
Defines functions .classify_algo .splist_classify

# Function wrap of .classify_algo for multiple species
#' @keywords internal

.splist_classify <- function(x) {
  # Infrataxa identifiers
  infrasp <- c("subsp.", "ssp.", "var.", "subvar.",
               "forma", "f.", "subf.")
  Infrasp_cat <- toupper(infrasp)
  # Regular expression to make sure, infra code is between names
  Infrasp_cat_reg <- paste("[[:alpha:]]",
  # Split names
  x_split <- strsplit(x, " ")

  # Aply the algorithm
  result <- lapply(x_split,

  # Combine result list into a matrix
  result <- do.call(rbind, result)
  result <- cbind(x, result)

  # Combine categories and remove
  result[, 5] <- paste0(result[, 5], result[, 6])
  result[, 9] <- paste0(result[, 9], result[, 10])
  result <- result[, -c(6, 10), drop = FALSE]

  # Give the colnames of the matrix
  colnames(result) <- c(

# The algorithm for one name
#' @keywords internal
.classify_algo <- function(x_split_i,
                           Infrasp_cat_reg) {

  # Base output
  output <- character(10)

  # Count the number of names
  n <- length(x_split_i)

  # Genus and epithet
  output[1:2] <- x_split_i[1:2]

  # Check for infrataxa
  if (n > 2) {
    # Connect previous and next name to check for infras
    x_split_i_paste <- x_split_i
    x_split_i_paste[2:n] <- paste(substr(x_split_i[1:(n - 1)], 1, 1),
                                  substr(x_split_i[3:n],1 , 1))

    infra_check <- sapply(as.list(Infrasp_cat_reg),
                          function(x, y) {
                            regexpr(x, y) == 1
    infra_id <- rowSums(infra_check) > 0

    # if there is none get only the author name
    if (!any(infra_id)) {
      output[3] <- paste(x_split_i[3:n],
                         collapse = " ")
    } else {
      # If it has infra categories, get them

      n_infra <- sum(infra_id) # Number of infra categories
      pos <- which(infra_id)
      for (i in 1:n_infra) {
        # do it for all infra names
        # Get the position of the infra
        pos_1 <- pos[i] + 1
        pos_out <- which(infra_check[pos[i], ]) + 3
        output[pos_out] <- x_split_i[pos_1]
      if (n > pos_1) {
        # get the author
        output[3] <- paste(x_split_i[(pos_1 + 1):n],
                           collapse = " ")
      if (pos[1] > 3) { # Author names before infras
        output[3] <- paste(x_split_i[3:(pos[1] - 1)],
                           collapse = " ")

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