
Defines functions setNormalized getNormalization getNormalized is_normalized normalize_spct normalize.generic_mspct normalize.solute_mspct normalize.cps_mspct normalize.raw_mspct normalize.reflector_mspct normalize.filter_mspct normalize.response_mspct normalize.source_mspct normalize.generic_spct normalize.cps_spct normalize.raw_spct normalize.solute_spct normalize.reflector_spct normalize.filter_spct normalize.response_spct normalize.source_spct normalize.default normalize

Documented in getNormalization getNormalized is_normalized normalize normalize.cps_mspct normalize.cps_spct normalize.default normalize.filter_mspct normalize.filter_spct normalize.generic_mspct normalize.generic_spct normalize.raw_mspct normalize.raw_spct normalize.reflector_mspct normalize.reflector_spct normalize.response_mspct normalize.response_spct normalize.solute_mspct normalize.solute_spct normalize.source_mspct normalize.source_spct setNormalized

# normalize ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Normalize spectral data
#' This method returns a spectral object of the same class as the one supplied
#' as argument but with the spectral data normalized to 1.0 at a specific
#' wavelength.  When the object contains multiple spectra, the normalisation is
#' applied to each spectrum individually.
#' @details By default normalization is done based on the maximum of the
#'   spectral data. It is possible to also do the normalization based on a
#'   user-supplied wavelength expressed in nanometres or the minimum. An
#'   existing normalization can be updated for a different unit of expression or
#'   after a conversion to a related spectral quantity.
#'   By default the function is applied to the whole spectrum, but by passing a
#'   range of wavelengths as input, the search, e.g., for the maximum, can be
#'   limited to a range of wavelengths of interest instead of the whole
#'   spectrum.
#'   In 'photobiology' (>= 0.10.8) detailed information about the normalization
#'   is stored in an attribute. In 'photobiology' (>= 0.10.10)
#'   applying a new normalization to an already normalized spectrum recomputes
#'   the multiplier factors stored in the attributes whenever possible. This
#'   ensures that the returned object is identical, except for possible
#'   accumulated loss of precision due to floating-point arithmetic,
#'   independently of the previous application of a different normalization.
#' @note When the spectrum passed as argument to \code{x} had been previously
#'   scaled, in 'photobiology' (<= 0.10.9) the scaling attribute was always
#'   removed and no normalization factors returned. In 'photobiology'
#'   (>= 0.10.10) scaling information can be preserved by passing
#'   \code{keep.scaling = TRUE}.
#'   By default if \code{x} contains one or more \code{NA} values and the
#'   normalization is based on a summary quantity, the returned spectrum will
#'   contain only \code{NA} values. If \code{na.rm == TRUE} then the summary
#'   quantity will be calculated after striping \code{NA} values, and only the
#'   values that were \code{NA} in \code{x} will be \code{NA} values in the
#'   returned spectrum.
#'   When a numeric value is passed as argument to keep.scaling, the scaling
#'   uses \code{f = "total"} or \code{f = "mean"} depending on the class of
#'   \code{x}. Prescaling is only occasionally needed.
#'   Method \code{normalize} is implemented for \code{solute_spct} objects but
#'   as the spectral data stored in them are a description of an intensive
#'   property of a substance, normalization is unlikely to useful. To represent
#'   solutions of specific concentrations of solutes, \code{filter_spct} objects
#'   should be used instead.
#' @param x An R object
#' @param ... not used in current version
#' @return A copy of the object passed as argument to \code{x} with the values
#'   of the spectral quantity rescaled to 1 at the normalization wavelength. If
#'   the normalization wavelength is not already present in \code{x}, it is
#'   added by interpolation---i.e. the returned value may be one row longer than
#'   \code{x}. Attributes \code{normalized} and \code{normalization} are set to
#'   keep a log of the computations applied.
#' @examples
#' normalize(sun.spct)
#' normalise(sun.spct) # equivalent
#' normalize(sun.spct, norm = "max")
#' normalize(sun.spct, norm = 400)
#' @export
#' @family rescaling functions
normalize <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("normalize")

#' @rdname normalize
#' @note \code{normalise()} is a synonym for this \code{normalize()} method.
#' @export
normalise <- normalize

#' @describeIn normalize Default for generic function
#' @export
normalize.default <- function(x, ...) {
  warning("'normalize' is not defined for objects of class '", class(x)[1], "'.")

