
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.align = "center",
  out.width = "100%",
  dpi = 300

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  install.packages("pedtools")

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  devtools::install_github("magnusdv/pedtools")

## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ped(id = 1:3, fid = c(0,0,1), mid = c(0,0,2), sex = c(1,2,2))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio = ped(id = c("fa", "mo", "girl"), fid = c("","","fa"), mid = c("","","mo"), sex = c(1,2,2))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----trio1, fig.dim = c(2,2), out.width = "40%"-------------------------------

## ----trio2, fig.dim = c(2,2), out.width = "40%"-------------------------------
plot(trio, hatched = "fa", hatchDensity = 15, 
     fill = c(mo = "pink", girl = "lightblue"), 
     col = c("green", "red", "blue"), 
     lwd = 3:1, lty = 1:3)

## ----trio3, fig.dim = c(2.5,2), out.width = "45%"-----------------------------
plot(trio, margin = c(1,3,1,1), 
     textAnnot = list(
       topright = list(1:3, cex = 0.8, col = 2, font = 2, offset = 0.1),
       left     = list(c(girl = "comment"), cex = 1.5, col = 4, offset = 1, srt = 20),
       inside   = c("?", "?", "!")))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio2 = nuclearPed(nch = 1)
trio2 = swapSex(trio2, ids = 3)
trio2 = relabel(trio2, new = c("fa", "mo", "girl"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio2 = nuclearPed(1) |> 
  swapSex(3) |> 
  relabel(new = c("fa", "mo", "girl"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio3 = nuclearPed(father = "fa", mother = "mo", children = "girl", sex = 2)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio4 = singleton("fa") |> 
  addDaughter("fa", id = "girl") |> 
  relabel(old = "1", new = "mo")

## ----echo = FALSE, out.width = "45%", fig.height = 3--------------------------
x1 = halfSibPed(nch1 = 1, nch2 = 2, sex1 = 1, sex2 = 2:1) |> 
  addSon(parents = 4:5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
x1 = halfSibPed(nch1 = 1, nch2 = 2, sex1 = 1, sex2 = 2:1) |> 
  addSon(parents = 4:5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
x2 = halfCousinPed(0, child = T) |> 
  addSon(parents = 2:3) |> 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
identical(x1, x2)

## ----merge-example, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------
# Top part
x = ancestralPed(g = 2) # bottom person is "7"

# Bottom part
y = halfCousinPed(degree = 1) # top person is "2"
y = swapSex(y, 4)

# Merge
z = mergePed(x, y, by = c("7" = "2"), relabel = TRUE)

## ----merge-plot, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 3.5, fig.height = 3.7, out.width = "50%"----

## ----label = "merge-example"--------------------------------------------------
# Top part
x = ancestralPed(g = 2) # bottom person is "7"

# Bottom part
y = halfCousinPed(degree = 1) # top person is "2"
y = swapSex(y, 4)

# Merge
z = mergePed(x, y, by = c("7" = "2"), relabel = TRUE)

## ----merge-parts, fig.width = 9, fig.height = 3.5-----------------------------
plotPedList(list(x, y, z))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
m1 = marker(trio, fa = "A/A", mo = "A/B", name = "snp1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
marker(trio, fa = "A/A", mo = "A/B", afreq = c(A = .2, B = .3, C = .5))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
m2 = marker(trio, fa = "A/A", mo = "A/B", chrom = "X", name = "snpX")

## ----trio-mark1, fig.dim=c(2,2), out.width = "40%"----------------------------
plot(trio, marker = m1)

## ----trio-mark2, fig.dim=c(2,2), out.width = "40%"----------------------------
plot(trio, marker = m1, showEmpty = T, missing = "?", sep = "")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trio = setMarkers(trio, list(m1, m2))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclearPed(1) |> 
  addMarker(name = "myMarker", alleles = c("a", "b", "c")) |>
  setGenotype(id = 3, geno = "a/c")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
whichMarkers(trio, chrom = "X")
selectMarkers(trio, markers = "snp1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
afreq(trio, marker = "snp1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
afreq(trio, marker = "snp1") = c(A = 0.9, B = 0.1)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Girl is not genotyped
genotype(trio, "snpX", id = "girl")

# Set genotype
genotype(trio, "snpX", id = "girl") = "A/A"

# Inspect the result

## ----getset, echo = FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
getters.df = rbind(
    "extract all alleles as a matrix.", 
    "do summary stats on the marker alleles"),
    "extract allele frequencies as a data.frame in *allelic ladder* format.", 
    "transfer to other objects, or write the database to a file"),
    "extract list of marker objects. Each marker is a `N * 2` allele matrix (`N = pedsize(x)`) with locus annotations as attributes", 
    "do computations")

setters.df = rbind(
  c("`setAlleles(x, ...)`", 
    "replace the genotypes of `x` without changing the locus attributes.", 
    "erase all genotypes"),
  c("`setFreqDatabase(x, db)`", 
    "replace all allele frequencies without changing the genotype data. The input is a data.frame in *allelic ladder* format. Conceptually equivalent to `setMarkers(x, alleleMatrix = getAlleles(x), locusAnnotations = db)`.", 
    "change the frequency database"),
  c("`setMarkers(x, ...)`", 
    "attach marker objects with or without genotype data. Locus attributes are indicated as a list; genotypes as a matrix or data.frame.", 
    "prepare joint manipulation of a pedigree and marker data")

conversions.df = rbind(
    "convert `x` to a data.frame, with pedigree columns in standard format followed by genotype columns. One column per marker, with genotype format `a/b` and missing alleles indicated as `-`.", 
    "pretty-print ped objects"),
    "convert `x` to a *numerical* matrix, with additional info attached as attributes.", 
    "modify a pedigree with marker data")

other.df = rbind(
  c("`transferMarkers(from, to)`", 
    "transfer genotypes and attributes between pedigree objects (or lists of such).", 
    "transfer simulated marker data")

getset.df = rbind(getters.df, setters.df, conversions.df, other.df)
tbl.getset = kable(getset.df, 
            col.names = c("Use ...", "When you want to ...", "For example to ..."))
tbl.getset = column_spec(tbl.getset, 1, width = "4.5cm")
tbl.getset = column_spec(tbl.getset, 2, width = "8.5cm")
tbl.getset = pack_rows(tbl.getset, "Get", 1, 3, indent = F)
tbl.getset = pack_rows(tbl.getset, "Set", 4, 6, indent = F)
tbl.getset = pack_rows(tbl.getset, "Convert", 7, 8, indent = F)
tbl.getset = pack_rows(tbl.getset, "Transfer", 9, 9, indent = F)

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pedtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.