
Defines functions as.anyData as.diffData gtest_filter anova_filter pmartR_filter_worker applyFilt.customFilt applyFilt.imdanovaFilt applyFilt.proteomicsFilt applyFilt.rmdFilt applyFilt.cvFilt applyFilt.RNAFilt applyFilt.totalCountFilt applyFilt.moleculeFilt applyFilt

Documented in anova_filter applyFilt applyFilt.customFilt applyFilt.cvFilt applyFilt.imdanovaFilt applyFilt.moleculeFilt applyFilt.proteomicsFilt applyFilt.rmdFilt applyFilt.RNAFilt applyFilt.totalCountFilt gtest_filter pmartR_filter_worker

#' Apply a S3 filter object to a pmartR S3 object
#' This function takes a filter object of class 'cvFilt', 'rmdFilt',
#'   'moleculeFilt', 'proteomicsFilt', 'imdanovaFilt', 'RNAFilt', 'totalCountFilt',
#'   or 'customFilt' and  applies the filter to a dataset of \code{pepData},
#'   \code{proData}, \code{lipidData}, \code{metabData}, \code{nmrData} or
#'   \code{seqData}.
#' @param filter_object an object of the class 'cvFilt', 'proteomicsFilt',
#'   'rmdFilt', 'moleculeFilt', 'imdanovaFilt', 'customFilt', 'RNAFilt', or
#'   'totalCountFilt' created by \code{cv_filter}, \code{proteomics_filter},
#'   \code{rmd_filter}, \code{molecule_filter}, \code{imdanova_filter},
#'   \code{custom_filter}, \code{RNA_filter}, or \code{total_count_filter},
#'   respectively.
#' @param omicsData an object of the class \code{pepData}, \code{proData},
#'   \code{lipidData}, \code{metabData}, \code{nmrData}, or \code{seqData}
#'   usually created by \code{\link{as.pepData}}, \code{\link{as.proData}},
#'   \code{\link{as.lipidData}}, \code{\link{as.metabData}},
#'   \code{\link{as.nmrData}}, or \code{\link{as.seqData}}, respectively.
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @param min_num,min_count,min_nonzero,size_library,cv_threshold,pvalue_threshold,min_num_biomolecules,min_num_peps,redundancy,comparisons,min_nonmiss_anova,min_nonmiss_gtest,remove_singleton_groups 
#'   Arguments that depend on the class of \code{filter_object}, see details.
#' @return An object of the class \code{pepData}, \code{proData},
#'   \code{lipidData}, \code{metabData}, \code{nmrData}, or \code{seqData} with
#'   specified cname_ids, edata_cnames, and emeta_cnames filtered out of the
#'   appropriate datasets.
#' @details Further arguments can be specified depending on the class of the
#'   \code{filter_object} being applied.
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'moleculeFilt': \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{min_num} \tab an integer value specifying the minimum number of times
#'   each biomolecule must be observed across all samples in order to retain the
#'   biomolecule. Default value is 2. \cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'cvFilt': \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{cv_threshold} \tab an integer value specifying the maximum
#'   coefficient of variation (CV) threshold for the biomolecules. Biomolecules
#'   with CV greater than this threshold will be filtered. Default threshold is
#'   150. \cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'rmdFilt': \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{pvalue_threshold} \tab numeric value between 0 and 1, specifying the
#'   p-value below which samples will be removed from the dataset. Default is
#'   0.001. \cr \code{min_num_biomolecules} \tab numeric value greater than 10
#'   (preferably greater than 50) that specifies the minimum number of
#'   biomolecules that must be present in order to create an rmdFilt object.
#'   Using values less than 50 is not advised. \cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'proteomicsFilt' either or both of the
#'   following can be applied: \tabular{ll}{ \code{min_num_peps} \tab an
#'   optional integer value between 1 and the maximum number of peptides that
#'   map to a protein in omicsData. The value specifies the minimum number of
#'   peptides that must map to a protein. Any protein with less than
#'   \code{min_num_peps} mapping to it will be removed from the dataset. Default
#'   value is NULL, meaning that this filter is not applied. \cr
#'   \code{redundancy} \tab logical indicator of whether to filter out
#'   degenerate/redundant peptides (peptides that map to more than one protein).
#'   Default value is FALSE. \cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'imdanovaFilt': \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{min_nonmiss_anova} \tab integer value specifying the minimum number
#'   of non-missing feature values allowed per group for \code{anova_filter}.
#'   Default value is 2. \cr \code{min_nonmiss_gtest} \tab integer value
#'   specifying the minimum number of non-missing feature values allowed per
#'   group for \code{gtest_filter}. Default value is 3.\cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'totalCountFilt': \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{min_count} \tab integer value specifying the minimum number of
#'   biomolecule counts observed across all samples in order for the biomolecule
#'   to be retained in the dataset. This filter is only applicable for
#'   \code{seqData} objects. \cr }
#'   For a \code{filter_object} of type 'RNAFilt' either or both of the
#'   following can be applied: \tabular{ll}{ \code{min_nonzero} \tab integer
#'   value specifying the minimum number of non-zero feature values per sample.
#'   \cr \code{size_library} \tab integer value or fraction between 0 and 1
#'   specifying the minimum number of total reads per sample. This filter is
#'   only applicable for \code{seqData} objects. \cr }
#'   There are no further arguments for a \code{filter_object} of type '
#'   customFilt'.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' to_filter <- molecule_filter(omicsData = pep_object)
#' summary(to_filter, min_num = 2)
#' pep_object2 <- applyFilt(
#'   filter_object = to_filter,
#'   omicsData = pep_object, min_num = 2
#' )
#' summary(pep_object2) # number of Peptides is as expected based on summary of 
#'                      # the filter object that was applied
#' pep_object2 <- group_designation(omicsData = pep_object2,
#'                                  main_effects = "Phenotype")
#' to_filter2 <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = pep_object2)
#' pep_object3 <- applyFilt(
#'   filter_object = to_filter2,
#'   omicsData = pep_object2,
#'   min_nonmiss_anova = 3
#' )
#' @seealso \code{\link{molecule_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{imdanova_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rmd_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{proteomics_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{custom_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{RNA_filter}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{total_count_filter}}
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @export
applyFilt <- function(filter_object, omicsData, ...) {
  # check that omicsData is of pmartR S3 class#
  if (!inherits(omicsData, c(
    "pepData", "proData", "lipidData", "metabData",
    "nmrData", "seqData"
  ))) {
    # Throw down an error for blatant abuse of the pmartR standards.
    stop(paste("omicsData must be of class 'pepData', 'proData', 'lipidData',",
      "'metabData', 'nmrData', or 'seqData'",
      sep = " "

  # check that filter_object is of an appropriate class#
  if (!inherits(filter_object, c(
    "cvFilt", "proteomicsFilt", "moleculeFilt",
    "RNAFilt", "rmdFilt", "imdanovaFilt",
    "customFilt", "totalCountFilt"
  ))) {
    # Throw an error for unholy argument specification.
    stop(paste("filter_object must be of  'cvFilt', 'proteomicsFilt',",
      "'moleculeFilt', 'rmdFilt', 'imdanovaFilt', 'customFilt',",
      "'RNAFilt', or 'totalCountFilt'.",
      sep = " "

  # pull column names from omicR_data attributes #
  col_nms = attr(omicsData, "cnames")
  samp_cname = col_nms$fdata_cname
  edata_cname = col_nms$edata_cname
  emeta_cname = col_nms$emeta_cname

  # generate warnings if data type is not present but user asks to filter #
  if (!is.null(filter_object$filter_edata) & is.null(edata_cname)) {
    warning(paste("e_data identifier column specified in filter_object is not",
      "present in omicsData$e_data. Specified e_data features",
      "cannot be filtered from data.",
      sep = " "

  if (!is.null(filter_object$filter_emeta) & is.null(emeta_cname)) {
    warning(paste("e_meta identifier column specified in filter_object is not",
      "present in omicsData$e_meta. Specified e_meta features",
      "cannot be filtered from data.",
      sep = " "

  if (!is.null(filter_object$filter_samples) & is.null(samp_cname)) {
    warning(paste("Sample identifier column specified in filter_object is not",
      "present in omicsData. Specified samples cannot be filtered",
      "from data.",
      sep = " "