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a \code{source_spct} object.
#' @param range An R object on which \code{range()} returns a numeric vector of
#'   length 2 with the limits of a range of wavelengths in nm, with min and max
#'   wavelengths (nm) used to set boundaries for search for normalization.
#' @param norm numeric Normalization wavelength (nm) or character string "max",
#'   or "min" for normalization at the corresponding wavelength, "update" to
#'   update the normalization after modifying units of expression, quantity
#'   or range but respecting the previously used criterion, or "skip" to force
#'   return of \code{x} unchanged.
#' @param unit.out character Allowed values "energy", and "photon",
#'   or its alias "quantum"
#' @param keep.scaling logical or numeric Flag to indicate if any existing
#'   scaling should be preserved or not. The default, \code{FALSE}, preserves
#'   the behaviour of versions (<= 0.10.9). If numeric, the spectrum is scaled
#'   to this value before normalization and marked as not scaled.
#' @param na.rm logical indicating whether \code{NA} values should be stripped
#'   before calculating the summary (e.g. "max") used for normalization.
#' @export
normalize.source_spct <- function(x,
                                  range = NULL,
                                  norm = "max",
                                  unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit",
                                                       default = "energy"),
                                  keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                  na.rm = FALSE) {
  if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
    # brute force and slow approach, unsuitable for long time series
    mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                          idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                          drop.idx = FALSE)
    mspct <-
      normalize.source_mspct(x = mspct,
                             range = range,
                             norm = norm,
                             unit.out = unit.out,
                             keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                             na.rm = na.rm,
    return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

  if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
    if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
      x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
    x <- fscale(x,
                range = range,
                f = "total",
                target = keep.scaling,
                unit.out = unit.out,
                set.scaled = FALSE)
    keep.scaling <- FALSE
  if (unit.out == "energy") {
    return(normalize_spct(spct = q2e(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                          range = range,
                          norm = norm,
                          col.names = "s.e.irrad",
                          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                          na.rm = na.rm,
  } else if (unit.out %in% c("photon", "quantum") ) {
    return(normalize_spct(spct = e2q(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                          range = range,
                          norm = norm,
                          col.names = "s.q.irrad",
                          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                          na.rm = na.rm,
  } else {
    stop("'unit.out ", unit.out, " is unknown")

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a response spectrum.
#' @export
normalize.response_spct <- function(x,
                                  range = NULL,
                                  norm = "max",
                                  unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit",
                                                       default = "energy"),
                                  keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                  na.rm = FALSE) {
  if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
    mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                          idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                          drop.idx = FALSE)
    mspct <-
      normalize.response_mspct(x = mspct,
                               range = range,
                               norm = norm,
                               unit.out = unit.out,
                               keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                               na.rm = na.rm,
    return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

  if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
    if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
      x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
    x <- fscale(x,
                range = range,
                f = "total",
                target = keep.scaling,
                unit.out = unit.out,
                set.scaled = FALSE)
    keep.scaling <- FALSE
  if (unit.out == "energy") {
    return(normalize_spct(spct = q2e(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                          range = range,
                          norm = norm,
                          col.names = "s.e.response",
                          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                          na.rm = na.rm,
  } else if (unit.out %in% c("photon", "quantum") ) {
    return(normalize_spct(spct = e2q(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                          range = range,
                          norm = norm,
                          col.names = "s.q.response",
                          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                          na.rm = na.rm,
  } else {
    stop("'unit.out ", unit.out, " is unknown")

