalized-endpoints.html}}
#' }
#' @param
#' credentials
#' Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{creds}:} {\itemize{
#' \item{\strong{access_key_id}:} {AWS access key ID}
#' \item{\strong{secret_access_key}:} {AWS secret access key}
#' \item{\strong{session_token}:} {AWS temporary session token}
#' }}
#' \item{\strong{profile}:} {The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.}
#' \item{\strong{anonymous}:} {Set anonymous credentials.}
#' }
#' @param
#' endpoint
#' Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.
#' @param
#' region
#' Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.
#' @section Service syntax:
#' ```
#' svc <- rds(
#'   config = list(
#'     credentials = list(
#'       creds = list(
#'         access_key_id = "string",
#'         secret_access_key = "string",
#'         session_token = "string"
#'       ),
#'       profile = "string",
#'       anonymous = "logical"
#'     ),
#'     endpoint = "string",
#'     region = "string",
#'     close_connection = "logical",
#'     timeout = "numeric",
#'     s3_force_path_style = "logical",
#'     sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
#'   ),
#'   credentials = list(
#'     creds = list(
#'       access_key_id = "string",
#'       secret_access_key = "string",
#'       session_token = "string"
#'     ),
#'     profile = "string",
#'     anonymous = "logical"
#'   ),
#'   endpoint = "string",
#'   region = "string"
#' )
#' ```
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' svc <- rds()
#' svc$add_role_to_db_cluster(
#'   Foo = 123
#' )
#' }
#' @section Operations:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \link[=rds_add_role_to_db_cluster]{add_role_to_db_cluster} \tab Associates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_add_role_to_db_instance]{add_role_to_db_instance} \tab Associates an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with a DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_add_source_identifier_to_subscription]{add_source_identifier_to_subscription} \tab Adds a source identifier to an existing RDS event notification subscription\cr
#'  \link[=rds_add_tags_to_resource]{add_tags_to_resource} \tab Adds metadata tags to an Amazon RDS resource\cr
#'  \link[=rds_apply_pending_maintenance_action]{apply_pending_maintenance_action} \tab Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to a DB instance)\cr
#'  \link[=rds_authorize_db_security_group_ingress]{authorize_db_security_group_ingress} \tab Enables ingress to a DBSecurityGroup using one of two forms of authorization\cr
#'  \link[=rds_backtrack_db_cluster]{backtrack_db_cluster} \tab Backtracks a DB cluster to a specific time, without creating a new DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_build_auth_token]{build_auth_token} \tab Return an authentication token for a database connection\cr
#'  \link[=rds_cancel_export_task]{cancel_export_task} \tab Cancels an export task in progress that is exporting a snapshot or cluster to Amazon S3\cr
#'  \link[=rds_copy_db_cluster_parameter_group]{copy_db_cluster_parameter_group} \tab Copies the specified DB cluster parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_copy_db_cluster_snapshot]{copy_db_cluster_snapshot} \tab Copies a snapshot of a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_copy_db_parameter_group]{copy_db_parameter_group} \tab Copies the specified DB parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_copy_db_snapshot]{copy_db_snapshot} \tab Copies the specified DB snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_copy_option_group]{copy_option_group} \tab Copies the specified option group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_blue_green_deployment]{create_blue_green_deployment} \tab Creates a blue/green deployment\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_custom_db_engine_version]{create_custom_db_engine_version} \tab Creates a custom DB engine version (CEV)\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_cluster]{create_db_cluster} \tab Creates a new Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Multi-AZ DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_cluster_endpoint]{create_db_cluster_endpoint} \tab Creates a new custom endpoint and associates it with an Amazon Aurora DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_cluster_parameter_group]{create_db_cluster_parameter_group} \tab Creates a new DB cluster parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_cluster_snapshot]{create_db_cluster_snapshot} \tab Creates a snapshot of a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_instance]{create_db_instance} \tab Creates a new DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_instance_read_replica]{create_db_instance_read_replica} \tab Creates a new DB instance that acts as a read replica for an existing source DB instance or Multi-AZ DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_parameter_group]{create_db_parameter_group} \tab Creates a new DB parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_proxy]{create_db_proxy} \tab Creates a new DB proxy\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_proxy_endpoint]{create_db_proxy_endpoint} \tab Creates a DBProxyEndpoint\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_security_group]{create_db_security_group} \tab Creates a new DB security group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_snapshot]{create_db_snapshot} \tab Creates a snapshot of a DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_db_subnet_group]{create_db_subnet_group} \tab Creates a new DB subnet group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_event_subscription]{create_event_subscription} \tab Creates an RDS event notification subscription\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_global_cluster]{create_global_cluster} \tab Creates an Aurora global database spread across multiple Amazon Web Services Regions\cr
