pixiedust: Tables So Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic.

pixiedustR Documentation

Tables So Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic.


The pixiedust mission is to provide a user friendly and flexible interface by which report-quality tables may be rendered in multiple output formats. Initially, pixiedust will support markdown, HTML, and LaTeX formats, as well as methods for console output.


The advantage of pixiedust is that it gives you the control to alter the appearance of a table by as little as one cell at a time. This fine-tuned control gives you enormous flexibility in how the final table looks with minimal pre and post processing.

Additionally, pixiedust is largely built on top of the broom package, allowing for simple and fast generation of tables based on analytical results.

The chief disadvantage of pixiedust is that it can be extremely verbose. If you are applying many customizations, you will find yourself writing a great deal of code.


pixie_bookdown determines if references and labels are managed using the bookdown package methods. This should be set to TRUE if you are rendering documents via the bookdown package.

border_collapse determines the settings for border styles in HTML tables. The most common values are "collapse" - which presses all of the borders between cells on top of each other - and "separate" - which allows each cell to have its own, distinct border.

pixie_count is used to manage table numbering in non-LaTeX tables. See set_pixie_count for methods to manipulate the numbering.

pixie_discrete_pal controls the colors for shading by discrete values.

pixie_float determines if tables in LaTeX output are placed in floating environments.

pixie_gradient_pal controls the colors giving the endpoints of the color scale on which to shade numeric values.

pixie_hhline determins if tables in LaTeX output use the hhline package for constructing table cells.

pixie_html_linebreak controls the number of line breaks placed after a table in HTML output.

pixie_interactive Allows control over whether HTML and markdown tables are printed to the viewer or to the document.

pixie_justify controls the positioning of the complete table in the document. Note that "none" renders the table to the left side of the page, and subsequent elements will appear below the table. When using "left", subsequent elements will appear to the right of the table. When using "right", subsequent elements will appear to the left of the table.

pixie_longtable determines if the longtable environment is used in LaTeX output.

pixie_na_string sets the default character set for replacing NA values in tables.

pixie_tabcolsep determines the spacing placed between cells in LaTeX output.

pixiedust_print_method Sets the default printing method for tables. When pixiedust is being used with knitr and rmarkdown, the default is the value of knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to"), otherwise it is "console"

Table-Valued Options

Option Name Default Permissible Values
pixie_bookdown FALSE logical
pixie_border_collapse "collapse" collapse, separate, initial, inherit
pixie_count 0 integer like value
pixie_float TRUE logical
pixie_hhline FALSE logical
pixie_html_linebreak 2 integer like value
pixie_justify "center" center, none, left, right
pixie_longtable FALSE logical
pixie_tabcolsep 6 integer like value
pixiedust_print_method console, html, latex, markdown, beamer

Cell-Valued Options

Option Name Default Permissible Values
pixie_discrete_pal scales::hue_pal() character of valid colors
pixie_gradient_pal c("#132B43", "#56B1F7") character(2) of valid colors
pixie_na_string NA character


Maintainer: Benjamin Nutter benjamin.nutter@gmail.com

Other contributors:

  • David Kretch [contributor]

See Also

Useful links:

pixiedust documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 9:07 a.m.