
# PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) Transformations 
# Copyright (c) 2017 Zementis, Inc.
# This file is part of the pmmlTransformations package 
# The pmmlTransformations package is free: you can redistribute it and/or 
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The pmmlTransformations package is distributed in the hope that it will 
# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
# Author: Tridivesh Jena

NormDiscreteXform <-
	map <- NULL
	colmn <- NULL
	newrow <- NULL
	colnamesGiven <- FALSE
  j <- 0
	sampleMin <- NA
  sampleMax<- NA
  xformedMin <- NA
  xformedMax <- NA
  centers <- NA
  scales <- NA
	default <- NA
	missingValue <- NA
  functionXform <- NA

	if(is.na(xformInfo) && is.na(inputVar))
	  stop("xformInfo/inputVar parameter required.")

	  inputVar <- xformInfo

	newBoxData <- Initialize(boxdata)

	dots <- list(...)
	if(!is.null(dots$levelSeparator)) {
	  variableLevelSeparator <- dots$levelSeparator
	} else {
	  variableLevelSeparator <- "_"
	ignoreOperators <- FALSE
  if(!is.null(dots$ignoreOperatorSigns)) {
    ignoreOperators <- TRUE
# 	if(length(dots) != 0)
# 	{
# 		for(coln in dots)
# 		{
# 		  # initial code to discretize only certain indicated values of a categorical variable
# 		  # and give each dicretized value it's own name, if preferred
# 		  # now ignored as it was decided to just discretize all possible values
# 		  # and give them all pre-determined names  
# 		  if(FALSE)
# 		  {
# 			coln <- as.character(coln)
# 			if(grepl("[^-]->",coln))
# 			{
# 				st <- strsplit(coln,"->")
# 			} else
# 			{
# 		   		st <- strsplit(coln,"-->")
# 			}
# 			initName <- st[[1]][1]
# 			initName <- gsub("\\[","",initName)
# 			initName <- gsub("\\]","",initName)
# 			toName <- st[[1]][2]
#       toName <- gsub("\\[","",toName)
#       toName <- gsub("\\]","",toName)
# 			fromNames <- strsplit(initName,"categories=")[[1]]
# 			fromName <- fromNames[1]
# 			fromName <- gsub(",","",fromName)
# 			fromName <- gsub("\\[","",fromName)
#       fromName <- gsub("\\]","",fromName)
# 			origName <- fromName
#                         if(grepl("column",origName,ignore.case=TRUE))
#                         {
#                                origName <- gsub("column","",origName,ignore.case=TRUE)
#                         }
#                         if(grepl("^[-,_]",origName))
#                         {
#                                origName <- gsub("^[-,_]*","",origName)
#                         }
#                         if(suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(origName))))
#                         {
#                          colmn <- as.numeric(origName)
#                          fromName <- names(newBoxData$data)[colmn]
#                         }
# 			catName <- fromNames[2]
# 			catName <- gsub("\\[","",catName)
#       catName <- gsub("\\]","",catName)
# 			catNames <- strsplit(catName,",")[[1]]
# 			ncats <- length(catNames)
# 			toNames <- strsplit(toName,",")[[1]]
# 			nto <- length(toNames)
# 			if(!is.null(catNames))
# 			{
# 			 if(nto < ncats)
# 			 {
# 			  for(i in (nto+1):ncats)
# 			  {
# 			   name <- paste("derived_",fromName,"_",catNames[i],sep="")
# 			   toNames <- c(toNames,name)
# 			  }
# 			 }
# 			} else
# 			{
# 			 levels <- unique(newBoxData$data[fromName])[[1]]
# 			 for(i in 1:length(levels))
# 			 {
# 			  catNames <- c(catNames,levels[i])
# 			  name <- paste("derived_",fromName,"_",levels[i],sep="")
#                           toNames <- c(toNames,name)
# 			 }
# 			}
# 		  }
# 		}
# 	}

	  missingValue <- as.character(mapMissingTo)

	# expected input format: initialName or [initialName]
	input <- as.character(inputVar)
  fromName <- gsub("\\[","",input)
  fromName <- gsub("\\]","",fromName)
	fromName <- gsub("^[ ]*","",fromName)
  fromName <- gsub("[ $]*","",fromName)
	origName <- fromName
         origName <- gsub("column","",origName,ignore.case=TRUE)
         origName <- gsub("^[-,_]*","",origName)
         colmn <- as.numeric(origName)
         fromName <- names(newBoxData$data)[colmn]

	      catNames <- NULL
	      toNames <- NULL
	      levels <- unique(newBoxData$data[fromName])[[1]]
        for(i in 1:length(levels))
         catNames <- c(catNames,as.character(levels[i]))
	 # name all derived fields as [original field name]_[category name] 
	 # R doesnt like special characters in names, such as '-' as it
	 # might be confused with subtraction. Replace such characters with '_'
         name <- paste0(fromName,variableLevelSeparator,levels[i])
         if(!ignoreOperators) {
	        name <- gsub("-","_",name)
	        name <- gsub("\\+","_",name)
	        name <- gsub("\\*","_",name)
	        name <- gsub(":","_",name)
	        name <- gsub("'","_",name)
         toNames <- c(toNames,name)

	for(i in 1:length(catNames))
	 type <- "derived"
	 dataType <- "numeric"
	 origFieldName <- fromName
	 derivedFieldName <- toNames[i] 
	 fieldsMap <- list(as.character(catNames[i]))

	 transform <- "NormDiscrete"
	 newrow <- data.frame(type,dataType,origFieldName,sampleMin,sampleMax,xformedMin,xformedMax,centers,scales,I(fieldsMap),transform,default,missingValue,functionXform,row.names=derivedFieldName,check.names=FALSE)
# 	 newrow <- data.frame(type,dataType,origFieldName,sampleMin,sampleMax,xformedMin,xformedMax,centers,scales,fieldsMap,transform,default,missingValue,functionXform,row.names=derivedFieldName)
   suppressWarnings(newBoxData$fieldData <- rbind(newBoxData$fieldData,newrow))

	 newcol <- NULL
	 #for each row; ie piece of input data
#print("data BEGIN")
	 newcol <- 1 * (newBoxData$data[,fromName] == catNames[i])
   newcol[is.na(newcol)] <- missingValue 

#print("data END..")
  names <- toNames[i]
	newmat <- as.matrix(newcol)
  colnames(newmat) <- names
	rownames(newmat) <- NULL

  newBoxData$data <- data.frame(newBoxData$data,newmat,check.names=FALSE)

	  newBoxData$matrixData <- cbind(newBoxData$matrixData,newmat)

  newBoxData$fieldData[nrow(newBoxData$fieldData),"missingValue"] <- missingValue
	newBoxData$fieldData[nrow(newBoxData$fieldData),"default"] <- default


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pmmlTransformations documentation built on June 12, 2019, 1:03 a.m.