#'  \link[=rds_create_option_group]{create_option_group} \tab Creates a new option group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_blue_green_deployment]{delete_blue_green_deployment} \tab Deletes a blue/green deployment\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_custom_db_engine_version]{delete_custom_db_engine_version} \tab Deletes a custom engine version\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_cluster]{delete_db_cluster} \tab The DeleteDBCluster action deletes a previously provisioned DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_cluster_automated_backup]{delete_db_cluster_automated_backup} \tab Deletes automated backups using the DbClusterResourceId value of the source DB cluster or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the automated backups\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_cluster_endpoint]{delete_db_cluster_endpoint} \tab Deletes a custom endpoint and removes it from an Amazon Aurora DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_cluster_parameter_group]{delete_db_cluster_parameter_group} \tab Deletes a specified DB cluster parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_cluster_snapshot]{delete_db_cluster_snapshot} \tab Deletes a DB cluster snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_instance]{delete_db_instance} \tab The DeleteDBInstance action deletes a previously provisioned DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_instance_automated_backup]{delete_db_instance_automated_backup} \tab Deletes automated backups using the DbiResourceId value of the source DB instance or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the automated backups\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_parameter_group]{delete_db_parameter_group} \tab Deletes a specified DB parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_proxy]{delete_db_proxy} \tab Deletes an existing DB proxy\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_proxy_endpoint]{delete_db_proxy_endpoint} \tab Deletes a DBProxyEndpoint\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_security_group]{delete_db_security_group} \tab Deletes a DB security group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_snapshot]{delete_db_snapshot} \tab Deletes a DB snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_db_subnet_group]{delete_db_subnet_group} \tab Deletes a DB subnet group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_event_subscription]{delete_event_subscription} \tab Deletes an RDS event notification subscription\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_global_cluster]{delete_global_cluster} \tab Deletes a global database cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_delete_option_group]{delete_option_group} \tab Deletes an existing option group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_deregister_db_proxy_targets]{deregister_db_proxy_targets} \tab Remove the association between one or more DBProxyTarget data structures and a DBProxyTargetGroup\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_account_attributes]{describe_account_attributes} \tab Lists all of the attributes for a customer account\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_blue_green_deployments]{describe_blue_green_deployments} \tab Describes one or more blue/green deployments\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_certificates]{describe_certificates} \tab Lists the set of CA certificates provided by Amazon RDS for this Amazon Web Services account\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_automated_backups]{describe_db_cluster_automated_backups} \tab Displays backups for both current and deleted DB clusters\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_backtracks]{describe_db_cluster_backtracks} \tab Returns information about backtracks for a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_endpoints]{describe_db_cluster_endpoints} \tab Returns information about endpoints for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups]{describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups} \tab Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_parameters]{describe_db_cluster_parameters} \tab Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB cluster parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_clusters]{describe_db_clusters} \tab Describes existing Amazon Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_snapshot_attributes]{describe_db_cluster_snapshot_attributes} \tab Returns a list of DB cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB cluster snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_cluster_snapshots]{describe_db_cluster_snapshots} \tab Returns information about DB cluster snapshots\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_engine_versions]{describe_db_engine_versions} \tab Returns a list of the available DB engines\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_instance_automated_backups]{describe_db_instance_automated_backups} \tab Displays backups for both current and deleted instances\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_instances]{describe_db_instances} \tab Describes provisioned RDS instances\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_log_files]{describe_db_log_files} \tab Returns a list of DB log files for the DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_parameter_groups]{describe_db_parameter_groups} \tab Returns a list of DBParameterGroup descriptions\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_parameters]{describe_db_parameters} \tab Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_proxies]{describe_db_proxies} \tab Returns information about DB proxies\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_proxy_endpoints]{describe_db_proxy_endpoints} \tab Returns information about DB proxy endpoints\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_proxy_target_groups]{describe_db_proxy_target_groups} \tab Returns information about DB proxy target groups, represented by DBProxyTargetGroup data structures\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_proxy_targets]{describe_db_proxy_targets} \tab Returns information about DBProxyTarget objects\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_security_groups]{describe_db_security_groups} \tab Returns a list of DBSecurityGroup descriptions\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_snapshot_attributes]{describe_db_snapshot_attributes} \tab Returns a list of DB snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_snapshots]{describe_db_snapshots} \tab Returns information about DB snapshots\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_db_subnet_groups]{describe_db_subnet_groups} \tab Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_engine_default_cluster_parameters]{describe_engine_default_cluster_parameters} \tab Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cluster database engine\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_engine_default_parameters]{describe_engine_default_parameters} \tab Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the