Man pages for primerTree
Visually Assessing the Specificity and Informativeness of Primer Pairs

accession2taxidMaps a nucleotide database accession to a taxonomy database...
bryophytes_trnLPrimerTree results for the bryophyte trnL primers
calc_rank_dist_aveSummarize pairwise differences.
clustaloMultiple sequence alignment with clustal omega
filter_seqsFilter out sequences retrieved by search_primer_pair() that...
get_sequenceRetrieves a fasta sequence from NCBI nucleotide database.
get_sequencesRetrieves fasta sequences from NCBI nucleotide database.
get_taxonomyRetrieve the taxonomy information from NCBI for a set of...
identify.primerTree_plotidentify the point closest to the mouse click only works on...
layout_tree_apelayout a tree using ape, return an object to be plotted by...
mammals_16SPrimerTree results for the mammalian 16S primers
parse_primer_hitsParse the primer hits
plot.primerTreeplot function for a primerTree object, calls plot_tree_ranks
plot_treeplots a tree, optionally with colored and labeled points by...
plot_tree_ranksplots a tree along with a series of taxonomic ranks
primer_searchQuery a pair of primers using ncbi's Primer-BLAST, if primers...
primerTree'primerTree' Visually Assessing the Specificity and...
search_primer_pairAutomatic primer searching Search a given primer pair,...
seq_lengthsGet a summary of sequence lengths from a primerTree object
seq_lengths.primerTreeMethod for primerTree objects
summary.primerTreeSummarize a primerTree result, printing quantiles of sequence...
tree_from_alignmentConstruct a neighbor joining tree from a dna alignment
primerTree documentation built on April 5, 2022, 5:07 p.m.