# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (
# #############################################################################
#' Generate the PMML representation for an ada object from the package \pkg{ada}.
#' @param model An ada object.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @details
#' Export the ada model in the PMML MiningModel
#' (multiple models) format. The MiningModel element consists of a list of
#' TreeModel elements, one in each model segment.
#' This function implements the discrete adaboost algorithm only. Note that
#' each segment tree is a classification model, returning either -1 or 1.
#' However the MiningModel (ada algorithm) is doing a weighted sum of the
#' returned value, -1 or 1. So the value of attribute functionName of element
#' MiningModel is set to "regression"; the value of attribute functionName of
#' each segment tree is also set to "regression" (they have to be the same as
#' the parent MiningModel per PMML schema). Although each segment/tree is being
#' named a "regression" tree, the actual returned score can only be -1 or 1,
#' which practically turns each segment into a classification tree.
#' The model in PMML format has 5 different outputs. The "rawValue" output is
#' the value of the model expressed as a tree model. The boosted tree model
#' uses a transformation of this value, this is the "boostValue" output. The
#' last 3 outputs are the predicted class and the probabilities of each of the
#' 2 classes (The ada package Boosted Tree models can only handle binary
#' classification models).
#' @author Wen Lin
#' @references
#' \href{}{ada: an R package for
#' stochastic boosting (on CRAN)}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ada)
#' data(audit)
#' fit <- ada(Adjusted ~ Employment + Education + Hours + Income, iter = 3, audit)
#' fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)
#' }
#' @export pmml.ada
#' @export
pmml.ada <- function(model,
model_name = "AdaBoost_Model",
app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
description = "AdaBoost Model",
copyright = NULL,
model_version = NULL,
transforms = NULL,
missing_value_replacement = NULL,
...) {
if (!inherits(model, "ada")) stop("Not a legitimate ada object")
# Collect the required fields information.
noTargetFields <- NULL
noTargetFields$name <- as.character(attr(model$terms, "variables"))[-1]
noTargetFields$class <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")
noTargetFields$name[1] <- "ZementisHiddenTargetField"
noTargetFields$class[1] <- "numeric"
names(noTargetFields$class)[1] <- "ZementisHiddenTargetField"
target <- as.character(attr(model$terms, "variables"))[-1][1]
target <- .removeAsFactor(target)
pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()
# PMML -> Header
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(description, copyright, model_version, app_name))
# PMML -> DataDictionary
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(noTargetFields, transformed = transforms))
# PMML -> MiningModel
# Even though ADA is a binary classifier, we set the functionName as regression here.
# This is because the output category needs to be obtained through post-processing
# the raw numeric Zementis output, the weighted sum of each small tree.
functionName <- "regression"
xmlModel <- xmlNode("MiningModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
functionName = functionName, # Required
algorithmName = "ADA_BOOST"
# PMML -> MiningModel -> MiningSchema
xmlModel <- append.XMLNode(xmlModel, .pmmlMiningSchema(noTargetFields, target = NULL, transformed = transforms, missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement))
# PMML -> MiningModel -> Output
weightSum <- 0.0
for (i in 1:length(model$model$tree)) {
weightSum <- weightSum + model$model$alpha[i]
xmlOutput <- xmlNode("Output")
xmlOF_raw <- xmlNode("OutputField",
attrs = c(
name = "rawValue", feature = "predictedValue",
dataType = "double", optype = "continuous"
xmlOutput <- append.XMLNode(xmlOutput, xmlOF_raw)
xmlOF_boost <- xmlNode("OutputField",
attrs = c(
name = "boostValue", feature = "transformedValue",
dataType = "double", optype = "continuous"
xmlApply <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "*"))
xmlFR <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = "rawValue"))
xmlConst <- xmlNode("Constant", weightSum)
xmlApply <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply, xmlFR)
xmlApply <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply, xmlConst)
xmlOF_boost <- append.XMLNode(xmlOF_boost, xmlApply)
xmlOutput <- append.XMLNode(xmlOutput, xmlOF_boost)
newName <- paste("Predicted_", target, sep = "")
target_class <- unname(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[1])
if (target_class == "factor") {
target_dataType <- "string"
} else {
target_dataType <- "double"
xmlOF_cate <- xmlNode("OutputField",
attrs = c(
name = newName, feature = "transformedValue",
dataType = target_dataType