specified database engine\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_event_categories]{describe_event_categories} \tab Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_events]{describe_events} \tab Returns events related to DB instances, DB clusters, DB parameter groups, DB security groups, DB snapshots, DB cluster snapshots, and RDS Proxies for the past 14 days\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_event_subscriptions]{describe_event_subscriptions} \tab Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_export_tasks]{describe_export_tasks} \tab Returns information about a snapshot or cluster export to Amazon S3\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_global_clusters]{describe_global_clusters} \tab Returns information about Aurora global database clusters\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_option_group_options]{describe_option_group_options} \tab Describes all available options\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_option_groups]{describe_option_groups} \tab Describes the available option groups\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_orderable_db_instance_options]{describe_orderable_db_instance_options} \tab Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the specified DB engine, DB engine version, and DB instance class\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_pending_maintenance_actions]{describe_pending_maintenance_actions} \tab Returns a list of resources (for example, DB instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_reserved_db_instances]{describe_reserved_db_instances} \tab Returns information about reserved DB instances for this account, or about a specified reserved DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_reserved_db_instances_offerings]{describe_reserved_db_instances_offerings} \tab Lists available reserved DB instance offerings\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_source_regions]{describe_source_regions} \tab Returns a list of the source Amazon Web Services Regions where the current Amazon Web Services Region can create a read replica, copy a DB snapshot from, or replicate automated backups from\cr
#'  \link[=rds_describe_valid_db_instance_modifications]{describe_valid_db_instance_modifications} \tab You can call DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications to learn what modifications you can make to your DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_download_db_log_file_portion]{download_db_log_file_portion} \tab Downloads all or a portion of the specified log file, up to 1 MB in size\cr
#'  \link[=rds_failover_db_cluster]{failover_db_cluster} \tab Forces a failover for a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_failover_global_cluster]{failover_global_cluster} \tab Promotes the specified secondary DB cluster to be the primary DB cluster in the global database cluster to fail over or switch over a global database\cr
#'  \link[=rds_list_tags_for_resource]{list_tags_for_resource} \tab Lists all tags on an Amazon RDS resource\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_activity_stream]{modify_activity_stream} \tab Changes the audit policy state of a database activity stream to either locked (default) or unlocked\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_certificates]{modify_certificates} \tab Override the system-default Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificate for Amazon RDS for new DB instances, or remove the override\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_current_db_cluster_capacity]{modify_current_db_cluster_capacity} \tab Set the capacity of an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster to a specific value\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_custom_db_engine_version]{modify_custom_db_engine_version} \tab Modifies the status of a custom engine version (CEV)\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_cluster]{modify_db_cluster} \tab Modifies the settings of an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or a Multi-AZ DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_cluster_endpoint]{modify_db_cluster_endpoint} \tab Modifies the properties of an endpoint in an Amazon Aurora DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_cluster_parameter_group]{modify_db_cluster_parameter_group} \tab Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_cluster_snapshot_attribute]{modify_db_cluster_snapshot_attribute} \tab Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual DB cluster snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_instance]{modify_db_instance} \tab Modifies settings for a DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_parameter_group]{modify_db_parameter_group} \tab Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_proxy]{modify_db_proxy} \tab Changes the settings for an existing DB proxy\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_proxy_endpoint]{modify_db_proxy_endpoint} \tab Changes the settings for an existing DB proxy endpoint\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_proxy_target_group]{modify_db_proxy_target_group} \tab Modifies the properties of a DBProxyTargetGroup\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_snapshot]{modify_db_snapshot} \tab Updates a manual DB snapshot with a new engine version\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_snapshot_attribute]{modify_db_snapshot_attribute} \tab Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual DB snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_db_subnet_group]{modify_db_subnet_group} \tab Modifies an existing DB subnet group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_event_subscription]{modify_event_subscription} \tab Modifies an existing RDS event notification subscription\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_global_cluster]{modify_global_cluster} \tab Modifies a setting for an Amazon Aurora global database cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_modify_option_group]{modify_option_group} \tab Modifies an existing option group\cr
#'  \link[=rds_promote_read_replica]{promote_read_replica} \tab Promotes a read replica DB instance to a standalone DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_promote_read_replica_db_cluster]{promote_read_replica_db_cluster} \tab Promotes a read replica DB cluster to a standalone DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering]{purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering} \tab Purchases a reserved DB instance offering\cr
