


d <- 10
r <- floor((d - 1) / 4)

i <- 1:d
a2 <- rbind(i, as.numeric(i <= (d + 1) / 2) - as.numeric(i >= (d + 1) / 2))
b2 <- c((d + 1) / 2, 0)
a1 <- rbind(- as.numeric(i <= (d + 1) / 2 - r) -
    as.numeric(i >= (d + 1) / 2 + r))
b1 <- - 1 / 2
dimnames(a1) <- NULL
dimnames(a2) <- NULL

hout <- hitrun(rep(1, d), nbatch = 100,
    a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, debug = TRUE)

# check random numbers
identical(.Random.seed, hout$initial.seed)
myz <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(hout$current), ncol(hout$current))
myu1 <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(hout$current))
myu2 <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(hout$current))
for (i in seq(along = myu1)) {
    myz[i, ] <- rnorm(ncol(hout$current))
    myu1[i] <- runif(1)
identical(.Random.seed, hout$final.seed)
identical(myz, hout$z)
identical(myu1, hout$u1)
identical(myu2, hout$u2)
identical(.Random.seed, hout$final.seed)

# check green ratios (trivial for this problem)
all(hout$log.green == 0)

# check construction of basis, origin, amat, bvec, rip
hrep4 <- makeH(a1 = a1, b1 = b1)
hrep4 <- addHin(- diag(d), rep(0, d), hrep4)
hrep3 <- makeH(a2 = a2, b2 = b2)
hrep3 <- addHeq(rep(1, d), 1, hrep3)
hrep4 <- d2q(hrep4)
hrep3 <- d2q(hrep3)
vrep3 <- scdd(hrep3)$output
is.line <- vrep3[ , 1] == "1" & vrep3[ , 2] == "0"
is.point <- vrep3[ , 1] == "0" & vrep3[ , 2] == "1"
all(is.point | is.line)
sum(is.point) == 1
sum(is.line) == d - nrow(hrep3)
foo <- vrep3[ , - c(1, 2)]
origin <- foo[is.point, ]
basis <- foo[is.line, ]
basis <- t(basis)
basis <- qgram(basis)
identical(q2d(origin), hout$origin)
identical(q2d(basis), hout$basis)

amat <- qneg(hrep4[ , - c(1, 2)])
bvec <- hrep4[ , 2]
bvec <- qmq(bvec, qmatmult(amat, cbind(origin)))
amat <- qmatmult(amat, basis)
identical(q2d(amat), hout$amat)
identical(q2d(bvec), hout$bvec)

origin <- q2d(origin)
basis <- q2d(basis)
amat <- q2d(amat)
bvec <- q2d(bvec)
initial <- hout$initial
all(qsign(qmq(bvec, as.vector(qmatmult(amat, cbind(initial))))) > 0)

# check bounds
mys1 <- rep(Inf, nrow(hout$current))
mys2 <- rep(-Inf, nrow(hout$current))
for (i in seq(along = myu1)) {
   z <- hout$z[i, ]
   x <- hout$current[i, ]
   ax <- as.numeric(amat %*% x)
   az <- as.numeric(amat %*% z)
   bnd <- (bvec - ax) / az
   mys1[i] <- max(bnd[az < 0])
   mys2[i] <- min(bnd[az > 0])
all.equal(mys1, hout$s1)
all.equal(mys2, hout$s2)

# check proposal
myproposal <- matrix(NA, nrow(hout$current), ncol(hout$current))
for (i in seq(along = myu1)) {
   x <- hout$current[i, ]
   z <- hout$z[i, ]
   smin <- hout$s1[i]
   smax <- hout$s2[i]
   u <- hout$u1[i]
   myproposal[i, ] <- x + z * (u * smin + (1 - u) * smax)
all.equal(myproposal, hout$proposal)
identical(hout$current[- 1, ], hout$proposal[- nrow(hout$proposal), ])
identical(hout$current[1, ], hout$initial)
identical(hout$proposal[nrow(hout$proposal), ], hout$final)

# check path is feasible (reduced coordinates)
foo <- hout$current %*% t(amat)
foo <- sweep(foo, 2, bvec)
all(foo <= 0)

# check transformation
foo <- hout$proposal %*% t(basis)
foo <- sweep(foo, 2, origin, "+")
all.equal(foo, hout$batch, tol = 1e-13)

# check path is feasible (original coordinates)
foo <- hout$batch %*% t(a1)
foo <- sweep(foo, 2, b1)
bar <- hout$batch %*% t(a2)
bar <- sweep(bar, 2, b2)
all(foo <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
all(abs(bar) <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

# now for non-uniform

alpha <- rep(1.3, d)
ludfun <- function(x) {
    if (any(x <= 0)) return(-Inf)
    return(sum((alpha - 1) * log(x)))

hout <- hitrun(alpha, nbatch = 100,
    a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, debug = TRUE)

foo <- hout$current %*% t(basis)
foo <- sweep(foo, 2, origin, "+")
bar <- hout$proposal %*% t(basis)
bar <- sweep(bar, 2, origin, "+")
my.log.green <- apply(bar, 1, ludfun) - apply(foo, 1, ludfun)
all.equal(my.log.green, hout$log.green, tol = 1e-13)
identical(is.na(hout$u2), hout$log.green >= 0)
my.accept.1 <- is.na(hout$u2) | hout$u2 < exp(hout$log.green)
foo <- hout$proposal
bar <- hout$current[- 1, ]
bar <- rbind(bar, hout$final)
baz <- foo - bar
my.accept.2 <- apply(baz == 0, 1, all)
identical(my.accept.1, my.accept.2)

# now check restart property

.Random.seed <- hout$initial.seed
hout1 <- hitrun(alpha, nbatch = 50, a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2)
hout2 <- hitrun(hout1)
identical(hout$batch, rbind(hout1$batch, hout2$batch))
identical(hout$final, hout2$final)
identical(hout$final.seed, hout2$final.seed)

# now check batching and spacing

hout3 <- hitrun(hout, nbatch = 17, nspac = 3, blen = 11)
hout4 <- hitrun(hout, nspac = 1, blen = 1,
    nbatch = hout3$nbatch * hout3$blen * hout3$nspac)
mybatch <- hout4$batch[seq(1, hout4$nbatch) %% hout3$nspac == 0, ]
mybatch <- array(as.vector(mybatch),
    c(hout3$blen, hout3$nbatch, ncol(mybatch)))
mybatch <- apply(mybatch, c(2, 3), mean)
all.equal(mybatch, hout3$batch)

# now check with outmat

i <- 1:d
outmat <- rbind(i, i^2)
dimnames(outmat) <- NULL

hout <- hitrun(alpha, nbatch = 101, blen = 17, outmat = outmat,
    a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, debug = TRUE)
nrow(outmat) == ncol(hout$batch)
mynext <- rbind(hout$current[- 1, ], hout$final)

foo <- mynext %*% t(basis)
foo <- sweep(foo, 2, origin, "+")
foo <- foo %*% t(outmat)
foo <- array(as.vector(foo), c(hout$blen, hout$nbatch, ncol(foo)))
foo <- apply(foo, c(2, 3), mean)
all.equal(foo, hout$batch)

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polyapost documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.