
Defines functions descentPaths commonDescendants descendants commonAncestors ancestors nephews_nieces cousins siblings grandparents parents unrelated spouses children mother father untypedMembers typedMembers females males leaves nonfounders founders

Documented in ancestors children commonAncestors commonDescendants descendants descentPaths father females founders grandparents leaves males mother nephews_nieces nonfounders parents siblings spouses typedMembers unrelated untypedMembers

#' Pedigree subgroups
#' A collection of utility functions for identifying pedigree members with
#' certain properties.
#' @param x A [ped()] object or a list of such.
#' @param id,ids A character (or coercible to such) with one or several ID
#'   labels.
#' @param inclusive A logical indicating whether an individual should be counted
#'   among his or her own ancestors/descendants
#' @param internal A logical indicating whether `id` (or `ids`) refers to the
#'   internal order.
#' @param degree,removal Non-negative integers.
#' @param half a logical or NA. If TRUE (resp. FALSE), only half (resp. full)
#'   siblings/cousins/nephews/nieces are returned. If NA, both categories are
#'   included.
#' @return The functions `founders`, `nonfounders`, `males`, `females`, `leaves`
#' each return a vector containing the IDs of all pedigree members with the
#' wanted property. (Recall that a founder is a member without parents in the
#' pedigree, and that a leaf is a member without children in the pedigree.)
#' The functions `father`, `mother`, `cousins`, `grandparents`,
#' `nephews_nieces`, `children`, `parents`, `siblings`, `spouses`, `unrelated`,
#' each returns a vector containing the IDs of all pedigree members having the
#' specified relationship with `id`.
#' The commands `ancestors(x, id)` and `descendants(x, id)` return vectors
#' containing the IDs of all ancestors (resp. descendants) of the individual
#' `id` within the pedigree `x`. If `inclusive = TRUE`, `id` is included in the
#' output, otherwise not.
#' For `commonAncestors(x, ids)` and `commonDescendants(x, ids)`, the output is
#' a vector containing the IDs of common ancestors (descendants) to all of
#' `ids`.
#' Finally, `descentPaths(x, ids)` returns a list of lists, containing all
#' pedigree paths descending from each individual in `ids` (by default all
#' founders).

#' @author Magnus Dehli Vigeland
#' @examples
#' x = ped(id = 2:9,
#'          fid = c(0,0,2,0,4,4,0,2),
#'          mid = c(0,0,3,0,5,5,0,8),
#'          sex = c(1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2))
#' spouses(x, id = 2) # 3, 8
#' children(x, 2)     # 4, 9
#' descendants(x, 2)  # 4, 6, 7, 9
#' siblings(x, 4)     # 9 (full or half)
#' unrelated(x, 4)    # 5, 8
#' father(x, 4)       # 2
#' mother(x, 4)       # 3
#' siblings(x, 4, half = FALSE) # none
#' siblings(x, 4, half = TRUE)  # 9
#' leaves(x)          # 6, 7, 9
#' founders(x)        # 2, 3, 5, 8
#' @name ped_subgroups

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
founders = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, founders, internal = FALSE))))

  isFOU = x$FIDX == 0
  if (internal) which(isFOU) else labels.ped(x)[isFOU]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
nonfounders = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, nonfounders, internal = FALSE))))

  isNF = x$FIDX > 0
  if(internal) which(isNF) else labels.ped(x)[isNF]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
leaves = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, leaves, internal = FALSE))))

  lvs = if(is.singleton(x)) 1L else (1:pedsize(x))[-c(x$FIDX, x$MIDX)]
  if(internal) lvs else labels.ped(x)[lvs]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
males = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, males, internal = FALSE))))

  m = x$SEX == 1
  if(internal) which(m) else labels.ped(x)[m]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
females = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, females, internal = FALSE))))

  f = x$SEX == 2
  if(internal) which(f) else labels.ped(x)[f]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
typedMembers = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, typedMembers, internal = FALSE))))

  nMark = nMarkers(x)
  labs = x$ID
  if(nMark == 0)
    return(if(internal) integer(0) else character(0))

  allelematrix = unlist(x$MARKERS)
  typed = .rowSums(allelematrix, m = length(labs), n = 2*nMark) > 0