# function for moleculeFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.moleculeFilt <- function(filter_object, omicsData, min_num = 2, ...) {
  # Perform some initial checks on the input arguments -------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
            toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if a molecule filter has already been applied.
  if ('moleculeFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Gently tell the user they have already applied a molecule filter.
    warning('A molecule filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # check that min_num is of length 1 #
  if (length(min_num) != 1) {
    # Warn the user of their treachery with an error.
    stop("min_num must be of length 1")

  # The min_num argument must be an integer and >= 1.
  if (min_num %% 1 != 0 || min_num < 1) {
    # Denounce the users heinous actions with an error.
    stop("min_num must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")

  # check that min_num is less than the total number of samples #
  if (min_num > attr(filter_object, "num_samps")) {
    # Throw an error for the users audacity to besmirch the arguments in such a
    # foul manner.
    stop("min_num cannot be greater than or equal to the number of samples")

  # Prepare the information needed to filter the data --------------------------

  # Extract the column number containing the identifiers.
  id_col <- which(names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData))

  # Sniff out the indices that fall below the threshold.
  inds <- which(filter_object$Num_Observations < min_num)

  # Compute the length of the inds vector and specify filter.edata accordingly.
  if (length(inds) < 1) {
    # Throw down a message that nothing was filtered and return the omicsData
    # object exactly how it is because nothing was filtered.
    message(paste("No biomolecules were filtered with the value specified for",
      "the min_num argument.",
      sep = " "

    # Return the omicsData object that was used as the input to applyFilt. No
    # filtering occurred so the filters attribute should remain how it was
    # before calling the applyFilt function.
  } else {
    # Fish out the identifiers that will be filtered.
    filter.edata <- filter_object[, id_col][inds]

  # Create a list that is used in the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_data_remove = filter.edata,
    e_meta_remove = NULL,
    f_data_remove = NULL

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.

    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # determine if we have group and batch effects from filter
  use_batch <- attributes(filter_object)$use_batch
  use_groups <- attributes(filter_object)$use_groups

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = min_num,
    filtered = filter.edata,
    method = list(use_groups = use_groups, use_batch = use_batch)


# function for moleculeFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.totalCountFilt <- function(filter_object, omicsData, min_count, ...) {
  # Perform some initial checks on the input arguments -------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if a molecule filter has already been applied.
  if ('totalCountFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Gently tell the user they have already applied a molecule filter.
    warning('A total count filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # check that min_count is of length 1 #
  if (length(min_count) != 1) {
    # Warn the user of their treachery with an error.
    stop("min_count must be of length 1")

  # The min_count argument must be an integer and >= 1.
  if (min_count %% 1 != 0 || min_count < 2) {
    # Denounce the users heinous actions with an error.
    stop("min_count must be an integer greater than or equal to 2")

  # Prepare the information needed to filter the data --------------------------

  # Sniff out the indices that fall below the threshold.
  inds <- which(filter_object$Total_Counts < min_count)

  # Compute the length of the inds vector and specify filter.edata accordingly.
  if (length(inds) < 1) {
    # Set filter.edata to NULL because no rows in omicsData$e_data will be
    # filtered out.
    filter.edata <- NULL
  } else {
    # Fish out the identifiers that will be filtered.
    filter.edata <- filter_object[[1]][inds]

  # Create a list that is used in the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_data_remove = filter.edata,
    e_meta_remove = NULL,
    f_data_remove = NULL

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                   "time_course")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = min_count,
    filtered = filter.edata,
    method = NA


#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.RNAFilt <- function(filter_object,
                              min_nonzero = NULL,
                              size_library = NULL,
                              ...) {
  # Perform some initial checks on the input arguments -------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if a molecule filter has already been applied.
  if ('RNAFilt' %in% suppressMessages(get_filter_type(omicsData))) {
    # Gently tell the user they have already applied a molecule filter.
    warning('An RNA filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  ## Checks for size_library as single integer
  if (!is.null(size_library) &&
    (length(size_library) > 1 ||
      size_library %% 1 != 0 ||
      size_library > max(filter_object$LibrarySize)
  ) stop(
      "size_library must be integer of length 1 less than max library size (",

  ## Checks for min_nonzero as single numeric
  if (!is.null(min_nonzero)) {
    ## Length
    if (length(min_nonzero) > 1) stop("min_nonzero must be length 1")

    ## proportion or int
    if (!(min_nonzero %% 1 == 0 || (min_nonzero > 0 && min_nonzero < 1))) stop(
      "min_nonzero must be integer or numeric between 0 and 1."

    ## Within appropriate bounds
    if (min_nonzero %% 1 == 0 && min_nonzero > max(filter_object$NonZero)) stop(
        "min_nonzero exceeds maximum number of non-zero biomolecules (",

    if (min_nonzero %% 1 != 0 &&
      min_nonzero > max(filter_object$ProportionNonZero)) stop(
        "min_nonzero exceeds maximum proportion of non-zero biomolecules (",

  # Prepare the information needed to filter the data --------------------------

  # Extract the column number containing the identifiers.
  id_col <- which(names(omicsData$f_data) == get_fdata_cname(omicsData))
  inds <- c()

  if (!is.null(min_nonzero)) {
    column_use <- ifelse(min_nonzero %% 1 == 0,
      "NonZero", "ProportionNonZero"
    mnz <- filter_object[[column_use]] >= min_nonzero
  } else mnz <- rep(TRUE, nrow(filter_object))

  if (!is.null(size_library)) {
    sl <- filter_object[["LibrarySize"]] >= size_library
  } else sl <- rep(TRUE, nrow(filter_object))

  # Sniff out the indices that fall below the threshold.
  inds <- which(!Reduce("&", list(mnz, sl)))

  # Compute the length of the inds vector and specify filter.fdata accordingly.
  if (length(inds) < 1) {
    # Set filter.fdata to NULL because no rows in omicsData$f_data will be
    # filtered out.
    filter.fdata <- NULL
  } else {
    # Fish out the identifiers that will be filtered.
    filter.fdata <- filter_object[, id_col][inds]

  # Create a list that is used in the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_data_remove = NULL,
    e_meta_remove = NULL,
    f_data_remove = filter.fdata

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                   "time_course")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = list(size_library = size_library, min_nonzero = min_nonzero),
    filtered = sort(filter.fdata),
    method = NA


# function for cvFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.cvFilt <- function(filter_object, omicsData, cv_threshold = 150, ...) {
  # Perform some initial checks on the input arguments -------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if a CV filter has already been applied.
  if ('cvFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Slap the users wrist with a warning.
    warning('A CV filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # Check that cv_threshold is a scalar.
  if (length(cv_threshold) != 1) {
    # Stop the treacherous snake with an error!
    stop("cv_threshold must be a scalar.")

  # check that cv_threshold is greater than 0 #
  if (cv_threshold <= 0) stop("cv_threshold must be greater than 0.")

  # Check that cv_threshold is less than the largest CV value.
  if (cv_threshold > max(na.omit(filter_object$CV))) {
    # Throw an error because the user does not understand basic number line
    # protocol.
    stop("cv_threshold cannot be greater than the largest CV value.")

  # Check if cv_threshold is numeric. Honestly!
  if (!is.numeric(cv_threshold)) {
    # User. My life is looking bleak right now because of you.
    stop("cv_threshold must be numeric.")

  # Prepare the information needed to filter the data --------------------------

  # Extract the column number containing the identifiers.
  id_col <- which(names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData))

  # Sniff out the indices that fall below the threshold.
  inds <- which(filter_object$CV > cv_threshold)

  # Compute the length of the inds vector and specify filter.edata accordingly.
  if (length(inds) < 1) {
    # Throw down a message that nothing was filtered and return the omicsData
    # object exactly how it is because nothing was filtered.
    message(paste("No biomolecules were filtered with the value specified for",
      "the cv_threshold argument.",
      sep = " "

    # Return the omicsData object that was used as the input to applyFilt. No
    # filtering occurred so the filters attribute should remain how it was
    # before calling the applyFilt function.
  } else {
    # Fish out the identifiers that will be filtered.
    filter.edata <- omicsData$e_data[, id_col][inds]

  # Create a list that is used in the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_data_remove = filter.edata,
    e_meta_remove = NULL,
    f_data_remove = NULL

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.

