
Defines functions plot.StepTwo

Documented in plot.StepTwo

#' @include Basis.R Spline.R Interpolation.R

StepTwo <- R6::R6Class("StepTwo",
    private = list(
        .step_1 = NULL,
        .spline = NULL,
        .interpolation = NULL,
        .cv = NULL,

        .duration = NULL,

        # Decide how many DF can be used during the LOOCV.
        .check_df = function(df, monotone) {
            # If we have an I-Spline then we can start 1 degree of freedom lower.
            if (monotone) {
                min_df <- 3
            } else {
                min_df <- 4

            # Determine the maximum number of degrees of freedom (i.e., justify in the paper).
            max_df <- private$.step_1$range$available_samples - 2

            # Determine DF for LOOCV.
            if (is.null(df)) {
                # Never try more than 20 degrees of freedom.
                max_df <- ifelse(max_df > 20, 20, max_df)

                # Create the DF sequence for testing.
                df <- seq(min_df, max_df, 1)

            # Manually override the DF. Can exceed 20 limit because of manual override.
            } else {
                # Stop if the highest DF is too large.
                if (max(df) > max_df) {
                    stop(paste0("Degree of freedom '", max(df), "' cannot exceed `length(samples) - 2` (i.e., '", max_df, "')."))

                # Stop if the lowest DF is too large.
                if (min(df) < min_df) {
                    stop(paste0("Degree of freedom '", min(df), "' cannot be lower that '", min_df, "'."))

                # Sort the DFs and remove duplicates.
                df <- unique(sort(df))


        # Reset any previously fitted spline.
        .clear_spline = function() {
            private$.spline <- NULL
            private$.interpolation <- NULL
            private$.cv <- NULL

        .run_cv = function(monotone, increasing, df, solver_type, ...) {
            # Check the DFs before LOOCV.
            df <- private$.check_df(df, monotone)

            # Storage for the squared errors.
            se <- matrix(NA, private$.step_1$range$available_samples, length(df))

            # Get the actual boundary knots.
            boundary_knots <- range(private$.step_1$range$partition)

            # Create solver.
            solver <- SolverFactory$new()$get_solver(solver_type)

            for (i in 1:private$.step_1$range$available_samples) {
                # Training data.
                x_train <- private$.step_1$range$partition[-i]
                y_train <- private$.step_1$statistics[-i]

                # Test data.
                x_test <- private$.step_1$range$partition[i]
                y_test <- private$.step_1$statistics[i]

                for (j in 1:length(df)) {
                    # Create training basis.
                    basis_train <- Basis$new(x = x_train, df = df[j], monotone = monotone, Boundary.knots = boundary_knots, ...)

                    # Setup the solver for the training basis.
                    solver$setup(basis_train, y_train, increasing)

                    # Estimate the spline coefficients.
                    spline_train <- Spline$new(basis = basis_train, solver)

                    # Predict.
                    basis_test <- basis_train$extend(x_new = x_test, ...)
                    y_hat <- basis_test %*% spline_train$alpha

                    # Compute error.
                    se[i, j] <- (y_test - y_hat)^2

            # Store the results.
            private$.cv <- list(
                se = se,
                df = df,
                mse = colMeans(se, na.rm = TRUE),
                sd = apply(se, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)

        .fit = function(monotone, increasing, solver_type, ...) {
            # Determine best DF based on MSE.
            df <- private$.cv$df[which.min(private$.cv$mse)]

            # Create spline basis.
            basis <- Basis$new(x = private$.step_1$range$partition, df, monotone, ...)

            # Create the solver.
            solver <- SolverFactory$new()$get_solver(solver_type)

            # Setup the solver.
            solver$setup(basis, private$.step_1$statistics, increasing)

            # Create spline.
            private$.spline <- Spline$new(basis, solver)

            # Fit the spline.

        .interpolate = function(...) {
            private$.interpolation <- Interpolation$new(private$.spline, ...)

    public = list(
        initialize = function(step_1) {
            private$.step_1 <- step_1

        fit = function(monotone = TRUE, increasing = TRUE, df = NULL, solver_type = "quadprog", ...) {
            # Time when the fitting started.
            start_time <- Sys.time()

            # Reset any previous spline before re-fitting.

            # Perform LOOCV.
            private$.run_cv(monotone = monotone, increasing = increasing, df = df, solver_type = solver_type, ...)

