
context('principal component analysis')

test_that('PCA produces the correct output', {
  # Load data and prepare omicsData objects ------------------------------------

    package = 'pmartR'

  ldata <- as.lipidData(
    e_data = edata,
    f_data = fdata,
    e_meta = emeta,
    edata_cname = 'LipidCommonName',
    fdata_cname = 'Sample_Name',
    emeta_cname = 'LipidClass'

  # Log the heck out of the data.
  ldata <- edata_transform(ldata, "log")

  # Run the group_designation function on ldata.
  ldata_g <- group_designation(
    omicsData = ldata,
    main_effects = "Condition"

    package = 'pmartR'

  # Run as.seqData with agreeable data frames ----------------------------------

  # Construct a seqData object with the edata, fdata, and emeta data frames.
  seqdata <- as.seqData(
    e_data = edata,
    f_data = fdata,
    edata_cname = 'ID_REF',
    fdata_cname = 'Samples'

  # Run the group_designation function on ldata.
  seqdata_grp <- group_designation(seqdata, main_effects = c("Tissue", "Treatment"))

  # Calculate PCA standards ----------------------------------------------------

  # No group_DF attribute ---------------

  # Find rows with fewer than two non-NA values. These will be removed before
  # performing the PCA.
  naughty <- which(rowSums(!is.na(ldata$e_data[, -1])) < 2)

  # Set a seed before running the pca function because it has random components.
  # This seed will need to match the seed before the dim_reduction function.
  pals <- pcaMethods::pca(
    object = as.matrix(t(ldata$e_data[-naughty, -1])),
    method = "ppca",
    scale = "vector",
    nPcs = 3

  standard <- list(
    SampleID = names(ldata$e_data)[-1],
    PC1 = as.numeric(pals@scores[, 1]),
    PC2 = as.numeric(pals@scores[, 2]),
    PC3 = as.numeric(pals@scores[, 3])

  class(standard) <- "dimRes"
  attr(standard, "group_DF") <- attr(ldata, "group_DF")
  attr(standard, "R2") <- pals@R2
  attr(standard, "row.names") <- names(ldata$e_data[, -1])

  # With group_DF attribute ---------------

  # Set a seed before running the pca function because it has random components.
  # This seed will need to match the seed before the dim_reduction function.

  pals_g <- pcaMethods::pca(
    object = as.matrix(t(ldata_g$e_data[-naughty, -1])),
    method = "ppca",
    scale = "vector",
    nPcs = 2

  standard_g <- list(
    SampleID = names(ldata_g$e_data)[-1],
    PC1 = as.numeric(pals_g@scores[, 1]),
    PC2 = as.numeric(pals_g@scores[, 2])

  class(standard_g) <- "dimRes"
  attr(standard_g, "group_DF") <- attr(ldata_g, "group_DF")
  attr(standard_g, "R2") <- pals_g@R2
  attr(standard_g, "row.names") <- names(ldata_g$e_data[, -1])

  ### seqdata ###
  # Set a seed before running the pca function because it has random components.
  # This seed will need to match the seed before the dim_reduction function.

  temp_data <- seqdata$e_data[, -1]

  ## check for samples seen in only one sample or no samples and remove ##
  minsamps = which(rowSums(!is.na(temp_data)) < 2)
  if (length(minsamps) > 0) {
    temp_data = temp_data[-minsamps, ]

  ## check for near zero variance features and remove ##
  minvars = which(apply(temp_data, 1, var, na.rm = TRUE) < 0.000001)
  if (length(minvars) > 0) {
    temp_data = temp_data[-minvars, ]

  pca_res <- glmpca::glmpca(temp_data, L = 3, fam = "nb")
  pca_ests <- pca_res$factors
  colnames(pca_ests) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(pca_ests))

  seq_standard <- c(list(SampleID = names(seqdata$e_data)[-1]), pca_ests)

  class(seq_standard) <- "dimRes"
  attr(seq_standard, "group_DF") <- attr(seqdata, "group_DF")
  attr(seq_standard, "row.names") <- names(seqdata$e_data[, -1])

  # With group_DF attribute ---------------

  # Set a seed before running the pca function because it has random components.
  # This seed will need to match the seed before the dim_reduction function.
  temp_data <- seqdata_grp$e_data[, -1]

  ## check for samples seen in only one sample or no samples and remove ##
  minsamps = which(rowSums(!is.na(temp_data)) < 2)
  if (length(minsamps) > 0) {
    temp_data = temp_data[-minsamps, ]

  ## check for near zero variance features and remove ##
  minvars = which(apply(temp_data, 1, var, na.rm = TRUE) < 0.000001)
  if (length(minvars) > 0) {
    temp_data = temp_data[-minvars, ]
  pca_res <- glmpca::glmpca(temp_data, L = 2, fam = "nb")
  pca_ests <- pca_res$factors
  colnames(pca_ests) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(pca_ests))

  seq_standard_g <- c(list(SampleID = names(seqdata_grp$e_data)[-1]), pca_ests)

  class(seq_standard_g) <- "dimRes"
  attr(seq_standard_g, "group_DF") <- attr(seqdata_grp, "group_DF")
  attr(seq_standard_g, "row.names") <- names(seqdata_grp$e_data[, -1])

  # Test the heck out of the dimRes objects ------------------------------------

    dimmer <- dim_reduction(ldata, k = 3),
    paste("group_designation has not been run on this data and may limit",
      "plotting options",
      sep = " "
  expect_identical(dimmer, standard)

  dimmer_g <- dim_reduction(ldata_g, k = 2)
  expect_identical(dimmer_g, standard_g)

  ## seqdata ##
    dimmer <- dim_reduction(seqdata, k = 3),
    paste("group_designation has not been run on this data and may limit",
      "plotting options",
      sep = " "
  expect_identical(dimmer, seq_standard)

  dimmer_g <- dim_reduction(seqdata_grp, k = 2)
  expect_identical(dimmer_g, seq_standard_g)

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