    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # determine if we have use_groups
  use_groups <- attributes(filter_object)$use_groups

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = cv_threshold,
    filtered = filter.edata,
    method = list(use_groups = use_groups)

  # We did it! Kudos to us!!

# function for rmdFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.rmdFilt <- function(filter_object,
                              pvalue_threshold = 0.0001,
                              min_num_biomolecules = 50,
                              ...) {
  # Perform some initial checks on the input arguments -------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if an RMD filter has already been applied.
  if ('rmdFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Slap the users wrist with a warning.
    warning('An RMD filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # Check if pvalue_threshold is numeric.
  if (!is.numeric(pvalue_threshold)) {
    # User. It is very aggravating trying to figure out all the ways you can
    # screw up the analysis and write checks for them.
    stop("value_threshold must be numeric.")

  # check that pvalue_threshold is between 0 and 1 #
  if (pvalue_threshold < 0 || pvalue_threshold > 1) {
    # Figuratively smack the user with an error for not knowing what a p-value
    # is (or what values it can take).
    stop("pvalue_threshold must be between 0 and 1.")

  # Check that min_num_biomolecules is numeric.
  if (!is.numeric(min_num_biomolecules)) {
    # User. I am too tired to continue writing snide remarks about you and all
    # the pain you cause me.
    stop("min_num_biomolecules must be numeric.")

  # Check that min_num_biomolecules is less than the number of observations.
  if (get_data_info(omicsData)$num_edata < min_num_biomolecules) {
    # Stop the user for trying to filter their entire sample. Maybe we should
    # also ask them why they went to all that effort in gathering the data if
    # they are just going to try to throw it all away.
    stop(paste("There are fewer biomolecules in omicsData than",
      paste0("(", min_num_biomolecules, ")."),
      "See applyFilt for details.",
      sep = " "

  # Prepare the information needed to filter the data --------------------------

  # Extract the column number containing the sample IDs.
  id_col <- which(names(filter_object) == get_fdata_cname(omicsData))

  # Sniff out the indices that fall below the threshold.
  inds <- which(filter_object$pvalue < pvalue_threshold)

  # Compute the length of the inds vector and specify filter.samp accordingly.
  if (length(inds) < 1) {
    # Throw down a message that nothing was filtered and return the omicsData
    # object exactly how it is because nothing was filtered.
    message(paste("No samples were filtered with the value specified for",
      "the pvalue_threshold argument.",
      sep = " "

    # Return the omicsData object that was used as the input to applyFilt. No
    # filtering occurred so the filters attribute should remain how it was
    # before calling the applyFilt function.

    # Check if the number of indices to filter is equal to the total number of
    # samples.
  } else if (length(inds) == dim(filter_object)[1]) {
    # Throw an error for trying to remove every sample.
    stop("With the current p-value threshold all samples will be filtered.")
  } else {
    # Snatch the sample name and pair name as they will be used in multiple
    # places. It will save some typing. ... However, all the typing I just saved
    # has probably been undone by writing this comment.
    sample_name <- get_fdata_cname(omicsData)
    pair_name <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")

    filter.samp <- as.character(filter_object[inds, id_col])

    # If the data are paired make sure all necessary samples are filtered.
    if (!is.null(pair_name)) {
      # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!
      # The following code checks if the samples in a pair will be split. For
      # example, one sample in a pair will be filtered and another sample in the
      # pair will not be filtered. If a pair is split remove ALL samples
      # associated with that pair.
      # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!

      # Snag the associated pair IDs for the samples that will be filtered.
      filtered_pairs <- omicsData$f_data %>%
        dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name) %in% filter.samp) %>%

      # Go back to f_data and nab all the sample names corresponding to the pair
      # IDs associated with the original samples that were selected for removal.
      # These sample names will be used to filter the data. This vector will not
      # be the same as the original vector if any pairs were split. If there
      # were no pairs split the two vectors will be the same.
      filter.samp <- omicsData$f_data %>%
        dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(pair_name) %in% filtered_pairs) %>%
        dplyr::pull(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name)) %>%

  # Create a list that is used in the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_data_remove = NULL,
    e_meta_remove = NULL,
    f_data_remove = filter.samp

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = pvalue_threshold,
    filtered = filter.samp,
    method = NA

  # Return the filtered data! High fives all around!!!

# function for proteomicsFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
#' @export
applyFilt.proteomicsFilt <- function(filter_object,
                                     min_num_peps = NULL,
                                     redundancy = FALSE,
                                     ...) {
  # Perform initial checks on the input arguments ------------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if a proteomics filter has already been applied.
  if ('proteomicsFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Slap the users wrist with a warning.
    warning('A proteomics filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # Make sure at least some of the peptides or proteins will be filtered. This
  # means min_num_peps must not be null or redundancy must not be FALSE.
  if (is.null(min_num_peps) && !redundancy) {
    # Warn the user that no filtering will actually occur.
    stop(paste("No peptides or proteins will be filtered. Either change",
      "min_num_peps to an integer > 1 or change redundancy to TRUE.",
      sep = " "

  # error checks for min_num_peps, if not NULL #
  if (!is.null(min_num_peps)) {
    # check that min_num_peps is of length 1 #
    if (length(min_num_peps) != 1) {
      # Warn the user of their treachery with an error.
      stop("min_num_peps must be of length 1")

    # Check if min_num_peps is numeric.
    if (!is.numeric(min_num_peps)) {
      # Am still wondering why someone would make an obviously numeric input a
      # character string. Oh well. Hope this error brings everything crashing
      # down around them. Maybe they can build something slightly useful from
      # the ruins.
      stop("min_num_peps must be numeric.")

    # The min_num_peps argument must be an integer and > 1.
    if (min_num_peps %% 1 != 0 || min_num_peps <= 1) {
      # Denounce the users heinous actions with an error.
      stop("min_num_peps must be an integer greater than 1")

    # Check that min_num_peps is less than the total number of peptides.
    if (min_num_peps >= nrow(omicsData$e_data)) {
      # Throw an error for the users inability to perform basic counting
      # operations.
      stop(paste("min_num_peps cannot be greater than or equal to the number",
        "of peptides",
        sep = " "

  # check that redundancy is logical #
  if (!inherits(redundancy, "logical")) {
    # Warn the illogical user that their inputs are also illogical.
    stop("redundancy must be either TRUE or FALSE")

  # degenerate peptides portion ------------------------------------------------

  # Extract the name of the column that contains peptide IDs.
  pep_id = attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname

  # Extract the column name containing the protein IDs.
  pro_id = attr(omicsData, "cnames")$emeta_cname

  # Check if redundancy is TRUE.
  if (redundancy) {
    count_bypep <- filter_object$counts_by_pep

    # pull peptides with more than one row in e_meta.
    degen_peptides <- as.character(
      data.frame(count_bypep[which(count_bypep$n > 1), ])[, pep_id]

    ## identify any proteins that now will not have peptides mapping to them ##
    ## find rows in e_meta that correspond to peptides to be filtered ##
    pepfilt.ids = which(omicsData$e_meta[, pep_id] %in% degen_peptides)

    # Fish out the indices for the proteins that will be filtered.
    add_prots <- as.character(setdiff(
      omicsData$e_meta[pepfilt.ids, pro_id],
      omicsData$e_meta[-pepfilt.ids, pro_id]

    if (length(add_prots) == 0) {
      add_prots = NULL

    if (length(degen_peptides) == 0) {
      degen_peptides = NULL

    pepe <- list(
      e_data_remove = degen_peptides,
      e_meta_remove = add_prots
  } else {
    pepe <- list(
      e_data_remove = NULL,
      e_meta_remove = NULL

  # protein filter portion -----------------------------------------------------

  # Check if min_num_peps is not NULL.
  if (!is.null(min_num_peps)) {
    if (!is.null(pepe$e_data_remove)) {
      # find the which proteins had peptides removed.
      peps_rmv_by_pro <- omicsData$e_meta %>% 
        dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(pep_id) %in% pepe$e_data_remove) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(!!dplyr::sym(pro_id)) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n())

