
Defines functions mvr

Documented in mvr

### mvr.R: plsr/pcr modelling functions
### The top level user function.  Implements a formula interface and calls the
### correct fit function to do the work.
### The function borrows heavily from lm().

#' @name mvr
#' @title Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
#' @description Functions to perform partial least squares regression (PLSR), canonical
#' powered partial least squares (CPPLS) or principal component regression
#' (PCR), with a formula interface.  Cross-validation can be used.  Prediction,
#' model extraction, plot, print and summary methods exist.
#' @details The functions fit PLSR, CPPLS or PCR models with 1, \eqn{\ldots},
#' \code{ncomp} number of components.  Multi-response models are fully
#' supported.
#' The type of model to fit is specified with the \code{method} argument. Four
#' PLSR algorithms are available: the kernel algorithm (\code{"kernelpls"}),
#' the wide kernel algorithm (\code{"widekernelpls"}), SIMPLS (\code{"simpls"})
#' and the classical orthogonal scores algorithm (\code{"oscorespls"}). One
#' CPPLS algorithm is available (\code{"cppls"}) providing several extensions
#' to PLS. One PCR algorithm is available: using the singular value
#' decomposition (\code{"svdpc"}).  If \code{method} is \code{"model.frame"},
#' the model frame is returned.  The functions \code{pcr}, \code{plsr} and
#' \code{cppls} are wrappers for \code{mvr}, with different values for
#' \code{method}.
#' The \code{formula} argument should be a symbolic formula of the form
#' \code{response ~ terms}, where \code{response} is the name of the response
#' vector or matrix (for multi-response models) and \code{terms} is the name of
#' one or more predictor matrices, usually separated by \code{+}, e.g.,
#' \code{water ~ FTIR} or \code{y ~ X + Z}.  See \code{\link{lm}} for a
#' detailed description.  The named variables should exist in the supplied
#' \code{data} data frame or in the global environment.  Note: Do not use
#' \code{mvr(mydata$y ~ mydata$X, \ldots{})}, instead use \code{mvr(y ~ X, data
#' = mydata, \ldots{})}.  Otherwise, \code{\link{predict.mvr}} will not work
#' properly.  The chapter \samp{Statistical models in R} of the manual \samp{An
#' Introduction to R} distributed with is a good reference on formulas in .
#' The number of components to fit is specified with the argument \code{ncomp}.
#' It this is not supplied, the maximal number of components is used (taking
#' account of any cross-validation).
#' All implemented algorithms mean-center both predictor and response matrices.
#' This can be turned off by specifying \code{center = FALSE}.  See Seasholtz
#' and Kowalski for a discussion about centering in PLS regression.
#' If \code{validation = "CV"}, cross-validation is performed.  The number and
#' type of cross-validation segments are specified with the arguments
#' \code{segments} and \code{segment.type}.  See \code{\link{mvrCv}} for
#' details.  If \code{validation = "LOO"}, leave-one-out cross-validation is
#' performed.  It is an error to specify the segments when \code{validation =
#' "LOO"} is specified.
#' By default, the cross-validation will be performed serially.  However, it
#' can be done in parallel using functionality in the \code{\link{parallel}}
#' package by setting the option \code{parallel} in \code{\link{pls.options}}.
#' See \code{\link{pls.options}} for the differnt ways to specify the
#' parallelism.  See also Examples below.
#' Note that the cross-validation is optimised for speed, and some generality
#' has been sacrificed.  Especially, the model matrix is calculated only once
#' for the complete cross-validation, so models like \code{y ~ msc(X)} will not
#' be properly cross-validated.  However, scaling requested by \code{scale =
#' TRUE} is properly cross-validated.  For proper cross-validation of models
#' where the model matrix must be updated/regenerated for each segment, use the
#' separate function \code{\link{crossval}}.
#' @aliases mvr pcr plsr cppls
#' @param formula a model formula.  Most of the \code{\link{lm}} formula