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a filter spectrum.
#' @param qty.out character string  Allowed values are "transmittance", and
#'   "absorbance" indicating on which quantity to apply the normalization.
#' @export
normalize.filter_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           qty.out = getOption("photobiology.filter.qty",
                               default = "transmittance"),
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.filter_mspct(x = mspct,
                               range = range,
                               norm = norm,
                               qty.out = qty.out,
                               keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                               na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
        x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
      x <- fscale(x,
                  range = range,
                  f = "mean",
                  target = keep.scaling,
                  qty.out = qty.out,
                  set.scaled = FALSE)
      keep.scaling <- FALSE
    if (qty.out == "transmittance") {
      return(normalize_spct(spct = A2T(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                            range = range,
                            norm = norm,
                            col.names = "Tfr",
                            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                            na.rm = na.rm,
    } else if (qty.out == "absorbance") {
      return(normalize_spct(spct = T2A(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                            range = range,
                            norm = norm,
                            col.names = "A",
                            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                            na.rm = na.rm,
    } else if (qty.out == "absorptance") {
      return(normalize_spct(spct = T2Afr(x, action = "replace.raw"),
                            range = range,
                            norm = norm,
                            col.names = "Afr",
                            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                            na.rm = na.rm,
    } else {
      stop("'qty.out ", qty.out, " is unknown")

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a reflector spectrum.
#' @export
normalize.reflector_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           qty.out = NULL,
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.reflector_mspct(x = mspct,
                                  range = range,
                                  norm = norm,
                                  qty.out = qty.out,
                                  keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                                  na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
        x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
      x <- fscale(x,
                  range = range,
                  f = "mean",
                  target = keep.scaling,
                  set.scaled = FALSE)
      keep.scaling <- FALSE
    normalize_spct(spct = x,
                   range = range,
                   norm = norm,
                   col.names = "Rfr",
                   keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                   na.rm = na.rm,

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a solute spectrum.
#' @export
normalize.solute_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    # for consistency use qty.out parameter and add support!!!
    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.solute_mspct(x = mspct,
                               range = range,
                               norm = norm,
                               #                         qty.out = qty.out,
                               keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                               na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      warning("Scaling before normalization not supported for class ", class(x)[1])
      keep.scaling <- FALSE
    cols <- intersect(c("K.mole", "K.mass"), names(x))
    if (length(cols) == 1) {
      col.name <- cols
    } else {
      stop("Invalid number of columns found:", length(cols))
    normalize_spct(spct = x,
                   range = range,
                   norm = norm,
                   col.names = col.name,
                   keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                   na.rm = na.rm,

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a raw spectrum.
#' @export
normalize.raw_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.raw_mspct(x = mspct,
                            range = range,
                            norm = norm,
                            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                            na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
        x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
      x <- fscale(x,
                  range = range,
                  f = "mean",
                  target = keep.scaling,
                  set.scaled = FALSE)
      keep.scaling <- FALSE
    normalize_spct(spct = x,
                   range = range,
                   norm = norm,
                   col.names = grep("^counts", names(x), value = TRUE),
                   keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                   na.rm = na.rm,

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a cps spectrum.
#' @export
normalize.cps_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.cps_mspct(x = mspct,
                            range = range,
                            norm = norm,
                            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                            na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      if (!norm %in% c("update", "skip")) {
        x <- setNormalised(x, FALSE)
      x <- fscale(x,
                  range = range,
                  f = "mean",
                  target = keep.scaling,
                  set.scaled = FALSE)
      keep.scaling <- FALSE
    normalize_spct(spct = x,
                   range = range,
                   norm = norm,
                   col.names = grep("^cps", names(x), value = TRUE),
                   keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                   na.rm = na.rm,

