
Defines functions collect_predictions.cal_rset collect_metrics.cal_rset add_configs maybe_add_configs has_configs convert_resamples cal_validate_linear.rset cal_validate_linear.resample_results cal_validate_linear type_sum.cal_object compute_cal_metrics pull_pred cal_validate check_validation_metrics get_problem_type cal_validate_multinomial.tune_results cal_validate_multinomial.rset cal_validate_multinomial.resample_results cal_validate_multinomial cal_validate_beta.tune_results cal_validate_beta.rset cal_validate_beta.resample_results cal_validate_beta cal_validate_isotonic_boot.tune_results cal_validate_isotonic_boot.rset cal_validate_isotonic_boot.resample_results cal_validate_isotonic_boot cal_validate_isotonic.tune_results cal_validate_isotonic.rset cal_validate_isotonic.resample_results cal_validate_isotonic cal_validate_logistic.tune_results cal_validate_logistic.rset cal_validate_logistic.resample_results cal_validate_logistic

Documented in cal_validate_beta cal_validate_beta.resample_results cal_validate_beta.rset cal_validate_beta.tune_results cal_validate_isotonic cal_validate_isotonic_boot cal_validate_isotonic_boot.resample_results cal_validate_isotonic_boot.rset cal_validate_isotonic_boot.tune_results cal_validate_isotonic.resample_results cal_validate_isotonic.rset cal_validate_isotonic.tune_results cal_validate_linear cal_validate_linear.resample_results cal_validate_linear.rset cal_validate_logistic cal_validate_logistic.resample_results cal_validate_logistic.rset cal_validate_logistic.tune_results cal_validate_multinomial cal_validate_multinomial.resample_results cal_validate_multinomial.rset cal_validate_multinomial.tune_results collect_metrics.cal_rset collect_predictions.cal_rset

# -------------------------------- Logistic ------------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using logistic calibration
#' @description
#' This function uses resampling to measure the effect of calibrating predicted
#' values.
#' @details
#' These functions are designed to calculate performance with and without
#' calibration. They use resampling to measure out-of-sample effectiveness.
#' There are two ways to pass the data in:
#'  - If you have a data frame of predictions, an `rset` object can be created
#'    via \pkg{rsample} functions. See the example below.
#'  - If you have already made a resampling object from the original data and
#'    used it with [tune::fit_resamples()], you can pass that object to the
#'    calibration function and it will use the same resampling scheme. If a
#'    different resampling scheme should be used, run
#'    [tune::collect_predictions()] on the object and use the process in the
#'    previous bullet point.
#' Please note that these functions do not apply to `tune_result` objects. The
#' notion of "validation" implies that the tuning parameter selection has been
#' resolved.
#' `collect_predictions()` can be used to aggregate the metrics for analysis.
#' @template metrics_cls
#' @param metrics A set of metrics passed created via [yardstick::metric_set()]
#' @param save_pred Indicates whether to a column of post-calibration predictions.
#' @param ... Options to pass to [cal_estimate_logistic()], such as the `smooth`
#' argument.
#' @return The original object with a `.metrics_cal` column and, optionally,
#' an additional `.predictions_cal` column. The class `cal_rset` is also added.
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/models/calibration/},
#' [cal_estimate_logistic()]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # classification example
#' segment_logistic %>%
#'   rsample::vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_logistic(Class)
#' @inheritParams cal_estimate_logistic
#' @param .data An `rset` object or the results of [tune::fit_resamples()] with
#' a `.predictions` column.
#' @export
cal_validate_logistic <- function(.data,
                                  truth = NULL,
                                  estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                                  metrics = NULL,
                                  save_pred = FALSE,
                                  ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_logistic
cal_validate_logistic.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "logistic",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_logistic
cal_validate_logistic.rset <- function(.data,
                                       truth = NULL,
                                       estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                                       metrics = NULL,
                                       save_pred = FALSE,
                                       ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "logistic",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_logistic
cal_validate_logistic.tune_results <- function(.data,
                                               truth = NULL,
                                               estimate = NULL,
                                               metrics = NULL,
                                               save_pred = FALSE,
                                               ...) {

