
Defines functions update_workteam_output update_workteam_input update_workforce_output update_workforce_input update_user_profile_output update_user_profile_input update_trial_component_output update_trial_component_input update_trial_output update_trial_input update_training_job_output update_training_job_input update_space_output update_space_input update_project_output update_project_input update_pipeline_execution_output update_pipeline_execution_input update_pipeline_output update_pipeline_input update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input update_notebook_instance_output update_notebook_instance_input update_monitoring_schedule_output update_monitoring_schedule_input update_monitoring_alert_output update_monitoring_alert_input update_model_package_output update_model_package_input update_model_card_output update_model_card_input update_inference_experiment_output update_inference_experiment_input update_image_version_output update_image_version_input update_image_output update_image_input update_hub_output update_hub_input update_feature_metadata_output update_feature_metadata_input update_feature_group_output update_feature_group_input update_experiment_output update_experiment_input update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_output update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_input update_endpoint_output update_endpoint_input update_domain_output update_domain_input update_devices_output update_devices_input update_device_fleet_output update_device_fleet_input update_context_output update_context_input update_code_repository_output update_code_repository_input update_artifact_output update_artifact_input update_app_image_config_output update_app_image_config_input update_action_output update_action_input stop_transform_job_output stop_transform_job_input stop_training_job_output stop_training_job_input stop_processing_job_output stop_processing_job_input stop_pipeline_execution_output stop_pipeline_execution_input stop_notebook_instance_output stop_notebook_instance_input stop_monitoring_schedule_output stop_monitoring_schedule_input stop_labeling_job_output stop_labeling_job_input stop_inference_recommendations_job_output stop_inference_recommendations_job_input stop_inference_experiment_output stop_inference_experiment_input stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input stop_edge_packaging_job_output stop_edge_packaging_job_input stop_edge_deployment_stage_output stop_edge_deployment_stage_input stop_compilation_job_output stop_compilation_job_input stop_auto_ml_job_output stop_auto_ml_job_input start_pipeline_execution_output start_pipeline_execution_input start_notebook_instance_output start_notebook_instance_input start_monitoring_schedule_output start_monitoring_schedule_input start_inference_experiment_output start_inference_experiment_input start_edge_deployment_stage_output start_edge_deployment_stage_input send_pipeline_execution_step_success_output send_pipeline_execution_step_success_input send_pipeline_execution_step_failure_output send_pipeline_execution_step_failure_input search_output search_input retry_pipeline_execution_output retry_pipeline_execution_input render_ui_template_output render_ui_template_input register_devices_output register_devices_input query_lineage_output query_lineage_input put_model_package_group_policy_output put_model_package_group_policy_input list_workteams_output list_workteams_input list_workforces_output list_workforces_input list_user_profiles_output list_user_profiles_input list_trials_output list_trials_input list_trial_components_output list_trial_components_input list_transform_jobs_output list_transform_jobs_input list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input list_training_jobs_output list_training_jobs_input list_tags_output list_tags_input list_subscribed_workteams_output list_subscribed_workteams_input list_studio_lifecycle_configs_output list_studio_lifecycle_configs_input list_stage_devices_output list_stage_devices_input list_spaces_output list_spaces_input list_resource_catalogs_output list_resource_catalogs_input list_projects_output list_projects_input list_processing_jobs_output list_processing_jobs_input list_pipelines_output list_pipelines_input list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution_output list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution_input list_pipeline_executions_output list_pipeline_executions_input list_pipeline_execution_steps_output list_pipeline_execution_steps_input list_notebook_instances_input list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configs_output list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configs_input list_monitoring_schedules_output list_monitoring_schedules_input list_monitoring_executions_output list_monitoring_executions_input list_monitoring_alerts_output list_monitoring_alerts_input list_monitoring_alert_history_output list_monitoring_alert_history_input list_models_output list_models_input list_model_quality_job_definitions_output list_model_quality_job_definitions_input list_model_packages_output list_model_packages_input list_model_package_groups_output list_model_package_groups_input list_model_metadata_output list_model_metadata_input list_model_explainability_job_definitions_output list_model_explainability_job_definitions_input list_model_cards_output list_model_cards_input list_model_card_versions_output list_model_card_versions_input list_model_card_export_jobs_output list_model_card_export_jobs_input list_model_bias_job_definitions_output list_model_bias_job_definitions_input list_lineage_groups_output list_lineage_groups_input list_labeling_jobs_for_workteam_output list_labeling_jobs_for_workteam_input list_labeling_jobs_output list_labeling_jobs_input list_inference_recommendations_jobs_output list_inference_recommendations_jobs_input list_inference_recommendations_job_steps_output list_inference_recommendations_job_steps_input list_inference_experiments_output list_inference_experiments_input list_images_output list_images_input list_image_versions_output list_image_versions_input list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobs_output list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobs_input list_human_task_uis_output list_human_task_uis_input list_hubs_output list_hubs_input list_hub_contents_output list_hub_contents_input list_hub_content_versions_output list_hub_content_versions_input list_flow_definitions_output list_flow_definitions_input list_feature_groups_output list_feature_groups_input list_experiments_output list_experiments_input list_endpoints_output list_endpoints_input list_endpoint_configs_output list_endpoint_configs_input list_edge_packaging_jobs_output list_edge_packaging_jobs_input list_edge_deployment_plans_output list_edge_deployment_plans_input list_domains_output list_domains_input list_devices_output list_devices_input list_device_fleets_output list_device_fleets_input list_data_quality_job_definitions_output list_data_quality_job_definitions_input list_contexts_output list_contexts_input list_compilation_jobs_output list_compilation_jobs_input list_code_repositories_output list_code_repositories_input list_candidates_for_auto_ml_job_output list_candidates_for_auto_ml_job_input list_auto_ml_jobs_output list_auto_ml_jobs_input list_associations_output list_associations_input list_artifacts_output list_artifacts_input list_apps_output list_apps_input list_app_image_configs_output list_app_image_configs_input list_aliases_output list_aliases_input list_algorithms_output list_algorithms_input list_actions_output list_actions_input import_hub_content_output import_hub_content_input get_search_suggestions_output get_search_suggestions_input get_scaling_configuration_recommendation_output get_scaling_configuration_recommendation_input get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_status_output get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_status_input get_model_package_group_policy_output get_model_package_group_policy_input get_lineage_group_policy_output get_lineage_group_policy_input get_device_fleet_report_output get_device_fleet_report_input enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_output enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_input disassociate_trial_component_output disassociate_trial_component_input disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_output disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_input describe_workteam_output describe_workteam_input describe_workforce_output describe_workforce_input describe_user_profile_output describe_user_profile_input describe_trial_component_output describe_trial_component_input describe_trial_output describe_trial_input describe_transform_job_output describe_transform_job_input describe_training_job_output describe_training_job_input describe_subscribed_workteam_output describe_subscribed_workteam_input describe_studio_lifecycle_config_output describe_studio_lifecycle_config_input describe_space_output describe_space_input describe_project_output describe_project_input describe_processing_job_output describe_processing_job_input describe_pipeline_execution_output describe_pipeline_execution_input describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution_output describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution_input describe_pipeline_output describe_pipeline_input describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input describe_notebook_instance_output describe_notebook_instance_input describe_monitoring_schedule_output describe_monitoring_schedule_input describe_model_quality_job_definition_output describe_model_quality_job_definition_input describe_model_package_group_output describe_model_package_group_input describe_model_package_output describe_model_package_input describe_model_explainability_job_definition_output describe_model_explainability_job_definition_input describe_model_card_export_job_output describe_model_card_export_job_input describe_model_card_output describe_model_card_input describe_model_bias_job_definition_output describe_model_bias_job_definition_input describe_model_output describe_model_input describe_lineage_group_output describe_lineage_group_input describe_labeling_job_output describe_labeling_job_input describe_inference_recommendations_job_output describe_inference_recommendations_job_input describe_inference_experiment_output describe_inference_experiment_input describe_image_version_output describe_image_version_input describe_image_output describe_image_input describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input describe_human_task_ui_output describe_human_task_ui_input delete_studio_lifecycle_config_input delete_space_output delete_space_input delete_project_output delete_project_input delete_pipeline_output delete_pipeline_input delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input delete_notebook_instance_output delete_notebook_instance_input delete_monitoring_schedule_output delete_monitoring_schedule_input delete_model_quality_job_definition_output delete_model_quality_job_definition_input delete_model_package_group_policy_output delete_model_package_group_policy_input delete_model_package_group_output delete_model_package_group_input delete_model_package_output delete_model_package_input delete_model_explainability_job_definition_output delete_model_explainability_job_definition_input delete_model_card_output delete_model_card_input delete_model_bias_job_definition_output delete_model_bias_job_definition_input delete_model_output delete_model_input delete_inference_experiment_output delete_inference_experiment_input delete_image_version_output delete_image_version_input delete_image_output delete_image_input delete_human_task_ui_output delete_human_task_ui_input delete_hub_content_output delete_hub_content_input delete_hub_output delete_hub_input delete_flow_definition_output delete_flow_definition_input delete_feature_group_output delete_feature_group_input delete_experiment_output delete_experiment_input delete_endpoint_config_output delete_endpoint_config_input delete_endpoint_output delete_endpoint_input delete_edge_deployment_stage_output delete_edge_deployment_stage_input delete_edge_deployment_plan_output delete_edge_deployment_plan_input delete_domain_output delete_domain_input delete_device_fleet_output delete_device_fleet_input delete_data_quality_job_definition_output delete_data_quality_job_definition_input delete_context_output delete_context_input delete_code_repository_output delete_code_repository_input delete_association_output delete_association_input delete_artifact_output delete_artifact_input delete_app_image_config_output delete_app_image_config_input delete_app_output delete_app_input delete_algorithm_output delete_algorithm_input delete_action_output delete_action_input create_workteam_output create_workteam_input create_workforce_output create_workforce_input create_user_profile_output create_user_profile_input create_trial_component_output create_trial_component_input create_trial_output create_trial_input create_transform_job_output create_transform_job_input create_training_job_output create_training_job_input create_studio_lifecycle_config_output create_studio_lifecycle_config_input create_space_output create_space_input create_project_output create_project_input create_processing_job_output create_processing_job_input create_presigned_notebook_instance_url_output create_presigned_notebook_instance_url_input create_presigned_domain_url_output create_presigned_domain_url_input create_pipeline_output create_pipeline_input create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input create_notebook_instance_output create_notebook_instance_input create_monitoring_schedule_output create_monitoring_schedule_input create_model_quality_job_definition_output create_model_quality_job_definition_input create_model_package_group_output create_model_package_group_input create_model_package_output create_model_package_input create_model_explainability_job_definition_output create_model_explainability_job_definition_input create_model_card_export_job_output create_model_card_export_job_input create_model_card_output create_model_card_input create_model_bias_job_definition_output create_model_bias_job_definition_input create_model_output create_model_input create_labeling_job_output create_labeling_job_input create_inference_recommendations_job_output create_inference_recommendations_job_input create_inference_experiment_output create_inference_experiment_input create_image_version_output create_image_version_input create_image_output create_image_input create_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output create_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input create_human_task_ui_output create_human_task_ui_input create_hub_output create_hub_input create_flow_definition_output create_flow_definition_input create_feature_group_output create_feature_group_input create_experiment_output create_experiment_input create_endpoint_config_output create_endpoint_config_input list_notebook_instances_output describe_hub_content_output describe_hub_content_input describe_hub_output describe_hub_input describe_flow_definition_output describe_flow_definition_input describe_feature_metadata_output describe_feature_metadata_input describe_feature_group_output describe_feature_group_input describe_experiment_output describe_experiment_input describe_endpoint_config_output describe_endpoint_config_input describe_endpoint_output describe_endpoint_input describe_edge_packaging_job_output describe_edge_packaging_job_input describe_edge_deployment_plan_output describe_edge_deployment_plan_input describe_domain_output describe_domain_input describe_device_fleet_output describe_device_fleet_input describe_device_output describe_device_input describe_data_quality_job_definition_output describe_data_quality_job_definition_input describe_context_output describe_context_input describe_compilation_job_output describe_compilation_job_input describe_code_repository_output describe_code_repository_input describe_auto_ml_job_v2_output describe_auto_ml_job_v2_input describe_auto_ml_job_output describe_auto_ml_job_input describe_artifact_output describe_artifact_input describe_app_image_config_output describe_app_image_config_input describe_app_output describe_app_input describe_algorithm_output describe_algorithm_input describe_action_output describe_action_input deregister_devices_output deregister_devices_input delete_workteam_output delete_workteam_input delete_workforce_output delete_workforce_input delete_user_profile_output delete_user_profile_input delete_trial_component_output delete_trial_component_input delete_trial_output delete_trial_input delete_tags_output delete_tags_input delete_studio_lifecycle_config_output create_endpoint_output create_endpoint_input create_edge_packaging_job_output create_edge_packaging_job_input create_edge_deployment_stage_output create_edge_deployment_stage_input create_edge_deployment_plan_output create_edge_deployment_plan_input create_domain_output create_domain_input create_device_fleet_output create_device_fleet_input create_data_quality_job_definition_output create_data_quality_job_definition_input create_context_output create_context_input create_compilation_job_output create_compilation_job_input create_code_repository_output create_code_repository_input create_auto_ml_job_v2_output create_auto_ml_job_v2_input create_auto_ml_job_output create_auto_ml_job_input create_artifact_output create_artifact_input create_app_image_config_output create_app_image_config_input create_app_output create_app_input create_algorithm_output create_algorithm_input create_action_output create_action_input batch_describe_model_package_output batch_describe_model_package_input associate_trial_component_output associate_trial_component_input add_tags_output add_tags_input add_association_output add_association_input

# This file is generated by make.paws. Please do not edit here.
#' @importFrom paws.common populate
#' @include sagemaker_service.R

.sagemaker$add_association_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssociationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$add_association_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$add_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$add_tags_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$associate_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$associate_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$batch_describe_model_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageArnList = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$batch_describe_model_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), BatchDescribeModelPackageErrorMap = structure(list(structure(list(ErrorCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorResponse = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_action_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_action_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_algorithm_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Range = structure(list(IntegerParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContinuousParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CategoricalParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IsTunable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), IsRequired = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DefaultValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTrainingInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportsDistributedTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingChannels = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IsRequired = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedCompressionTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedInputModes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTuningJobObjectiveMetrics = structure(list(structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ValidationSpecification = structure(list(ValidationRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(ProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobDefinition = structure(list(TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformJobDefinition = structure(list(MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CertifyForMarketplace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_algorithm_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_app_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_app_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_app_image_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KernelGatewayImageConfig = structure(list(KernelSpecs = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FileSystemConfig = structure(list(MountPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), DefaultGid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_app_image_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_artifact_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceTypes = structure(list(structure(list(SourceIdType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ArtifactType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_artifact_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_auto_ml_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ChannelType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SampleWeightAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataSplitConfig = structure(list(ValidationFraction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CandidateGenerationConfig = structure(list(FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(structure(list(AutoMLAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateCandidateDefinitionsOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelDeployConfig = structure(list(AutoGenerateEndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_auto_ml_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_auto_ml_job_v2_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobInputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLProblemTypeConfig = structure(list(ImageClassificationJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TextClassificationJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentColumn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetLabelColumn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TabularJobConfig = structure(list(CandidateGenerationConfig = structure(list(AlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(structure(list(AutoMLAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateCandidateDefinitionsOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SampleWeightAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TimeSeriesForecastingJobConfig = structure(list(FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ForecastFrequency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ForecastHorizon = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ForecastQuantiles = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Transformations = structure(list(Filling = structure(list(structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Aggregation = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TimeSeriesConfig = structure(list(TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TimestampAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ItemIdentifierAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GroupingAttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure", union = TRUE)), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDeployConfig = structure(list(AutoGenerateEndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataSplitConfig = structure(list(ValidationFraction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_auto_ml_job_v2_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_code_repository_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GitConfig = structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Branch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_code_repository_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_compilation_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetDevice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetPlatform = structure(list(Os = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Arch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accelerator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompilerOptions = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_compilation_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_context_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContextType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_context_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_data_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataQualityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_data_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_device_fleet_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableIotRoleAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_device_fleet_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$create_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AppNetworkAccessType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HomeEfsFileSystemKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(deprecated = TRUE, deprecatedMessage = "This property is deprecated, use KmsKeyId instead.", type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppSecurityGroupManagement = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainSettings = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RStudioServerProDomainSettings = structure(list(DomainExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RStudioConnectUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RStudioPackageManagerUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DefaultSpaceSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_edge_deployment_plan_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(ModelHandle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Stages = structure(list(structure(list(StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceSelectionConfig = structure(list(DeviceSubsetType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Percentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DeviceNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeviceNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DeploymentConfig = structure(list(FailureHandlingPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_edge_deployment_plan_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_edge_deployment_stage_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Stages = structure(list(structure(list(StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceSelectionConfig = structure(list(DeviceSubsetType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Percentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DeviceNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeviceNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DeploymentConfig = structure(list(FailureHandlingPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_edge_deployment_stage_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$create_edge_packaging_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_edge_packaging_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$create_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeploymentConfig = structure(list(BlueGreenUpdatePolicy = structure(list(TrafficRoutingConfiguration = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CanarySize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LinearStepSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TerminationWaitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoRollbackConfiguration = structure(list(Alarms = structure(list(structure(list(AlarmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RollingUpdatePolicy = structure(list(MaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RollbackMaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_endpoint_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialVariantWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CoreDumpConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EnableSSMAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(EnableCapture = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InitialSamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CaptureOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CaptureMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CaptureContentTypeHeader = structure(list(CsvContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JsonContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AsyncInferenceConfig = structure(list(ClientConfig = structure(list(MaxConcurrentInvocationsPerInstance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotificationConfig = structure(list(SuccessTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IncludeInferenceResponseIn = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), S3FailurePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExplainerConfig = structure(list(ClarifyExplainerConfig = structure(list(EnableExplanations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceConfig = structure(list(FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentTemplate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxRecordCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), LabelIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShapConfig = structure(list(ShapBaselineConfig = structure(list(MimeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaseline = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaselineUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NumberOfSamples = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), UseLogit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TextConfig = structure(list(Language = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Granularity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialVariantWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CoreDumpConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EnableSSMAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_endpoint_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_feature_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordIdentifierFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EventTimeFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OnlineStoreConfig = structure(list(SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableOnlineStore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TtlDuration = structure(list(Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OfflineStoreConfig = structure(list(S3StorageConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedOutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DisableGlueTableCreation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DataCatalogConfig = structure(list(TableName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TableFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_feature_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_flow_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanLoopRequestSource = structure(list(AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanLoopActivationConfig = structure(list(HumanLoopActivationConditionsConfig = structure(list(HumanLoopActivationConditions = structure(logical(0), tags = list(jsonvalue = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanLoopConfig = structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskTimeLimitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), PublicWorkforceTaskPrice = structure(list(AmountInUsd = structure(list(Dollars = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Cents = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TenthFractionsOfACent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_flow_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_hub_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), S3StorageConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_hub_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_human_task_ui_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UiTemplate = structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_human_task_ui_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobConfig = structure(list(Strategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StrategyConfig = structure(list(HyperbandStrategyConfig = structure(list(MinResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningJobObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimits = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobCompletionCriteria = structure(list(TargetObjectiveMetricValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), BestObjectiveNotImproving = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobsNotImproving = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConvergenceDetected = structure(list(CompleteOnConvergence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RandomSeed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinition = structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WarmStartConfig = structure(list(ParentHyperParameterTuningJobs = structure(list(structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WarmStartType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Autotune = structure(list(Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_image_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_image_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_image_version_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(BaseImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Aliases = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VendorGuidance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MLFramework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProgrammingLang = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Processor = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Horovod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ReleaseNotes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_image_version_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Schedule = structure(list(StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InfrastructureConfig = structure(list(InfrastructureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataStorageConfig = structure(list(Destination = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(list(CsvContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JsonContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowModeConfig = structure(list(SourceModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShadowModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ShadowModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KmsKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_inference_recommendations_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(ModelPackageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TrafficPattern = structure(list(TrafficType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Phases = structure(list(structure(list(InitialNumberOfUsers = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SpawnRate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Stairs = structure(list(DurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NumberOfSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), UsersPerStep = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimit = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTests = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelOfTests = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnvironmentParameterRanges = structure(list(CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerConfig = structure(list(Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PayloadConfig = structure(list(SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedEndpointType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingConditions = structure(list(MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatencyThresholds = structure(list(structure(list(Percentile = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FlatInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompiledOutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_inference_recommendations_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_labeling_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(ManifestS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnsDataSource = structure(list(SnsTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataAttributes = structure(list(ContentClassifiers = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnsTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelCategoryConfigS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingConditions = structure(list(MaxHumanLabeledObjectCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPercentageOfInputDatasetLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LabelingJobAlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(LabelingJobAlgorithmSpecificationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialActiveLearningModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobResourceConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanTaskConfig = structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UiConfig = structure(list(UiTemplateS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreHumanTaskLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TaskTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberOfHumanWorkersPerDataObject = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskTimeLimitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrentTaskCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), AnnotationConsolidationConfig = structure(list(AnnotationConsolidationLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PublicWorkforceTaskPrice = structure(list(AmountInUsd = structure(list(Dollars = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Cents = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TenthFractionsOfACent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_labeling_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrimaryContainer = structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InferenceExecutionConfig = structure(list(Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_bias_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelBiasBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConfigUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), GroundTruthS3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_bias_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_card_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_card_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_card_export_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelCardExportJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_card_export_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardExportJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_explainability_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelExplainabilityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConfigUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_explainability_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ValidationSpecification = structure(list(ValidationRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(ProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobDefinition = structure(list(MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SourceAlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(SourceAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(list(ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CertifyForMarketplace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelMetrics = structure(list(ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Bias = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ClientToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), CustomerMetadataProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DriftCheckBaselines = structure(list(Bias = structure(list(ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalInferenceSpecifications = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_package_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_package_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelQualityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), GroundTruthS3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_model_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleExpression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinition = structure(list(BaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringInputs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MonitoringOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectInternetAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), AcceleratorTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DefaultCodeRepository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalCodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RootAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PlatformIdentifier = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration = structure(list(MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OnCreate = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OnStart = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_pipeline_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDefinition = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDefinitionS3Location = structure(list(Bucket = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ObjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VersionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PipelineDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_pipeline_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_presigned_domain_url_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionExpirationDurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ExpiresInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_presigned_domain_url_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AuthorizedUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_presigned_notebook_instance_url_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SessionExpirationDurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_presigned_notebook_instance_url_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AuthorizedUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_processing_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingInputs = structure(list(structure(list(InputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), S3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DatasetDefinition = structure(list(AthenaDatasetDefinition = structure(list(Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RedshiftDatasetDefinition = structure(list(ClusterId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DbUser = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProcessingOutputConfig = structure(list(Outputs = structure(list(structure(list(OutputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureStoreOutput = structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_processing_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_project_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails = structure(list(ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningArtifactId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PathId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_project_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_space_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SpaceSettings = structure(list(JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_space_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SpaceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_studio_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigAppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_studio_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_training_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableSageMakerMetricsTimeSeries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingImageConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingRepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugHookConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HookParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CollectionConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(CollectionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CollectionParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TensorBoardOutputConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProfilerConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilingIntervalInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ProfilingParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DisableProfiler = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProfilerRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_training_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_transform_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelClientConfig = structure(list(InvocationsTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InvocationsMaxRetries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateInferenceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataProcessing = structure(list(InputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JoinSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_transform_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_trial_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_trial_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(PrimaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(StringValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), OutputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_user_profile_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SingleSignOnUserIdentifier = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SingleSignOnUserValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), UserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_user_profile_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_workforce_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CognitoConfig = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcConfig = structure(list(ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientSecret = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), Issuer = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthorizationEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TokenEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserInfoEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogoutEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JwksUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SourceIpConfig = structure(list(Cidrs = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WorkforceVpcConfig = structure(list(VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_workforce_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MemberDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(CognitoMemberDefinition = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcMemberDefinition = structure(list(Groups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotificationConfiguration = structure(list(NotificationTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$create_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_action_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_action_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_algorithm_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_algorithm_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_app_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_app_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_app_image_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_app_image_config_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_artifact_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceTypes = structure(list(structure(list(SourceIdType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_artifact_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_association_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_association_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_code_repository_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_code_repository_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_context_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_context_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_data_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_data_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_device_fleet_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_device_fleet_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RetentionPolicy = structure(list(HomeEfsFileSystem = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_domain_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_edge_deployment_plan_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_edge_deployment_plan_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_edge_deployment_stage_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_edge_deployment_stage_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_endpoint_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_endpoint_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_endpoint_config_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_feature_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_feature_group_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_flow_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_flow_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_hub_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_hub_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_hub_content_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_hub_content_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_human_task_ui_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_human_task_ui_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_image_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_image_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_image_version_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Alias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_image_version_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_bias_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_bias_job_definition_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_card_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_card_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_explainability_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_explainability_job_definition_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_group_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_group_policy_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_package_group_policy_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_model_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_model_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_pipeline_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_pipeline_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_project_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_project_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_space_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_space_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_studio_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_studio_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TagKeys = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_tags_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_trial_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_trial_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_user_profile_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_user_profile_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$delete_workforce_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_workforce_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$delete_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Success = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$deregister_devices_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$deregister_devices_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$describe_action_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_action_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ActionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_algorithm_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_algorithm_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Range = structure(list(IntegerParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContinuousParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CategoricalParameterRangeSpecification = structure(list(Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IsTunable = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), IsRequired = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DefaultValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTrainingInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportsDistributedTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingChannels = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IsRequired = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedCompressionTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedInputModes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTuningJobObjectiveMetrics = structure(list(structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ValidationSpecification = structure(list(ValidationRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(ProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobDefinition = structure(list(TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformJobDefinition = structure(list(MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AlgorithmStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmStatusDetails = structure(list(ValidationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ImageScanStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CertifyForMarketplace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_app_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_app_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastHealthCheckTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUserActivityTimestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_app_image_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_app_image_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), KernelGatewayImageConfig = structure(list(KernelSpecs = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FileSystemConfig = structure(list(MountPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), DefaultGid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_artifact_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_artifact_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceTypes = structure(list(structure(list(SourceIdType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ArtifactType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_auto_ml_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_auto_ml_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ChannelType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SampleWeightAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataSplitConfig = structure(list(ValidationFraction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CandidateGenerationConfig = structure(list(FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(structure(list(AutoMLAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PartialFailureReasons = structure(list(structure(list(PartialFailureMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), BestCandidate = structure(list(CandidateName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalAutoMLJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateSteps = structure(list(structure(list(CandidateStepType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CandidateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceContainers = structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateProperties = structure(list(CandidateArtifactLocations = structure(list(Explainability = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelInsights = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BacktestResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CandidateMetrics = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Set = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceContainerDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobSecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateCandidateDefinitionsOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), AutoMLJobArtifacts = structure(list(CandidateDefinitionNotebookLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataExplorationNotebookLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResolvedAttributes = structure(list(AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDeployConfig = structure(list(AutoGenerateEndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDeployResult = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_auto_ml_job_v2_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_auto_ml_job_v2_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobInputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLProblemTypeConfig = structure(list(ImageClassificationJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TextClassificationJobConfig = structure(list(CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentColumn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetLabelColumn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TabularJobConfig = structure(list(CandidateGenerationConfig = structure(list(AlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(structure(list(AutoMLAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateCandidateDefinitionsOnly = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SampleWeightAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TimeSeriesForecastingJobConfig = structure(list(FeatureSpecificationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ForecastFrequency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ForecastHorizon = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ForecastQuantiles = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Transformations = structure(list(Filling = structure(list(structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Aggregation = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TimeSeriesConfig = structure(list(TargetAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TimestampAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ItemIdentifierAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GroupingAttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure", union = TRUE)), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PartialFailureReasons = structure(list(structure(list(PartialFailureMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), BestCandidate = structure(list(CandidateName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalAutoMLJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateSteps = structure(list(structure(list(CandidateStepType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CandidateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceContainers = structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateProperties = structure(list(CandidateArtifactLocations = structure(list(Explainability = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelInsights = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BacktestResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CandidateMetrics = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Set = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceContainerDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobSecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDeployConfig = structure(list(AutoGenerateEndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDeployResult = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataSplitConfig = structure(list(ValidationFraction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJobArtifacts = structure(list(CandidateDefinitionNotebookLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataExplorationNotebookLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResolvedAttributes = structure(list(AutoMLJobObjective = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompletionCriteria = structure(list(MaxCandidates = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimePerTrainingJobInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxAutoMLJobRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLProblemTypeResolvedAttributes = structure(list(TabularResolvedAttributes = structure(list(ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure", union = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLProblemTypeConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_code_repository_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_code_repository_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CodeRepositoryArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), GitConfig = structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Branch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_compilation_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_compilation_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompilationEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelArtifacts = structure(list(S3ModelArtifacts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDigests = structure(list(ArtifactDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetDevice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetPlatform = structure(list(Os = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Arch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accelerator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CompilerOptions = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_context_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_context_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContextArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContextType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_data_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_data_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DataQualityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataQualityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_device_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_device_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IotThingName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RegistrationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LatestHeartbeat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Models = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LatestSampleTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LatestInference = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MaxModels = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AgentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_device_fleet_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_device_fleet_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IotRoleAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HomeEfsFileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SingleSignOnManagedApplicationInstanceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppNetworkAccessType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HomeEfsFileSystemKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(deprecated = TRUE, deprecatedMessage = "This property is deprecated, use KmsKeyId instead.", type = "string")), SubnetIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainSettings = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RStudioServerProDomainSettings = structure(list(DomainExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RStudioConnectUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RStudioPackageManagerUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppSecurityGroupManagement = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIdForDomainBoundary = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultSpaceSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_edge_deployment_plan_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_edge_deployment_plan_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(ModelHandle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentSuccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentPending = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentFailed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Stages = structure(list(structure(list(StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceSelectionConfig = structure(list(DeviceSubsetType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Percentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DeviceNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeviceNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DeploymentConfig = structure(list(FailureHandlingPolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DeploymentStatus = structure(list(StageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentSuccessInStage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentPendingInStage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentFailedInStage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentStageStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_edge_packaging_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_edge_packaging_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgePackagingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelArtifact = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelSignature = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentOutput = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Artifact = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(EnableCapture = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CaptureStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CurrentSamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastDeploymentConfig = structure(list(BlueGreenUpdatePolicy = structure(list(TrafficRoutingConfiguration = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CanarySize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LinearStepSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TerminationWaitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoRollbackConfiguration = structure(list(Alarms = structure(list(structure(list(AlarmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RollingUpdatePolicy = structure(list(MaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RollbackMaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AsyncInferenceConfig = structure(list(ClientConfig = structure(list(MaxConcurrentInvocationsPerInstance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotificationConfig = structure(list(SuccessTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IncludeInferenceResponseIn = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), S3FailurePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PendingDeploymentSummary = structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ShadowProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExplainerConfig = structure(list(ClarifyExplainerConfig = structure(list(EnableExplanations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceConfig = structure(list(FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentTemplate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxRecordCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), LabelIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShapConfig = structure(list(ShapBaselineConfig = structure(list(MimeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaseline = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaselineUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NumberOfSamples = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), UseLogit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TextConfig = structure(list(Language = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Granularity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_endpoint_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_endpoint_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialVariantWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CoreDumpConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EnableSSMAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(EnableCapture = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), InitialSamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CaptureOptions = structure(list(structure(list(CaptureMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CaptureContentTypeHeader = structure(list(CsvContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JsonContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AsyncInferenceConfig = structure(list(ClientConfig = structure(list(MaxConcurrentInvocationsPerInstance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotificationConfig = structure(list(SuccessTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ErrorTopic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IncludeInferenceResponseIn = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), S3FailurePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExplainerConfig = structure(list(ClarifyExplainerConfig = structure(list(EnableExplanations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceConfig = structure(list(FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentTemplate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxRecordCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), LabelIndex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureHeaders = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FeatureTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShapConfig = structure(list(ShapBaselineConfig = structure(list(MimeType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaseline = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShapBaselineUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NumberOfSamples = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), UseLogit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TextConfig = structure(list(Language = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Granularity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialVariantWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), AcceleratorType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CoreDumpConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelDataDownloadTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ContainerStartupHealthCheckTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EnableSSMAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_feature_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_feature_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordIdentifierFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EventTimeFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OnlineStoreConfig = structure(list(SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableOnlineStore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TtlDuration = structure(list(Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OfflineStoreConfig = structure(list(S3StorageConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedOutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DisableGlueTableCreation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DataCatalogConfig = structure(list(TableName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TableFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OfflineStoreStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BlockedReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastUpdateStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OnlineStoreTotalSizeBytes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_feature_metadata_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_feature_metadata_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_flow_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_flow_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FlowDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FlowDefinitionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), HumanLoopRequestSource = structure(list(AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanLoopActivationConfig = structure(list(HumanLoopActivationConditionsConfig = structure(list(HumanLoopActivationConditions = structure(logical(0), tags = list(jsonvalue = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanLoopConfig = structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskTimeLimitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), PublicWorkforceTaskPrice = structure(list(AmountInUsd = structure(list(Dollars = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Cents = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TenthFractionsOfACent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hub_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hub_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), S3StorageConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HubStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hub_content_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hub_content_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DocumentSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentMarkdown = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HubContentDependencies = structure(list(structure(list(DependencyOriginPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DependencyCopyPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HubContentStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_human_task_ui_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_human_task_ui_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), UiTemplate = structure(list(Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentSha256 = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobConfig = structure(list(Strategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StrategyConfig = structure(list(HyperbandStrategyConfig = structure(list(MinResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningJobObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimits = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobCompletionCriteria = structure(list(TargetObjectiveMetricValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), BestObjectiveNotImproving = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobsNotImproving = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConvergenceDetected = structure(list(CompleteOnConvergence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RandomSeed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinition = structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HyperParameterTuningJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), HyperParameterTuningEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatusCounters = structure(list(Completed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InProgress = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NonRetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Stopped = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatusCounters = structure(list(Succeeded = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Pending = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Failed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BestTrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TunedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalHyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OverallBestTrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TunedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalHyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WarmStartConfig = structure(list(ParentHyperParameterTuningJobs = structure(list(structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WarmStartType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobCompletionDetails = structure(list(NumberOfTrainingJobsObjectiveNotImproving = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ConvergenceDetectedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConsumedResources = structure(list(RuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Autotune = structure(list(Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_image_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_image_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_image_version_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Alias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_image_version_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(BaseImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VendorGuidance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MLFramework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProgrammingLang = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Processor = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Horovod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ReleaseNotes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Schedule = structure(list(StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompletionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointMetadata = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InfrastructureConfig = structure(list(InfrastructureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataStorageConfig = structure(list(Destination = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(list(CsvContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JsonContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowModeConfig = structure(list(SourceModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShadowModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ShadowModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KmsKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_inference_recommendations_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_inference_recommendations_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompletionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(ModelPackageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TrafficPattern = structure(list(TrafficType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Phases = structure(list(structure(list(InitialNumberOfUsers = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SpawnRate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Stairs = structure(list(DurationInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NumberOfSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), UsersPerStep = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimit = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTests = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelOfTests = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnvironmentParameterRanges = structure(list(CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerConfig = structure(list(Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PayloadConfig = structure(list(SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedEndpointType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingConditions = structure(list(MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatencyThresholds = structure(list(structure(list(Percentile = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FlatInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceRecommendations = structure(list(structure(list(Metrics = structure(list(CostPerHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CostPerInference = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CpuUtilization = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), MemoryUtilization = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), ModelSetupTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointConfiguration = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelConfiguration = structure(list(InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnvironmentParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RecommendationId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InvocationEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), InvocationStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EndpointPerformances = structure(list(structure(list(Metrics = structure(list(MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointInfo = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_labeling_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_labeling_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelCounters = structure(list(TotalLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), HumanLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MachineLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), FailedNonRetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Unlabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), JobReferenceCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelAttributeName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputConfig = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(ManifestS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnsDataSource = structure(list(SnsTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataAttributes = structure(list(ContentClassifiers = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SnsTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelCategoryConfigS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingConditions = structure(list(MaxHumanLabeledObjectCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPercentageOfInputDatasetLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LabelingJobAlgorithmsConfig = structure(list(LabelingJobAlgorithmSpecificationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialActiveLearningModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobResourceConfig = structure(list(VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HumanTaskConfig = structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UiConfig = structure(list(UiTemplateS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreHumanTaskLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TaskTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TaskDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberOfHumanWorkersPerDataObject = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskTimeLimitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrentTaskCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), AnnotationConsolidationConfig = structure(list(AnnotationConsolidationLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PublicWorkforceTaskPrice = structure(list(AmountInUsd = structure(list(Dollars = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Cents = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), TenthFractionsOfACent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LabelingJobOutput = structure(list(OutputDatasetS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalActiveLearningModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_lineage_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LineageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_lineage_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LineageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrimaryContainer = structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InferenceExecutionConfig = structure(list(Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DeploymentRecommendation = structure(list(RecommendationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceRecommendations = structure(list(structure(list(RecommendationId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_bias_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_bias_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelBiasBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConfigUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), GroundTruthS3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelBiasJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_card_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_card_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelCardProcessingStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_card_export_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardExportJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_card_export_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardExportJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardExportJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExportArtifacts = structure(list(S3ExportArtifacts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_explainability_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_explainability_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelExplainabilityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConfigUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelExplainabilityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SourceAlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(SourceAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(list(ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ValidationSpecification = structure(list(ValidationRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(ProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobDefinition = structure(list(MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageStatusDetails = structure(list(ValidationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ImageScanStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CertifyForMarketplace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelMetrics = structure(list(ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Bias = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ApprovalDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomerMetadataProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DriftCheckBaselines = structure(list(Bias = structure(list(ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalInferenceSpecifications = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_package_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_package_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_quality_job_definition_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_model_quality_job_definition_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelQualityBaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProblemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityJobInput = structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), GroundTruthS3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQualityJobOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JobResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleExpression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinition = structure(list(BaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringInputs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MonitoringOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastMonitoringExecutionSummary = structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubnetId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NetworkInterfaceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectInternetAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), AcceleratorTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DefaultCodeRepository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalCodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RootAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PlatformIdentifier = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration = structure(list(MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OnCreate = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OnStart = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDefinition = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastRunTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineDefinition = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_pipeline_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SelectiveExecutionConfig = structure(list(SourcePipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SelectedSteps = structure(list(structure(list(StepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_processing_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_processing_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingInputs = structure(list(structure(list(InputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), S3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DatasetDefinition = structure(list(AthenaDatasetDefinition = structure(list(Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RedshiftDatasetDefinition = structure(list(ClusterId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DbUser = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProcessingOutputConfig = structure(list(Outputs = structure(list(structure(list(OutputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureStoreOutput = structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExitMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ProcessingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_project_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_project_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails = structure(list(ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningArtifactId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PathId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails = structure(list(ProvisionedProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisionedProductStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProjectStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_space_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_space_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HomeEfsFileSystemUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceSettings = structure(list(JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_studio_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_studio_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StudioLifecycleConfigContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigAppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_subscribed_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_subscribed_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SubscribedWorkteam = structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MarketplaceTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SellerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MarketplaceDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ListingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_training_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_training_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelArtifacts = structure(list(S3ModelArtifacts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableSageMakerMetricsTimeSeries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingImageConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingRepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SecondaryStatusTransitions = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FinalMetricDataList = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Timestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BillableTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DebugHookConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HookParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CollectionConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(CollectionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CollectionParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TensorBoardOutputConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleEvaluationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusDetails = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProfilerConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilingIntervalInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ProfilingParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DisableProfiler = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProfilerRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProfilerRuleEvaluationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusDetails = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProfilingStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), WarmPoolStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceRetainedBillableTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ReusedByJob = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_transform_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_transform_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelClientConfig = structure(list(InvocationsTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InvocationsMaxRetries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateInferenceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataProcessing = structure(list(InputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JoinSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_trial_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_trial_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(PrimaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(StringValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), OutputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Metrics = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TimeStamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Max = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Min = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Last = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Count = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Avg = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StdDev = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Sources = structure(list(structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_user_profile_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_user_profile_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HomeEfsFileSystemUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SingleSignOnUserIdentifier = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SingleSignOnUserValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_workforce_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_workforce_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workforce = structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SourceIpConfig = structure(list(Cidrs = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CognitoConfig = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcConfig = structure(list(ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Issuer = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthorizationEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TokenEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserInfoEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogoutEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JwksUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), WorkforceVpcConfig = structure(list(VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$describe_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workteam = structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MemberDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(CognitoMemberDefinition = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcMemberDefinition = structure(list(Groups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductListingIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NotificationConfiguration = structure(list(NotificationTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$disassociate_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$disassociate_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_device_fleet_report_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_device_fleet_report_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ReportGenerated = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), DeviceStats = structure(list(ConnectedDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), RegisteredDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AgentVersions = structure(list(structure(list(Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AgentCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelStats = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OfflineDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ConnectedDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ActiveDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), SamplingDeviceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_lineage_group_policy_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LineageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_lineage_group_policy_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourcePolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_model_package_group_policy_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_model_package_group_policy_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourcePolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_status_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_status_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_scaling_configuration_recommendation_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceRecommendationsJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecommendationId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetCpuUtilizationPerCore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScalingPolicyObjective = structure(list(MinInvocationsPerMinute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxInvocationsPerMinute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_scaling_configuration_recommendation_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceRecommendationsJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecommendationId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TargetCpuUtilizationPerCore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScalingPolicyObjective = structure(list(MinInvocationsPerMinute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxInvocationsPerMinute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Metric = structure(list(InvocationsPerInstance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DynamicScalingConfiguration = structure(list(MinCapacity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxCapacity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScaleInCooldown = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScaleOutCooldown = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScalingPolicies = structure(list(structure(list(TargetTracking = structure(list(MetricSpecification = structure(list(Predefined = structure(list(PredefinedMetricType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Customized = structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Namespace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Statistic = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure", union = TRUE)), TargetValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure", union = TRUE))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_search_suggestions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Resource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SuggestionQuery = structure(list(PropertyNameQuery = structure(list(PropertyNameHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$get_search_suggestions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PropertyNameSuggestions = structure(list(structure(list(PropertyName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$import_hub_content_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DocumentSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentMarkdown = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDocument = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$import_hub_content_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_actions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_actions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ActionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ActionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_algorithms_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_algorithms_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AlgorithmSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AlgorithmStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_aliases_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Alias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_aliases_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SageMakerImageVersionAliases = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_app_image_configs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_app_image_configs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppImageConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(AppImageConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), KernelGatewayImageConfig = structure(list(KernelSpecs = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FileSystemConfig = structure(list(MountPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), DefaultGid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_apps_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainIdEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileNameEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceNameEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_apps_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Apps = structure(list(structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_artifacts_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ArtifactType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_artifacts_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ArtifactName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceTypes = structure(list(structure(list(SourceIdType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ArtifactType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_associations_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssociationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_associations_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AssociationSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssociationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_auto_ml_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_auto_ml_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobSecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PartialFailureReasons = structure(list(structure(list(PartialFailureMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_candidates_for_auto_ml_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateNameEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_candidates_for_auto_ml_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Candidates = structure(list(structure(list(CandidateName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalAutoMLJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateSteps = structure(list(structure(list(CandidateStepType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateStepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CandidateStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceContainers = structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CandidateProperties = structure(list(CandidateArtifactLocations = structure(list(Explainability = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelInsights = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BacktestResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CandidateMetrics = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Set = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StandardMetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InferenceContainerDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(structure(list(Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_code_repositories_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_code_repositories_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositorySummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CodeRepositoryArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), GitConfig = structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Branch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_compilation_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_compilation_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompilationStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompilationEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompilationTargetDevice = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationTargetPlatformOs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationTargetPlatformArch = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationTargetPlatformAccelerator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompilationJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_contexts_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContextType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_contexts_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ContextArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContextType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_data_quality_job_definitions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_data_quality_job_definitions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_device_fleets_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_device_fleets_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(DeviceFleetArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_devices_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), LatestHeartbeatAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_devices_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IotThingName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RegistrationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LatestHeartbeat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Models = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AgentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_domains_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_domains_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Domains = structure(list(structure(list(DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_edge_deployment_plans_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_edge_deployment_plans_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentSuccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentPending = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentFailed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_edge_packaging_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_edge_packaging_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgePackagingJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(EdgePackagingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgePackagingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_endpoint_configs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_endpoint_configs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_endpoints_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_endpoints_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Endpoints = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_experiments_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_experiments_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentSource = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_feature_groups_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupStatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OfflineStoreStatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_feature_groups_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FeatureGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OfflineStoreStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BlockedReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_flow_definitions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_flow_definitions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FlowDefinitionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(FlowDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FlowDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FlowDefinitionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hub_content_versions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hub_content_versions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubContentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DocumentSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HubContentStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hub_contents_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hub_contents_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubContentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(HubContentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DocumentSchemaVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubContentSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HubContentStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hubs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hubs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HubStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_human_task_uis_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_human_task_uis_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HumanTaskUiSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(HumanTaskUiName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Strategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), HyperParameterTuningEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatusCounters = structure(list(Completed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InProgress = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NonRetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Stopped = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatusCounters = structure(list(Succeeded = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Pending = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Failed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimits = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_image_versions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_image_versions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageVersions = structure(list(structure(list(CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_images_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_images_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Images = structure(list(structure(list(CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_experiments_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_experiments_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperiments = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Schedule = structure(list(StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompletionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_recommendations_job_steps_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_recommendations_job_steps_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Steps = structure(list(structure(list(StepType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceBenchmark = structure(list(Metrics = structure(list(CostPerHour = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CostPerInference = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CpuUtilization = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), MemoryUtilization = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), ModelSetupTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointConfiguration = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InitialInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelConfiguration = structure(list(InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnvironmentParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointMetrics = structure(list(MaxInvocations = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelLatency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InvocationEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), InvocationStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_recommendations_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelNameEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersionArnEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_inference_recommendations_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceRecommendationsJobs = structure(list(structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CompletionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_labeling_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_labeling_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LabelingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelCounters = structure(list(TotalLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), HumanLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MachineLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), FailedNonRetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Unlabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PreHumanTaskLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AnnotationConsolidationLambdaArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobOutput = structure(list(OutputDatasetS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalActiveLearningModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), InputConfig = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(ManifestS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SnsDataSource = structure(list(SnsTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DataAttributes = structure(list(ContentClassifiers = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_labeling_jobs_for_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), JobReferenceCodeContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_labeling_jobs_for_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobReferenceCode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkRequesterAccountId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LabelCounters = structure(list(HumanLabeled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), PendingHuman = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Total = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NumberOfHumanWorkersPerDataObject = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_lineage_groups_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_lineage_groups_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LineageGroupSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LineageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_bias_job_definitions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_bias_job_definitions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_card_export_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelCardExportJobNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_card_export_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardExportJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ModelCardExportJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardExportJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CreatedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedAt = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_card_versions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_card_versions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardVersionSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_cards_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_cards_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_explainability_job_definitions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_explainability_job_definitions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_metadata_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SearchExpression = structure(list(Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_metadata_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelMetadataSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Model = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_package_groups_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_package_groups_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelPackageGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_packages_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_packages_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_quality_job_definitions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_model_quality_job_definitions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobDefinitionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_models_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_models_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Models = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_alert_history_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_alert_history_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringAlertHistory = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AlertStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_alerts_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_alerts_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringAlertSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AlertStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatapointsToAlert = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EvaluationPeriod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Actions = structure(list(ModelDashboardIndicator = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_executions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ScheduledTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ScheduledTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringTypeEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_executions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringExecutionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_schedules_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringTypeEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_monitoring_schedules_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_notebook_instances_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultCodeRepositoryContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalCodeRepositoryEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_notebook_instances_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstances = structure(list(structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotebookInstanceStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Url = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultCodeRepository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalCodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_execution_steps_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_execution_steps_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionSteps = structure(list(structure(list(StepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StepStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CacheHitResult = structure(list(SourcePipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AttemptCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Metadata = structure(list(TrainingJob = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJob = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformJob = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TuningJob = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Model = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RegisterModel = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Condition = structure(list(Outcome = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Callback = structure(list(CallbackToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SqsQueueUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Lambda = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), QualityCheck = structure(list(CheckType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BaselineUsedForDriftCheckStatistics = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BaselineUsedForDriftCheckConstraints = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CalculatedBaselineStatistics = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CalculatedBaselineConstraints = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ViolationReport = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CheckJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SkipCheck = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), RegisterNewBaseline = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ClarifyCheck = structure(list(CheckType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BaselineUsedForDriftCheckConstraints = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CalculatedBaselineConstraints = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ViolationReport = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CheckJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SkipCheck = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), RegisterNewBaseline = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EMR = structure(list(ClusterId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogFilePath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Fail = structure(list(ErrorMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoMLJob = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SelectiveExecutionResult = structure(list(SourcePipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_executions_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_executions_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), PipelineExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionFailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipelines_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineNamePrefix = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_pipelines_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastExecutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_processing_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_processing_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ProcessingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ProcessingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExitMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_projects_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_projects_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectSummaryList = structure(list(structure(list(ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ProjectStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_resource_catalogs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_resource_catalogs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceCatalogs = structure(list(structure(list(ResourceCatalogArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceCatalogName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_spaces_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainIdEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_spaces_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Spaces = structure(list(structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_stage_devices_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExcludeDevicesDeployedInOtherStage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_stage_devices_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceDeploymentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedStageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceDeploymentStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeviceDeploymentStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeploymentStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_studio_lifecycle_configs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppTypeEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_studio_lifecycle_configs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(StudioLifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StudioLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StudioLifecycleConfigAppType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_subscribed_workteams_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_subscribed_workteams_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SubscribedWorkteams = structure(list(structure(list(WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MarketplaceTitle = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SellerName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MarketplaceDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ListingId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_tags_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ResourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_tags_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_training_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmPoolStatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_training_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WarmPoolStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourceRetainedBillableTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ReusedByJob = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TrainingJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TunedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalHyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_transform_jobs_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CreationTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTimeBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_transform_jobs_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_trial_components_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_trial_components_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentSource = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(PrimaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_trials_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_trials_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialSource = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_user_profiles_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainIdEquals = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileNameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_user_profiles_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UserProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_workforces_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_workforces_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workforces = structure(list(structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SourceIpConfig = structure(list(Cidrs = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CognitoConfig = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcConfig = structure(list(ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Issuer = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthorizationEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TokenEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserInfoEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogoutEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JwksUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), WorkforceVpcConfig = structure(list(VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_workteams_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NameContains = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$list_workteams_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workteams = structure(list(structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MemberDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(CognitoMemberDefinition = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcMemberDefinition = structure(list(Groups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductListingIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NotificationConfiguration = structure(list(NotificationTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$put_model_package_group_policy_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResourcePolicy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$put_model_package_group_policy_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$query_lineage_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(StartArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Direction = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IncludeEdges = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Filters = structure(list(Types = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LineageTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreatedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedBefore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModifiedAfter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MaxDepth = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$query_lineage_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Vertices = structure(list(structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LineageType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Edges = structure(list(structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DestinationArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssociationType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$register_devices_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Devices = structure(list(structure(list(DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IotThingName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$register_devices_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$render_ui_template_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UiTemplate = structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Task = structure(list(Input = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HumanTaskUiArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$render_ui_template_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(RenderedContent = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Errors = structure(list(structure(list(Code = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$retry_pipeline_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$retry_pipeline_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$search_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Resource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SearchExpression = structure(list(Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Operator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NestedFilters = structure(list(structure(list(NestedPropertyName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Filters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Operator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SubExpressions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Operator = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SortBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SortOrder = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxResults = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), CrossAccountFilterOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$search_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Results = structure(list(structure(list(TrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelArtifacts = structure(list(S3ModelArtifacts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableSageMakerMetricsTimeSeries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingImageConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingRepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SecondaryStatusTransitions = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FinalMetricDataList = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Timestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BillableTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DebugHookConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HookParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CollectionConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(CollectionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CollectionParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TensorBoardOutputConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleEvaluationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusDetails = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProfilerConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilingIntervalInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ProfilingParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DisableProfiler = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Experiment = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Trial = structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrialComponentSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentSource = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrialComponent = structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Source = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(list(PrimaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(StringValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), OutputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), Metrics = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TimeStamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Max = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Min = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Last = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), Count = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Avg = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StdDev = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SourceDetail = structure(list(SourceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelArtifacts = structure(list(S3ModelArtifacts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecondaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableSageMakerMetricsTimeSeries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TrainingImageConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingRepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(TrainingRepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SecondaryStatusTransitions = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FinalMetricDataList = structure(list(structure(list(MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), Timestamp = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BillableTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DebugHookConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HookParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CollectionConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(CollectionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CollectionParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TensorBoardOutputConfig = structure(list(LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DebugRuleEvaluationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusDetails = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProfilerConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilingIntervalInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ProfilingParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DisableProfiler = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJob = structure(list(ProcessingInputs = structure(list(structure(list(InputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), S3Input = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DatasetDefinition = structure(list(AthenaDatasetDefinition = structure(list(Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RedshiftDatasetDefinition = structure(list(ClusterId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DbUser = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), QueryString = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClusterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputCompression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ProcessingOutputConfig = structure(list(Outputs = structure(list(structure(list(OutputName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureStoreOutput = structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppManaged = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExitMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ProcessingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformJob = structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelClientConfig = structure(list(InvocationsTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InvocationsMaxRetries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataProcessing = structure(list(InputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JoinSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateInferenceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LineageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Parents = structure(list(structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Endpoint = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(EnableCapture = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CaptureStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CurrentSamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleExpression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinition = structure(list(BaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringInputs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MonitoringOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastMonitoringExecutionSummary = structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ShadowProductionVariants = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DeployedImages = structure(list(structure(list(SpecifiedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolutionTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), CurrentInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VariantStatus = structure(list(structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CurrentServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DesiredServerlessConfig = structure(list(MemorySizeInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackage = structure(list(ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), InferenceSpecification = structure(list(Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SourceAlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(SourceAlgorithms = structure(list(structure(list(ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ValidationSpecification = structure(list(ValidationRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValidationProfiles = structure(list(structure(list(ProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobDefinition = structure(list(MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageStatusDetails = structure(list(ValidationStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ImageScanStatuses = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CertifyForMarketplace = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MetadataProperties = structure(list(CommitId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Repository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GeneratedBy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelMetrics = structure(list(ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Bias = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingReport = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Report = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ApprovalDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Domain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Task = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplePayloadUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalInferenceSpecifications = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CustomerMetadataProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DriftCheckBaselines = structure(list(Bias = structure(list(ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PreTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PostTrainingConstraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Explainability = structure(list(Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConfigFile = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataQuality = structure(list(Statistics = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Constraints = structure(list(ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageGroup = structure(list(ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelPackageGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Pipeline = structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastRunTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PipelineExecution = structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PipelineParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SelectiveExecutionConfig = structure(list(SourcePipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SelectedSteps = structure(list(structure(list(StepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureGroup = structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordIdentifierFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EventTimeFeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), OnlineStoreConfig = structure(list(SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableOnlineStore = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), TtlDuration = structure(list(Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OfflineStoreConfig = structure(list(S3StorageConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ResolvedOutputS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DisableGlueTableCreation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DataCatalogConfig = structure(list(TableName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Catalog = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Database = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TableFormat = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OfflineStoreStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), BlockedReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastUpdateStatus = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Project = structure(list(ProjectArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ServiceCatalogProvisioningDetails = structure(list(ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningArtifactId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PathId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ServiceCatalogProvisionedProductDetails = structure(list(ProvisionedProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisionedProductStatusMessage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProjectStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FeatureMetadata = structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningJob = structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HyperParameterTuningJobConfig = structure(list(Strategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StrategyConfig = structure(list(HyperbandStrategyConfig = structure(list(MinResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxResource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningJobObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceLimits = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxParallelTrainingJobs = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobCompletionCriteria = structure(list(TargetObjectiveMetricValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), BestObjectiveNotImproving = structure(list(MaxNumberOfTrainingJobsNotImproving = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConvergenceDetected = structure(list(CompleteOnConvergence = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RandomSeed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinition = structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TrainingJobDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(DefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningObjective = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterRanges = structure(list(IntegerParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContinuousParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MinValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScalingType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CategoricalParameterRanges = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Values = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AutoParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ValueHint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StaticHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), AlgorithmSpecification = structure(list(TrainingImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingInputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AlgorithmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Regex = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputDataConfig = structure(list(structure(list(ChannelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AttributeNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InstanceGroupNames = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FileSystemDataSource = structure(list(FileSystemId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FileSystemType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DirectoryPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RecordWrapperType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShuffleConfig = structure(list(Seed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OutputDataConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceGroups = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaxWaitTimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableManagedSpotTraining = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), CheckpointConfig = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetryStrategy = structure(list(MaximumRetryAttempts = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), HyperParameterTuningResourceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AllocationStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceConfigs = structure(list(structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), HyperParameterTuningJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), HyperParameterTuningEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatusCounters = structure(list(Completed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InProgress = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), NonRetryableError = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Stopped = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatusCounters = structure(list(Succeeded = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Pending = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Failed = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BestTrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TunedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalHyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OverallBestTrainingJob = structure(list(TrainingJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TrainingJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TunedHyperParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FinalHyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveMetric = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MetricName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ObjectiveStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WarmStartConfig = structure(list(ParentHyperParameterTuningJobs = structure(list(structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WarmStartType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), TuningJobCompletionDetails = structure(list(NumberOfTrainingJobsObjectiveNotImproving = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ConvergenceDetectedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ConsumedResources = structure(list(RuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Model = structure(list(Model = structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrimaryContainer = structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageConfig = structure(list(RepositoryAccessMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RepositoryAuthConfig = structure(list(RepositoryCredentialsProviderArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelPackageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceSpecificationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MultiModelConfig = structure(list(ModelCacheSetting = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelDataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InferenceExecutionConfig = structure(list(Mode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), ModelArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeploymentRecommendation = structure(list(RecommendationStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceRecommendations = structure(list(structure(list(RecommendationId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Endpoints = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndpointStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LastBatchTransformJob = structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TransformJobStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MaxConcurrentTransforms = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelClientConfig = structure(list(InvocationsTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InvocationsMaxRetries = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MaxPayloadInMB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), BatchStrategy = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), TransformInput = structure(list(DataSource = structure(list(S3DataSource = structure(list(S3DataType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ContentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CompressionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SplitType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformOutput = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Accept = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AssembleWith = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TransformResources = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformStartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), TransformEndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LabelingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AutoMLJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DataProcessing = structure(list(InputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputFilter = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JoinSource = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExperimentConfig = structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TrialComponentDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RunName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataCaptureConfig = structure(list(DestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GenerateInferenceId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringSchedules = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleExpression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinition = structure(list(BaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringInputs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MonitoringOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringAlertSummaries = structure(list(structure(list(MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), AlertStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatapointsToAlert = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EvaluationPeriod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Actions = structure(list(ModelDashboardIndicator = structure(list(Enabled = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LastMonitoringExecutionSummary = structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ScheduledTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), MonitoringExecutionStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProcessingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelCard = structure(list(ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RiskRating = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelCard = structure(list(ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelCardVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityConfig = structure(list(KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreationTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), CreatedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LastModifiedTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastModifiedBy = structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IamIdentity = structure(list(Arn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PrincipalId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIdentity = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ModelId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RiskRating = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelPackageGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), NextToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$send_pipeline_execution_step_failure_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CallbackToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$send_pipeline_execution_step_failure_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$send_pipeline_execution_step_success_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CallbackToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$send_pipeline_execution_step_success_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_edge_deployment_stage_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_edge_deployment_stage_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$start_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$start_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$start_pipeline_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), PipelineExecutionDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SelectiveExecutionConfig = structure(list(SourcePipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SelectedSteps = structure(list(structure(list(StepName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$start_pipeline_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_auto_ml_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AutoMLJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_auto_ml_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_compilation_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CompilationJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_compilation_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_edge_deployment_stage_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgeDeploymentPlanName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), StageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_edge_deployment_stage_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_edge_packaging_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EdgePackagingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_edge_packaging_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HyperParameterTuningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVariantActions = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DesiredModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InfrastructureConfig = structure(list(InfrastructureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DesiredState = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Reason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_inference_recommendations_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(JobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_inference_recommendations_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_labeling_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(LabelingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_labeling_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_pipeline_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientRequestToken = structure(logical(0), tags = list(idempotencyToken = TRUE, type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_pipeline_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_processing_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProcessingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_processing_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_training_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_training_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$stop_transform_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TransformJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$stop_transform_job_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$update_action_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), PropertiesToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_action_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ActionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_app_image_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KernelGatewayImageConfig = structure(list(KernelSpecs = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), FileSystemConfig = structure(list(MountPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), DefaultGid = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_app_image_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(AppImageConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_artifact_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ArtifactName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), PropertiesToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_artifact_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ArtifactArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_code_repository_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), GitConfig = structure(list(SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_code_repository_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(CodeRepositoryArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_context_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Properties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), PropertiesToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_context_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ContextArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_device_fleet_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OutputConfig = structure(list(S3OutputLocation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PresetDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), EnableIotRoleAlias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_device_fleet_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$update_devices_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeviceFleetName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Devices = structure(list(structure(list(DeviceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), IotThingName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_devices_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$update_domain_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultUserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DomainSettingsForUpdate = structure(list(RStudioServerProDomainSettingsForUpdate = structure(list(DomainExecutionRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioConnectUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RStudioPackageManagerUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), DefaultSpaceSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AppSecurityGroupManagement = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_domain_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_endpoint_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndpointConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RetainAllVariantProperties = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ExcludeRetainedVariantProperties = structure(list(structure(list(VariantPropertyType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DeploymentConfig = structure(list(BlueGreenUpdatePolicy = structure(list(TrafficRoutingConfiguration = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), CanarySize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LinearStepSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TerminationWaitInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), AutoRollbackConfiguration = structure(list(Alarms = structure(list(structure(list(AlarmName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RollingUpdatePolicy = structure(list(MaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WaitIntervalInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), MaximumExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RollbackMaximumBatchSize = structure(list(Type = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RetainDeploymentConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_endpoint_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DesiredWeightsAndCapacities = structure(list(structure(list(VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DesiredWeight = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "float")), DesiredInstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ServerlessUpdateConfig = structure(list(MaxConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), ProvisionedConcurrency = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(EndpointArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_feature_group_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureAdditions = structure(list(structure(list(FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OnlineStoreConfig = structure(list(TtlDuration = structure(list(Unit = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_feature_group_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_feature_metadata_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(FeatureGroupName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeatureName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ParameterAdditions = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ParameterRemovals = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_feature_metadata_output <- function(...) {

.sagemaker$update_hub_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), HubSearchKeywords = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_hub_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(HubArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_image_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DeleteProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_image_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_image_version_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Alias = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Version = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), AliasesToAdd = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AliasesToDelete = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VendorGuidance = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JobType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MLFramework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProgrammingLang = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Processor = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Horovod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), ReleaseNotes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_image_version_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_inference_experiment_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Schedule = structure(list(StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InfrastructureConfig = structure(list(InfrastructureType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RealTimeInferenceConfig = structure(list(InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DataStorageConfig = structure(list(Destination = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), KmsKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContentType = structure(list(CsvContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), JsonContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ShadowModeConfig = structure(list(SourceModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ShadowModelVariants = structure(list(structure(list(ShadowModelVariantName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SamplingPercentage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_inference_experiment_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(InferenceExperimentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_model_card_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), ModelCardStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_model_card_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelCardArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_model_package_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelApprovalStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ApprovalDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CustomerMetadataProperties = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), CustomerMetadataPropertiesToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AdditionalInferenceSpecificationsToAdd = structure(list(structure(list(Name = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Containers = structure(list(structure(list(ContainerHostname = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Image = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageDigest = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ModelDataUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ModelInput = structure(list(DataInputConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Framework = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FrameworkVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NearestModelName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedTransformInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedRealtimeInferenceInstanceTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedContentTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SupportedResponseMIMETypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_model_package_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ModelPackageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_monitoring_alert_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatapointsToAlert = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), EvaluationPeriod = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_monitoring_alert_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringAlertName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_monitoring_schedule_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleConfig = structure(list(ScheduleExpression = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinition = structure(list(BaselineConfig = structure(list(BaseliningJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ConstraintsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StatisticsResource = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringInputs = structure(list(structure(list(EndpointInput = structure(list(EndpointName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), BatchTransformInput = structure(list(DataCapturedDestinationS3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DatasetFormat = structure(list(Csv = structure(list(Header = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Json = structure(list(Line = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Parquet = structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3InputMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3DataDistributionType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FeaturesAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InferenceAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProbabilityThresholdAttribute = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double")), StartTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), EndTimeOffset = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), MonitoringOutputConfig = structure(list(MonitoringOutputs = structure(list(structure(list(S3Output = structure(list(S3Uri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3UploadMode = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringResources = structure(list(ClusterConfig = structure(list(InstanceCount = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), VolumeKmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringAppSpecification = structure(list(ImageUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ContainerEntrypoint = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ContainerArguments = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), RecordPreprocessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StoppingCondition = structure(list(MaxRuntimeInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Environment = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), NetworkConfig = structure(list(EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), EnableNetworkIsolation = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VpcConfig = structure(list(SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), MonitoringJobDefinitionName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MonitoringType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_monitoring_schedule_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(MonitoringScheduleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_notebook_instance_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisassociateLifecycleConfig = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), DefaultCodeRepository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AdditionalCodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), AcceleratorTypes = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), DisassociateAcceleratorTypes = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DisassociateDefaultCodeRepository = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), DisassociateAdditionalCodeRepositories = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean")), RootAccess = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration = structure(list(MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_notebook_instance_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), OnCreate = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OnStart = structure(list(structure(list(Content = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_pipeline_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDefinition = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineDefinitionS3Location = structure(list(Bucket = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ObjectKey = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VersionId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), PipelineDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_pipeline_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_pipeline_execution_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), PipelineExecutionDisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ParallelismConfiguration = structure(list(MaxParallelExecutionSteps = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_pipeline_execution_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(PipelineExecutionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_project_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProjectDescription = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ServiceCatalogProvisioningUpdateDetails = structure(list(ProvisioningArtifactId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProvisioningParameters = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Tags = structure(list(structure(list(Key = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_project_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(ProjectArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_space_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SpaceSettings = structure(list(JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_space_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(SpaceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_training_job_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilerConfig = structure(list(S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProfilingIntervalInMilliseconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "long")), ProfilingParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map")), DisableProfiler = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "boolean"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ProfilerRuleConfigurations = structure(list(structure(list(RuleConfigurationName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LocalPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), RuleEvaluatorImage = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), VolumeSizeInGB = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer")), RuleParameters = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "map"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), ResourceConfig = structure(list(KeepAlivePeriodInSeconds = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "integer"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_training_job_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrainingJobArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_trial_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_trial_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_trial_component_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), DisplayName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(list(PrimaryStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Message = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), StartTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), EndTime = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), Parameters = structure(list(structure(list(StringValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NumberValue = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "double"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), ParametersToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), InputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), InputArtifactsToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), OutputArtifacts = structure(list(structure(list(MediaType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Value = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "map")), OutputArtifactsToRemove = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_trial_component_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(TrialComponentArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_user_profile_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(DomainId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserProfileName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserSettings = structure(list(ExecutionRole = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), SharingSettings = structure(list(NotebookOutputOption = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3OutputPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), JupyterServerAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), CodeRepositories = structure(list(structure(list(RepositoryUrl = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), KernelGatewayAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), LifecycleConfigArns = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), TensorBoardAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RStudioServerProAppSettings = structure(list(AccessStatus = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), RSessionAppSettings = structure(list(DefaultResourceSpec = structure(list(SageMakerImageArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SageMakerImageVersionArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), InstanceType = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LifecycleConfigArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CustomImages = structure(list(structure(list(ImageName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ImageVersionNumber = structure(logical(0), tags = list(box = TRUE, type = "integer")), AppImageConfigName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CanvasAppSettings = structure(list(TimeSeriesForecastingSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AmazonForecastRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), ModelRegisterSettings = structure(list(Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkspaceSettings = structure(list(S3ArtifactPath = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), S3KmsKeyId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), IdentityProviderOAuthSettings = structure(list(structure(list(DataSourceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecretArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_user_profile_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(UserProfileArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_workforce_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SourceIpConfig = structure(list(Cidrs = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcConfig = structure(list(ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientSecret = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string", sensitive = TRUE)), Issuer = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthorizationEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TokenEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserInfoEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogoutEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JwksUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), WorkforceVpcConfig = structure(list(VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_workforce_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workforce = structure(list(WorkforceName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), SourceIpConfig = structure(list(Cidrs = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CognitoConfig = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcConfig = structure(list(ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), Issuer = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), AuthorizationEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), TokenEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserInfoEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), LogoutEndpoint = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), JwksUri = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), WorkforceVpcConfig = structure(list(VpcId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SecurityGroupIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Subnets = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), VpcEndpointId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), Status = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), FailureReason = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_workteam_input <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MemberDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(CognitoMemberDefinition = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcMemberDefinition = structure(list(Groups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), NotificationConfiguration = structure(list(NotificationTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

.sagemaker$update_workteam_output <- function(...) {
  args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  shape <- structure(list(Workteam = structure(list(WorkteamName = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), MemberDefinitions = structure(list(structure(list(CognitoMemberDefinition = structure(list(UserPool = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), UserGroup = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ClientId = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure")), OidcMemberDefinition = structure(list(Groups = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "list")), WorkteamArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), WorkforceArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), ProductListingIds = structure(list(structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "list")), Description = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), SubDomain = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string")), CreateDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), LastUpdatedDate = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "timestamp")), NotificationConfiguration = structure(list(NotificationTopicArn = structure(logical(0), tags = list(type = "string"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))), tags = list(type = "structure"))
  return(populate(args, shape))

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paws.machine.learning documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 1:14 a.m.