            # Find spline coefficients.
            private$.fit(monotone = monotone, increasing = increasing, solver_type = solver_type, ...)

            # Interpolate the entire range used during Step 1.

            # Compute how long the simulation took.
            private$.duration <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs"))

    active = list(
        step_1 = function() { return(private$.step_1) },
        spline = function() { return(private$.spline) },
        interpolation = function() { return(private$.interpolation) },
        cv = function() { return(private$.cv) },
        ssq = function() {
            return(sum((private$.step_1$statistics - private$.spline$fitted) ^ 2))
        duration = function() { return(private$.duration) }

#' @template plot-Step
#' @templateVar step_class StepTwo
#' @templateVar step_number 2
#' @export
plot.StepTwo <- function(x, save = FALSE, path = NULL, width = 14, height = 10, ...) {
    # Store a reference to `x` with a more informative name.
    object <- x

    # Data statistic.
    data_statistics <- data.frame(
        x = object$step_1$range$partition,
        observed = object$step_1$statistics,
        predicted = object$spline$fitted

    # Data spline values.
    data_spline_values <- data.frame(
        x = object$interpolation$x,
        y = object$interpolation$fitted

    # Data spline coefficients.
    data_spline_alpha <- data.frame(
        x = as.factor(1:ncol(object$spline$basis$matrix)),
        y = object$spline$alpha

    # Data basis matrix.
    data_spline_basis <- data.frame(
        x = as.factor(rep(object$spline$basis$x, ncol(object$spline$basis$matrix))),
        y = as.numeric(object$spline$basis$matrix),
        basis = as.factor(sort(rep(1:ncol(object$spline$basis$matrix), nrow(object$spline$basis$matrix))))

    # Data cross-validation.
    data_cv <- data.frame(
        df = sort(rep(object$cv$df, nrow(object$cv$se))),
        se = as.numeric(object$cv$se),
        sample = rep(object$spline$basis$x, ncol(object$cv$se)),
        mse_df = rep(object$cv$mse, each = nrow(object$cv$se)),
        mse_sample = rep(apply(object$cv$se, 1, mean), ncol(object$cv$se)),
        first_se_sample = rep(object$cv$se[, 1], ncol(object$cv$se)),
        first_se_df = rep(object$cv$se[1, ], each = nrow(object$cv$se))

    # Common plot theme settings.
    .__PLOT_SETTINGS__ <- c(plot_settings(), list(
            legend.position = "none"

    # Spline plot.
    plot_spline <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_spline_values, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) +
            size = 1,
            color = "rosybrown"
        ) +
            data = data_statistics,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$observed),
            fill = "#3f51b5",
            color = "#3f51b5",
            size = 1.5,
            shape = 23
        ) +
            data = data_statistics,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$predicted),
            fill = "#7c2929",
            color = "#7c2929",
            size = 1.5,
            shape = 19
        ) +
            yintercept = object$step_1$statistic_value,
            color = "#8b0000",
            linetype = "dotted",
            size = .65
        ) +
            title = paste0("Fitted spline | DF = ",  object$spline$basis$df, " | SSQ = ", round(object$ssq, 4)),
            x = "Candidate Sample Size Range",
            y = "Statistic Value"
        ) +
            breaks = seq(0, 1, .1)
        ) +
            breaks = object$step_1$range$partition
        ) +