#' constructs are supported.  See below.
#' @param ncomp the number of components to include in the model (see below).
#' @param Y.add a vector or matrix of additional responses containing relevant
#' information about the observations.  Only used for \code{cppls}.
#' @param data an optional data frame with the data to fit the model from.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
#' used in the fitting process.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data
#' contain missing values.  The default is set by the \code{na.action} setting
#' of \code{\link{options}}, and is \code{\link{na.fail}} if that is unset.
#' The \sQuote{factory-fresh} default is \code{\link{na.omit}}.  Another
#' possible value is \code{NULL}, no action.  Value \code{\link{na.exclude}}
#' can be useful.  See \code{\link{na.omit}} for other alternatives.
#' @param method the multivariate regression method to be used.  If
#' \code{"model.frame"}, the model frame is returned.
#' @param scale numeric vector, or logical.  If numeric vector, \eqn{X} is
#' scaled by dividing each variable with the corresponding element of
#' \code{scale}.  If \code{scale} is \code{TRUE}, \eqn{X} is scaled by dividing
#' each variable by its sample standard deviation.  If cross-validation is
#' selected, scaling by the standard deviation is done for every segment.
#' @param center logical, determines if the \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y} matrices are
#' mean centered or not. Default is to perform mean centering.
#' @param validation character.  What kind of (internal) validation to use.
#' See below.
#' @param model a logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the model frame is returned.
#' @param x a logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the model matrix is returned.
#' @param y a logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the response is returned.
#' @param weights a vector of individual weights for the observations.  Only
#' used for \code{cppls}.  (Optional)
#' @param \dots additional optional arguments, passed to the underlying fit
#' functions, and \code{\link{mvrCv}}.
#' Currently, the fit functions \code{\link{oscorespls.fit}} and
#' \code{\link{widekernelpls.fit}} implement these extra arguments: \describe{
#' \item{tol:}{numeric.  Tolerance used for determining convergence.}
#' \item{maxit:}{positive integer.  The maximal number of iterations used.} }
#' and \code{\link{cppls.fit}} implements: \describe{ \item{lower:}{a vector of
#' lower limits for power optimisation.} \item{upper:}{a vector of upper limits
#' for power optimisation.} \item{trunc.pow:}{logical. Whether to use an
#' experimental alternative power algorithm.} } \code{\link{mvrCv}} implements
#' several arguments; the following are probably the most useful of them:
#' \describe{ \item{segments:}{the number of segments to use, or a list with
#' segments.} \item{segment.type:}{the type of segments to use.}
#' \item{length.seg:}{Positive integer.  The length of the segments to use.}
#' \item{jackknife:}{logical.  Whether to perform jackknifing of regression
#' coefficients.} }
#' See the functions' documentation for details.
#' @return If \code{method = "model.frame"}, the model frame is returned.
#' Otherwise, an object of class \code{mvr} is returned.  The object contains
#' all components returned by the underlying fit function.  In addition, it
#' contains the following components: \item{validation}{if validation was
#' requested, the results of the cross-validation.  See \code{\link{mvrCv}} for
#' details.} \item{fit.time}{the elapsed time for the fit.  This is used by
#' \code{\link{crossval}} to decide whether to turn on tracing.}
#' \item{na.action}{if observations with missing values were removed,
#' \code{na.action} contains a vector with their indices.  The class of this
#' vector is used by functions like \code{fitted} to decide how to treat the
#' observations.} \item{ncomp}{the number of components of the model.}
#' \item{method}{the method used to fit the model.  See the argument