      # decrement the counts of proteins that had redundant peptides removed.
      temp_counts <- filter_object$counts_by_pro 
      decr_idx = match(peps_rmv_by_pro[[pro_id]],temp_counts[[pro_id]])
      temp_counts[decr_idx,]$n <- temp_counts[decr_idx,]$n - peps_rmv_by_pro$n 
    } else {
      temp_counts <- filter_object$counts_by_pro

    # Find all rows with proteins that map to fewer peptides than min_num_peps.
    pro_idx <- which(temp_counts$n < min_num_peps)

    # pull proteins with less than min_num_peps.
    pro_filt <- as.character(filter_object$counts_by_pro[pro_idx, pro_id])

    # Find rows in e_meta that correspond to proteins to be filtered.
    protfilt.ids = which(omicsData$e_meta[, pro_id] %in% pro_filt)

    # Extricate the indices for the peptides that will be filtered.
    pep_filt <- as.character(setdiff(
      omicsData$e_meta[protfilt.ids, pep_id],
      omicsData$e_meta[-protfilt.ids, pep_id]

    if (length(pep_filt) == 0) {
      pep_filt = NULL

    if (length(pro_filt) == 0) {
      pro_filt = NULL

    pepe2 <- list(
      e_meta_remove = pro_filt,
      e_data_remove = pep_filt
  } else {
    pepe2 <- list(
      e_data_remove = NULL,
      e_meta_remove = NULL

  # Consolidate pepe and pepe2 to pass to the pmartR_filter_worker function.
  filter_object_new <- list(
    e_meta_remove = unique(c(
    e_data_remove = unique(c(

  # checking that filter_object_new does not specify all of e_data(peps) or all
  # of e_meta(protiens) in omicsData
  if (all(omicsData$e_meta[[pro_id]] %in% filter_object_new$e_meta_remove)) {
    stop("filter_object specifies all proteins in e_meta")

  if (all(omicsData$e_data[[pep_id]] %in% filter_object_new$e_data_remove)) {
    stop("filter_object specifies all peptides in e_data")

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    filter_object = filter_object_new,
    omicsData = omicsData

  # Update the omicsData data frames.
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = data.frame(
      min_num_peps = ifelse(is.null(min_num_peps),
      redundancy = as.character(redundancy)
    filtered = filter_object_new,
    method = NA

  # Return the filtered data! Look at us go!!

# function for imdanovaFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.imdanovaFilt <- function(filter_object,
                                   comparisons = NULL,
                                   min_nonmiss_anova = NULL,
                                   min_nonmiss_gtest = NULL,
                                   remove_singleton_groups = TRUE,
                                   ...) {
  # #' @details If filter_method="combined" is specified, then both the
  # \code{anova_filter} and \code{gtest_filter} are applied to the data, and the
  # intersection of features from the two filters is the set returned. For
  # ANOVA, features that do not have at least \code{min_nonmiss_allowed} values
  # per group are candidates for filtering. For the G-test, features that do not
  # have at least \code{min_nonmiss_allowed} values per group are candidates for
  # filtering. The G-test is a test of independence, used here to test the null
  # hypothesis of independence between the number of missing values across
  # groups.

  # Perform initial checks on the input arguments ------------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Check if an imdanova filter has already been applied.
  if ('imdanovaFilt' %in% get_filter_type(omicsData)) {
    # Slap the users wrist with a warning.
    warning('An imdanova filter has already been applied to this data set.')

  # Check the number of columns in filter_object. If there are only two columns
  # then there is only one non-singleton group and an imdanova filter cannot be
  # applied unless the data are paired.
  if (dim(filter_object)[2] == 2 &&
    is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    # Throw an error for too few samples to run an imdanova filter.
    stop(paste("An IMD-ANOVA filter cannot be used because there is only one",
      "non-singleton group.",
      sep = " "

  # verify remove_singleton_groups is logical T/F #
  if (!inherits(remove_singleton_groups, "logical")) {
    # Stop the illogical user in their tracks for using illogical inputs.
    stop("remove_singleton_groups must be TRUE or FALSE")

  # check that at least one of min_nonmiss_anova and min_nonmiss_gtest are
  # present #
  if (is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) & is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # Throw an error for not providing any filter criteria.
    stop(paste("At least one of min_nonmiss_anova and min_nonmiss_gtest must",
      "be present",
      sep = " "

  #### The following objects will be used in the remainder of the checks. ####

  # Fish out the group_DF attribute.
  groupDF <- attributes(omicsData)$group_DF

  # Extricate the nonsingleton group names.
  nonsingleton_groups <- attr(groupDF, 'nonsingleton_groups')

  # Extract the group sizes attribute.
  group_sizes <- attr(filter_object, "group_sizes")

  # Find the minimum group size.
  min_grp_size <- min(group_sizes$n_group[which(group_sizes$Group %in%

  #### End object creation for preliminary checking purposes. ####

  # Check that comparisons is a data frame with appropriate group names.
  if (!is.null(comparisons)) {
    # Check that comparisons is a data frame.
    if (!inherits(comparisons, "data.frame")) {
      # I am at a loss for words. That doesn't happen very often when I am
      # writing comments in my code.
      stop("comparisons must be a data frame.")

    # Check that the groups specified are present in f_data.
    if (!all(unlist(comparisons, use.names = FALSE) %in% groupDF$Group)) {
      # Trying to compare groups that don't exist? ... Huh?
        "One or more groups specified in comparisons do not exist in f_data."

  # Check if min_nonmiss_anova is present.
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova)) {
    # check that min_nonmiss_anova is of length 1 #
    if (length(min_nonmiss_anova) != 1) {
      # Warn the user of their treachery with an error.
      stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be of length 1")

    # Check if min_nonmiss_anova is numeric.
    if (!is.numeric(min_nonmiss_anova)) {
      # ...
      stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be numeric.")

    # The min_nonmiss_anova argument must be an integer and > 1.
    if (min_nonmiss_anova %% 1 != 0 || min_nonmiss_anova < 2) {
      # Denounce the users heinous actions with an error.
      stop("min_nonmiss_anova must be an integer > 1")

    # Ensure min_nonmiss_anova is not greater than the smallest group size.
    if (min_nonmiss_anova > min_grp_size) {
      # Throw an error for an illegal use of integers.
      stop("min_nonmiss_anova cannot be greater than the minimum group size")

  # Check if min_nonmiss_gtest is present.
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    # check that min_nonmiss_gtest is of length 1 #
    if (length(min_nonmiss_gtest) != 1) {
      # Warn the user of their treachery with an error.
      stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be of length 1")

    # Check if min_nonmiss_gtest is numeric.
    if (!is.numeric(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
      # Inconceivable!!!
      stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be numeric.")

    # The min_nonmiss_gtest argument must be an integer and > 1.
    if (min_nonmiss_gtest %% 1 != 0 || min_nonmiss_gtest < 2) {
      # Denounce the users heinous actions with an error.
      stop("min_nonmiss_gtest must be an integer > 1")

    # Ensure min_nonmiss_gtest is not greater than the smallest group size.
    if (min_nonmiss_gtest > min_grp_size) {
      # Throw an error for an illegal use of integers.
      stop("min_nonmiss_gtest cannot be greater than the minimum group size")

  # Prepare the data to be filtered --------------------------------------------

  # Create a variable that will be used to determine what should be included in
  # the filtered attribute at the end of the function. If there are singleton
  # groups and if they were removed this value will be changed to TRUE.
  singletons <- FALSE

  # if remove_singleton_groups is TRUE, filter those out now #
  if (remove_singleton_groups) {
    # Check for singleton groups.
    if (any(group_sizes$n_group == 1)) {
      # Change the singleton variable to TRUE.
      singletons <- TRUE

      # which group(s) #
      singleton_groups <- group_sizes$Group[group_sizes$n_group == 1]

      # which sample name(s) #
      samps_to_rm <- as.character(
          which(groupDF$Group %in% singleton_groups),

      # use custom_filter to remove the sample(s) from the omicsData object #
      my_cust_filt <- custom_filter(omicsData,
        f_data_remove = samps_to_rm
      omicsData <- applyFilt(my_cust_filt, omicsData)

      # Get the total number of filters previously applied. This is the length
      # of the filters attribute.
      n_filtas <- length(suppressMessages(get_filters(omicsData)))

      # Check the length of the filters attribute.
      if (n_filtas == 1) {
        # if (length(attr(omicsData, "filters")) == 1) {

