
Defines functions try_load_dll library.dynam2 loaded_dlls ns_finalizer

#' Load a compiled DLL
#' @param path Path to a package, or within a package.
#' @keywords programming
#' @name load_dll
#' @usage load_dll(path = ".")
#' @export
onload_assign("load_dll", {
  for_loop <-
      f = function(x)
        if (comp_lang(x, quote(library.dynam()), 1)) {
          quote(library.dynam2(path, lib))
        } else {
          comp_lang, y = quote(for (i in seq_along(dynLibs)) NULL), idx = 1:3))

  ## The code below taken directly from base::loadNamespace
  ## https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/tags/R-3-3-0/src/library/base/R/namespace.R#L466-L485
  ## except for the call to library.dynam2, which is a special version of
  ## library.dynam

  load_dll <- function(path = ".") {
    package <- pkg_name(path)

    env <- ns_env(package)
    nsInfo <- parse_ns_file(path)

    dlls <- list()
    dynLibs <- nsInfo$dynlibs
    nativeRoutines <- list()

    addNamespaceDynLibs(env, nsInfo$dynlibs)

    # Delete the temporary SO when the namespace gets garbage collected
    dll_path <- dlls[[package]][["path"]]
    if (!is_null(dll_path)) {
      new_weakref(env, finalizer = ns_finalizer(dll_path))


  load_dll <- expr_interp(load_dll)
  fn_env(load_dll) <- rlang::ns_env("pkgload")


ns_finalizer <- function(path) {
  function(...) {
    if (!is_string(path)) {

    # Clean up the temporary .so file.

    # Remove the .so from the cached list of loaded modules
    loaded <- .dynLibs()
    loaded <- Filter(function(x) !is_string(x[["path"]], path), loaded)

# Return a list of currently loaded DLLs from the package
loaded_dlls <- function(package) {
  libs <- .dynLibs()
  matchidx <- vapply(libs, "[[", character(1), "name") == package

# This is a replacement for base::library.dynam, with a slightly different
# call interface. The original requires that the name of the package is the
# same as the directory name, which isn't always the case when loading with
# devtools. This version allows them to be different, and also searches in
# the src/ directory for the DLLs, instead of the libs/$R_ARCH/ directory.
library.dynam2 <- function(path = ".", lib = "") {
  path <- pkg_path(path)

  dyn_ext <- .Platform$dynlib.ext
  dllname <- paste(lib, dyn_ext, sep = "")
  dllfile <- package_file("src", dllname, path = path)

  if (!file.exists(dllfile)) {

  # Copy the .so to a temporary directory with a unique name. This way
  # we may have different versions of the .so loaded, in case
  # references to the previously loaded .so linger in the session.
  # The .so should have the package name so that R can find the
  # `R_init_` function by itself.
  dll_copy_dir <- tempfile("pkgload")
  dll_copy_file <- file.path(dll_copy_dir, dllname)
  file.copy(dllfile, dll_copy_file)

  # # The loading and registering of the dll is similar to how it's done
  # # in library.dynam.
  dllinfo <- dyn.load(dll_copy_file)

  # Register dll info so it can be unloaded with library.dynam.unload
  .dynLibs(c(.dynLibs(), list(dllinfo)))


# This is taken directly from base::loadNamespace()
# https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/tags/R-3-3-0/src/library/base/R/namespace.R#L270-L273
      comp_lang, y = quote(addNamespaceDynLibs <- NULL), idx = 1:2)[[3]]))

# This is taken directly from base::loadNamespace
# https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/tags/R-3-3-0/src/library/base/R/namespace.R#L287-L308
# The only change is the line used get the package name
onload_assign("assignNativeRoutines", {
  f <- eval(
      comp_lang, y = quote(assignNativeRoutines <- NULL), idx = 1:2)[[3]])
  body(f) <- as.call(append(after = 1,
      quote(package <- methods::getPackageName(env))))

try_load_dll <- function(path = ".") {
    load_dll(path = path),
    error = function(cnd) {
      cli::cli_warn("Failed to load at least one DLL.", parent = cnd)

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pkgload documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:07 p.m.