
Defines functions type_deps_rx installedok_remote_deps satisfy_remote_deps download_remote_deps resolve_remote_deps parse_remote_deps

parse_remote_deps <- function(specs, config, ...) {
  parsed_specs <- re_match(specs, type_deps_rx())
  parsed_specs$ref <- parsed_specs$.text
  cn <- setdiff(colnames(parsed_specs), c(".match", ".text"))
  parsed_specs <- parsed_specs[, cn]
  parsed_specs$type <- "deps"
    function(i) as.list(parsed_specs[i,])

resolve_remote_deps <- function(remote, direct, config, cache,
                                     dependencies, ...) {

  ret <- resolve_remote_local(remote, direct, config, cache,
                              dependencies, ...)

  # We need to do some extra work for the case when a dependency
  # depends on the ref itself. E.g. when in pak::local_install_dev_deps()
  # a soft dependency depends on the local package.
  # - Because of this, we add a "-deps" postfix to the package name
  #   of the deps:: ref, so it not taken as the solution for the package
  #   by the solver.
  # - We also add a local:: ref for the package, because maybe the local
  #   package is not available from CRAN, or the upgrade policy is used
  #   and the local version is more recent. (This is typically the case
  #   while working on a package, and also on the CI.)

  # Workaround to be able to put this in a data frame
  ret$metadata <- list(ret$metadata)

  # Need to pass this to te new result
  unknown <- ret$unknown_deps
  ret$unknown_deps <- NULL

  # Create the local:: ref and update it properly
  local <- ret
  local$type <- "local"
  local$ref <- sub("^deps::", "local::", local$ref)
  local$direct <- FALSE
  local$remote[[1]] <- parse_pkg_ref(remote$ref)

  # Now make sure deps:: is not used by the solver.
  # The installer will treat deps:: specially and just ignore it, anyway.
  ret$package <- paste0(ret$package, "-deps")
  ret$sources <- list(character())

  # rbind.data.frame is not good with the list columns, TODO
  ret2 <- rbind(as_data_frame(ret), as_data_frame(local))
  attr(ret2, "unknown_deps") <- unknown


download_remote_deps <- function(resolution, target, target_tree, config,
                                 cache, which, on_progress) {
  ## Nothing to do here

satisfy_remote_deps <- function(resolution, candidate, config, ...) {
  ## TODO: we can probably do better than this

installedok_remote_deps <- function(installed, solution, config, ...) {

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Internal functions

type_deps_rx <- function() {

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pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.