        # Reset the filters attribute to an empty list because no other filters
        # have been applied previously.
        attr(omicsData, "filters") <- list()

        # The following will run if the filters attribute is greater than 1. It
        # cannot be 0 because a custom filter was just applied.
      } else {
        # # Get the total number of filters previously applied. This is the length
        # # of the filters attribute.
        # n_filtas <- length(get_filters(omicsData))

        # Remove the custom filter from the filters attribute.
        attr(omicsData, "filters") <- suppressMessages(get_filters(omicsData)[-n_filtas])

      # Fish out the updated group_DF attribute.
      groupDF <- attributes(omicsData)$group_DF

      # update the IMD-ANOVA filter attributes.
      attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes <-
        group_sizes[-which(group_sizes$Group %in% singleton_groups), ]

      # give a message to user saying which samples have been removed #
        paste("You have specified remove_single_groups = TRUE, so we",
          "have removed the following sample(s) that correspond to",
          "singleton groups prior to proceeding with the IMD-ANOVA",
          "filter: ",
          sep = " "
        paste(samps_to_rm, collapse = ", ")

      # Will run if no singleton groups are present.
    } else {
      message(paste("You have specified remove_singleton_groups = TRUE, but",
        "there are no singleton groups to remove.",
        "Proceeding with application of the IMD-ANOVA filter.",
        sep = " "

    # Will run if remove_singleton_groups is FALSE.
  } else {
    # Check for singleton groups.
    if (any(attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes$n_group == 1)) {
      # Give a message that there are singleton groups present but the user has
      # elected to not remove them .
      message(paste("You have specified remove_singleton_groups = FALSE, so",
        "the sample(s) corresponding to the singleton group(s)",
        "were not utilized in the IMD-ANOVA filter and will be",
        "retained in the resulting omicsData object.",
        sep = " "

  # Paired data ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Do the thing if data are paired.
  if (!is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    # Create an omicsData object on the differences.
    diff_omicsData <- as.diffData(omicsData)

    # Create a new filter object with the differenced data. (For future readers:
    # I meant to use the word "differenced". I hope it made you chuckle.) We
    # need this object for the counts based on differences instead of pairs
    # because later we will filter and perform statistics on the differences.
    diff_filter_object <- imdanova_filter(diff_omicsData)

    # Create a list with the appropriate information for the anova_filter and
    # gtest filter functions.
    nonmiss_per_group <- list(
      nonmiss_totals = diff_filter_object,
      group_sizes = attributes(diff_filter_object)$group_sizes

    # The following code runs if data are not paired.
  } else {
    # Create a list with the appropriate information for the anova_filter and
    # gtest filter functions.
    nonmiss_per_group <- list(
      nonmiss_totals = filter_object,
      group_sizes = attributes(filter_object)$group_sizes

  edata_cname <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)
  samp_cname <- get_fdata_cname(omicsData)
  emeta_cname <- get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Set the filter method according to the inputs min_nonmiss_anova and
  # min_nonmiss_gtest.
  if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) && !is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    filter_method <- "combined"
  } else if (!is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) && is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    filter_method <- "anova"
  } else if (is.null(min_nonmiss_anova) && !is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
    filter_method <- "gtest"

  # Apply the filter according to the filter type.
  if (filter_method == "anova") {
    filter.edata <- anova_filter(
      nonmiss_per_group = nonmiss_per_group,
      min_nonmiss_anova = min_nonmiss_anova,
      comparisons = comparisons
  } else if (filter_method == "gtest") {
    filter.edata <- gtest_filter(
      nonmiss_per_group = nonmiss_per_group,
      min_nonmiss_gtest = min_nonmiss_gtest,
      comparisons = comparisons
  } else if (filter_method == "combined") {
    # Run the gtest filter.
    filter.edata.gtest <- gtest_filter(
      nonmiss_per_group = nonmiss_per_group,
      min_nonmiss_gtest = min_nonmiss_gtest,
      comparisons = comparisons

    # Run the anova filter.
    filter.edata.anova <- anova_filter(
      nonmiss_per_group = nonmiss_per_group,
      min_nonmiss_anova = min_nonmiss_anova,
      comparisons = comparisons

    # Only filter samples found in both filters.
    filter.edata <- intersect(filter.edata.anova, filter.edata.gtest)

  # checking that filter.edata does not specify all of e_data in omicsData
  if (all(omicsData$e_data[[edata_cname]] %in% filter.edata)) {
    stop("All samples will be filtered. Try reducing the thresholds.")

  # if-statement added by KS 1/12/2018 to catch the case where nothing is
  # removed
  if (length(filter.edata) < 1) {
    # Throw down a message that nothing was filtered and return the omicsData
    # object exactly how it is because nothing was filtered.
    message(paste("No biomolecules were filtered with the values specified for",
      "the min_nonmiss_anova and/or min_nonmiss_gtest arguments.",
      sep = " "

    # Return the omicsData object that was used as the input to applyFilt. No
    # filtering occurred so the filters attribute should remain how it was
    # before calling the applyFilt function.
  } else {
    # Prepare the objects for filtering.
    filter_object_new = list(
      e_data_remove = filter.edata,
      e_meta_remove = NULL,
      f_data_remove = NULL

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    omicsData = omicsData,
    filter_object = filter_object_new

  # return filtered data object #
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # Check if group_DF attribute is present.
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = data.frame(
      min_nonmiss_anova = if (is.null(min_nonmiss_anova)) {
        # Report NA because min_nonmiss_anova is NULL.
      } else {
        # Report the vaule used for min_nonmiss_anova.
      min_nonmiss_gtest = if (is.null(min_nonmiss_gtest)) {
        # Report NA because min_nonmiss_gtest is NULL.
      } else {
        # Report the vaule used for min_nonmiss_gtest.
    filtered = if (singletons) {
      # Include the samples that were filtered with the custom filter along with
      # the biomolecules that were filtered with the IMD-ANOVA filter.
        samples = samps_to_rm,
        biomolecules = filter.edata
    } else {
      # Only report the biomolecules because no samples were filtered.
    method = filter_method

  # Create an additional attribute to the omicsData object that is specific to
  # the imdanova filter.
  attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$nonmiss_per_group <- nonmiss_per_group

  # Add information to the imdanova attribute according to the method used.
  if (filter_method == "anova") {
    # Add the biomolecule IDs that will NOT be filtered. These IDs will be used
    # for tests in later functions.
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_anova <- setdiff(
      x = omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname],
      y = filter.edata

    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_gtest <- NULL
  } else if (filter_method == "gtest") {
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_anova <- NULL

    # Add the biomolecule IDs that will NOT be filtered. These IDs will be used
    # for tests in later functions.
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_gtest <- setdiff(
      x = omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname],
      y = filter.edata
  } else if (filter_method == "combined") {
    # Add the biomolecule IDs that will NOT be filtered. These IDs will be used
    # for tests in later functions.
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_anova <- setdiff(
      x = omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname],
      y = filter.edata.anova

    # Add the biomolecule IDs that will NOT be filtered. These IDs will be used
    # for tests in later functions.
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_gtest <- setdiff(
      x = omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname],
      y = filter.edata.gtest

  # It was rough but we made it through!

# function for customFilt
#' @export
#' @name applyFilt
#' @rdname applyFilt
applyFilt.customFilt <- function(filter_object, omicsData, ...) {
  # Perform initial checks on the input arguments ------------------------------

  # Warn the user if they passed extra arguments
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    warning("unused argument(s): ",
             toString(as.list(tail(match.call(), length(list(...))))))
  # Grab some names to save typing later on.
  sample_name <- get_fdata_cname(omicsData)
  pair_name <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")

  # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!
  # The following if statements check if the samples in a pair will be split by
  # the custom filter. For example, one sample in a pair will be filtered and
  # another sample in the pair will not be filtered. If a pair is split we will
  # throw an error and make the user filter (or keep) ALL samples belonging to a
  # pair.
  # !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!

