
Defines functions hdfeppml_int

Documented in hdfeppml_int

#' PPML Estimation with HDFE
#' \code{hdfeppml_int} is the internal algorithm called by \code{hdfeppml} to fit an (unpenalized)
#' Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) regression with high-dimensional fixed effects (HDFE). It
#' takes a vector with the dependent variable, a regressor matrix and a set of fixed effects (in list
#' form: each element in the list should be a separate HDFE).
#' More formally, \code{hdfeppml_int} performs iteratively re-weighted least squares (IRLS) on a
#' transformed model, as described in Correia, GuimarĂ£es and Zylkin (2020) and similar to the
#' \code{ppmlhdfe} package in Stata. In each iteration, the function calculates the transformed dependent
#' variable, partials out the fixed effects (calling \code{collapse::fhdwithin}, which uses the algorithm in
#' Gaure (2013)) and then solves a weighted least squares problem (using fast C++ implementation).
#' @param y Dependent variable (a vector)
#' @param x Regressor matrix.
#' @param fes List of fixed effects.
#' @param tol Tolerance parameter for convergence of the IRLS algorithm.
#' @param hdfetol Tolerance parameter for the within-transformation step,
#'     passed on to \code{collapse::fhdwithin}.
#' @param mu Optional: initial values of the conditional mean \eqn{\mu}, to be used as weights in the
#'     first iteration of the algorithm.
#' @param saveX Logical. If \code{TRUE}, it returns the values of x and z after partialling out the
#'     fixed effects.
#' @param init_z Optional: initial values of the transformed dependent variable, to be used in the
#'     first iteration of the algorithm.
#' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE}, it prints information to the screen while evaluating.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations (a number).
#' @param cluster Optional: a vector classifying observations into clusters (to use when calculating SEs).
#' @param vcv Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), it returns standard errors.
#' @param mu A vector of initial values for mu that can be passed to the command.
#' @param colcheck_x Logical. If \code{TRUE}, this checks collinearity between the independent variables and drops the
#' collinear variables.
#' @param colcheck_x_fes Logical. If \code{TRUE}, this checks whether the independent variables are perfectly explained
#' by the fixed effects drops those that are perfectly explained.
#' @param colcheck Logical. If \code{TRUE}, performs both checks in \code{colcheck_x} and \code{colcheck_x_fes}. 
#' If the user specifies \code{colcheck_x} and \code{colcheck_x_fes} individually, this option is overwritten.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{coefficients}: a 1 x \code{ncol(x)} matrix with coefficient (beta) estimates.
#'   \item \code{residuals}: a 1 x \code{length(y)} matrix with the residuals of the model.
#'   \item \code{mu}: a 1 x \code{length(y)} matrix with the final values of the conditional mean \eqn{\mu}.
#'   \item \code{deviance}:
#'   \item \code{bic}: Bayesian Information Criterion.
#'   \item \code{x_resid}: matrix of demeaned regressors.
#'   \item \code{z_resid}: vector of demeaned (transformed) dependent variable.
#'   \item \code{se}: standard errors of the coefficients.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To reduce run time, we keep only countries in the Americas:
#' americas <- countries$iso[countries$region == "Americas"]
#' trade <- trade[(trade$imp %in% americas) & (trade$exp %in% americas), ]
#' # Now generate the needed x, y and fes objects:
#' y <- trade$export
#' x <- data.matrix(trade[, -1:-6])
#' fes <- list(exp_time = interaction(trade$exp, trade$time),
#'             imp_time = interaction(trade$imp, trade$time),
#'             pair     = interaction(trade$exp, trade$imp))
#' # Finally, the call to hdfeppml_int:
#' reg <- hdfeppml_int(y = y, x = x, fes = fes)
#' }
#' @section References:
#' Breinlich, H., Corradi, V., Rocha, N., Ruta, M., Santos Silva, J.M.C. and T. Zylkin (2021).
#' "Machine Learning in International Trade Research: Evaluating the Impact of Trade Agreements",
#' Policy Research Working Paper; No. 9629. World Bank, Washington, DC.
#' Correia, S., P. Guimaraes and T. Zylkin (2020). "Fast Poisson estimation with high dimensional
#' fixed effects", \emph{STATA Journal}, 20, 90-115.
#' Gaure, S (2013). "OLS with multiple high dimensional category variables",
#' \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 66, 8-18.
#' Friedman, J., T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani (2010). "Regularization paths for generalized linear
#' models via coordinate descent", \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 33, 1-22.
#' Belloni, A., V. Chernozhukov, C. Hansen and D. Kozbur (2016). "Inference in high dimensional panel
#' models with an application to gun control", \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, 34, 590-605.

hdfeppml_int <- function(y, x=NULL, fes=NULL, tol = 1e-8, hdfetol = 1e-4,  mu = NULL, saveX = TRUE,
                             colcheck = TRUE, colcheck_x = colcheck, colcheck_x_fes = colcheck,
                             init_z = NULL, verbose = FALSE, maxiter = 1000, cluster = NULL, vcv = TRUE) {
  if(missing(x) & missing(fes)){
    stop("Please provide at least one of the arguments x or fes.")
    x <- data.matrix(x)

  #  x <- data.matrix(cbind(1,x))

  # number of observations (needed for deviance)
  n <- length(y)

  # estimation algorithm
  crit <- 1
  iter <- 0
  old_deviance <- 0

    include_x <- 1:ncol(x)

    b <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(x), ncol = 1)
    xnames <- colnames(x)

