
Defines functions plotPerformanceVsParams genRandomFuns fun_factory

Documented in genRandomFuns plotPerformanceVsParams

# function factory (https://adv-r.hadley.nz/function-factories.html)
fun_factory <- function(mother_fun, ...) {
  fun_params <- list(...)
  lapply(fun_params, force)
  new_fun <- mother_fun
  environment(new_fun) <- new.env()
  for (i in 1:length(fun_params))
    assign(names(fun_params)[i], fun_params[[i]], envir = environment(new_fun))

#' @title Generate multiple versions of a function with randomly chosen parameters
#' @description Portfolio functions usually contain some parameters that can be tuned. 
#' This function creates multiple versions of a function with randomly chosen parameters.
#' After backtesting those portfolios, the plotting function \code{\link{plotPerformanceVsParams}} 
#' can be used to show the performance vs parameters.
#' @param portfolio_fun Portfolio function with parameters unspecified.
#' @param params_grid Named list containing for each parameter the possible values it can take.
#' @param name String with the name of the portfolio function.
#' @param N_funs Number of functions to be generated.
#' @author Daniel P. Palomar and Rui Zhou
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotPerformanceVsParams}}
#' @examples
#' library(portfolioBacktest)
#' # define GMVP with parameters "delay", "lookback", and "regularize"
#' GMVP_portfolio_fun <- function(dataset, ...) {
#'   prices <- tail(lag(dataset$adjusted, delay), lookback)
#'   X <- diff(log(prices))[-1]
#'   Sigma <- cov(X)
#'   if (regularize)
#'     Sigma <- Sigma + 0.1 * mean(diag(Sigma)) * diag(ncol(Sigma))
#'   # design GMVP
#'   w <- solve(Sigma, rep(1, ncol(Sigma)))
#'   return(w/sum(w))
#' }
#' # generate the functions with random parameters
#' portfolio_list <- genRandomFuns(portfolio_fun = GMVP_portfolio_fun, 
#'                                 params_grid = list(lookback = c(100, 120, 140, 160),
#'                                                    delay = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20),
#'                                                    regularize = c(FALSE, TRUE)),
#'                                 name = "GMVP", 
#'                                 N_funs = 40)
#' names(portfolio_list)
#' portfolio_list[[1]]
#' rlang::env_print(portfolio_list[[1]])
#' rlang::fn_env(portfolio_list[[1]])$lookback
#' rlang::fn_env(portfolio_list[[1]])$delay
#' rlang::fn_env(portfolio_list[[1]])$regularize
#' @export
genRandomFuns <- function(portfolio_fun, params_grid, name = "portfolio", N_funs = NULL) {
  N_combinations <- prod(sapply(params_grid, length))
  if (is.null(N_funs)) 
    stop("Number of functions to be generated \"N_funs\" has to be specified")
  if (N_funs > N_combinations) {
    warning("\nToo many functions requested for only ", N_combinations, 
            " possible combinations: using instead N_funs = ", N_combinations, ".")
    N_funs <- N_combinations
  } else 
    message("Generating ", N_funs, " functions out of a total of ", N_combinations, " possible combinations.")
  list_random_funs <- vector("list", N_funs)
  list_random_params <- vector("list", N_funs)
  for (i in 1:N_funs) {
    # generate random parameters
    while (any(sapply(list_random_params, identical, 
                      params_realiz <- lapply(params_grid, FUN = sample, 1, replace = TRUE)))) TRUE
    list_random_params[[i]] <- params_realiz
    # create function
    list_random_funs[[i]] <- do.call(fun_factory, c("mother_fun" = portfolio_fun, params_realiz))
    attr(list_random_funs[[i]], "params") <- params_realiz
    names(list_random_funs)[i] <- 
      paste0(name, " (", paste(names(params_grid), params_realiz, sep = "=", collapse = ", "), ")")
  attr(list_random_funs, "params_grid") <- params_grid

#' @title Plot performance of portfolio function vs choice of parameters 
#' @description Portfolio functions usually contain some parameters that can be tuned. 