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize a raw spectrum.
#' @param col.names character vector containing the names of columns or
#'   variables to which to apply the normalization.
#' @export
normalize.generic_spct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE) {
    if (is.numeric(keep.scaling)) {
      warning("Pre-scaling before normalization not implemented for class ", class(x)[1])
      keep.scaling <- FALSE

    if (getMultipleWl(x) > 1L) {
      mspct <- subset2mspct(x,
                            idx.var = getIdFactor(x),
                            drop.idx = FALSE)
      mspct <-
        normalize.generic_mspct(x = mspct,
                                range = range,
                                norm = norm,
                                col.names = col.names,
                                keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                                na.rm = na.rm,
      return(rbindspct(mspct, idfactor = getIdFactor(x), attrs.simplify = TRUE))

    normalize_spct(spct = x,
                   range = range,
                   norm = norm,
                   col.names = col.names,
                   keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
                   na.rm = na.rm,

# collections of spectra --------------------------------------------------

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a source_mspct object.
#' @param .parallel	if TRUE, apply function in parallel, using parallel backend
#'   provided by foreach
#' @param .paropts a list of additional options passed into the foreach function
#'   when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example)
#'   your code relies on external data or packages: use the .export and
#'   .packages arguments to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the
#'   correct environment set up for computing.
#' @export
normalize.source_mspct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit",
                                default = "energy"),
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE,
           .parallel = FALSE,
           .paropts = NULL) {

    if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

            range = range,
            norm = norm,
            unit.out = unit.out,
            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
            na.rm = na.rm,
            .parallel = .parallel,
            .paropts = .paropts)


#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a response_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.response_mspct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit",
                                default = "energy"),
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE,
           .parallel = FALSE,
           .paropts = NULL) {

    if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

            range = range,
            norm = norm,
            unit.out = unit.out,
            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
            na.rm = na.rm,
            .parallel = .parallel,
            .paropts = .paropts)


#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a filter_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.filter_mspct <-
           range = NULL,
           norm = "max",
           qty.out = getOption("photobiology.filter.qty",
                               default = "transmittance"),
           keep.scaling = FALSE,
           na.rm = FALSE,
           .parallel = FALSE,
           .paropts = NULL) {

    if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

            range = range,
            norm = norm,
            qty.out = qty.out,
            keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
            na.rm = na.rm,
            .parallel = .parallel,
            .paropts = .paropts)


#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a reflector_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.reflector_mspct <- function(x,
                                      range = x,
                                      norm = "max",
                                      qty.out = NULL,
                                      keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                      na.rm = FALSE,
                                      .parallel = FALSE,
                                      .paropts = NULL) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

          range = range,
          norm = norm,
          qty.out = qty.out,
          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
          na.rm = na.rm,
          .parallel = .parallel,
          .paropts = .paropts)


#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a raw_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.raw_mspct <- function(x,
                                range = x,
                                norm = "max",
                                keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                na.rm = FALSE,
                                .parallel = FALSE,
                                .paropts = NULL) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

          range = range,
          norm = norm,
          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
          na.rm = na.rm,
          .parallel = .parallel,
          .paropts = .paropts)

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a cps_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.cps_mspct <- function(x,
                                range = x,
                                norm = "max",
                                keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                na.rm = FALSE,
                                .parallel = FALSE,
                                .paropts = NULL) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

          range = range,
          norm = norm,
          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
          na.rm = na.rm,
          .parallel = .parallel,
          .paropts = .paropts)

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a solute_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.solute_mspct <- function(x,
                                   range = x,
                                   norm = "max",
                                   keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                   na.rm = FALSE,
                                   .parallel = FALSE,
                                   .paropts = NULL) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

          range = range,
          norm = norm,
          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
          na.rm = na.rm,
          .parallel = .parallel,
          .paropts = .paropts)

#' @describeIn normalize Normalize the members of a solute_mspct object.
#' @export
normalize.generic_mspct <- function(x,
                                    range = NULL,
                                    norm = "max",
                                    keep.scaling = FALSE,
                                    na.rm = FALSE,
                                    .parallel = FALSE,
                                    .paropts = NULL) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

          normalize, # members can be heterogeneous
          range = range,
          norm = "max",
          keep.scaling = keep.scaling,
          na.rm = na.rm,
          .parallel = .parallel,
          .paropts = .paropts)