# -------------------------------- Isotonic ------------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using isotonic regression calibration
#' @inherit cal_validate_logistic
#' @inheritParams cal_estimate_isotonic
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/models/calibration/},
#' [cal_estimate_isotonic()]
#' @template metrics_both
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' segment_logistic %>%
#'   rsample::vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_isotonic(Class)
#' @export
cal_validate_isotonic <- function(.data,
                                  truth = NULL,
                                  estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                  metrics = NULL,
                                  save_pred = FALSE,
                                  ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic
cal_validate_isotonic.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "isotonic",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic
cal_validate_isotonic.rset <- function(.data,
                                       truth = NULL,
                                       estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                       metrics = NULL,
                                       save_pred = FALSE,
                                       ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "isotonic",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic
cal_validate_isotonic.tune_results <- function(.data,
                                               truth = NULL,
                                               estimate = NULL,
                                               metrics = NULL,
                                               save_pred = FALSE,
                                               ...) {

# ----------------------------- Isotonic Boot ----------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using bagged isotonic regression calibration
#' @inherit cal_validate_logistic
#' @inheritParams cal_estimate_isotonic_boot
#' @param ... Options to pass to [cal_estimate_isotonic_boot()], such as the
#' `times` argument.
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/models/calibration/},
#' [cal_estimate_isotonic_boot()]
#' @template metrics_both
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' segment_logistic %>%
#'   rsample::vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_isotonic_boot(Class)
#' @export
cal_validate_isotonic_boot <- function(.data,
                                       truth = NULL,
                                       estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                       metrics = NULL,
                                       save_pred = FALSE,
                                       ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic_boot
cal_validate_isotonic_boot.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "isotonic_boot",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic_boot
cal_validate_isotonic_boot.rset <- function(.data,
                                            truth = NULL,
                                            estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                            metrics = NULL,
                                            save_pred = FALSE,
                                            ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "isotonic_boot",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_isotonic_boot
cal_validate_isotonic_boot.tune_results <- function(.data,
                                                    truth = NULL,
                                                    estimate = NULL,
                                                    metrics = NULL,
                                                    save_pred = FALSE,
                                                    ...) {

# ---------------------------------- Beta --------------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using Beta calibration
#' @inherit cal_validate_logistic
#' @inheritParams cal_estimate_beta
#' @param ... Options to pass to [cal_estimate_beta()], such as the
#' `shape_params` and `location_params` arguments.
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/models/calibration/},
#' [cal_estimate_beta()]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' segment_logistic %>%
#'   rsample::vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_beta(Class)
#' @export
cal_validate_beta <- function(.data,
                              truth = NULL,
                              estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                              metrics = NULL,
                              save_pred = FALSE,
                              ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_beta
cal_validate_beta.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "beta",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_beta
cal_validate_beta.rset <- function(.data,
                                   truth = NULL,
                                   estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                                   metrics = NULL,
                                   save_pred = FALSE,
                                   ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "beta",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_beta
cal_validate_beta.tune_results <- function(.data,
                                           truth = NULL,
                                           estimate = NULL,
                                           metrics = NULL,
                                           save_pred = FALSE,
                                           ...) {

# ------------------------------- Multinomial ----------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using multinomial calibration
#' @inherit cal_validate_logistic
#' @inheritParams cal_estimate_multinomial
#' @seealso [cal_apply()], [cal_estimate_multinomial()]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' species_probs %>%
#'   rsample::vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_multinomial(Species)
#' @export
cal_validate_multinomial <- function(.data,
                                     truth = NULL,
                                     estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                                     metrics = NULL,
                                     save_pred = FALSE,
                                     ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_multinomial
cal_validate_multinomial.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "multinomial",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_multinomial
cal_validate_multinomial.rset <- function(.data,
                                          truth = NULL,
                                          estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred_"),
                                          metrics = NULL,
                                          save_pred = FALSE,
                                          ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "multinomial",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_multinomial
cal_validate_multinomial.tune_results <- function(.data,
                                                  truth = NULL,
                                                  estimate = NULL,
                                                  metrics = NULL,
                                                  save_pred = FALSE,
                                                  ...) {

# ------------------------------ Implementation --------------------------------

get_problem_type <- function(x) {
  if (is.factor(x)) {
    res <- "classification"
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
    res <- "regression"
  } else if (inherits(x, "Surv")) {
    res <- "censored regression"
  } else {
    rlang::abort("Cannot determine the type of calibration problem.")

