
Defines functions pois_tail_ll

#Reference Class definition
#' @rdname displ
#' @aliases dispois-class dispois
#' @exportClass dispois
#' @importFrom stats dpois ppois
#' @export dispois
dispois =
              contains = "discrete_distribution",
              fields = list(
                dat = function(x)
                  if (!missing(x) && !is.null(x)) {
                    x = sort(x)
                    tab = table(x)
                    values = as.numeric(names(tab))
                    freq = as.vector(tab)

                    internal[["cum_n"]] <<- rev(cumsum(rev(freq)))
                    internal[["freq"]] <<- freq
                    internal[["values"]] <<- values
                    internal[["dat"]] <<- x
                    xmin <<- min(values)
                  } else internal[["dat"]],
                xmin = function(x) {
                  if (!missing(x) && !is.null(x)) {
                    if ("estimate_xmin" %in% class(x)) {
                      pars <<- x$pars
                      x = x$xmin
                    internal[["xmin"]] <<- x
                    if (length(internal[["values"]])) {
                      selection = min(which(internal[["values"]] >= x))
                      internal[["slx"]] <<- internal[["cum_slx"]][selection]
                      internal[["n"]] <<- internal[["cum_n"]][selection]
                  } else  internal[["xmin"]]
                pars = function(x) {
                  if (!missing(x) && !is.null(x)) {
                    if ("estimate_pars" %in% class(x)) x = x$pars
                    internal[["pars"]] <<- x
                  } else internal[["pars"]]

    initialize = function(dat) {
      no_pars <<- 1
      ##Use the internal attribute for copying
      if (!missing(dat)) {
        x = sort(dat)
        tab = table(x)
        values = as.numeric(names(tab))
        freq = as.vector(tab)

        internal[["cum_n"]] <<- rev(cumsum(rev(freq)))
        internal[["freq"]] <<- freq
        internal[["values"]] <<- values
        internal[["dat"]] <<- x
        xmin <<- min(values)

#PDF method
#' @rdname dist_pdf-methods
#' @aliases dist_pdf,dispois-method
          signature = signature(m = "dispois"),
          definition = function(m, q = NULL, log = FALSE) {
            xmin = m$getXmin()
            pars = m$getPars()
            if (is.null(q)) q = m$dat
            pdf = dpois(q, pars, log = TRUE) -
              ppois(xmin - 0.5, pars, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
            if (!log) {
              pdf = exp(pdf)
              pdf[q < xmin]  = 0
            } else {
              pdf[q < xmin] = -Inf
#CDF method
#' @rdname dist_cdf-methods
#' @aliases dist_cdf,dispois-method
          signature = signature(m = "dispois"),
          definition = function(m, q = NULL, lower_tail = TRUE) {
            xmin = m$getXmin()
            pars = m$getPars()
            if (is.null(pars)) stop("Model parameters not set.")
            if (is.null(q)) q = m$dat

            p = ppois(q, pars, lower.tail = lower_tail)
            if (lower_tail) {
              C = ppois(xmin - 0.5, pars, lower.tail = FALSE)
              cdf = (p / C - 1 / C + 1)
            } else {
              C = 1 - ppois(xmin, pars)
              cdf = p / C
            cdf[q < xmin] = 0

#' @rdname dist_cdf-methods
#' @aliases dist_all_cdf,dispois-method
          signature = signature(m = "dispois"),
          definition = function(m, lower_tail = TRUE, xmax = 1e5) {
            xmin = m$getXmin()
            xmax = max(m$dat[m$dat <= xmax])
            dist_cdf(m, q = xmin:xmax, lower_tail = lower_tail)

#ll method
#' @rdname dist_ll-methods
#' @aliases dist_ll,dispois-method
          signature = signature(m = "dispois"),
          definition = function(m) {
            xmin = m$getXmin()
            d = m$getDat()
            pois_tail_ll(d[d >= xmin], m$getPars(), xmin)

pois_tail_ll = function(x, rate, xmin) {
  n = length(x)
  joint_prob = colSums(sapply(rate, function(i) dpois(x, i, log = TRUE)))
  prob_over = sapply(rate, function(i) ppois(xmin - 1, i,
                                             lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))
  return(joint_prob - n * prob_over)

#Rand number generator
# Adapted from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-May/070680.html
#' @rdname dist_rand-methods
#' @aliases dist_rand,dispois-method
          signature = signature(m = "dispois"),
          definition = function(m, n = "numeric") {
            xmin = m$xmin
            lambda = m$pars
            qpois(runif(n, ppois(xmin - 1, lambda, lower.tail = TRUE), 1), lambda)

#MLE method
  mle = function(set = TRUE, initialise = NULL) {
    x = dat
    x = x[x > (xmin - 0.5)]
    if (is.null(initialise))
      theta_0 = mean(x)
      theta_0 = initialise
    # Chop off values below
    negloglike = function(par) {
      r = -pois_tail_ll(x, par, xmin)
      if (!is.finite(r)) r = 1e12
    mle = suppressWarnings(optim(par = theta_0, fn = negloglike,
                                 method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0))
    if (set)
      pars <<- mle$par
    class(mle) = "estimate_pars"
    names(mle)[1L] = "pars"


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