
Defines functions check_homogeneity.default check_homogeneity

Documented in check_homogeneity

#' Check model for homogeneity of variances
#' Check model for homogeneity of variances between groups described
#' by independent variables in a model.
#' @param x A linear model or an ANOVA object.
#' @param method Name of the method (underlying test) that should be performed
#'   to check the homogeneity of variances. May either be `"levene"` for
#'   Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance, `"bartlett"` for the
#'   Bartlett test (assuming normal distributed samples or groups),
#'   `"fligner"` for the Fligner-Killeen test (rank-based, non-parametric
#'   test), or `"auto"`. In the latter case, Bartlett test is used if the
#'   model response is normal distributed, else Fligner-Killeen test is used.
#' @param ... Arguments passed down to `car::leveneTest()`.
#' @return Invisibly returns the p-value of the test statistics. A p-value <
#'   0.05 indicates a significant difference in the variance between the groups.
#' @note There is also a [`plot()`-method](https://easystats.github.io/see/articles/performance.html)
#' implemented in the \href{https://easystats.github.io/see/}{\pkg{see}-package}.
#' @family functions to check model assumptions and and assess model quality
#' @examples
#' model <<- lm(len ~ supp + dose, data = ToothGrowth)
#' check_homogeneity(model)
#' # plot results
#' if (require("see")) {
#'   result <- check_homogeneity(model)
#'   plot(result)
#' }
#' @export
check_homogeneity <- function(x, method = c("bartlett", "fligner", "levene", "auto"), ...) {

# default -------------------------

#' @export
check_homogeneity.default <- function(x, method = c("bartlett", "fligner", "levene", "auto"), ...) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  resp <- insight::find_response(x)
  pred <- insight::find_predictors(x, component = "conditional", flatten = TRUE)

  # edge case, whitespace in name, so surround with backticks
  ws_pred <- pred != make.names(pred)
  if (any(ws_pred)) {
    pred[ws_pred] <- paste0("`", pred[ws_pred], "`")

  if (length(pred) > 1) {
    pred <- paste0("interaction(", toString(pred), ")", collapse = "")

  f <- stats::as.formula(sprintf("%s ~ %s", resp, pred))

  if (method == "auto") {
    check <- tryCatch(
        utils::capture.output(p <- check_normality(x)) # nolint
      error = function(e) {

    if (is.null(check)) {
      insight::print_color("'check_homogeneity()' cannot perform check for normality. Please specify the 'method'-argument for the test of equal variances.\n", "red")

    method <- ifelse(check < 0.05, "fligner", "bartlett")

  if (method == "fligner") {
    r <- stats::fligner.test(f, data = insight::get_data(x, verbose = FALSE))
    p.val <- r$p.value
  } else if (method == "bartlett") {
    r <- stats::bartlett.test(f, data = insight::get_data(x, verbose = FALSE))
    p.val <- r$p.value
  } else if (method == "levene") {
    r <- car::leveneTest(x, ...)
    p.val <- r$`Pr(>F)`

  method.string <- switch(method,
    bartlett = "Bartlett Test",
    fligner = "Fligner-Killeen Test",
    levene = "Levene's Test"

  attr(p.val, "data") <- x
  attr(p.val, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
  attr(p.val, "method") <- method.string
  class(p.val) <- unique(c("check_homogeneity", "see_check_homogeneity", class(p.val)))


# methods -----------------------

#' @export
print.check_homogeneity <- function(x, ...) {
  method.string <- attributes(x)$method
  if (is.na(x)) {
    insight::format_warning(paste0("Could not perform ", method.string, "."))
  } else if (x < 0.05) {
    insight::print_color(sprintf("Warning: Variances differ between groups (%s, p = %.3f).\n", method.string, x), "red")
  } else {
    insight::print_color(sprintf("OK: There is not clear evidence for different variances across groups (%s, p = %.3f).\n", method.string, x), "green") # nolint

#' @export
plot.check_homogeneity <- function(x, ...) {
  insight::check_if_installed("see", "for homogeneity plots")

# other classes -----------------------------

#' @rdname check_homogeneity
#' @export
check_homogeneity.afex_aov <- function(x, method = "levene", ...) {

  if (tolower(method) != "levene") {
    insight::format_alert("Only Levene's test for homogeneity supported for `afex_aov()`.")

  if (length(attr(x, "between")) == 0) {
    insight::format_error("Levene test is only aplicable to ANOVAs with between-subjects factors.")

  long_data <- x$data$long # Use this to also get id column
  dv <- attr(x, "dv")
  id <- attr(x, "id")
  between <- names(attr(x, "between"))
  is_covar <- vapply(attr(x, "between"), is.null, logical(1))

  ag_data <- stats::aggregate(long_data[, dv], long_data[, c(between, id)], mean)
  colnames(ag_data)[length(c(between, id)) + 1] <- dv

  if (any(is_covar)) {
      "Levene's test is not appropriate with quantitative explanatory variables. Testing assumption of homogeneity among factor groups only."
    # ## TODO maybe add as option?
    # warning("Testing assumption of homogeneity on residualzied data among factor groups only.", call. = FALSE)
    # ag_data[dv] <- stats::residuals(stats::lm(ag_data[,dv] ~ as.matrix(ag_data[between[is_covar]])))
    between <- between[!is_covar]

  form <- stats::formula(paste0(dv, "~", paste0(between, collapse = "*")))
  test <- car::leveneTest(form, ag_data, center = mean, ...)

  p.val <- test[1, "Pr(>F)"]

  attr(p.val, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
  attr(p.val, "method") <- "Levene's Test"
  class(p.val) <- unique(c("check_homogeneity", "see_check_homogeneity", class(p.val)))


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performance documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:55 a.m.