  # Check if samples will be filtered and the data are paired.
  if (length(filter_object$f_data_remove) > 0 &&
    !is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    # Snag the associated pair IDs for the samples that will be filtered.
    filtered_pairs <- omicsData$f_data %>%
        !!dplyr::sym(sample_name) %in% filter_object$f_data_remove
      ) %>%

    # Go back to f_data and nab all the sample names corresponding to the pair
    # IDs associated with the original samples that were selected for removal.
    # If this vector is not the same as the input we will throw an error because
    # one or more pairs are being split.
    filter_samp <- omicsData$f_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(pair_name) %in% filtered_pairs) %>%
      dplyr::pull(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name)) %>%

    # If samples are split throw an error.
    if (!setequal(filter_samp, as.character(filter_object$f_data_remove))) {
        paste("The following samples should also be removed based on the ",
          "input: ",
          sprintf("(%s)", paste(setdiff(filter_samp, as.character(filter_object$f_data_remove)), collapse = ", ")),
          ". Samples in a pair must be removed together.",
          sep = ""
  } else if (length(filter_object$f_data_keep) > 0 &&
    !is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    # Snag the associated pair IDs for the samples that will be kept.
    filtered_pairs <- omicsData$f_data %>%
        !!dplyr::sym(sample_name) %in% filter_object$f_data_keep
      ) %>%

    # Go back to f_data and nab all the sample names corresponding to the pair
    # IDs associated with the original samples that were chosen to be kept.
    # If this vector is not the same as the input we will throw an error because
    # one or more pairs are being split.
    filter_samp <- omicsData$f_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(!!dplyr::sym(pair_name) %in% filtered_pairs) %>%
      dplyr::pull(!!dplyr::sym(sample_name)) %>%

    # If samples are split throw an error.
    if (!setequal(filter_samp, as.character(filter_object$f_data_keep))) {
        paste("The following samples should also be kept based on the input: ",
          sprintf("(%s)", paste(setdiff(filter_samp, as.character(filter_object$f_data_keep)), collapse = ", ")),
          ". Samples in a pair must be kept together.",
          sep = ""

  # Prepare the data to be filtered --------------------------------------------

  # if filter_object contains 'removes' #
  if (!is.null(c(
  ))) {
    filter_object_new = list(
      e_data_remove = filter_object$e_data_remove,
      e_meta_remove = filter_object$e_meta_remove,
      f_data_remove = filter_object$f_data_remove

    # filter_object contains 'keeps' #
  } else {
    filter_object_new = list(
      e_data_keep = filter_object$e_data_keep,
      e_meta_keep = filter_object$e_meta_keep,
      f_data_keep = filter_object$f_data_keep

  # Filter the data and update the attributes ----------------------------------

  # call the function that does the filter application
  results_pieces <- pmartR_filter_worker(
    omicsData = omicsData,
    filter_object = filter_object_new

  # return filtered data object #
  omicsData$e_data <- results_pieces$temp.edata
  omicsData$f_data <- results_pieces$temp.fdata
  omicsData$e_meta <- results_pieces$temp.emeta

  # if group attribute is present, re-run group_designation in case filtering
  # any items impacted the group structure #
  if (!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    # Re-run group_designation in case filtering any items impacted the group
    # structure. The attributes will also be updated in this function.
    omicsData <- group_designation(
      omicsData = omicsData,
      main_effects = attr(
      covariates = names(attr(
      batch_id = names(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "batch_id"))[-1],
      # time_course = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData),
      #                    "time_course"),
      pair_id = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_id"),
      pair_group = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_group"),
      pair_denom = attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "pair_denom")
  } else {
    # Extract data_info attribute from omicsData. Some of the elements will be
    # used to update this attribute.
    # dInfo <- attr(omicsData, 'data_info')
    dInfo <- get_data_info(omicsData)

    # Update the data_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'data_info') <- set_data_info(
      e_data = omicsData$e_data,
      edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
      data_scale_orig = get_data_scale_orig(omicsData),
      data_scale = get_data_scale(omicsData),
      data_types = dInfo$data_types,
      norm_info = dInfo$norm_info,
      is_normalized = dInfo$norm_info$is_normalized,
      batch_info = dInfo$batch_info,
      is_bc = dInfo$batch_info$is_bc

    # Update the meta_info attribute.
    attr(omicsData, 'meta_info') <- set_meta_info(
      e_meta = omicsData$e_meta,
      emeta_cname = get_emeta_cname(omicsData)

  # Determine the number of filters applied previously and add one to it. This
  # will include the current filter object in the next available space of the
  # filters attribute list.
  n_filters <- length(attr(omicsData, 'filters')) + 1

  # Update the filters attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'filters')[[n_filters]] <- set_filter(
    type = class(filter_object)[[1]],
    threshold = NA,
    filtered = filter_object_new,
    method = NA

  # Return the filtered data! Woot!!

#' Remove items that need to be filtered out
#' This function removes rows and columns in e_data, f_data, and e_meta based
#' on either remove or keep criteria.
#' @param omicsData an object of the class \code{pepData}, \code{proData},
#' \code{lipidData}, or \code{metabData}, usually created by
#' \code{\link{as.pepData}}, \code{\link{as.proData}},
#' \code{\link{as.lipidData}}, or \code{\link{as.metabData}}, respectively.
#' @param filter_object A list of three elements. Each element contains a set of
#'        names to either remove or keep from e_data, f_data, and e_meta.
#' @return A list with three elements: first is the filtered e_data object,
#'         second is the filtered f_data object, and third is the filtered
#'         e_meta object.
#' @author Kelly Stratton, Lisa Bramer
pmartR_filter_worker <- function(filter_object, omicsData) {
  # pull column names from omicR_data attributes #
  col_nms = attr(omicsData, "cnames")
  samp_cname = col_nms$fdata_cname
  edata_cname = col_nms$edata_cname
  emeta_cname = col_nms$emeta_cname

  # Filter with remove arguments ---------------

  if (!is.null(c(
  ))) {
    ##  Warnings for filtering non-existent values ##

    # e_data
    valid_edata <- omicsData$e_data[, get_edata_cname(omicsData)]

    missing_biomolecules <- filter_object$e_data_remove[!(filter_object$e_data_remove %in% valid_edata)]

    if (length(missing_biomolecules) > 0) {
        "Specified biomolecules ",
        paste0(missing_biomolecules, collapse = ", "),
        " were not found in e_data."

    # f_data
    valid_fdata <- valid_names <- omicsData$f_data[, get_fdata_cname(omicsData)]

    missing_samples <- filter_object$f_data_remove[!(filter_object$f_data_remove %in% valid_fdata)]

    if (length(missing_samples) > 0) {
        "Specified samples ",
        paste0(missing_samples, collapse = ", "),
        " were not found in the data."

    # e_meta
    valid_emeta <- omicsData$e_meta[, get_emeta_cname(omicsData)]

    missing_emeta <- filter_object$e_meta_remove[!(filter_object$e_meta_remove %in% valid_emeta)]

    if (length(missing_emeta) > 0) {
        "Specified e_meta values ",
        paste0(missing_emeta, collapse = ", "),
        " were not found in e_meta."


    # remove any samples from f_data and e_data #
    if (length(filter_object$f_data_remove) > 0) {
      # Find the row indices of the sample names that will be removed from the
      # f_data object.
      inds <- which(
        %in% filter_object$f_data_remove

      # Check if there is at least one sample name that will be removed
      if (length(inds) > 0) {
        # Remove the rows in f_data that correspond to the samples that should
        # be removed.
        omicsData$f_data <- omicsData$f_data[-inds, ]

      valid_names <- names(omicsData$e_data)

      # Find the column indices of the sample names that will be removed from
      # the e_data object.
      inds <- which(valid_names %in% filter_object$f_data_remove)

      # Check if there is at least one sample name that will be removed
      if (length(inds) > 0) {
        # Remove the columns in e_data that correspond to the samples that should
        # be removed.
        omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[, -inds]

    # remove any edata molecules from e_data and e_meta #
    if (length(filter_object$e_data_remove) > 0) {
      # Find the row indices of the biomolecule names that will be removed from
      # the e_data object.
      inds <- which(
        %in% filter_object$e_data_remove

      # Check if there is at least one row that will be removed.
      if (length(inds) > 0) {
        # Remove the rows in e_data that correspond to the biomolecules that
        # should be removed.
        omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[-inds, ]

      # Check if e_meta is present.
      if (!is.null(omicsData$e_meta)) {
        valid_names <- omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]