check_validation_metrics <- function(metrics, model_mode) {
  if (is.null(metrics)) {
    if (model_mode == "regression") {
      metrics <- yardstick::metric_set(yardstick::rmse)
    } else if (model_mode == "classification") {
      metrics <- yardstick::metric_set(yardstick::brier_class)
    } else {
      rlang::abort("unknown mode")
  } else {
    metric_info <- dplyr::as_tibble(metrics)
    if (model_mode == "regression") {
      if (any(metric_info$class != "numeric_metric")) {
        rlang::abort("Metric type should be 'numeric_metric'")
    } else if (model_mode == "classification") {
      allowed <- c("prob_metric", "class_metric")
      if (any(!(metric_info$class %in% allowed))) {
        rlang::abort("Metric type should be 'prob_metric' or 'class_metric'")
    } else {
      rlang::abort("unknown mode")

cal_validate <- function(rset,
                         truth = NULL,
                         estimate = NULL,
                         cal_function = NULL,
                         metrics = NULL,
                         save_pred = FALSE,
                         ...) {
  truth <- enquo(truth)
  estimate <- enquo(estimate)

  if (is.null(cal_function)) {
    rlang::abort("No calibration function provided")

  outcomes <- dplyr::select(rset$splits[[1]]$data, {{ truth }}) %>% purrr::pluck(1)
  model_mode <- get_problem_type(outcomes)

  metrics <- check_validation_metrics(metrics, model_mode)

  predictions_in <- pull_pred(rset, analysis = TRUE)
  predictions_out <- pull_pred(rset, analysis = FALSE)

  est_fn_name <- paste0("cal_estimate_", cal_function)
  est_cl <-
      .ns = "probably",
      .data = expr(.x),
      truth = truth,
      estimate = estimate,

  cals <- purrr::map(predictions_in, ~ eval_tidy(est_cl))

  if (model_mode == "classification") {
    if (cals[[1]]$type == "binary") {
      estimate_cols <- cals[[1]]$levels[[1]]
    } else {
      estimate_cols <- cals[[1]]$levels %>%
        purrr::map(as_name) %>%
  } else if (model_mode == "regression") {
    estimate_cols <- rlang::expr_deparse(cals[[1]]$levels$predictions)

  # These are replaced because we don't know if the original metrics contained
  # one that is sensitive to calibration.
  rset$.metrics <- NULL

  metric_res <-
      metrics = metrics,
      truth_col = truth,
      est_cols = estimate_cols,
      pred = save_pred
  rset <- dplyr::bind_cols(rset, metric_res)

  attr(rset, "metrics") <- metrics
  class(rset) <- c("cal_rset", class(rset))

pull_pred <- function(x, analysis = TRUE) {
  has_dot_row <- any(names(x$splits[[1]]$data) == ".row")
  if (analysis) {
    what <- "analysis"
  } else {
    what <- "assessment"
  preds <- purrr::map(x$splits, as.data.frame, data = what)
  if (!has_dot_row) {
    rows <- purrr::map(x$splits, ~ dplyr::tibble(.row = as.integer(.x, data = what)))
    preds <- purrr::map2(preds, rows, ~ dplyr::bind_cols(.x, .y))


compute_cal_metrics <- function(calib, preds, metrics, truth_col, est_cols, pred = FALSE) {
  if (has_configs(preds)) {
    configs <- preds$.config
  } else {
    configs <- NULL

  cal_pred <-
      .data = preds,
      object = calib,
      pred_class = !!rlang::parse_expr(".pred_class")
  cal_metrics <- metrics(cal_pred, truth = !!truth_col, dplyr::all_of(est_cols))
  res <- dplyr::tibble(.metrics_cal = list(cal_metrics))

  if (pred) {
    if (!is.null(configs)) {
      cal_pred$.config <- configs
    res$.predictions_cal <- list(cal_pred)

  uncal_metrics <- metrics(preds, truth = !!truth_col, dplyr::all_of(est_cols))
  res$.metrics <- list(uncal_metrics)
  res <- dplyr::relocate(res, .metrics)


#' @importFrom pillar type_sum
#' @export
type_sum.cal_object <- function(x, ...) {

