
Defines functions poly.orth as.function.polynomial print.polynomial as.character.polynomial Math.polynomial Summary.polynomial Ops.polynomial is.polynomial as.polynomial polynomial

Documented in as.character.polynomial as.function.polynomial as.polynomial is.polynomial Math.polynomial Ops.polynomial polynomial poly.orth print.polynomial Summary.polynomial

polynomial <- function(coef = c(0, 1)) {
  a <- as.numeric(coef)
  while ((la <- length(a)) > 1 && a[la] == 0) a <- a[-la]
  structure(a, class = "polynomial")

as.polynomial <- function(p) {
  if (is.polynomial(p)) p else polynomial(p)

is.polynomial <- function(p) {
  inherits(p, "polynomial")

Ops.polynomial <- function(e1, e2) {
  if (missing(e2))
                  `+` = e1,
                  `-` = polynomial(NextMethod(.Generic)),
                  stop("unsupported unary operation")))
  e1 <- unclass(e1)
  e2 <- unclass(e2)
  l1 <- length(e1)
  l2 <- length(e2)
  e1.op.e2 <- switch(.Generic,
                     `+` = , `-` = {
                       e1 <- c(e1, rep.int(0, max(0, l2 - l1)))
                       e2 <- c(e2, rep.int(0, max(0, l1 - l2)))
                     `*` = if (l1 == 1 || l2 == 1) {
                       e1 * e2
                     } else {
                       m <- outer(e1, e2)
                       as.vector(tapply(m, row(m) + col(m), sum))
                     `/` = {
                       if (l2 == 0) stop("unsupported polynomial division")
                       if (l2 == 1) e1/e2 else {
                         p <- rev(e1)
                         q <- rev(e2)
                         r <- rep.int(0, length(p))
                         i <- 0
                         while (length(p) >= l2) {
                           i <- i + 1
                           d <- p[1]/q[1]
                           r[i] <- d
                           p[1:l2] <- p[1:l2] - d * q
                           p <- p[-1]
                         if (i == 0) 0 else r[i:1]
                     `^` = {
                       if (l2 != 1 || e2 < 0 || e2%%1 != 0) stop("unsupported polynomial power")
                       switch(as.character(e2), `0` = 1, `1` = e1, {
                         p <- q <- polynomial(e1)
                         for (i in 2:e2) p <- p * q
                     `%%` = {
                       if (l2 == 1) 0 else {
                         p <- rev(e1)
                         q <- rev(e2)
                         while (length(p) >= l2) {
                           d <- p[1]/q[1]
                           p[1:l2] <- p[1:l2] - d * q
                           p <- p[-1]
                         if (length(p) == 0) 0 else rev(p)
                     `==` = return(l1 == l2 && all(e1 == e2)),
                     `!=` = return(l1 != l2 || any(e1 != e2)),
                     stop("unsupported operation on polynomials"))

Summary.polynomial <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
  ok <- switch(.Generic,
               sum = , prod = TRUE,
  if (!ok)
    stop(gettextf("Generic '%s' not defined for \"%s\" objects.", .Generic, .Class))
         sum = accumulate("+", as.polynomial(0), polylist(...)),
         prod = accumulate("*", as.polynomial(1), polylist(...)))

Math.polynomial <- function(x, ...) {
         round = , signif = , floor = , ceiling = , trunc = polynomial(NextMethod(.Generic)),
         stop(paste(.Generic, "unsupported for polynomials")))

as.character.polynomial <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
  p <- unclass(x)
  lp <- length(p) - 1
  names(p) <- 0:lp
  p <- p[p != 0]
  if (length(p) == 0)
  if (decreasing)
    p <- rev(p)
  signs <- ifelse(p < 0, "- ", "+ ")
  signs[1] <- if (signs[1] == "- ")
    "-" else ""
  np <- names(p)
  p <- as.character(abs(p))
  p[p == "1" & np != "0"] <- ""
  pow <- paste("x^", np, sep = "")
  pow[np == "0"] <- ""
  pow[np == "1"] <- "x"
  stars <- rep.int("*", length(p))
  stars[p == "" | pow == ""] <- ""
  paste(signs, p, stars, pow, sep = "", collapse = " ")

print.polynomial <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
  p <- as.character.polynomial(signif(x, digits = digits), decreasing = decreasing)
  pc <- nchar(p)
  ow <- max(35, getOption("width"))
  m2 <- 0
  while (m2 < pc) {
    m1 <- m2 + 1
    m2 <- min(pc, m2 + ow)
    if (m2 < pc)
      while (substring(p, m2, m2) != " " && m2 > m1 + 1) m2 <- m2 - 1
    cat(substring(p, m1, m2), "\n")

as.function.polynomial <- function(x, ...) {
  a <- rev(coef(x))
  w <- as.name("w")
  v <- as.name("x")
  ex <- call("{", call("<-", w, 0))
  for (i in seq_along(a)) {
    ex[[i + 2]] <- call("<-", w, call("+", a[1], call("*", v, w)))
    a <- a[-1]
  ex[[length(ex) + 1]] <- w
  f <- function(x) NULL
  body(f) <- ex

poly.orth <- function(x, degree = length(unique(x)) - 1, norm = TRUE) {
  at <- attr(poly(x, degree), "coefs")
  a <- at$alpha
  N <- at$norm2
  x <- polynomial()
  p <- list(polynomial(0), polynomial(1))
  for (j in 1:degree) p[[j + 2]] <- (x - a[j]) * p[[j + 1]] - N[j + 1]/N[j] * p[[j]]
  p <- p[-1]
  if (norm) {
    sqrtN <- sqrt(N[-1])
    for (j in 1 + 0:degree) p[[j]] <- p[[j]]/sqrtN[j]
  class(p) <- "polylist"

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polynom documentation built on April 11, 2022, 9:05 a.m.