        # Find the row indices of the biomolecule names that will be removed
        # from the e_meta object.
        inds <- which(
          %in% filter_object$e_data_remove

        # Check if there is at least one row that will be removed
        if (length(inds) > 0) {
          # Remove the rows in e_meta corresponding to the biomolecules that
          # should be removed.
          omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[-inds, ]

    # remove any emeta molecules from e_meta and e_data #
    if (length(filter_object$e_meta_remove) > 0) {
      valid_emeta <- omicsData$e_meta[, get_emeta_cname(omicsData)]

      # Find the row indices of the mapping variable names that will be removed
      # from the e_meta object.
      inds <- which(
        %in% filter_object$e_meta_remove

      # Check if there is at least one mapping variable that will be removed.
      if (length(inds) > 0) {
        # Remove the rows in e_meta corresponding the the mapping variables that
        # should be removed.
        omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[-inds, ]

      # subset to the intersection of the edata_molecules in both e_data and
      # e_meta, in case more were removed in one than the other #

      # Find the names of the biomolecules that are in both e_data and the
      # reduced e_meta object.
      mols <- intersect(
        omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],
        omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]

      # Find the row indices in e_data of the biomolecules that will be kept in
      # both e_data and e_meta.
      inds <- which(
        omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)]
        %in% mols

      # Only keep the rows in e_data corresponding to the biomolecules that
      # should not be removed.
      omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[inds, ]

      # Find the row indices in e_meta of the biomolecules that will be kept in
      # both e_data and e_meta.
      inds <- which(
        omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]
        %in% mols

      # Only keep the rows in e_meta corresponding to the biomolecules that
      # should not be removed.
      omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[inds, ]

    # Filter with keep arguments ---------------
  } else {
    # keep samples in f_data and e_data #
    if (length(filter_object$f_data_keep) > 0) {
      # Find the row indices in f_data of the samples that will be kept.
      inds <- which(
        omicsData$f_data[, which(names(omicsData$f_data) == samp_cname)]
        %in% filter_object$f_data_keep

      # Only keep the rows in f_data that correspond to the samples that
      # should be kept.
      omicsData$f_data <- omicsData$f_data[inds, ]

      # Find the column indices in e_data corresponding to the ID column and
      # the sample names that should be kept. The first element in the vector
      # is the column index where the ID column is.
      inds <- c(
        which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname),
        which(names(omicsData$e_data) %in% filter_object$f_data_keep)

      # Only keep the columns in e_data that correspond to the samples that
      # should be kept.
      omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[, inds]

    # keep edata molecules in e_data and e_meta if it is present #
    if (length(filter_object$e_data_keep) > 0) {
      # Find the row indices in e_data that correspond to the biomolecules
      # that should be kept.
      inds <- which(
        omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)]
        %in% filter_object$e_data_keep

      # Only keep the rows in e_data corresponding to the biomolecules that
      # should be kept.
      omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[inds, ]

      # if e_meta is present and we aren't explicitly specifying to keep
      # anything in it, also keep these e_data molecules in e_meta #
      if (!is.null(omicsData$e_meta) && is.null(filter_object$e_meta_keep)) {
        # Find the row indices of e_meta from the biomolecule IDs specified in
        # e_data_keep.
        inds <- which(
          omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]
          %in% filter_object$e_data_keep

        # Only keep the rows of e_meta that contain the biomolecule IDs from
        # the e_data_keep input.
        omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[inds, ]

    # keep emeta molecules in e_meta (here, we are explicitly specifying things
    # to keep).
    if (length(filter_object$e_meta_keep) > 0) {
      # Find the row indices in e_meta corresponding to the IDs of the mapping
      # variable. These are the rows that will be kept.
      inds <- which(
        omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == emeta_cname)]
        %in% filter_object$e_meta_keep

      # Only keep the IDs of the mapping variable specified in e_meta_keep.
      omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[inds, ]

      # keep the union of the edata_molecules in both e_data and e_meta, in case
      # more were kept in one than the other #
      if (is.null(filter_object$e_data_keep)) {
        # Use intersection here, since nothing was explicitly specified to
        # keep from e_data, and if we use the union, then e_data doesn't
        # actually get filtered at all.
        # Find the biomolecule names that occur in both e_data and the reduced
        # e_meta data frame.
        mols <- intersect(
          omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],
          omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]

        # Find the row indices in e_data that correspond to the biomolecule
        # IDs that occur in both e_data and the reduced e_meta.
        inds <- which(
          omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)]
          %in% mols

        # Only keep the rows in e_data that correspond to the biomolecule IDs
        # found in both e_data and the reduced e_meta data frames.
        omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[inds, ]

        # Find the row indices in e_meta that match the biomolecules found in
        # both e_data and the reduced e_meta data frames.
        inds <- which(
          omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]
          %in% mols

        # Only keep the rows in e_meta corresponding to the biomolecule IDs
        # from the previous line.
        omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[inds, ]

        # Keep arguments are specified for both e_data and e_meta.
      } else {
        # use union here, since there WERE things explicitly specified to keep
        # from e_data.
        # Find the names of the biomolecule IDs found in both the reduced
        # e_data and reduced e_meta data frames.
        mols <- union(
          omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],
          omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]

        # Find the row indices in e_data corresponding to the biomolecule IDs
        # that occur in both e_data and e_meta. Both data frames were
        # previously filtered separately.
        inds <- which(
          omicsData$e_data[, which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)]
          %in% mols

        # Only keep the rows in e_data that were extracted from the previous
        # line.
        omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[inds, ]

        # Find the row indices in e_meta corresponding to the biomolecule IDs
        # that occur in both e_data and e_meta. Both data frames were
        # previously filtered separately.
        inds <- which(
          omicsData$e_meta[, which(names(omicsData$e_meta) == edata_cname)]
          %in% mols

        # Only keep the rows in e_meta that correspond to the indices
        # extracted in the previous line.
        omicsData$e_meta <- omicsData$e_meta[inds, ]

  # Return the filtered omicsData pieces!!!
    temp.edata = omicsData$e_data,
    temp.fdata = omicsData$f_data,
    temp.emeta = omicsData$e_meta

#' Identifies biomolecules to be filtered in preparation for IMD-ANOVA.
#' The method identifies biomolecules to be filtered specifically according data
#' requirements for running an ANOVA.
#' @param nonmiss_per_group a list of length two. The first element giving the
#'   total number of possible samples for each group. The second element giving
#'   a data.frame with the first column giving the biomolecule identifier and
#'   the second through kth columns giving the number of non-missing
#'   observations for each of the \code{k} groups. Usually the result of
#'   \code{\link{nonmissing_per_group}}
#' @param min_nonmiss_anova the minimum number of nonmissing biomolecule values
#'   required, in each group, in order for the biomolecule to not be filtered.
#'   Must be greater than or equal to 2; default value is 2.
#' @param comparisons data.frame with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control. If left NULL, then all
#'   pairwise comparisons are executed.
#' @details This function filters biomolecules that do not have at least
#'   \code{min.nonmiss.allowed} values per group, where groups are from
#'   \code{group_designation}.
#' @return filter.peps a character vector of the biomolecules to be filtered out
#'   prior to ANOVA or IMD-ANOVA
#' @seealso \code{\link{nonmissing_per_group}}
#' @author Kelly Stratton
anova_filter <- function(nonmiss_per_group,
                         comparisons = NULL) {
  # Check if there is only one group. This is possible because we allow paired
  # data to have no main effects. If this is the case we need to filter the rows
  # differently.
  if ("paired_diff" %in% names(nonmiss_per_group$nonmiss_totals)) {
    # Remove any rows that fall below the specified threshold. There are no main
    # effects in this scenario so there is only one group.
    junk <- nonmiss_per_group$nonmiss_totals %>%
      # Keep rows that fall below the cutoff. These will be removed in the
      # applyFilt function.
      dplyr::filter(paired_diff < min_nonmiss_anova) %>%
      # Nab the biomolecule IDs that will be removed.
      dplyr::pull(1) %>%
      # Convert to a character string. Why? Because it was done in the past so
      # I am doing it now. That's why!

