
Defines functions cookieToStr removeCookieStr

PlumberResponse <- R6Class(
  public = list(
    initialize = function(serializer=serializer_json()){
      self$serializer <- serializer
    status = 200L,
    body = NULL,
    headers = stats::setNames(list(), character()),
    serializer = NULL,
    setHeader = function(name, value){
      he <- list()
      he[[name]] <- value
      self$headers <- c(self$headers, he)
    toResponse = function(){
      h <- self$headers

      body <- self$body

      if (is.character(body)) {
        charset <- get_character_set(h$HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)
        Encoding(body) <- charset

      if (self$status %in% c(100:199, 204, 304)) {
        body <- NULL

        status = self$status,
        headers = h,
        body = body
    # TODO if name and value are a vector of same length, call set cookie many times
    setCookie = function(name, value, path = NULL, expiration = FALSE, http = FALSE, secure = FALSE, same_site = FALSE) {
      self$setHeader("Set-Cookie", cookieToStr(
        name = name,
        value = value,
        path = path,
        expiration = expiration,
        http = http,
        secure = secure,
        same_site = same_site
    removeCookie = function(name, path = NULL, http = FALSE, secure = FALSE, same_site = FALSE, ...) {
      self$setHeader("Set-Cookie", removeCookieStr(
        name = name,
        path = path,
        http = http,
        secure = secure,
        same_site = same_site

removeCookieStr <- function(name, path = NULL, http = FALSE, secure = FALSE, same_site = FALSE) {
  str <- paste0(name, "=; ")
  if (!missing(path) && is.character(path) && nchar(path) > 0) {
    str <- paste0(str, "Path=", path, "; ")
  if (!missing(http) && http){
    str <- paste0(str, "HttpOnly; ")
  if (!missing(secure) && secure){
    str <- paste0(str, "Secure; ")

  if (!missing(same_site) && is.character(same_site)) {
    str <- paste0(str, "SameSite=", same_site, "; ")

  str <- paste0(str, "Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT")

#' @noRd
cookieToStr <- function(
  path = NULL,
  expiration = FALSE,
  http = FALSE,
  secure = FALSE,
  same_site = FALSE,
  now = Sys.time() # used for testing. Should not be used in regular code.
  val <- httpuv::encodeURIComponent(as.character(value))
  str <- paste0(name, "=", val, "; ")

  if (!missing(path) && is.character(path) && nchar(path) > 0) {
    str <- paste0(str, "Path=", path, "; ")

  if (!missing(http) && http){
    str <- paste0(str, "HttpOnly; ")

  if (!missing(secure) && secure){
    str <- paste0(str, "Secure; ")

  if (!missing(same_site) && is.character(same_site)) {
    str <- paste0(str, "SameSite=", same_site, "; ")

  if (!missing(expiration)){
    if (is.numeric(expiration)){
      # Number of seconds in the future
      expy <- now + expiration
      expyStr <- format(expy, format="%a, %e %b %Y %T", tz="GMT", usetz=TRUE)

      str <- paste0(str, "Expires= ", expyStr, "; ")
      str <- paste0(str, "Max-Age= ", expiration, "; ")
    } else if (inherits(expiration, "POSIXt")){
      seconds <- difftime(expiration, now, units="secs")
      # TODO: DRY
      expyStr <- format(expiration, format="%a, %e %b %Y %T", tz="GMT", usetz=TRUE)
      str <- paste0(str, "Expires= ", expyStr, "; ")
      str <- paste0(str, "Max-Age= ", as.integer(seconds), "; ")
    } # interpret all other values as session cookies.

  # Trim last '; '
  ret <- substr(str, 0, nchar(str)-2)

  # double check size limit isn't reached
  cookieByteSize <- length(charToRaw(ret))
  # http://browsercookielimits.squawky.net/#limits
  #  typical browsers support 4096.  A couple safari based browsers max out at 4093.
  if (cookieByteSize > 4093) {
      "Cookie being saved is too large",
      " (> 4093 bytes; found ", cookieByteSize, " bytes).",
      " Browsers may not support such a large value.\n",
      "Consider using a database and only storing minimal information.")


Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:52 a.m.