
#' Kernel Partial Least Squares Fit
#' This function computes the Partial Least Squares fit. This algorithm scales
#' mainly in the number of observations.
#' We first standardize \code{X} to zero mean and unit variance.
#' @param X matrix of predictor observations.
#' @param y vector of response observations. The length of \code{y} is the same
#' as the number of rows of \code{X}.
#' @param m maximal number of Partial Least Squares components. Default is
#' \code{m}=ncol(X).
#' @param compute.jacobian Should the first derivative of the regression
#' coefficients be computed as well? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param DoF.max upper bound on the Degrees of Freedom. Default is
#' \code{min(ncol(X)+1,nrow(X)-1)}.
#' @return \item{coefficients}{matrix of regression coefficients}
#' \item{intercept}{vector of regression intercepts} \item{DoF}{Degrees of
#' Freedom} \item{sigmahat}{vector of estimated model error} \item{Yhat}{matrix
#' of fitted values} \item{yhat}{vector of squared length of fitted values}
#' \item{RSS}{vector of residual sum of error} \item{covariance}{\code{NULL}
#' object.} \item{TT}{matrix of normalized PLS components}
#' @author Nicole Kraemer, Mikio L. Braun
#' @seealso \code{\link{linear.pls.fit}},
#' \code{\link{pls.cv}},\code{\link{pls.model}}, \code{\link{pls.ic}}
#' @references Kraemer, N., Sugiyama M. (2011). "The Degrees of Freedom of
#' Partial Least Squares Regression". Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association 106 (494)
#' \url{https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10107}
#' Kraemer, N., Braun, M.L. (2007) "Kernelizing PLS, Degrees of Freedom, and
#' Efficient Model Selection", Proceedings of the 24th International Conference
#' on Machine Learning, Omni Press, 441 - 448
#' @keywords multivariate
#' @examples
#' n<-50 # number of observations
#' p<-5 # number of variables
#' X<-matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
#' y<-rnorm(n)
#' pls.object<-kernel.pls.fit(X,y,m=5,compute.jacobian=TRUE)
#' @export kernel.pls.fit
kernel.pls.fit=function (X, y, m=ncol(X), compute.jacobian=FALSE,DoF.max=min(ncol(X)+1,nrow(X)-1)) {
    p <- ncol(X)
    n <- nrow(X)
    #Beta <- matrix(, p, m) # matrix of regression coefficients
    #W <- V <- Beta
    #dW <- dBeta <- dV <- array(dim = c(m, p, n))
    # scaling of the data
    mean.y <- mean(y)
    y <- scale(y, scale = FALSE)
    mean.X <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    sd.X <- apply(X, 2, sd)
    sd.X[sd.X == 0] = 1
    X <- X - rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(mean.X)
    X <- X/(rep(1, nrow(X)) %*% t(sd.X))
    TT <- matrix(, n, m)
    Yhat <- matrix(, n, m)
    Alpha <- matrix(0, n, m)
    Gamma <- matrix(, n, m)
    DoF = NULL
    dYhat = NULL
    if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
        dYhat = array(dim = c(m, n, n))
        dtildeT <- array(dim = c(m, n, n))
        dT <- dtildeT
        DoF = vector(length = m)
    for (i in 1:m) {
        if (i == 1) {
            ri <- y
            gi <- ri
            ti <- tildeti <- K %*% y
            if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
                dT[i, , ] <- dtildeT[i, , ] <- K
                dT[i, , ] <- dnormalize(ti, dT[i, , ])
                dtildeT[i, , ] <- dT[i, , ]
            dummy <- normalize(ti, gi)
            ti <- dummy$v
            gi <- dummy$w
            tildeti <- ti
            TT[, i] <- ti
            Gamma[, i] <- gi
            Alpha[, i] <- Gamma[, i] * sum(ti * y)
            Yhat[, i] = vvtz(ti, y)
            if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
                ti <- as.vector(ti)
                dYhat[i, , ] = dvvtz(ti, y, dT[i, , ], diag(n))
                DoF[i] <- sum(diag(dYhat[i, , ]))
        if (i > 1) {
            ri <- y - Yhat[, i - 1]
            tildeti <- K %*% ri
            if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
                dtildeT[i, , ] <- K %*% (diag(n) - dYhat[i - 
                  1, , ])
            TTi <- TT[, 1:(i - 1), drop = FALSE]
            ti <- tildeti - vvtz(TTi, tildeti)
            dummy <- rep(0, n)
            for (r in 1:(i - 1)) {
                dummy <- dummy + sum(tildeti * TT[, r]) * Gamma[,r]
            gi <- ri - dummy
            if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
                dT[i, , ] = dtildeT[i, , ] - dvvtz(TTi, tildeti, 
                  dT[1:(i - 1), , , drop = FALSE], dtildeT[i, 
                    , ])
                dT[i, , ] = dnormalize(ti, dT[i, , ])
            dummy <- normalize(ti, gi)
            ti <- dummy$v
            gi <- dummy$w
            TT[, i] <- ti
            Gamma[, i] <- gi
            Yhat[, i] <- Yhat[, i - 1] + vvtz(ti, y)
            Alpha[, i] <- Alpha[, i - 1] + Gamma[, i] * sum(TT[, 
                i] * y)
            if (compute.jacobian == TRUE) {
                ti <- as.vector(ti)
                dYhat[i, , ] <- dYhat[i - 1, , ] + dvvtz(ti, 
                  y, dT[i, , ], diag(n))
                DoF[i] <- sum(diag(dYhat[i, , ]))
    if (compute.jacobian==TRUE){
    if (compute.jacobian==FALSE){
        for (i in 1:(m+1)) {
            res <- Yhat[, i] - y0
        if ((compute.jacobian) == TRUE) {
        dummy[2:(m+1),,]<-dummy[2:(m+1),,] + dYhat
        denominator <- vector(length = m+1)
        for (i in 1:(m+1)) {
            denominator[i] <- sum(diag((diag(n) - dYhat[i, , 
                ]) %*% ((diag(n) - t(dYhat[i, , ])))))
        sigmahat <- sqrt(RSS/denominator)
    if (compute.jacobian==FALSE){
    coefficients = coefficients/(sd.X %*% t(rep(1, m+1)))
    intercept <- rep(mean.y, m+1) - t(coefficients) %*% mean.X
    return(list(coefficients=coefficients, intercept=intercept,DoF = DoF, Yhat=Yhat,yhat=yhat,
        RSS = RSS, sigmahat = sigmahat,covariance=covariance, TT = TT))

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