    # The code below runs where there is more than one group (one or more main
    # effects exist).
  } else {
    # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
    junk <- nonmiss_per_group$nonmiss_totals %>%
      # Don't know why there would be columns with these names but I am
      # including the following line just in case. (This was in the previous
      # version of this function.)
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of(c("<NA>", "NA.", "NA"))) %>%
      # Determine which groups have non-missing counts above the cutoff.
      dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(-1, ~ . >= min_nonmiss_anova))

    # Check if comparisons is specified and filter the data accordingly. If
    # comparisons were specified determine if one group will be compared to
    # multiple other groups. The filtering needs to be done differently if this
    # is the case.
    if (is.null(comparisons)) {
      # Remove rows with less than two groups with counts above the cutoff.
      junk <- junk %>%
        # Count the number of groups above the cutoff.
        dplyr::mutate(n_groups = rowSums(dplyr::across(-1))) %>%
        # Remove rows with fewer than two groups with non-missing values above
        # the cutoff.
        dplyr::filter(n_groups < 2) %>%
        # Nab the biomolecule IDs slated for the slaughterhouse.
        dplyr::pull(1) %>%
        # Convert to a character string. Why? Because it was done in the past so
        # I am doing it now. That's why!

      # The following code runs when custom comparisons are specified.
    } else {
      # Grab the groups in the Test and Control columns.
      testers <- unique(comparisons$Test)
      controllers <- unique(comparisons$Control)
      combiners <- unique(c(testers, controllers))

      # Sum across the unique groups in test, control, and combined (the unique
      # set of groups from both test and control). This will be used to
      # determine which rows need to be filtered depending on which scenario we
      # are in. Remember the rows that are kept in this function are the rows
      # that will be removed in applyFilt.
      junk <- junk %>%
          n_test = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(testers))),
          n_control = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(controllers))),
          n_combine = rowSums(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(combiners)))

      # Scenario 1: one group is compared to multiple other groups.
      if (length(controllers) == 1) {
        junk <- junk %>%
          # Filter rows without any groups above the cutoff in test or control.
          # In other words, we can't test one thing against nothing :)
          dplyr::filter(n_test == 0 | n_control == 0) %>%
          # Nab the biomolecule IDs that will get the axe.
          dplyr::pull(1) %>%
          # Convert to a character string. Why? Because it was done in the past
          # so I am doing it now. That's why!

        # Scenario 2: Some groups are compared to some other groups. In this
        # scenario a group can be in both test and control.
      } else {
        junk <- junk %>%
          # Filter rows without any groups above the cutoff in control or test
          # and rows where there is at least one group in test or control but
          # the count of combined groups is less than two. This is the scenario
          # where only one group is above the cutoff but it is in both test and
          # control.
          # In other words, we can't test one thing against nothing nor can we
          # test one thing against itself :)
            (n_test == 0 | n_control == 0) |
              (n_test > 0 & n_control > 0 & n_combine < 2)
          ) %>%
          # Nab the biomolecule IDs that will get the axe.
          dplyr::pull(1) %>%
          # Convert to a character string. Why? Because it was done in the past
          # so I am doing it now. That's why!

  # Return the IDs of the biomolecules that will be filtered in applyFilt.

#' Identifies peptides to be filtered out in preparation for IMD-ANOVA.
#' The method identifies peptides, proteins, lipids, or metabolites to be
#' filtered specifically according to the G-test.
#' @param nonmiss_per_group list created by \code{\link{nonmissing_per_group}}.
#'   The first element giving the total number of possible samples for each
#'   group. The second element giving a data.frame with the first column giving
#'   the biomolecule and the second through kth columns giving the number of
#'   non-missing observations for each of the \code{k} groups.
#' @param min_nonmiss_gtest the minimum number of non-missing peptide values
#'   allowed in a minimum of one group. Default value is 3.
#' @param comparisons data.frame with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control. If left NULL, then all
#'   pairwise comparisons are executed.
#' @details Two methods are available for determining the peptides to be
#'   filtered. The naive approach is based on \code{min.nonmiss.allowed}, and
#'   looks for peptides that do not have at least \code{min.nonmiss.allowed}
#'   values per group. The other approach also looks for peptides that do not
#'   have at least a minimum number of values per group, but this minimum number
#'   is determined using the G-test and a p-value threshold supplied by the
#'   user. The G-test is a test of independence, used here to test the null
#'   hypothesis of independence between the number of missing values across
#'   groups.
#' @return filter.peps a character vector of the peptides to be filtered out
#'   prior to the G-test or IMD-ANOVA
#' @author Kelly Stratton
gtest_filter <- function(nonmiss_per_group,
                         comparisons = NULL) {
  if (is.null(comparisons)) {
    # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
    junk <- nonmiss_per_group$nonmiss_totals %>%
      # Don't know why there would be columns with these names but I am
      # including the following line just in case. (This was in the previous
      # version of this function.)
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of(c("<NA>", "NA.", "NA"))) %>%
      # Determine which groups have non-missing counts above the cutoff.
        nuff = purrr::pmap(dplyr::across(-1), max) >= min_nonmiss_gtest
      ) %>%
      # Keep the rows that do not have counts >= the cutoff.
      dplyr::filter(!nuff) %>%
      # Grab the biomolecule IDs that will be removed under the cover of dark.
      dplyr::pull(1) %>%
      # Convert the IDs to a character string prior to their demise.
  } else {
    # Grab the groups in both the Test and Control columns.
    combiners <- unique(c(comparisons$Test, comparisons$Control))

    # dplyr mumbo jumbo!
    junk <- nonmiss_per_group$nonmiss_totals %>%
      # Determine which groups have non-missing counts above the cutoff.
        nuff = purrr::pmap(
        ) >= min_nonmiss_gtest
      ) %>%
      # Keep the rows that do not have counts >= the cutoff.
      dplyr::filter(!nuff) %>%
      # Grab the biomolecule IDs that will be removed under the cover of dark.
      dplyr::pull(1) %>%
      # Convert the IDs to a character string prior to their demise.

  # Return the biomolecule IDs that will be filtered out.

# A function to create an omicsData object on paired data. This function is
# specifically written to be called within the applyFilt function. Not all
# information in a usual omicsData object is needed and is omitted in this
# function.
# @authour Evan A Martin
as.diffData <- function(omicsData) {
  # Compute the difference and create a new edata object from the differences.
  diff_edata <- take_diff(omicsData)
  diff_edata <- data.frame(
    omicsData$e_data[, get_edata_cname(omicsData)],
  names(diff_edata)[[1]] <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)

  # Only keep the first row for each pair. This will reduce the number of rows
  # in f_data to match the number of columns in e_data.
  diff_fdata <- omicsData$f_data %>%
      !!dplyr::sym(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))
    ) %>%

  # Change the sample names in f_data to match the sample names in e_data. The
  # names from the pairing variable are the new sample names and must be
  # updated to create a new omicsData object.
  diff_fdata[, get_fdata_cname(omicsData)] <- names(diff_edata)[-1]

  # Create a new omicsData object with the difference data. This is necessary
  # as a new filter object (with the difference data) needs to be created to
  # account for counts of differences.
  diff_omicsData <- as.anyData(
    omics_type = class(omicsData)[[1]],
    edata = diff_edata,
    fdata = diff_fdata,
    edata_cname = get_edata_cname(omicsData),
    fdata_cname = get_fdata_cname(omicsData)

  # Create the group designation attribute for the differences. Don't include
  # the pairs argument because the data just had the difference taken and
  # there are no longer pairs in the data (just a difference between pairs).
  diff_omicsData <- group_designation(
    omicsData = diff_omicsData,
    main_effects = attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "main_effects"),
    covariates = names(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates"))

  # The difference has been taken so there is no paired attribute in group_DF.
  # If there is only one group this will cause problems when calling
  # imdanova_filter on the differences. Add a pairs attribute to group_DF that
  # will allow there to be only one group.
  attr(attr(diff_omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id") <- "difference taken"


# A switch function to create an omicsData object based on the class of the
# input. The e_meta argument is omitted because it is not needed for how this
# function is used within as.diffData.
# @author Evan A Martin
as.anyData <- function(omics_type,
                       fdata_cname) {
    "isobaricpepData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname
    "lipidData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname
    "metabData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname
    "nmrData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname
    "pepData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname
    "proData" = {
        e_data = edata,
        f_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = edata_cname,
        fdata_cname = fdata_cname

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