
context("class: trelliData edata")

test_that("as.trelliData.edata returns correct data frames and attributes", {
  ## MS/NMR TESTS ##
  # Load: peptide expression data-----------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: peptide expression data-----------------------------------------------

  # Here, we will test a standard case of passing an expression data function,
  # with absolutely no changes to the default log transformations and normalizations.
  pep_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
    omics_type = "pepData"

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 1800 rows.
    c("Mass_Tag_ID", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(pep_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 1800)

  # omicsData must be of the class pepData
  expect_equal(class(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData), "pepData")

  # omicsData must be originally abundance and transformed to log2, which is the default.
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "abundance")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "log2")

  # The normalization should be global, with an "all" subset function and median
  # normalization function.
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$norm_type, "global")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$subset_fn, "all")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$norm_fn, "median")

  # Now, test again with a different normalization method
  pep_trelli_edata2 <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
    omics_type = "pepData",
    data_scale_original = "abundance",
    data_scale = "log2",
    normalization_fun = "global",
    normalization_params = list(
      subset_fn = "ppp", norm_fn = "mean", apply_norm = TRUE,
      params = list(ppp = 0.75), backtransform = TRUE

  # Test normalization parameters where normalization function should be mean,
  # subset_function should be ppp, and the parameters list should be 0.75.
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata2$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$norm_type, "global")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata2$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$norm_fn, "mean")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata2$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$subset_fn, "ppp")
  expect_equal(attributes(pep_trelli_edata2$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$subset_params$ppp, 0.75)

  # The rest are generic checks that are the same for every data type. Define a function to re-use.
  run_generic_tests <- function(trelliData, edata_cname) {
    # Also, assert fdata of exactly the number of columns - 1, and absolutely no emeta.
    expect_equal(nrow(trelliData$omicsData$f_data), ncol(trelliData$omicsData$e_data) - 1)

    # trelliData.stats and statRes must both be NULL since no stats were provided.

    # Check attributes. Fdata column should be listed as the "invented" fdata column "Sample".
    # Check potential panel_by_options which sould be edata_cname and Sample.
    # Nothing should be in the panel_by_omics or stat, since panel_by should be FALSE.
    # The class will be both trelliData and trelli.edata.
    expect_equal(attr(trelliData, "fdata_col"), "Sample")
    expect_equal(attr(trelliData, "panel_by_options"), c(edata_cname, "Sample"))
    expect_equal(attr(trelliData, "panel_by_omics"), NA)
    expect_equal(attr(trelliData, "panel_by_stat"), NA)
    expect_false(attr(trelliData, "panel_by"))

  # Run generic tests that are the same for every e_data object
  run_generic_tests(pep_trelli_edata, "Mass_Tag_ID")

  # Load: protein expression data-----------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: protein expression data-----------------------------------------------

  # Here, we will test a case of passing already normalized data to the as.trelliData.edata function.

  pro_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Reference",
    omics_type = "proData",
    data_scale_original = "log2",
    data_scale = "log2",
    is_normalized = TRUE

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 1650 rows.
    c("Reference", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(pro_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 1650)

  # omicsData must be of the class proData
  expect_equal(class(pro_trelli_edata$omicsData), "proData")

  # omicsData must be originally log2 and not transformed again.
  expect_equal(attributes(pro_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "log2")
  expect_equal(attributes(pro_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "log2")

  # Normalization should not have been conducted again.

  # Now, run the generic checks
  run_generic_tests(pro_trelli_edata, "Reference")

  # Load: lipid expression data-------------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: lipid expression data-------------------------------------------------

  # Here, we will test with log10 transformation and loess normalization with the
  # affy method and a span of 0.2.
  lip_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "LipidCommonName",
    omics_type = "lipidData",
    data_scale_original = "abundance",
    data_scale = "log10",
    normalization_fun = "loess",
    normalization_params = list(method = "affy", span = 0.2)

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 1606 rows.
    c("LipidCommonName", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(lip_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 1606)

  # omicsData must be of the class lipdData
  expect_equal(class(lip_trelli_edata$omicsData), "lipidData")

  # omicsData must be originally abundance and transformed to log2, which is the default.
  expect_equal(attributes(lip_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "abundance")
  expect_equal(attributes(lip_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "log10")

  # The normalization should be loess, with an "affy" method and span of 0.2.
  # The only info tracked is that normalization has happened

  # Now, run the generic checks
  run_generic_tests(lip_trelli_edata, "LipidCommonName")

  # Load: metabolite expression data--------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: metabolite expression data--------------------------------------------

  # Here, we will test with ln transformation and quantile normalization. First,
  # let's fill in the gaps in edata.
  edata[is.na(edata)] <- rnorm(length(edata[is.na(edata)]), 20000, 1000)