  # dim(allelematrix) = c(pedsize(x), 2*nMark)
  # typed = rowSums(allelematrix) > 0

  if(internal) which(typed) else labs[typed]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
untypedMembers = function(x, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    return(unname(unlist(lapply(x, untypedMembers, internal = FALSE))))

  nMark = nMarkers(x)
  labs = x$ID
  if(nMark == 0)
    return(if(internal) seq_along(labs) else labs)

  allelematrix = unlist(x$MARKERS)
  untyped = .rowSums(allelematrix, m = length(labs), n = 2*nMark) == 0

  # dim(allelematrix) = c(pedsize(x), 2*nMark)
  # untyped = rowSums(allelematrix) == 0

  if(internal) which(untyped) else labs[untyped]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
father = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(father(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  fa = x$FIDX[id]
  if(internal) fa else labels.ped(x)[fa]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
mother = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(mother(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  mo = x$MIDX[id]
  if(internal) mo else labels.ped(x)[mo]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
children = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(length(id) != 1)
    stop2("`id` must have length 1")

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(children(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  ch = (x$FIDX == id | x$MIDX == id)
  if(internal) which(ch) else labels.ped(x)[ch]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
offspring = children

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
spouses = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(length(id) != 1)
    stop2("`id` must have length 1")

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(spouses(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE))

  # Returns a vector containing all individuals sharing offspring with <id>.
    id = internalID(x, id)

  spous = switch(x$SEX[id] + 1,
                c(x$MIDX[x$FIDX == id], x$FIDX[x$MIDX == id]), # sex = 0
                x$MIDX[x$FIDX == id],                        # sex = 1
                x$FIDX[x$MIDX == id])                        # sex = 2
  spous_uniq = unique.default(spous)
  if(internal) spous_uniq else labels.ped(x)[spous_uniq]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
unrelated = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(length(id) != 1)
    stop2("`id` must have length 1")

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    unr = unrelated(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE)

    # Add indivs from all other comps
    unr = c(unr, unname(unlist(labels(x[-comp]))))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  ancs = ancestors(x, id, inclusive = TRUE, internal = TRUE)
  rel = lapply(ancs, function(a) descendants(x, a, inclusive = TRUE, internal = TRUE))
  unrel = setdiff(1:pedsize(x), unlist(rel))

  if(internal) unrel else labels.ped(x)[unrel]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
parents = function(x, id, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(parents(x[[comp]], id, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  par = c(x$FIDX[id], x$MIDX[id])
  if(internal) par else labels.ped(x)[par]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
grandparents = function(x, id, degree = 2, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(grandparents(x[[comp]], id, degree = degree, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  nextgen = id
  for(i in seq_len(degree))
    nextgen = c(x$FIDX[nextgen], x$MIDX[nextgen])

  if(internal) nextgen else labels.ped(x)[nextgen]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
siblings = function(x, id, half = NA, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")
    comp = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    return(siblings(x[[comp]], id, half = half, internal = FALSE))

    id = internalID(x, id)

  fa = x$FIDX[id]
  mo = x$MIDX[id]
  if(fa == 0 && mo == 0)
    return(if(internal) integer(0) else character(0))

  samefather = x$FIDX == fa
  samemother = x$MIDX == mo

  sib =
    if(isTRUE(half)) xor(samefather, samemother)   # half only
    else if(isFALSE(half)) samefather & samemother # full only
    else if(is.na(half)) samefather | samemother   # either
  sib[id] = FALSE
  if(internal) which(sib) else labels.ped(x)[sib]