    # The collinearity check is only relevant if we have x in the model
    if (colcheck_x == TRUE | colcheck_x_fes == TRUE){
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        print("checking collinearity")
        include_x <- collinearity_check(y=y, x=x, fes=fes, hdfetol=1e-6, colcheck_x = colcheck_x, colcheck_x_fes = colcheck_x_fes)
        x <- x[, include_x]
      } else {
        print("do collinearity check")
        include_x <- collinearity_check(y=y, x=x, hdfetol=1e-6, colcheck_x = colcheck_x, colcheck_x_fes = FALSE)
       # print(include_x)
        x <- x[, include_x]


  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    print("beginning estimation")

  while (crit>tol & iter<maxiter) {
    iter <- iter + 1

    if (verbose == TRUE) {

    if (iter == 1) {
      ## initialize "mu"
      if (is.null(mu)) mu  <- (y + mean(y))/2
      z   <- (y-mu)/mu + log(mu)
      eta <- log(mu)
      last_z <- z
      if (is.null(init_z)) {
        reg_z  <- matrix(z)
      } else {
        reg_z <- init_z
        reg_x  <- x

    } else {
      last_z <- z
      z <- (y-mu)/mu + log(mu)
      reg_z  <- matrix(z - last_z + z_resid)
        reg_x  <- x_resid
      ## colnames(reg_x)   <- colnames(x)
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print("within transformation step")

        z_resid <- collapse::fwithin(x=reg_z, g=factor(rep(1,length(reg_z))), w = mu)
          x_resid <- collapse::fwithin(x=reg_x,g=factor(rep(1,length(reg_z))), w = mu)
      z_resid <-  collapse::fhdwithin(reg_z, fes, w = mu)
        x_resid <- collapse::fhdwithin(reg_x, fes, w = mu)
    } else {
        z_resid <- reg_z
        x_resid <- reg_x

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print("obtaining coefficients")

    if (verbose == TRUE) {

      reg <- fastolsCpp(sqrt(mu) * x_resid, sqrt(mu) * z_resid)  #faster without constant
      b[include_x] <- reg
      reg <- list("coefficients" = b) # this rewrites reg each time. Better to initialize upfront?

      if (length(include_x) == 1) {
        reg$residuals <- z_resid - x_resid * b[include_x]
      } else {
        reg$residuals <- z_resid - x_resid %*% b[include_x]
    } else {
      reg <- NULL
      reg$residuals <- z_resid

    mu <- as.numeric(exp(z - reg$residuals))
    mu[which(mu < 1e-190)] <- 1e-190
    mu[mu > 1e190] <- 1e190

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print("info on residuals")

      print("info on means")

      print("info on coefficients")

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print("calculating deviance")

    # calculate deviance
    temp <-  -(y * log(y/mu) - (y-mu))
    temp[which(y == 0)] <- -mu[which(y == 0)]
    # print("How many temp NA:")
    # print(which(is.na(temp)))
    #temp[which(is.na(temp))] <- 0

    deviance <- -2 * sum(temp) / n

    # print("hdfe")
    # print(temp[which(is.na(temp))])
    # print(mu[which(is.na(temp))])
    # print(y[which(is.na(temp))])

    if (deviance < 0) deviance = 0

    delta_deviance <- old_deviance - deviance

    if (!is.na(delta_deviance) & (deviance < 0.1 * delta_deviance)) {
      delta_deviance <- deviance
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print("checking critical value")
    denom_crit = max(c(min(c(deviance, old_deviance)), 0.1))
    crit = abs(delta_deviance) / denom_crit
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
    old_deviance <- deviance

  temp <-  -(y * log(y / mu) - (y - mu))
  temp[which(y == 0)] <- 0

  if (verbose == TRUE) {

  ## elements to return
    k   <- ncol(matrix(x))
    n   <- length(y)
    reg$mu  <- mu
    reg$deviance <- -2 * sum(temp) / n
    reg$bic <- deviance + k * log(n) / n
    rownames(reg$coefficients) <- xnames
  } else {
    reg$mu  <- mu

  # k = number of elements in x here
  # BIC would be BIC = deviance + k * ln(n)

  #returnlist <- list("coefficients" = b, "mu" = mu, "bic" = bic, "deviance" = deviance)
  if (saveX == TRUE) {
      reg[["x_resid"]] <- x_resid
    reg[["z_resid"]] <- z_resid
    if (vcv) {
      if(!is.null(cluster)) {
        nclusters  <- nlevels(droplevels(cluster, exclude = if(anyNA(levels(cluster))) NULL else NA))
        het_matrix <- (1 / nclusters) * cluster_matrix((y - mu) / sum(sqrt(mu)), cluster, x_resid)
        W          <- (1/nclusters) * (t(mu*x_resid) %*% x_resid) / sum(sqrt(mu))
        R <- try(chol(W), silent = FALSE)
        V          <- (1/nclusters) * chol2inv(R) %*% het_matrix %*% chol2inv(R)
        #V          <- (1/nclusters)*solve(W)%*%het_matrix%*%solve(W)
        V          <- nclusters / (nclusters - 1) * V
      } else {
        e = y - mu
        het_matrix = (1/n) * t(x_resid*e)  %*% (x_resid*e)
        W          = (1/n) * (t(mu*x_resid) %*% x_resid)
        R          = try(chol(W), silent = TRUE)
        V          = (1/n) * chol2inv(R) %*% het_matrix %*% chol2inv(R)
        V          = (n / (n - 1)) * V
    reg[["se"]] <- sqrt(diag(V))

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