# PRIVATE -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
normalize_spct <- function(spct,
                           ...) {

  # handle "skip" early so that long-form multiple spectra or missing columns
  # do not trigger errors
  if (is.na(norm) ||
      is.null(norm) ||
      norm == "skip" ||
      (norm == "update" && !is_normalized(spct))) {

  stopifnot("Missing columns" = all(col.names %in% colnames(spct)),
            "Multiple spectra in long form" = getMultipleWl(spct) == 1L)

  if (na.rm) {
    x <- na.omit(spct)
  } else {
    x <- spct

  if (is.null(range) || all(is.na(range))) {
    range <- wl_range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    x <- trim_wl(x, range)
    range <- wl_range(x, na.rm = TRUE) # if range was broader x is not expanded
  stopifnot(nrow(x) > 2) # too short a slice

  updating <- is_normalized(spct)

  if (updating) {
    old.normalization.ls <- getNormalization(spct)
    has.normalization.metadata <- !any(is.na(unlist(old.normalization.ls)))

    if (norm == "update") {
      if (!has.normalization.metadata) {
        warning("Normalization not updated: action not supported for objects created with 'photobiology' (<= 0.10.9).")
      } else {
        norm <- old.normalization.ls$norm.type
        if (norm == "wavelength") {
          norm <- old.normalization.ls$norm.wl
  } else if (norm == "update") {
    # not normalized, nothing to update

  norm.arg <- norm
  # normalization will wipe out any existing scaling except for its effect
  # on the computed factors.
  if (is_scaled(spct) && !keep.scaling) {
    # Only behaviour in <= 0.10.9
    # remove scaling metadata and do not save norm.factors
    scale.is.dirty <- TRUE
    setScaled(spct, scaled = FALSE)
  } else {
    # retain scaling metadata and save norm.factors
    scale.is.dirty <- FALSE

  if (updating) {
    # We remove old normalization
    setNormalized(spct, norm = FALSE)

  # rescaling needed
  scale.factors <- numeric(0)
  for (col in col.names) {
    if (is.character(norm)) {
      if (norm %in% c("max", "maximum")) {
        idx <- which.max(x[[col]])
      } else if (norm %in% c("min", "minimum")) {
        idx <- which.min(x[[col]])
      } else {
        warning("Invalid 'norm' value: '", norm, "'")
        idx <- NA
      scale.factor <- 1 / x[idx, col, drop = TRUE]
      norm <- x[idx, "w.length", drop = TRUE]
    } else if (is.numeric(norm)) {
      if (norm >= range[1] && norm <= range[2]) {
        tmp.spct <- spct[ , c("w.length", col)]
        class(tmp.spct) <- class(spct)
        scale.factor <- 1 /
          interpolate_spct(spct = tmp.spct, w.length.out = norm)[ , eval(col)]
      } else {
        warning("'norm = ", norm, "' value outside spectral data range of ",
                round(min(tmp.spct), 1), " to ", round(max(tmp.spct), 1), " (nm)")
        scale.factor <- NA
    } else {
      stop("'norm' should be numeric or character")
    scale.factors <- c(scale.factors, scale.factor)
    spct[[col]] <- spct[ , col, drop = TRUE] * scale.factor

  # filter_spct, reflector_spct and object_spct -> different quantities
  # source_spct, response_spct -> photon and energy conversion depends on wl
  if (updating && has.normalization.metadata &&
      length(scale.factors) == length(old.normalization.ls[["norm.factors"]]) &&
      all(col.names == old.normalization.ls[["norm.cols"]])) { #
    scale.factors <- scale.factors / old.normalization.ls[["norm.factors"]]
    updating <- FALSE

  z <- setNormalized(spct,
                     norm = norm,
                     norm.type =
                       if (is.character(norm.arg)) {
                       } else if (is.numeric(norm.arg)) {
                     norm.factors =
                       if (scale.is.dirty || updating) {
                         rep(NA_real_, length(col.names))
                       } else {
                     norm.cols = col.names,
                     norm.range = range)
  z # setNormalized makes its returned value invisible

