
Defines functions installedok_remote_local satisfy_remote_local download_remote_local resolve_remote_local parse_remote_local

### -----------------------------------------------------------------------
### API

parse_remote_local <- function(specs, config, ...) {
  parsed_specs <- re_match(specs, local_rx())
  parsed_specs$ref <- paste0(
    ifelse(parsed_specs$package == "", "", paste0(parsed_specs$package, "=")),
  cn <- setdiff(colnames(parsed_specs), c(".match", ".text"))
  parsed_specs$package[parsed_specs$package == ""] <- NA_character_
  parsed_specs <- parsed_specs[, cn]
  parsed_specs$type <- "local"
    function(i) as.list(parsed_specs[i,])

resolve_remote_local <- function(remote, direct, config, cache,
                                 dependencies, ...) {

  sources <- paste0("file://", normalizePath(remote$path, mustWork = FALSE))
  resolve_from_description(remote$path, sources, remote, direct,
                           config, cache, dependencies[[2 - direct]])

download_remote_local <- function(resolution, target, target_tree, config,
                                  cache, which, on_progress) {

  source_file <- sub("^file://",  "",  resolution$sources[[1]])
  isdir <- file.info(source_file)$isdir
  if (is.na(isdir)) {
      "Could not find local package file/directory at
       {.path {resolution$sources[[1]]}}"

  if (isdir) {
    unlink(target_tree, recursive = TRUE)
    if (! file.copy(source_file, target_tree, recursive = TRUE)) {
      # deleted after the resolution?
      throw(pkg_error(                                        # nocov start
        "Could not find local package file/directory at
       {.path {resolution$sources[[1]]}}"
      ))                                                      # nocov end
  } else {
    if (! file.copy(source_file, target, overwrite = TRUE)) {
      # deleted after the resolution?
      throw(pkg_error(                                        # nocov start
        "Could not find local package file/directory at
       {.path {resolution$sources[[1]]}}"
      ))                                                      # nocov end


satisfy_remote_local <- function(resolution, candidate, config, ...) {
  if (resolution$package != candidate$package) {
    return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Package names differ"))

  # package name was explicitly given, check for match
  req <- resolution$remote[[1]]$package
  if (!is.null(req) && !is.na(req)) {
    got <- candidate$package
    if (req != got) {
        reason = paste0("Requested package ", req, " but got ", got)

  if (candidate$type == "local") {
    if (candidate$remote[[1]]$path == resolution$remote[[1]]$path) return(TRUE)
    return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Paths differ"))

  structure(FALSE, reason = "Package source mismatch")

installedok_remote_local <- function(installed, solution, config, ...) {
  ## TODO: we can probably do better than this

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pkgdepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:56 a.m.