xmlApply_if <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "if"))
xmlApply_compare <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "lessThan"))
xmlFR_boost <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = "boostValue"))
xmlConst_boost <- xmlNode("Constant", "0.0")
xmlApply_compare <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_compare, xmlFR_boost)
xmlApply_compare <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_compare, xmlConst_boost)
xmlApply_if <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_if, xmlApply_compare)
xmlConst_cate1 <- xmlNode("Constant", levels(model$fit)[1])
xmlConst_cate2 <- xmlNode("Constant", levels(model$fit)[2])
xmlApply_if <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_if, xmlConst_cate1)
xmlApply_if <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_if, xmlConst_cate2)
xmlOF_cate <- append.XMLNode(xmlOF_cate, xmlApply_if)
xmlOutput <- append.XMLNode(xmlOutput, xmlOF_cate)
prob1 <- paste("Probability_", levels(model$fit)[1], sep = "")
xmlOF_prob1 <- xmlNode("OutputField",
attrs = c(
name = prob1, feature = "transformedValue",
dataType = "double"
xmlApply_multiply1 <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "*"))
xmlConst_multiply1 <- xmlNode("Constant", "2.0")
xmlFR_multiply1 <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = "boostValue"))
xmlApply_multiply1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_multiply1, xmlConst_multiply1)
xmlApply_multiply1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_multiply1, xmlFR_multiply1)
xmlApply_exp1 <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "exp"))
xmlApply_exp1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_exp1, xmlApply_multiply1)
xmlApply_sum1 <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "+"))
xmlConst_sum1 <- xmlNode("Constant", "1.0")
xmlApply_sum1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_sum1, xmlConst_sum1)
xmlApply_sum1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_sum1, xmlApply_exp1)
xmlApply_divide1 <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "/"))
xmlConst_divide1 <- xmlNode("Constant", "1.0")
xmlApply_divide1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_divide1, xmlConst_divide1)
xmlApply_divide1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_divide1, xmlApply_sum1)
xmlOF_prob1 <- append.XMLNode(xmlOF_prob1, xmlApply_divide1)
xmlOutput <- append.XMLNode(xmlOutput, xmlOF_prob1)
prob2 <- paste("Probability_", levels(model$fit)[2], sep = "")
xmlOF_prob2 <- xmlNode("OutputField",
attrs = c(
name = prob2, feature = "transformedValue",
dataType = "double"
xmlApply_minus <- xmlNode("Apply", attrs = c("function" = "-"))
xmlConst_minus <- xmlNode("Constant", "1.0")
xmlFR_minus <- xmlNode("FieldRef", attrs = c(field = prob1))
xmlApply_minus <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_minus, xmlConst_minus)
xmlApply_minus <- append.XMLNode(xmlApply_minus, xmlFR_minus)
xmlOF_prob2 <- append.XMLNode(xmlOF_prob2, xmlApply_minus)
xmlOutput <- append.XMLNode(xmlOutput, xmlOF_prob2)
xmlModel <- append.XMLNode(xmlModel, xmlOutput)
# PMML -> MiningModel -> LocalTransformations
xmlLT <- NULL
if (!is.null(transforms)) {
xmlLT <- .pmmlLocalTransformations(noTargetFields, transforms)
} else {
xmlLT <- xmlNode("LocalTransformations")
xmlModel <- append.XMLNode(xmlModel, xmlLT)
# PMML -> MiningModel -> Segmentation
xmlSegmentation <- xmlNode("Segmentation", attrs = c(multipleModelMethod = "weightedAverage"))
for (i in 1:length(model$model$tree)) {
xmlSegment <- xmlNode("Segment", attrs = c(id = i, weight = model$model$alpha[i]))
xmlTrue <- xmlNode("True")
xmlSegment <- append.XMLNode(xmlSegment, xmlTrue)
# Each segment tree is a classification model, return either -1 or 1.
# However the MiningModel (ada algorithm) is doing weighted sum of the returning -1/1
# So the functionName of MiningModel should be set as regression; the functionName of each
# segment tree then has to be regression too (they have to be the same as the parent MiningModel
# per schema request). Even though the tree nodes are written through classification means.
xmlSegmentTree <- xmlNode("TreeModel", attrs = c(functionName = functionName, noTrueChildStrategy = "returnLastPrediction"))
# noTargetFields contains fields directly from the ADA fitting formula,
# which are the fields will be used in each segment Tree.
xmlSegmentTree <- append.XMLNode(xmlSegmentTree, .pmmlMiningSchema(noTargetFields, target = NULL, transformed = NULL, missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement))
adaTree <- model$model$tree[[i]]
xmlNode <- .buildRpartTreeNode(adaTree, "classification")
xmlSegmentTree <- append.XMLNode(xmlSegmentTree, xmlNode)
xmlSegment <- append.XMLNode(xmlSegment, xmlSegmentTree)
xmlSegmentation <- append.XMLNode(xmlSegmentation, xmlSegment)
xmlModel <- append.XMLNode(xmlModel, xmlSegmentation)
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, xmlModel)
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