#'  \link[=rds_reboot_db_cluster]{reboot_db_cluster} \tab You might need to reboot your DB cluster, usually for maintenance reasons\cr
#'  \link[=rds_reboot_db_instance]{reboot_db_instance} \tab You might need to reboot your DB instance, usually for maintenance reasons\cr
#'  \link[=rds_register_db_proxy_targets]{register_db_proxy_targets} \tab Associate one or more DBProxyTarget data structures with a DBProxyTargetGroup\cr
#'  \link[=rds_remove_from_global_cluster]{remove_from_global_cluster} \tab Detaches an Aurora secondary cluster from an Aurora global database cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_remove_role_from_db_cluster]{remove_role_from_db_cluster} \tab Removes the asssociation of an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from a DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_remove_role_from_db_instance]{remove_role_from_db_instance} \tab Disassociates an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from a DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_remove_source_identifier_from_subscription]{remove_source_identifier_from_subscription} \tab Removes a source identifier from an existing RDS event notification subscription\cr
#'  \link[=rds_remove_tags_from_resource]{remove_tags_from_resource} \tab Removes metadata tags from an Amazon RDS resource\cr
#'  \link[=rds_reset_db_cluster_parameter_group]{reset_db_cluster_parameter_group} \tab Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group to the default value\cr
#'  \link[=rds_reset_db_parameter_group]{reset_db_parameter_group} \tab Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group to the engine/system default value\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_cluster_from_s3]{restore_db_cluster_from_s3} \tab Creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster from MySQL data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot]{restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot} \tab Creates a new DB cluster from a DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_cluster_to_point_in_time]{restore_db_cluster_to_point_in_time} \tab Restores a DB cluster to an arbitrary point in time\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot]{restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot} \tab Creates a new DB instance from a DB snapshot\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_instance_from_s3]{restore_db_instance_from_s3} \tab Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) supports importing MySQL databases by using backup files\cr
#'  \link[=rds_restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time]{restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time} \tab Restores a DB instance to an arbitrary point in time\cr
#'  \link[=rds_revoke_db_security_group_ingress]{revoke_db_security_group_ingress} \tab Revokes ingress from a DBSecurityGroup for previously authorized IP ranges or EC2 or VPC security groups\cr
#'  \link[=rds_start_activity_stream]{start_activity_stream} \tab Starts a database activity stream to monitor activity on the database\cr
#'  \link[=rds_start_db_cluster]{start_db_cluster} \tab Starts an Amazon Aurora DB cluster that was stopped using the Amazon Web Services console, the stop-db-cluster CLI command, or the StopDBCluster action\cr
#'  \link[=rds_start_db_instance]{start_db_instance} \tab Starts an Amazon RDS DB instance that was stopped using the Amazon Web Services console, the stop-db-instance CLI command, or the StopDBInstance action\cr
#'  \link[=rds_start_db_instance_automated_backups_replication]{start_db_instance_automated_backups_replication} \tab Enables replication of automated backups to a different Amazon Web Services Region\cr
#'  \link[=rds_start_export_task]{start_export_task} \tab Starts an export of DB snapshot or DB cluster data to Amazon S3\cr
#'  \link[=rds_stop_activity_stream]{stop_activity_stream} \tab Stops a database activity stream that was started using the Amazon Web Services console, the start-activity-stream CLI command, or the StartActivityStream action\cr
#'  \link[=rds_stop_db_cluster]{stop_db_cluster} \tab Stops an Amazon Aurora DB cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_stop_db_instance]{stop_db_instance} \tab Stops an Amazon RDS DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_stop_db_instance_automated_backups_replication]{stop_db_instance_automated_backups_replication} \tab Stops automated backup replication for a DB instance\cr
#'  \link[=rds_switchover_blue_green_deployment]{switchover_blue_green_deployment} \tab Switches over a blue/green deployment\cr
#'  \link[=rds_switchover_global_cluster]{switchover_global_cluster} \tab Switches over the specified secondary DB cluster to be the new primary DB cluster in the global database cluster\cr
#'  \link[=rds_switchover_read_replica]{switchover_read_replica} \tab Switches over an Oracle standby database in an Oracle Data Guard environment, making it the new primary database
#' }
#' @return
#' A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
#' syntax like `svc$operation(...)`, where `svc` is the name you've assigned
#' to the client. The available operations are listed in the
#' Operations section.
#' @rdname rds
#' @export
rds <- function(config = list(), credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL) {
  config <- merge_config(
      credentials = credentials,
      endpoint = endpoint,
      region = region
  svc <- .rds$operations
  svc <- set_config(svc, config)

# Private API objects: metadata, handlers, interfaces, etc.
.rds <- list()

.rds$operations <- list()

.rds$metadata <- list(
  service_name = "rds",
  endpoints = list("*" = list(endpoint = "rds.{region}.amazonaws.com", global = FALSE), "cn-*" = list(endpoint = "rds.{region}.amazonaws.com.cn", global = FALSE), "us-iso-*" = list(endpoint = "rds.{region}.c2s.ic.gov", global = FALSE), "us-isob-*" = list(endpoint = "rds.{region}.sc2s.sgov.gov", global = FALSE)),
  service_id = "RDS",
  api_version = "2014-10-31",
  signing_name = "rds",
  json_version = "",
  target_prefix = ""

.rds$service <- function(config = list()) {
  handlers <- new_handlers("query", "v4")
  new_service(.rds$metadata, handlers, config)

Try the paws.database package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

paws.database documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 1:21 a.m.