#' After generating multiple versions of a portfolio function with randomly chosen parameters
#' with the function \code{\link{genRandomFuns}} and doing the backtesting, this function
#' can be used to plot the performance vs choice of parameters.
#' @param bt_all_portfolios Backtest results as produced by the function \code{\link{portfolioBacktest}}.
#' @param params_subset List of named parameters with a subset of the values to be considered. By 
#'                      default all the possible values will be considered.
#' @param name_performance String with the name of the performance measure to be used.
#' @param summary_fun Summary function to be employed (e.g., median or mean). Defult is median.
#' @author Daniel P. Palomar and Rui Zhou
#' @seealso \code{\link{genRandomFuns}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(portfolioBacktest)
#' # define GMVP with parameters "delay", "lookback", and "regularize"
#' GMVP_portfolio_fun <- function(dataset, ...) {
#'   prices <- tail(lag(dataset$adjusted, delay), lookback)
#'   X <- diff(log(prices))[-1]
#'   Sigma <- cov(X)
#'   if (regularize)
#'     Sigma <- Sigma + 0.01*diag(ncol(Sigma))
#'   # design GMVP
#'   w <- solve(Sigma, rep(1, ncol(Sigma)))
#'   return(w/sum(w))
#' }
#' # generate the functions with random parameters
#' portfolio_list <- genRandomFuns(portfolio_fun = GMVP_portfolio_fun, 
#'                                 params_grid = list(lookback = c(100, 120, 140, 160),
#'                                                    delay = c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20),
#'                                                    regularize = c(FALSE, TRUE)),
#'                                 name = "GMVP", 
#'                                 N_funs = 40)
#' # backtest portfolios
#' bt <- portfolioBacktest(portfolio_list, dataset10)
#' # plot
#' plotPerformanceVsParams(bt)
#' plotPerformanceVsParams(bt, params_subset = list(regularize = TRUE))
#' plotPerformanceVsParams(bt, params_subset = list(delay = 5))
#' plotPerformanceVsParams(bt, params_subset = list(delay = 5, regularize = TRUE))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_line ggtitle xlab ylab facet_wrap facet_grid labeller geom_tile scale_fill_viridis_c label_both guides guide_legend
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
plotPerformanceVsParams <- function(bt_all_portfolios, params_subset = NULL, 
                                    name_performance = "Sharpe ratio", summary_fun = median) {
  # summarize performance chosen
  res_summary <- backtestSummary(bt_all_portfolios, summary_fun = summary_fun)
  score_all_funs <- summaryTable(res_summary, measures = name_performance, type = "simple")
  # get complete data.frame from the backtest
  N_portfolios <- length(attr(bt_all_portfolios, "portfolio_index"))
  if (N_portfolios == 0) stop("No portfolio found in backtest!")
  params_portfolio_funs_list <- lapply(bt_all_portfolios[1:N_portfolios], attr, "params")
  if (any(sapply(params_portfolio_funs_list, is.null))) stop("Backtest does not contain the attribute \"params\"!")
  params_portfolio_funs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, params_portfolio_funs_list)
  portfolio_data <- cbind(params_portfolio_funs, score = score_all_funs[1:N_portfolios])
  # subset data.frame with subseting parameters
  for (i in seq_along(params_subset))
    portfolio_data <- portfolio_data[portfolio_data[[names(params_subset[i])]] %in% params_subset[[i]], ]
  # compute resulting params grid and indices of different types of parameters
  params_grid <- params_portfolio_funs_list[[1]]
  params_grid[] <- NA
  for (i in 1:length(params_grid))
    params_grid[[i]] <- sort(unique(sapply(params_portfolio_funs_list, function(x) x[[i]])))
  if (!is.null(params_subset)) {
    if (!all(names(params_subset) %in% names(params_grid)))
      stop("Argument \"params_subset\" contains parameters not contained in the backtest.")
    for (name in names(params_subset))
      if (!all(params_subset[[name]] %in% params_grid[[name]]))
        stop("Element ", name, " of argument \"params_subset\" is not contained in the backtest.")