# is_normalized function --------------------------------------------------

#' Query whether a generic spectrum has been normalized.
#' This function tests a \code{generic_spct} object for an attribute that
#' signals whether the spectral data has been normalized or not after the object
#' was created.
#' @param x An R object.
#' @return A \code{logical} value indicating if \code{x} is normalized or not,
#'   for collections of spectra, a named list with \code{logicals} as members.
#'   If \code{x} is not a \code{generic_spct} or \code{generic_mspct} object the
#'   value returned is \code{NA}.
#' @export
#' @family rescaling functions
is_normalized <- function(x) {
  if (is.generic_spct(x) || is.summary_generic_spct(x)) {
    spct.attr <- attr(x, "normalized", exact = TRUE)
    # in some versions a logical was used, but later the normalization wavelength
    # in old versions the attribute was set only when normalization was applied
    stopifnot(is.null(spct.attr) || is.numeric(spct.attr) || is.logical(spct.attr))
    !is.null(spct.attr) && as.logical(spct.attr)
  } else if (is.generic_mspct(x)) {
    return(mslply(x, is_normalized))
  } else {

#' @rdname is_normalized
#' @note \code{is_normalised()} is a synonym for this \code{is_normalized()}
#'   method.
#' @export
is_normalised <- is_normalized

# getNormalized -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Query the "normalized" and "normalization" attributes
#' Functions to read the "normalized" and "normalization" attributes of an
#' existing generic_spct object.
#' @param x a generic_spct object.
#' @param .force.numeric logical If \code{TRUE} always silently return a
#'   numeric value, with \code{FALSE} encoded as zero, and character values
#'   as \code{NA}.
#' @details Spectral data that has been normalized needs to be used diffferently
#'   in computations than data expresed in original units. These two functions
#'   make it possible to query if data stored in an object of class
#'   \code{generic_spct} or of a derived class contains data expressed in
#'   physical units or normalized. In the later case, it is possible to also
#'   query how the normalization was done.
#' @return \code{getNormalized()} returns numeric or logical (possibly character
#'   for objects created with earlier versions); for collections of spectra, a
#'   named list, with one member for each spectrum. If \code{x} is not a
#'   \code{generic_spct} object, \code{NA} or a list with fields set to NAs is
#'   returned. Objects created with versions of package 'photobiology' earlier
#'   than 0.10.8 are lacking the detailed normalization metadata.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getNormalized(sun.spct)
#' getNormalization(sun.spct)
#' sun_norm.spct <- normalize(sun.spct)
#' getNormalized(sun_norm.spct)
#' getNormalization(sun_norm.spct)
#' getNormalization(e2q(sun_norm.spct))
#' gel_norm.spct <- normalize(yellow_gel.spct)
#' getNormalized(gel_norm.spct)
#' getNormalization(gel_norm.spct)
#' getNormalization(T2Afr(gel_norm.spct))
#' getNormalization(any2A(gel_norm.spct))
#' @family rescaling functions
getNormalized <- function(x,
                          .force.numeric = FALSE) {
  if (is.generic_spct(x) || is.summary_generic_spct(x)) {
    normalized <- attr(x, "normalized", exact = TRUE)
    if (is.null(normalized) || is.na(normalized)) {
      # need to handle objects created with very old versions
      normalized <- FALSE
  } else if (is.generic_mspct(x)) {
    return(mslply(x, getNormalized, .force.numeric = .force.numeric))
  } else {
    warning("Method 'getNormalized()' not implemented for class: ",
    normalized <- NA
  if (.force.numeric) {
  } else {

#' @rdname getNormalized
#' @note \code{getNormalised()} is a synonym for this \code{getNormalized()}
#'   method.
#' @export
getNormalised <- getNormalized

