Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Population Size Changes from Sequential Genealogies

Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Population Size Changes from Sequential Genealogies

This R code implements the method described in "Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Population Size Changes from Sequential Genealogies" by Palacios JA, Wakeley J, and Ramachandran S (doi: The method is applied to a test dataset (data(Bottle_20c.txt)).

Newick files preparation (optional)

This program takes a file of local genealogies (with n>2) in Newick format as input. Our example dataset is in the data folder (Bottle_20c.txt). In this example, we use MaCS with the following command lines

./macs 20 300000 -t 4.0 -eN 0 1 -eN 0.3 0.1 -eN 0.5 1 -T -r .002 -h 1 -s 1420826310 >outMacs.tree

The file outMacs.tree created above contains more information than needed for our analysis, which only requires gene genealogies. With the following command, we extract the gene genealogies in Newick format

awk '$1~"NEWICK_TREE"' outMacs.tree | awk -F\] '{print $2}' >Bottle_20.txt

R Code

We start by loading the library and reading our data


Our method assumes that genealogies are a realization of the Sequentially Markov Coalescent model SMC'

Data Preparation

For this example, we will run our algorithm on the first 50 local genealogies (sim=50) and scale time by 10 (scaling=10). Our algorithm searches the new and deleted coalescent times by comparing the coalescent times of consecutive genealogies and we define a tolerance (tol=.00001) to set whether two coalescent times are different ($t_{a} \neq t_{b}$ if $|t_{a}-t_{b}|>tol$). In our experiments, a tolerance level of .00001 works well when the time to the most recent common ancestor is of the order of 2-10.

sim<-50 #For this example, the first 50 genealogies
tol<-.00001 #tolerance factor to detect difference between branch lengths

Matrix D is a matrix with sim=50 rows and n-1=19 columns with coalescent times. To see the summary of the time to the most recent common ancestor time, run the command:


Next, we define our discretization of the population size function. After testing many different number of change points, we find that 100 regularly spaced change points provides a good resolution of $N(t)$


We then adjust all our sufficient statistics for our chosen discretization


MCMC Sampling

For all our results in the manuscript, we used the seed value 2014 with 50000 iterations (NSAMP=50000) and a burnin of 1000 iterations (NBURNIN=1000). For this tutorial we use 50 iterations and 5 iterations of burnin.

res_MCMC = smcp_sampling(data = info, nsamp = 50,
                         nburnin = 5,grid)

Summary of Results

We compute the posterior median and 95% BCIs of log N(t) and plot the results:

##Plot results
plot(results[,1],results[,3],type="l",xlim=c(1,0),ylim=c(-3,3),ylab="log N(t)",xlab="No generations",col="white")

##True trajectory
y[x>=.3 & x<.5]<-log(.1/2)


  1. Palacios, JA, Wakeley, J, and Ramachandran, S. Bayesian nonparametric inference of population size changes from sequential genealogies. Genetics 2015 Vol. 201:281-304

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