
Defines functions create.design.matrix.mult.trt.split create.design.matrix.mult.trt

# this creates a block matrix of contrasts where the reference
# treatment is treated as a "control".
# For example, if matrix x is supplied and treatment with three
# levels where the third level is the reference treatment,
# create.design.matrix.mult.trt() will return:
# |x_1   0  |
# |0     x_2|
# |-x_3 -x_3|
# where x = (x_1', x_2', x_3')' and x_i is the submatrix
# of x of observations with treatment status == i
# with binary treatments, this simplifies to the normal
# | x_1|
# |-x_2|
create.design.matrix.mult.trt <- function(x, pi.x, trt, y, reference.trt = NULL,
                                          method = c("weighting", "a_learning"))
    trt.levels      <- levels(trt)
    n.trts          <- length(trt.levels)
    trt.idx         <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.trts)
    sample.sizes    <- numeric(n.trts)
    method          <- match.arg(method)

    # if not specified, set reference treatment
    # to be the last one
    if (is.null(reference.trt))
        reference.trt <- trt.levels[1L]
    which.reference <- which(trt.levels == reference.trt)

    # re-order treatments so that
    # the specified reference will be treated as the reference
    trt.idx.vec <- 1:n.trts
    trt.idx.vec <- c(trt.idx.vec[-which.reference], trt.idx.vec[which.reference])
    trt.levels  <- trt.levels[trt.idx.vec]

    for (t in 1:n.trts)
        trt.idx[[t]]    <- which(levels(trt)[trt] == trt.levels[t])
        sample.sizes[t] <- length(trt.idx[[t]])

    n.obs  <- NROW(x)
    n.vars <- NCOL(x)

    # if (sd(x[,1]) != 0) stop("x must have intercept as first column")
    stopifnot(n.obs == length(trt))
    stopifnot(n.obs == sum(sample.sizes))

    x.return <- array(0, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars * (n.trts - 1)))

    var.idx.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.trts - 1)
    names(var.idx.list) <- trt.levels[-n.trts] # remove reference treatment
    n.vars.cumsum       <- c(0, cumsum(rep(n.vars, n.trts)))
    n.obs.cumsum        <- c(0, cumsum(sample.sizes))

    y.return <- numeric(n.obs)
    for (t in 1:(n.trts - 1))
        idx.obs.cur  <- (n.obs.cumsum[t] + 1):n.obs.cumsum[t + 1]
        idx.vars.cur <- (n.vars.cumsum[t] + 1):n.vars.cumsum[t + 1]

        # construct modified design matrices
        # depending on what method is used
        if (method == "weighting")
            x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- x[trt.idx[[t]],]
        } else
            stop("A-learning not available for multiple treatments")
            # A-learning method

            #x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- (1 - pi.x[trt.idx[[t]]]) * x[trt.idx[[t]],]

        #y.return[idx.obs.cur] <- y[trt.idx[[t]]] # now we don't want to re-order observations
    t <- n.trts

    for (r in 1:(n.trts - 1))
        # keep observation index static
        idx.obs.cur  <- (n.obs.cumsum[t] + 1):n.obs.cumsum[t + 1]
        # replicate columns
        idx.vars.cur <- (n.vars.cumsum[r] + 1):n.vars.cumsum[r + 1]

        # construct modified design matrices
        # depending on what method is used
        if (method == "weighting")
            x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- -x[trt.idx[[t]],]
        }# else
            #stop("A-learning not available for multiple treatments")
            # A-learning method
            #x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- -(1 - pi.x[trt.idx[[t]]]) * x[trt.idx[[t]],]

        #if (r == 1)
        #    y.return[idx.obs.cur] <- y[trt.idx[[t]]]

    # 'trt.levels' is the treatment levels (re-ordered based off of reference treatment)
    attr(x.return, "trt.levels") <- trt.levels


create.design.matrix.mult.trt.split <- function(x, pi.x, trt, y, reference.trt = NULL,
                                                method = c("weighting", "a_learning"))
    trt.levels      <- levels(trt)
    n.trts          <- length(trt.levels)
    trt.idx         <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.trts)
    sample.sizes    <- numeric(n.trts)
    method          <- match.arg(method)

    # if not specified, set reference treatment
    # to be the last one
    if (is.null(reference.trt))
        reference.trt <- trt.levels[1L]
    which.reference <- which(trt.levels == reference.trt)

    # re-order treatments so that
    # the specified reference will be treated as the reference
    trt.idx.vec <- 1:n.trts
    trt.idx.vec <- c(trt.idx.vec[-which.reference], trt.idx.vec[which.reference])
    trt.levels  <- trt.levels[trt.idx.vec]

    for (t in 1:n.trts)
        trt.idx[[t]]    <- which(levels(trt)[trt] == trt.levels[t])
        sample.sizes[t] <- length(trt.idx[[t]])

    n.obs  <- NROW(x)
    n.vars <- NCOL(x)

    # if (sd(x[,1]) != 0) stop("x must have intercept as first column")
    stopifnot(n.obs == length(trt))
    stopifnot(n.obs == sum(sample.sizes))

    x.return <- array(0, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars * (n.trts - 1)))

    trt.multiplier <- numeric(n.obs)

    var.idx.list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.trts - 1)
    names(var.idx.list) <- trt.levels[-n.trts] # remove reference treatment
    n.vars.cumsum       <- c(0, cumsum(rep(n.vars, n.trts)))
    n.obs.cumsum        <- c(0, cumsum(sample.sizes))

    y.return <- numeric(n.obs)
    for (t in 1:(n.trts - 1))
        idx.obs.cur  <- (n.obs.cumsum[t] + 1):n.obs.cumsum[t + 1]
        idx.vars.cur <- (n.vars.cumsum[t] + 1):n.vars.cumsum[t + 1]

        # construct modified design matrices
        # depending on what method is used
        if (method == "weighting")
            x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- x[trt.idx[[t]],]
            trt.multiplier[trt.idx[[t]]] <- 1
        } else
            stop("A-learning not available for multiple treatments")
            # A-learning method

            #x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- (1 - pi.x[trt.idx[[t]]]) * x[trt.idx[[t]],]

        #y.return[idx.obs.cur] <- y[trt.idx[[t]]] # now we don't want to re-order observations
    t <- n.trts

    for (r in 1:(n.trts - 1))
        # keep observation index static
        idx.obs.cur  <- (n.obs.cumsum[t] + 1):n.obs.cumsum[t + 1]
        # replicate columns
        idx.vars.cur <- (n.vars.cumsum[r] + 1):n.vars.cumsum[r + 1]

        # construct modified design matrices
        # depending on what method is used
        if (method == "weighting")
            x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- x[trt.idx[[t]],]
            trt.multiplier[trt.idx[[t]]] <- -1
        }# else
        #stop("A-learning not available for multiple treatments")
        # A-learning method
        #x.return[trt.idx[[t]], idx.vars.cur] <- -(1 - pi.x[trt.idx[[t]]]) * x[trt.idx[[t]],]

        #if (r == 1)
        #    y.return[idx.obs.cur] <- y[trt.idx[[t]]]

    # 'trt.levels' is the treatment levels (re-ordered based off of reference treatment)
    attr(x.return, "trt.levels") <- trt.levels

    list(x = x.return,
         trt.multiplier = trt.multiplier)

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