
Defines functions getWikiMedia.ImageInfo

Documented in getWikiMedia.ImageInfo

getWikiMedia.ImageInfo <- function(imagename, APIsource = "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php", module = "imageinfo", details = c("url", "metadata", "size", "extlinks"), testURL = TRUE){ 
  if(!requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop('package "RCurl" required but missing')
  if(testURL == TRUE){
    z <- RCurl::getURI(paste("https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:", imagename, sep=""), .opts=RCurl::curlOptions(header=TRUE, nobody=TRUE, transfertext=TRUE, failonerror=FALSE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
    if(!length(x <- grep(z, pattern="404 Not Found"))==0){
      stop(paste("File", imagename, "could not be located at https://commons.wikimedia.org"))
  options(warn = -1)
  # Get the image URL:
  xml.lst <- NULL
  for(j in 1:length(details)){
      xml.api <- xmlParse(RCurl::getURL(paste0(APIsource, "?action=query&titles=File:", imagename, "&prop=", module, "&iiprop=", details[j], "&format=xml"), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
      x <- xmlToList(xml.api[["//ii"]])
        exif.info <- sapply(xml.api["//metadata[@value]"], xmlGetAttr, "value")
        names(exif.info) <- sapply(xml.api["//metadata[@name]"], xmlGetAttr, "name")
        xml.lst[[j]] <- as.list(data.frame(as.list(exif.info), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
      } else {
        xml.lst[[j]] <- as.list(x)
    else {
      xml.api <- xmlParse(RCurl::getURL(paste0(APIsource, "?action=query&titles=File:", imagename, "&prop=", details[j], "&format=xml"), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
      geo.tag <- sapply(xml.api["//extlinks/el"], xmlValue)
      ## Try to determine coordinates from google maps URL:
      geo.tag1 <- geo.tag[grep(geo.tag, pattern="maps.google")]
          ll1 <- strsplit(strsplit(geo.tag1, "ll=")[[1]][2], "&")[[1]][1]
          ## manually enterred coordinates:
          Longitude <- strsplit(ll1, ",")[[1]][2]
          Latitude <- strsplit(ll1, ",")[[1]][1]
        } else {
        geo.tag2 <- geo.tag[grep(geo.tag, pattern=glob2rx("*lat=*lon=*"))]
          x <- unlist(strsplit(geo.tag2, "&"))
          Longitude <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x[grep(x, pattern="lon=")], "lon="))[2])
          Latitude <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x[grep(x, pattern="lat=")], "lat="))[2])
        } else {
          Longitude <- NA
          Latitude <- NA
      xml.lst[[j]] <- as.list(geo.tag)
      names(xml.lst[[j]]) <- paste("url", 1:length(geo.tag), sep="") 
    } else {
        xml.lst[[j]] <- NA
    else {
      stop("Currently reads only 'url', 'metadata' and 'extlinks' information.")
    names(xml.lst)[[j]] <- details[j] 

  # rewrite metadata with the Wikimedia specs (more reliable):
  xml.lst[["metadata"]]$GPSLongitude <- Longitude
  xml.lst[["metadata"]]$GPSLatitude <- Latitude
  xml.lst[["metadata"]]$ImageWidth <- xml.lst[["size"]]$width
  xml.lst[["metadata"]]$ImageHeight <- xml.lst[["size"]]$height    

# end of script;

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plotKML documentation built on June 7, 2022, 5:07 p.m.