    params_grid <- modifyList(params_grid, params_subset)
  message("Parameter grid:") #print(params_grid)
  message(paste(paste("  ", paste(names(params_grid), params_grid, sep = " = ")), collapse = "\n"))
  N_grid <- sapply(params_grid, length)
  idx_fixed <- which(N_grid == 1)
  idx_numeric <- setdiff(which(lapply(params_grid, class) == "numeric"), idx_fixed)
  idx_factor <- setdiff(which(lapply(params_grid, class) %in% c("character", "factor", "logical")), idx_fixed)
  if (!setequal(union(union(idx_fixed, idx_numeric), idx_factor), 1:length(params_grid)))
    stop("Error in the partitioning of the elements of params into fixed, numeric, and factor.")
  message(sprintf("\nParameter types: %d fixed, %d variable numeric, and %d variable non-numeric.", 
                  length(idx_fixed), length(idx_numeric), length(idx_factor)))
  # plot
  title_name <- ifelse(length(idx_fixed) == 0, name_performance,
                       paste(name_performance, "for configuration:", 
                             paste(names(params_grid[idx_fixed]), params_grid[idx_fixed], sep = "=", collapse = ", ")))
         "0" = stop("No numeric parameter to plot!"),
         "1" = {
           p <- ggplot(portfolio_data, 
                       aes(x = .data[[names(params_grid[idx_numeric])]], y = .data$score)) +
                       #aes_string(x = names(params_grid[idx_numeric]), y = "score")
             geom_point() + geom_line() +
             ggtitle(title_name) + xlab(names(params_grid[idx_numeric])) + ylab(name_performance)
           if (length(idx_factor) >= 1)  # first factor to color
             #p <- p + aes_string(col = names(params_grid[idx_factor[1]]))
             p <- p + aes(col = .data[[names(params_grid[idx_factor[1]])]]) +
               guides(col = guide_legend(title = names(params_grid[idx_factor[1]])))
           if (length(idx_factor) >= 2)  # second factor to shape
             #p <- p + aes_string(shape = names(params_grid)[idx_factor[2]])
             p <- p + aes(shape = .data[[names(params_grid)[idx_factor[2]]]]) +
               guides(shape = guide_legend(title = names(params_grid)[idx_factor[2]]))
           if (length(idx_factor) == 3)  # third factor to facets
             p <- p + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", names(params_grid[idx_factor[3]]))), 
                                 labeller = labeller(.cols = label_both))
           if (length(idx_factor) == 4)  # third and fourth factor to facets
             p <- p + facet_grid(as.formula(paste(names(params_grid[idx_factor[3]]), "~", names(params_grid[idx_factor[4]]))), 
                                 labeller = labeller(.cols = label_both, .rows = label_both))
           if (length(idx_factor) > 4)
             stop("Cannot deal with one numeric parameter and more than 4 non-numeric parameters.")
         "2" = {
           p <- ggplot(portfolio_data, 
                       aes(x = .data[[names(params_grid[idx_numeric[1]])]], y = .data[[names(params_grid[idx_numeric[2]])]], fill = .data$score)) +
                       #aes_string(x = names(params_grid[idx_numeric[1]]), y = names(params_grid[idx_numeric[2]]), fill = "score")
             geom_tile() +  # geom_raster()
             scale_fill_viridis_c(name = name_performance, na.value = "transparent") +
             ggtitle(title_name) + xlab(names(params_grid[idx_numeric[1]])) + ylab(names(params_grid[idx_numeric[2]]))
           if (length(idx_factor) == 1)  # first factor to facets
             p <- p + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", names(params_grid[idx_factor[1]]))), 
                                 labeller = labeller(.cols = label_both))
           if (length(idx_factor) == 2)  # first and second factors to facets
             p <- p + facet_grid(as.formula(paste(names(params_grid[idx_factor[1]]), "~", names(params_grid[idx_factor[2]]))), 
                                 labeller = labeller(.cols = label_both, .rows = label_both))
           if (length(idx_factor) > 2)
             stop("Cannot deal with 2 numeric parameters and more than 2 non-numeric parameters.")
         stop("Cannot deal with more than 2 numeric parameters."))