    plot_coefficients <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_spline_alpha, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y)) +
            shape = 17,
            size = 1.5,
            color = "darkred",
            fill = "darkred"
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(y = .data$y - .04),
            label = round(data_spline_alpha$y, 2),
            fontface = "bold",
            size = 2.8
        ) +
            yintercept = 0,
            color = "#2c2c2c",
            linetype = "dotted",
            size = .65,
            alpha = .7
        ) +
            ylim = c(min(data_spline_alpha$y) - .2, max(data_spline_alpha$y) + .2)
        ) +
            breaks = round(seq(min(data_spline_alpha$y) - .2, max(data_spline_alpha$y) + .2, .2), 2)
        ) +
            title = "Spline coefficients",
            x = "Basis function",
            y = "Spline coefficient value"
        ) +

    plot_basis <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_spline_basis, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, color = .data$basis, group = .data$basis)) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(lty = .data$basis),
            size = .7
        ) +
            title = "Basis matrix",
            x = "Sample size",
            y = "Basis function value"
        ) +

    plot_cv <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_cv, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$df, y = .data$se, color = as.factor(.data$sample))) +
            size = .75,
            alpha = .15
        ) +
            size = 1,
            shape = 19,
            alpha = .15,
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                y = .data$mse_df
            size = 1,
            color = "#000000"
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                y = .data$mse_df
            size = 1.5,
            shape = 19,
            color = "#000000"
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                x = min(.data$df) - .75,
                y = .data$first_se_sample,
                label = .data$sample
            size = 2.8,
            alpha = .05
        ) +
            xintercept = data_cv$df[which.min(data_cv$mse_df)],
            color = "#2c2c2c",
            linetype = "dotted",
            size = .65,
            alpha = .7
        ) +
            breaks = unique(data_cv$df)
        ) +
            title = "LOOCV | SE (color) | MSE (dark)",
            x = "Spline degrees of freedom",
            y = "Squared error"
        ) +

    plot_cv_error <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_cv, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$sample, y = .data$se, color = as.factor(.data$df))) +
            size = .75,
            alpha = .15
        ) +
            size = 1,
            shape = 19,
            alpha = .15,
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                y = .data$mse_sample
            size = 1,
            color = "#000000"
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                y = .data$mse_sample
            size = 1.5,
            shape = 19,
            color = "#000000"
        ) +
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                x = min(.data$sample) - (.data$sample[2] - .data$sample[1]) * .6,
                y = .data$first_se_df,
                label = .data$df
            size = 2.8,
            alpha = .05
        ) +
            breaks = object$step_1$range$partition
        ) +
            title = "Training prediction | SE (color) | MSE (dark)",
            y = "Squared error",
            x = "Sample size"
        ) +

    # Define the margins.
    margin_plot_top <- ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0, r = 0, b = 0, l = 0))
    margin_plot_left <- ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 15, r = 7.5, b = 0, l = 0))
    margin_plot_right <- ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 15, r = 0, b = 0, l = 7.5))

    # Adjust plot margins.
    plot_spline <- plot_spline & margin_plot_top
    plot_coefficients <- plot_coefficients & margin_plot_left
    plot_basis <- plot_basis & margin_plot_right
    plot_cv <- plot_cv & margin_plot_left
    plot_cv_error <- plot_cv_error & margin_plot_right

    # Prepare plot layout.
    plot_step_2 <- plot_spline /
        (plot_coefficients | plot_basis) /
        (plot_cv | plot_cv_error) +
        plot_layout(heights = c(1.5, 1, 1))

    # Save the plot.
    if (save) {
        if (is.null(path)) {
            # If no path is provided, create one.
            path <- paste0(getwd(), "/", "step-2", "_", gsub(":|\\s", "-", as.character(Sys.time()), perl = TRUE), ".pdf")

        # Save the plot.
        ggplot2::ggsave(path, plot = plot_step_2, width = width, height = height, ...)
    } else {
        # Show the plot.

    # Return the plot object silently.

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