# -------------------------------- Linear --------------------------------------
#' Measure performance with and without using linear regression calibration
#' @inheritParams cal_validate_logistic
#' @template metrics_reg
#' @seealso
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/models/calibration/},
#' [cal_estimate_linear()]
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(yardstick)
#' library(rsample)
#' head(boosting_predictions_test)
#' reg_stats <- metric_set(rmse, ccc)
#' set.seed(828)
#' boosting_predictions_oob %>%
#'   # Resample with 10-fold cross-validation
#'   vfold_cv() %>%
#'   cal_validate_linear(truth = outcome, smooth = FALSE, metrics = reg_stats)
#' @export
cal_validate_linear <- function(.data,
                                truth = NULL,
                                estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                metrics = NULL,
                                save_pred = FALSE,
                                ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_linear
cal_validate_linear.resample_results <-
           truth = NULL,
           estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
           metrics = NULL,
           save_pred = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!is.null(truth)) {
      rlang::warn("'truth' is automaticaly set when this type of object is used.")
    truth <- tune::.get_tune_outcome_names(.data)
    # Change splits$data to be the predictions instead of the original
    # training data and save as rset
    .data <- convert_resamples(.data)
      rset = .data,
      truth = !!truth,
      estimate = {{ estimate }},
      cal_function = "linear",
      metrics = metrics,
      save_pred = save_pred,

#' @export
#' @rdname cal_validate_linear
cal_validate_linear.rset <- function(.data,
                                     truth = NULL,
                                     estimate = dplyr::starts_with(".pred"),
                                     metrics = NULL,
                                     save_pred = FALSE,
                                     ...) {
    rset = .data,
    truth = {{ truth }},
    estimate = {{ estimate }},
    cal_function = "linear",
    metrics = metrics,
    save_pred = save_pred,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert a resample_results to an rset that can be used by the validate function

convert_resamples <- function(x) {
  predictions <-
    tune::collect_predictions(x, summarize = TRUE) %>%
  for (i in seq_along(x$splits)) {
    x$splits[[i]]$data <- predictions
  class(x) <- c("rset", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

has_configs <- function(x) {
  any(names(x) == ".config")

maybe_add_configs <- function(x, what = ".metrics") {
  if (!has_configs(x[[what]][[1]])) {
    x[[what]] <- purrr::map(x[[what]], add_configs)

add_configs <- function(x) {
  x$.config <- "config"

#' Obtain and format metrics produced by calibration validation
#' @param x An object produced by one of the validation function (or class
#' `cal_rset`).
#' @param summarize A logical; should metrics be summarized over resamples
#' (`TRUE`) or return the values for each individual resample. See
#' [tune::collect_metrics()] for more details.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return A tibble
#' @export
collect_metrics.cal_rset <- function(x, summarize = TRUE, ...) {
  tmp <- x
  class(tmp) <- c("tune_results", class(x))
  tmp <- maybe_add_configs(tmp)
  uncal <- tune::collect_metrics(tmp, summarize = summarize)
  uncal$.type <- "uncalibrated"

  tmp$.metrics <- tmp$.metrics_cal
  tmp <- maybe_add_configs(tmp)
  cal <- tune::collect_metrics(tmp, summarize = summarize)
  cal$.type <- "calibrated"

  res <- dplyr::bind_rows(uncal, cal)
  res <- dplyr::relocate(res, .type, .after = .metric)

#' Obtain and format predictions produced by calibration validation
#' @param x An object produced by one of the validation function (or class
#' `cal_rset`).
#' @param summarize A logical; should predictions be summarized over resamples
#' (`TRUE`) or return the values for each individual resample. See
#' [tune::collect_predictions()] for more details.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @return A tibble
#' @export
collect_predictions.cal_rset <- function(x, summarize = TRUE, ...) {
  has_no_preds <- !any(grepl("^\\.predictions", names(x)))
  if (has_no_preds) {
    rlang::abort("There are no saved prediction columns to collect.", call = NULL)
  res <- NULL

  if (any(names(x) == ".predictions")) {
    tmp <- x
    class(tmp) <- c("tune_results", class(x))
    tmp <- maybe_add_configs(tmp, ".predictions")
    res <- tune::collect_predictions(tmp, summarize = summarize)
    res$.type <- "uncalibrated"

  if (any(names(x) == ".predictions_cal")) {
    tmp <- x
    class(tmp) <- c("tune_results", class(x))
    tmp$.predictions <- tmp$.predictions_cal
    tmp <- maybe_add_configs(tmp, ".predictions")
    cal <- tune::collect_predictions(tmp, summarize = summarize)
    cal$.type <- "calibrated"
    res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res, cal)

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