# plotPerformanceVsParams_old <- function(portfolio_funs, bt_summary, params_nominal = list(NULL), measure = "Sharpe ratio") {
#   score_all_funs <- summaryTable(bt_summary, measures = measure, type = "simple")
#   params_portfolio_funs <- lapply(portfolio_funs, attr, "params")
#   params_grid <- attr(portfolio_funs, "params_grid")
#   params_grid <- modifyList(params_grid, params_nominal)
#   N_grid <- sapply(params_grid, length)
#   switch(as.character(sum(N_grid > 1)),
#          "0" = stop("No parameter to be swept!"),
#          "1" = {
#            i_param1 <- which.max(N_grid)  # index of parameter to sweep
#            param1_sweep <- params_grid[[i_param1]]
#            param1_name <- names(params_grid)[i_param1]
#            score_sweep <- rep(NA, length(param1_sweep))
#            message("Sweeping over one single parameter: ", param1_name, ".")
#            for (i in 1:length(param1_sweep)) {
#              param_grid_point <- params_grid
#              param_grid_point[[i_param1]] <- param1_sweep[i]
#              i_fun <- which(sapply(params_portfolio_funs, identical, param_grid_point))
#              if (length(i_fun) > 1)
#                stop("More than one function in the list coincides with grid point ", param_grid_point)
#              if (length(i_fun) == 1)
#                score_sweep[i] <- score_all_funs[i_fun]
#            }
#            # plot
#            #plot(param1_sweep, score_sweep, type = "b", xlab = param1_name, ylab = "Sharpe ratio", 
#            #     main = "Performance vs parameter")
#            ggplot2::qplot(param1_sweep, score_sweep, geom = c("point", "line"), xlab = param1_name, ylab = "Sharpe ratio",
#                           main = "Performance vs parameter")
#          },
#          "2" = {
#            i_param1 <- which.max(N_grid)[1];            i_param2 <- order(N_grid, decreasing = TRUE)[2]
#            param1_sweep <- params_grid[[i_param1]];     param2_sweep <- params_grid[[i_param2]]
#            param1_name <- names(params_grid)[i_param1]; param2_name <- names(params_grid)[i_param2]
#            score_sweep <- matrix(NA, length(param1_sweep), length(param2_sweep))
#            rownames(score_sweep) <- param1_sweep
#            colnames(score_sweep) <- param2_sweep
#            message("Sweeping over two parameters: ", param1_name, " and ", param2_name, ".")
#            for (i in 1:length(param1_sweep))
#              for (j in 1:length(param2_sweep)) {
#                param_grid_point <- params_grid
#                param_grid_point[[i_param1]] <- param1_sweep[i]
#                param_grid_point[[i_param2]] <- param2_sweep[j]
#                i_fun <- which(sapply(params_portfolio_funs, identical, param_grid_point))
#                if (length(i_fun) > 1)
#                  stop("More than one function in the list coincides with grid point ", param_grid_point)
#                if (length(i_fun) == 1)
#                  score_sweep[i, j] <- score_all_funs[i_fun]
#              }
#            # plot
#            #heatmap(score_sweep, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, col = heat.colors(256))
#            #heatmap(score_sweep, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, col = viridisLite::inferno(256))
#            melted_score <- reshape2::melt(score_sweep)
#            ggplot2::ggplot(melted_score, ggplot2::aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) + 
#              ggplot2::geom_tile() + #ggplot2::geom_raster() +
#              ggplot2::labs(title = "Performance vs parameters", x = param1_name, y = param2_name) +
#              viridis::scale_fill_viridis(name = measure, na.value = "transparent")
#            #scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue")
#          },
#          stop("Cannot sweep over more than 1 parameter."))
# }

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portfolioBacktest documentation built on April 22, 2022, 9:05 a.m.