  # Then, let's do the quantile normalization
  metab_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Metabolite",
    omics_type = "metabData",
    data_scale_original = "abundance",
    data_scale = "log",
    normalization_fun = "quantile",
    normalization_params = NULL

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 960 rows.
    c("Metabolite", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(metab_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 960)

  # omicsData must be of the class metabData
  expect_equal(class(metab_trelli_edata$omicsData), "metabData")

  # omicsData must be originally abundance and transformed to log.
  expect_equal(attributes(metab_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "abundance")
  expect_equal(attributes(metab_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "log")

  # The normalization should be quantile
  expect_equal(attributes(metab_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$norm_info$norm_type, "quantile")

  # Now, run the generic checks
  run_generic_tests(metab_trelli_edata, "Metabolite")

  # Load: nmr expression data---------------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: nmr expression data---------------------------------------------------

  # Let skip transformation. Normalization should be skipped as well because it's NMR data.
  nmr_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Metabolite",
    omics_type = "nmrData",
    data_scale_original = "abundance",
    data_scale = "abundance"

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 1558 rows.
    c("Metabolite", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(nmr_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 1558)

  # omicsData must be of the class nmrData
  expect_equal(class(nmr_trelli_edata$omicsData), "nmrData")

  # omicsData must be originally abundance and not transformed.
  expect_equal(attributes(nmr_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "abundance")
  expect_equal(attributes(nmr_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "abundance")

  # No normalization should have occurred.

  # Now, run the generic checks
  run_generic_tests(nmr_trelli_edata, "Metabolite")

  # Load: isobaric expression data----------------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Test: isobaric expression data----------------------------------------------

  # Let's log transform. Normalization should be skipped as well because it's isobaric data.
  iso_trelli_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "Peptide",
    omics_type = "isobaricpepData",
    data_scale_original = "abundance",
    data_scale = "log2"

  # Check the 4 resulting data.frames. First, trelliData.omics should exist and contain
  # 3 colummns: edata_cname, Sample, and Abundance. It should also have 1800 rows.
    c("Peptide", "Sample", "Abundance")

  expect_equal(nrow(iso_trelli_edata$trelliData.omics), 1800)

  # omicsData must be of the class nmrData
  expect_equal(class(iso_trelli_edata$omicsData), c("isobaricpepData", "pepData"))

  # omicsData must be originally abundance and not transformed.
  expect_equal(attributes(iso_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale_orig, "abundance")
  expect_equal(attributes(iso_trelli_edata$omicsData)$data_info$data_scale, "log2")

  # No normalization should have occurred.

  # Now, run the generic checks
  run_generic_tests(iso_trelli_edata, "Peptide")

  # Test: Input checking for is_edata-------------------------------------------

  # Here, I will catch specific errors with the is_edata function that didn't fit
  # as a test anywhere else in this script.

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Catch no edata (passed a null)
  expect_message(.is_edata(NULL), "edata must be a data.frame.")

  # Catch a wrong data type type
  expect_message(.is_edata(as.matrix(edata)), "edata must be a data.frame.")

  # Test: Input checking for as.trelliData.edata--------------------------------

  # Here, I will run specific tests that should all fail to ensure the parameter
  # validation portion of the code is running correctly.

  # Anything besides edata should fail
        e_data = fdata,
        edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
        omics_type = "pepData"

        e_data = emeta,
        edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
        omics_type = "pepData"

  # A fake omics type should trigger an error
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
      omics_type = "volitomeData"
    "volitomeData is not an acceptable omics_type."

  # Now trigger unacceptable data_scales
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
      omics_type = "pepData",
      data_scale_original = "log3"
    "log3 is not an acceptable data scale."
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
      omics_type = "pepData",
      data_scale = "log3"
    "log3 is not an acceptable data scale."

  # Now trigger a wrong normalization choice
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
      omics_type = "pepData",
      normalization_fun = "reference_pool"
    "reference_pool is not an acceptable normalization function type."

  # Include a normalization example where the user doesn't apply the normalization
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "Mass_Tag_ID",
      omics_type = "pepData",
      normalization_params = list(
        subset_fn = "all", norm_fn = "median",
        apply_norm = FALSE, backtransform = TRUE
    "apply_norm must be TRUE to apply normalization parameters."
  # Load: seqData expression data-----------------------------------------------
                   package = 'pmartR'
  # Test: seqData expression data-----------------------------------------------
  # Expect message
      e_data = edata,
      edata_cname = "ID_REF",
      omics_type = "seqData"
  # Run the function
  seq_edata <- as.trelliData.edata(
    e_data = edata,
    edata_cname = "ID_REF",
    omics_type = "seqData"
  # Object should be both an edata and a seqData
  expect_true(inherits(seq_edata, "trelliData.edata"))
  expect_true(inherits(seq_edata, "trelliData.seqData"))

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