#' @rdname getNormalized
#' @return \code{getNormalization()} returns a list with five fields: norm.type,
#'   norm.wl, norm.factors, norm.cols, norm.range. For collections of spectra, a
#'   named list of lists, with one member list for each member of the collection
#'   of spectra. See \code{\link{setNormalized}()} for the values stored in the
#'   fields.
#' @export
getNormalization <- function(x) {
  if (is.generic_spct(x) || is.summary_generic_spct(x)) {
    if (is_normalized(x)) {
      # attribute in use >= 0.10.8
      normalization.list <- attr(x, "normalization", exact = TRUE)
      if (is.list(normalization.list)) {
        if (!exists("norm.range", normalization.list)) {
          # norm.range is missing 0.10.8 and 0.10.9
          normalization.list[["norm.range"]] <- rep(NA_real_, 2)
  } else if (is.generic_mspct(x)) {
    return(mslply(x, getNormalization))
  } else {
    warning("Method 'getNormalization()' not implemented for class: ",
  list(norm.type = NA_character_,
       norm.wl = NA_real_,
       norm.factors = NA_real_,
       norm.cols = NA_character_,
       norm.range = rep(NA_real_, 2))

#' @rdname getNormalized
#' @export
getNormalisation <- getNormalization

#' Set the "normalized" and "normalization" attributes
#' Function to write the "normalized" attribute of an existing generic_spct
#' object.
#' @param x a generic_spct object.
#' @param norm numeric (or logical) Normalization wavelength (nanometres).
#' @param norm.type character Type of normalization applied.
#' @param norm.factors numeric The scaling factor(s) so that dividing the spectral
#'   values by this factor reverts the normalization.
#' @param norm.cols character The name(s) of the data columns normalized.
#' @param norm.range numeric The wavelength range used for normalization (nm).
#' @param verbose logical Flag enabling or silencing informative warnings.
#' @details This function \strong{is used internally}, although occasionally
#'   users may want to use it to "pretend" that spectral data have not been
#'   normalized. Use \code{\link{normalize}()} methods to apply a normalization
#'   and set the attributes accordingly. Function \code{setNormalized()} only
#'   sets the attributes that store the metadata corresponding to an already
#'   applied normalization. Thus a trace of the transformations applied to
#'   spectral data is kept, which currently is used to renormalize the spectra
#'   when the quantity used for expression is changed with a conversion
#'   function. It is also used in other packages like 'ggspectra' when
#'   generating automatically axis labels. If \code{x} is not a
#'   \code{generic_spct} object, \code{x} is not modified.
#' @note Passing a \code{logical} as argument to \code{norm} is deprecated
#'   but accepted silently for backwards compatibility.
#' @export
#' @family rescaling functions
setNormalized <- function(x,
                          norm = FALSE,
                          norm.type = NA_character_,
                          norm.factors = NA_real_,
                          norm.cols = NA_character_,
                          norm.range = rep(NA_real_, 2),
                          verbose = getOption("verbose_as_default", default = FALSE)) {
  stopifnot("'norm' must be numeric or logical, but it is not" =
              is.numeric(norm) || is.logical(norm))
  name <- substitute(x)
  if ((is.generic_spct(x) || is.summary_generic_spct(x)) &&
      (is.na(norm) || is.numeric(norm) || is.logical(norm))) {
    attr(x, "normalized") <- norm
    normalization.ls <- list(norm.type = norm.type,
                             norm.wl = ifelse(is.numeric(norm),
                             norm.factors = norm.factors,
                             norm.cols = norm.cols,
                             norm.range = norm.range)
    if (verbose && norm && anyNA(normalization.ls, recursive = TRUE)) {
      message("\"normalized\" attribute set to TRUE, with missing ",
              paste(names(normalization.ls)[which(is.na(normalization.ls))], collapse = ". "),
    attr(x, "normalization") <- normalization.ls
    if (is.name(name)) {
      name <- as.character(name)
      assign(name, x, parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

#' @rdname setNormalized
#' @note \code{setNormalised()} is a synonym for this \code{setNormalized()}
#'   method.
#' @export
setNormalised <- setNormalized

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