Man pages for popbio
Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models

01IntroductionIntroduction to the popbio Package
02CaswellConverted Matlab functions from Caswell (2001)
03MorrisConverted Matlab functions from Morris and Doak (2002)
aq.censusAnnual census data for Aquilegia chrysantha
aq.matrixCreate a projection matrix for Aquilegia
aq.transAnnual transition data for Aquilegia chrysantha
betavalGenerate beta-distributed random numbers
boot.transitionsBootstrap observed census transitions
calatheaProjection matrices for a tropical understory herb
countCDFxtCount-based extinction probabilities and bootstrap confidence...
damping.ratioDamping ratio
eigen.analysisEigenvalue and eigenvector analysis of a projection matrix
elasticityElasticity analysis of a projection matrix
extCDFCount-based extinction time cumulative distribution function
fundamental.matrixFundamental matrix and age-specific survival
generation.timeGeneration time
grizzlyPopulation sizes of grizzly bears in Yellowstone from...
head2Return the first and last part of a matrix or dataframe
hudcorrsCorrelation matrices for Hudsonia vital rates
hudmxdefMatrix definition program for Hudsonia vital rates
hudsoniaProjection matrices for mountain golden heather
hudvrsBest Kendall estimates of Hudsonia vital rate means and...
image2Display a matrix image
KendallFind the best Kendall's estimates of mean and environmental...
lambdaPopulation growth rate
lnormsGenerate random lognormal values for fertility rates
logi.hist.plotPlot logistic regression
LTRELife Table Response Experiment
matplot2Plot a matrix
matrix2Square matrices
mean.listMean matrix
monkeyflowerProjection matrices for monkeyflower
multiresultmIncorporate demographic stochasticity into population...
nematodePopulation densities for the sugarbeet cyst nematode
net.reproductive.rateNet reproductive rate
pfister.plotCreate log-log plots of variance vs. sensitivity and CV vs....
pop.projectionCalculate population growth rates by projection
projection.matrixConstruct projection matrix models using transition frequency...
QPmatBuild a projection matrix from a time series of individuals...
reproductive.valueReproductive value
resampleResample a projection matrix
secderSecond derivatives of the dominant eigenvalue
sensitivitySensitivity analysis of a projection matrix
splitASplit a projection matrix into separate T and F matrices
stable.stageStable stage distribution
stage.vector.plotPlot stage vector projections
stoch.growth.rateLog stochastic growth rate
stoch.projectionProject stochastic growth from a sequence of matrices
stoch.quasi.extQuasi-extinction threshold
stoch.sensStochastic growth rate sensitivity
stretchbetavalStretched beta-distributed random numbers
teaselProjection matrix for teasel
test.censusCensus data for hypothetical plant
tortoiseProjection matrices for desert tortoise
var2Variance matrix
varEstEstimate the variance of beta-binomial vital rates
vitalsensVital rate sensitivities and elasticities
vitalsimStochastic vital rate simulations
whaleProjection matrix for killer whale
woodpeckerSurvirvorship data for adult and juvenile Acorn Woodpeckers
popbio documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m.