
Defines functions pkg_rx

Documented in pkg_rx

#' A set of handy regular expressions related to R packages
#' If you use these in R, make sure you specify `perl = TRUE`, see
#' [base::grep()].
#' Currently included:
#' - `pkg_name`: A valid package name.
#' - `type_cran`: A `cran::` package reference.
#' - `type_bioc`: A `bioc::` package reference.
#' - `type_standard`: A `standard::` package reference.
#' - `type_github`: A `github::` package reference.
#' - `type_git`: A `git::` package reference.
#' - `type_local`: A `local::` package reference.
#' - `type_deps`: A `deps::` package reference.
#' - `type_installed`: An `installed::` package reference.
#' - `github_username`: A GitHub username.
#' - `github_repo`: A GitHub repository name.
#' - `github_url`: A GitHub URL.
#' @return A named list of strings.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pkg_rx()

pkg_rx <- function() {
    pkg_name         = package_name_rx(),
    type_cran        = standard_rx("cran"),
    type_bioc        = standard_rx("bioc"),
    type_standard    = standard_rx("standard"),
    type_github      = github_rx(),
    type_git         = git_rx(),
    type_local       = local_rx(),
    type_deps        = type_deps_rx(),
    type_installed   = type_installed_rx(),
    github_username  = github_username_rx(),
    github_repo      = github_repo_rx(),
    github_url       = github_url_rx()

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pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.