# TODO: Review this before re-export
cousins = function(x, id, degree = 1, removal = 0, half = NA, internal = FALSE) {
  if (!internal)  id = internalID(x, id)
  gp = grandparents(x, id, degree = degree, internal = TRUE)
  gp = gp[gp > 0]
  if(length(gp) == 0)
    return(if(internal) integer(0) else character(0))

  uncles = unique.default(unlist(lapply(gp, function(a)
    siblings(x, a, half = half, internal = TRUE))))

  cous = uncles
  for (i in seq_len(degree + removal))
    cous = unique.default(unlist(lapply(cous, children, x = x, internal = TRUE)))

  if (internal) cous else labels.ped(x)[cous]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
nephews_nieces = function(x, id, removal = 1, half = NA, internal = FALSE) {
    cousins(x, id, degree = 0, removal = removal, half = half, internal = internal)

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
ancestors = function(x, id, inclusive = FALSE, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")

    comps = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    ancList = lapply(unique.default(comps), function(co) {
      idsComp = id[comps == co]
      ancestors(x[[co]], idsComp, inclusive = inclusive, internal = FALSE)

  # climbs upwards storing parents iteratively. (Not documented: Accepts id of length > 1)
    id = internalID(x, id)

  ancest = if(inclusive) id else integer(0)

  up1 = c(FIDX[id], MIDX[id])
  up1 = up1[up1 > 0]
  while (length(up1)) {
    ancest = c(ancest, up1)
    up1 = c(FIDX[up1], MIDX[up1])
    up1 = up1[up1 > 0]
  ancest = .mysortInt(unique.default(ancest))
  if(internal) ancest else labels.ped(x)[ancest]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
commonAncestors = function(x, ids, inclusive = FALSE, internal = FALSE) {
  if(length(ids) < 2)
    stop2("Argument `ids` must have length at least 2")

  anc = ancestors(x, ids[1], inclusive = inclusive, internal = internal)
  for(id in ids[-1]) {
    if(length(anc) == 0)
    newanc = ancestors(x, id, inclusive = inclusive, internal = internal)
    anc = .myintersect(anc, newanc)


#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
descendants = function(x, id, inclusive = FALSE, internal = FALSE) {
  if(is.pedList(x)) {
      stop2("Argument `internal` cannot be TRUE when `x` is a pedlist")

    comps = getComponent(x, id, checkUnique = TRUE, errorIfUnknown = TRUE)
    ancList = lapply(unique.default(comps), function(co) {
      idsComp = id[comps == co]
      descendants(x[[co]], idsComp, inclusive = inclusive, internal = FALSE)

    id = internalID(x, id)

  desc = if(inclusive) id else integer()

  nextoffs = id
  while(length(nextoffs)) {
      nextoffs = which(FIDX %in% nextoffs | MIDX %in% nextoffs)
      desc = c(desc, nextoffs)
  desc = .mysortInt(unique.default(desc))
  if(internal) desc else labels.ped(x)[desc]

#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
commonDescendants = function(x, ids, inclusive = FALSE, internal = FALSE) {
  if(length(ids) < 2)
    stop2("Argument `ids` must have length at least 2")

  desc = descendants(x, ids[1], inclusive = inclusive, internal = internal)
  for(id in ids[-1]) {
    if(length(desc) == 0)
    newdesc = descendants(x, id, inclusive = inclusive, internal = internal)
    desc = .myintersect(desc, newdesc)


#' @rdname ped_subgroups
#' @export
descentPaths = function(x, ids = founders(x), internal = FALSE) {
  if(!internal) {
    idsInt = internalID(x, ids)
    names(idsInt) = ids  # ensures names on output list
    labs = labels(x)
    idsInt = ids

  offs = lapply(1:pedsize(x), children, x = x, internal = TRUE)

  lapply(idsInt, function(id) {
    res = list(id)

    while (TRUE) {
      newoffs = offs[vapply(res, function(path) path[length(path)], 1)]
      if (length(unlist(newoffs)) == 0)
      nextstep = lapply(seq_along(res), function(r)
        if (length(newoffs[[r]]) == 0) res[r]
        else lapply(newoffs[[r]], function(kid) c(res[[r]], kid)))

      res = unlist(nextstep, recursive = FALSE)

    if (!internal)
      res = lapply(res, function(v) labs[v])


.descentPaths = descentPaths

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