#' \code{method} for possible values.} \item{center}{use of centering in the model}
#' \item{scale}{if scaling was requested
#' (with \code{scale}), the scaling used.} \item{call}{the function call.}
#' \item{terms}{the model terms.} \item{model}{if \code{model = TRUE}, the
#' model frame.} \item{x}{if \code{x = TRUE}, the model matrix.} \item{y}{if
#' \code{y = TRUE}, the model response.}
#' @author Ron Wehrens and Bjørn-Helge Mevik
#' @seealso \code{\link{kernelpls.fit}}, \code{\link{widekernelpls.fit}},
#' \code{\link{simpls.fit}}, \code{\link{oscorespls.fit}},
#' \code{\link{cppls.fit}}, \code{\link{svdpc.fit}}, \code{\link{mvrCv}},
#' \code{\link{crossval}}, \code{\link[stats]{loadings}}, \code{\link{scores}},
#' \code{\link{loading.weights}}, \code{\link{coef.mvr}},
#' \code{\link{predict.mvr}}, \code{\link{R2}}, \code{\link{MSEP}},
#' \code{\link{RMSEP}}, \code{\link{plot.mvr}}
#' @references Martens, H., Næs, T. (1989) \emph{Multivariate calibration.}
#' Chichester: Wiley.
#' Seasholtz, M. B. and Kowalski, B. R. (1992) The effect of mean centering on
#' prediction in multivariate calibration.  \emph{Journal of Chemometrics},
#' \bold{6}(2), 103--111.
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' data(yarn)
#' ## Default methods:
#' yarn.pcr <- pcr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' yarn.pls <- plsr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' yarn.cppls <- cppls(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' ## Alternative methods:
#' yarn.oscorespls <- mvr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV",
#'                       method = "oscorespls")
#' yarn.simpls <- mvr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV",
#'                   method = "simpls")
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Parallelised cross-validation, using transient cluster:
#' pls.options(parallel = 4) # use mclapply
#' pls.options(parallel = quote(makeCluster(4, type = "PSOCK"))) # use parLapply
#' ## A new cluster is created and stopped for each cross-validation:
#' yarn.pls <- plsr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' yarn.pcr <- pcr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' ## Parallelised cross-validation, using persistent cluster:
#' library(parallel)
#' ## This creates the cluster:
#' pls.options(parallel = makeCluster(4, type = "PSOCK"))
#' ## The cluster can be used several times:
#' yarn.pls <- plsr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' yarn.pcr <- pcr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' ## The cluster should be stopped manually afterwards:
#' stopCluster(pls.options()$parallel)
#' ## Parallelised cross-validation, using persistent MPI cluster:
#' ## This requires the packages snow and Rmpi to be installed
#' library(parallel)
#' ## This creates the cluster:
#' pls.options(parallel = makeCluster(4, type = "MPI"))
#' ## The cluster can be used several times:
#' yarn.pls <- plsr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' yarn.pcr <- pcr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn, validation = "CV")
#' ## The cluster should be stopped manually afterwards:
#' stopCluster(pls.options()$parallel)
#' ## It is good practice to call mpi.exit() or mpi.quit() afterwards:
#' mpi.exit()
#' }
#' ## Multi-response models:
#' data(oliveoil)
#' sens.pcr <- pcr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)
#' sens.pls <- plsr(sensory ~ chemical, ncomp = 4, scale = TRUE, data = oliveoil)
#' ## Classification
#' # A classification example utilizing additional response information
#' # (Y.add) is found in the cppls.fit manual ('See also' above).
#' @export
mvr <- function(formula, ncomp, Y.add, data, subset, na.action,
                method = pls.options()$mvralg, scale = FALSE,
                center = TRUE, validation = c("none", "CV", "LOO"),
                model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, ...)
    ret.x  <- isTRUE(x)                 # More useful names
    ret.y  <- isTRUE(y)
    center <- isTRUE(center)        # Make sure it is a single logical

