
Defines functions importDataSet

Documented in importDataSet

#' @title importDataSet
#' @description
#' Imports a data set to the shiny 'pguIMP' web interface.
#' Extracts import options from a 'pguIMP::file' instance
#' and imports the desired record based on the passed information.
#' @importFrom R6 is.R6
#' @importFrom readr read_csv cols read_delim
#' @importFrom readxl read_xls read_xlsx
#' @param obj Instance of the R6 class pguIMP::pgu.file.
#' @return
#' A data frame that contains the imported data
#' (tibble::tibble)
#' @author Sebastian Malkusch, \email{malkusch@@med.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @export

importDataSet = function(obj = "pgu.file")
    errorString <- sprintf("\nError:\npguIMP::importDataSet needs obj of type R6!")
  if(class(obj)[1] != "pgu.file")
    errorString <- sprintf("\nError:\nphuIMP::importDataSet needs obj of class pguIMP::pgi.file!")

         csv = {
           return(readr::read_csv(file = obj$uploadFileName,
                                  col_names = obj$columnNames,
                                  col_types = readr::cols(),
                                  skip = obj$skipRows,
                                  na = obj$naChar))
         txt = {
           return(readr::read_delim(file = obj$uploadFileName,
                                    delim = obj$separator,
                                    col_names = obj$columnNames,
                                    col_types = readr::cols(),
                                    skip = obj$skipRows,
                                    na = obj$naChar))
         xls = {
           return(readxl::read_xls(path = obj$uploadFileName,
                                         sheet = obj$sheetIndex,
                                         col_names = obj$columnNames,
                                         skip = obj$skipRows,
                                         na = obj$naChar))
         xlsx = {return(readxl::read_xlsx(path = obj$uploadFileName,
                                          sheet = obj$sheetIndex,
                                          col_names = obj$columnNames,
                                          skip = obj$skipRows,
                                          na = obj$naChar))
}#end importDataSet

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pguIMP documentation built on Sept. 30, 2021, 5:08 p.m.