
Defines functions print.statRes summary.statRes statRes_output

Documented in statRes_output

#' Function to take raw output of `imd_anova` and create output for `statRes` object
#' @param imd_anova_out data frame containing the results of the
#'   \code{imd_anova} call.
#' @param omicsData pmartR data object of any class, which has a `group_df`
#'   attribute that is usually created by the `group_designation()` function
#' @param comparisons character vector of comparison names, e.g. c("A_vs_B", "B_vs_C", ...)
#' @param test_method test method used ("anova", "gtest", or "combined")
#' @param pval_adjust_a_multcomp character string specifying which type of multiple
#'   comparison adjustment was implemented for ANOVA tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "holm", "tukey", and "dunnett".
#' @param pval_adjust_g_multcomp character string specifying which type of multiple
#'   comparison adjustment was implemented for G-tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni" and "holm".
#' @param pval_adjust_a_fdr character string specifying which type of FDR
#'   adjustment was implemented for ANOVA tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr".
#' @param pval_adjust_g_fdr character string specifying which type of FDR
#'   adjustment was implemented for G-tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr".
#' @param pval_thresh numeric p-value threshold value
#' @return object of class statRes
statRes_output <- function(imd_anova_out,
                           pval_thresh) {
  # check that omicsData is of the appropriate class
  if (!inherits(omicsData, c("proData", "pepData", "lipidData", "metabData", "nmrData"))) stop("omicsData is not an object of appropriate class")

  # Check for group_DF attribute #
  if (is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))) {
    stop("group_designation must be called in order to create a 'group_DF' attribute for omicsData.")
  } else {
    groupData <- attr(omicsData, "group_DF")

  # Create data matrix with just G-test flags to determine number of significant
  # fold changes.
  imd_flags <- imd_anova_out[, grepl("^Flag_G", names(imd_anova_out))] %>%

  # Check if imd_flags has zero columns. If it does this means there are no
  # columns for G-test flags and it needs to be set to a zero matrix with one
  # row and column. This will allow it to be used in the apply function later.
  if (dim(imd_flags)[[2]] == 0) {
    imd_flags <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)

  anova_flags <- imd_anova_out[, grepl("^Flag_A", names(imd_anova_out))] %>%

  # Check if anova_flags has zero columns. If it does this means there are no
  # columns for ANOVA flags and it needs to be set to a zero matrix with one
  # row and column. This will allow it to be used in the apply function later.
  if (dim(anova_flags)[[2]] == 0) {
    anova_flags <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)

  # Add attributes -------------------------------------------------------------

  attr(imd_anova_out, "group_DF") <- groupData
  attr(imd_anova_out, "comparisons") <- comparisons

  # All this flag crap is really more trouble than it is worth!!
  up_a <- apply(anova_flags, 2, \(x) length(which(x == 1)))
  down_a <- apply(anova_flags, 2, \(x) length(which(x == -1)))
  up_g <- apply(imd_flags, 2, \(x) length(which(x == 1)))
  down_g <- apply(imd_flags, 2, \(x) length(which(x == -1)))
  attr(imd_anova_out, "number_significant") <- data.frame(
    Comparison = comparisons,
    Up_total = up_a + up_g,
    Down_total = down_a + down_g,
    Up_anova = up_a,
    Down_anova = down_a,
    Up_gtest = up_g,
    Down_gtest = down_g,
    row.names = NULL
  attr(imd_anova_out, "statistical_test") <- test_method
  attr(imd_anova_out, "adjustment_method_a_multcomp") <- pval_adjust_a_multcomp
  attr(imd_anova_out, "adjustment_method_g_multcomp") <- pval_adjust_g_multcomp
  attr(imd_anova_out, "adjustment_method_a_fdr") <- pval_adjust_a_fdr
  attr(imd_anova_out, "adjustment_method_g_fdr") <- pval_adjust_g_fdr
  attr(imd_anova_out, "pval_thresh") <- pval_thresh
  attr(imd_anova_out, "data_info") <- attr(omicsData, "data_info")

  class(imd_anova_out) <- c("statRes", "data.frame")


#' Summary of statRes Object
#' Provide summary information about statRes objects
#' @name statRes-class
#' @return No return value, prints details about the statres object.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{imd_anova}}
#' @exportClass statRes

#' @export
#' @method summary statRes
summary.statRes <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- object

  # add if-statement for seqData class since the ANOVA and g-test language is
  # not applicable for seqData
  if (attributes(x)$data_class == "seqData") {
    cat("Type of test:", attr(x, "statistical_test"), "\n\n")
      "Multiple comparison adjustment:",
      attr(x, "adjustment_method"),
    cat("p-value threshold:", attr(x, "pval_thresh"), "\n\n")
      "Number of significant biomolecules by comparison. Columns specify fold change direction and type of test:\n\n"

    table <- attr(x, "number_significant")
    names(table) <- lapply(names(table), function(name) {
        Up_total = "Total:Positive",
        Down_total = "Total:Negative",

    rownames(table) <- NULL


        test_type = attr(x, "statistical_test"),
        adjustment = attr(x, "adjustment_method"),
        pval_thresh = attr(x, "pval_thresh"),
        sig_table = table,
        comparisons = attr(x, "comparisons"),
        group_DF = attr(x, "group_DF")
  } else {
    # not statRes object from seqData
    cat("Type of test:", attr(x, "statistical_test"), "\n\n")
      "Multiple comparison adjustment ANOVA:",
      attr(x, "adjustment_method_a"),
      "Multiple comparison adjustment G-test:",
      attr(x, "adjustment_method_g"),
    cat("p-value threshold:", attr(x, "pval_thresh"), "\n\n")
      "Number of significant biomolecules by comparison. Columns specify fold change direction and type of test:\n\n"

    table <- attr(x, "number_significant")
    names(table) <- lapply(names(table), function(name) {
        Up_total = "Total:Positive",
        Down_total = "Total:Negative",
        Up_anova = "Positive:ANOVA",
        Down_anova = "Negative:ANOVA",
        Up_gtest = "Positive:G-test",
        Down_gtest = "Negative:G-test",

    rownames(table) <- NULL


        test_type = attr(x, "statistical_test"),
        adjustment_a = attr(x, "adjustment_method_a"),
        adjustment_g = attr(x, "adjustment_method_g"),
        pval_thresh = attr(x, "pval_thresh"),
        sig_table = table,
        comparisons = attr(x, "comparisons"),
        group_DF = attr(x, "group_DF")

#' @export
#' @method print statRes
print.statRes <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- format.data.frame(x)

  blank_row = rep("----", 5)

  if (nrow(x) >= 9) {
    # Nab the first and last four rows of the statRes data frame.
    statman_head <- head(x, 4)[, 1:min(ncol(x), 5)]
    statman_tail <- tail(x, 4)[, 1:min(ncol(x), 5)]

    # Combine the first and last four rows of the statRes data frame with some
    # pretty dashes for a pleasing look when the statRes object is printed in
    # the console.
    statman <- rbind(statman_head, blank_row, statman_tail)
  } else {
    # Just print the entire data frame because it is only a little guy.
    statman <- x

  if (ncol(x) > 5)
    message("only first 5 columns are shown")
  cat(capture.output(statman), sep = "\n")

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