    ## Get the model frame
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    if (!missing(Y.add)) {
        ## Temporarily add Y.add to the formula
        Y.addname <- as.character(substitute(Y.add))
        mf$formula <- update(formula, paste("~ . +", Y.addname))
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1, m)]                # Retain only the named arguments
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    method <- match.arg(method, c("kernelpls", "widekernelpls", "simpls",
                                  "oscorespls", "cppls", "svdpc", "model.frame"))
    if (method == "model.frame") return(mf)
    ## Get the terms
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")        # This is to include the `predvars'
                                   # attribute of the terms
    ## Get the data matrices
    Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
    if (is.matrix(Y)) {
        if (is.null(colnames(Y)))
            colnames(Y) <- paste("Y", 1:dim(Y)[2], sep = "")
    } else {
        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
        colnames(Y) <- deparse(formula[[2]])
    if (missing(Y.add)) {
        Y.add <- NULL
    } else {
        Y.add <- mf[,Y.addname]
        ## Remove Y.add from the formula again
        mt <- drop.terms(mt, which(attr(mt, "term.labels") == Y.addname),
                         keep.response = TRUE)
    X <- delete.intercept(model.matrix(mt, mf))

    nobj  <- dim(X)[1]
    npred <- dim(X)[2]

    ## model.matrix prepends the term name to the colnames of matrices.
    ## If there is only one predictor term, and the corresponding matrix
    ## has colnames, remove the prepended term name:
    if (length(attr(mt, "term.labels")) == 1 &&
        !is.null(colnames(mf[[attr(mt, "term.labels")]])))
        colnames(X) <- sub(attr(mt, "term.labels"), "", colnames(X))

    ## Set or check the number of components:
    if (missing(ncomp)) {
        ncomp <- min(nobj - 1, npred)
        ncompWarn <- FALSE              # Don't warn about changed `ncomp'
    } else {
        if (ncomp < 1 || ncomp > min(nobj - 1, npred))
            stop("Invalid number of components, ncomp")
        ncompWarn <- TRUE

    ## Handle any fixed scaling before the the validation
    sdscale <- isTRUE(scale)            # Signals scaling by sd
    if (is.numeric(scale))
        if (length(scale) == npred)
            X <- X / rep(scale, each = nobj)
        else stop("length of 'scale' must equal the number of x variables")

    ## Optionally, perform validation:
           CV = {
               val <- mvrCv(X, Y, ncomp, Y.add = Y.add, method = method,
                            scale = sdscale, center = center, ...)
           LOO = {
               segments <- as.list(1:nobj)
               attr(segments, "type") <- "leave-one-out"
               val <- mvrCv(X, Y, ncomp, Y.add = Y.add, method = method,
                            scale = sdscale, center = center,
                            segments = segments, ...)
           none = {
               val <- NULL
    ## Check and possibly adjust ncomp:
    if (identical(TRUE, ncomp > val$ncomp)) {
        ncomp <- val$ncomp
        if (ncompWarn) warning("`ncomp' reduced to ", ncomp,
                               " due to cross-validation")

    ## Select fit function:
    fitFunc <- switch(method,
                      kernelpls = kernelpls.fit,
                      widekernelpls = widekernelpls.fit,
                      simpls = simpls.fit,
                      oscorespls = oscorespls.fit,
                      cppls = cppls.fit,
                      svdpc = svdpc.fit)

    ## Perform any scaling by sd:
    if (sdscale) {
        ## This is faster than sd(X), but cannot handle missing values:
        scale <- sqrt(colSums((X - rep(colMeans(X), each = nobj))^2) /
                      (nobj - 1))
        if (any(abs(scale) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5))
            warning("Scaling with (near) zero standard deviation")
        X <- X / rep(scale, each = nobj)

    ## Fit the model:
    start.time <- proc.time()[3]
    z <- fitFunc(X, Y, ncomp, Y.add = Y.add, center = center, ...)
    z$fit.time <- proc.time()[3] - start.time

    ## Build and return the object:
    class(z) <- "mvr"
    z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
    z$ncomp <- ncomp
    z$method <- method
    z$center <- center
    if (is.numeric(scale)) z$scale <- scale
    z$validation <- val
    z$call <- match.call()
    z$terms <- mt
    if (isTRUE(model)) z$model <- mf
    if (ret.x) z$x <- X
    if (ret.y) z$y <- Y

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