#' @useDynLib processx, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "c_"
## Workaround an R CMD check false positive
dummy_r6 <- function() R6::R6Class
#' External process
#' @description
#' Managing external processes from R is not trivial, and this
#' class aims to help with this deficiency. It is essentially a small
#' wrapper around the `system` base R function, to return the process
#' id of the started process, and set its standard output and error
#' streams. The process id is then used to manage the process.
#' @param n Number of characters or lines to read.
#' @param grace Currently not used.
#' @param close_connections Whether to close standard input, standard
#' output, standard error connections and the poll connection, after
#' killing the process.
#' @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds, for the wait or the I/O
#' polling.
#' @section Batch files:
#' Running Windows batch files (`.bat` or `.cmd` files) may be complicated
#' because of the `cmd.exe` command line parsing rules. For example you
#' cannot easily have whitespace in both the command (path) and one of the
#' arguments. To work around these limitations you need to start a
#' `cmd.exe` shell explicitly and use its `call` command. For example:
#' ```r
#' process$new("cmd.exe", c("/c", "call", bat_file, "arg 1", "arg 2"))
#' ```
#' This works even if `bat_file` contains whitespace characters.
#' For more information about this, see this processx issue:
#' The detailed parsing rules are at
#' A very good practical guide is at
#' @section Polling:
#' The `poll_io()` function polls the standard output and standard
#' error connections of a process, with a timeout. If there is output
#' in either of them, or they are closed (e.g. because the process exits)
#' `poll_io()` returns immediately.
#' In addition to polling a single process, the [poll()] function
#' can poll the output of several processes, and returns as soon as any
#' of them has generated output (or exited).
#' @section Cleaning up background processes:
#' processx kills processes that are not referenced any more (if `cleanup`
#' is set to `TRUE`), or the whole subprocess tree (if `cleanup_tree` is
#' also set to `TRUE`).
#' The cleanup happens when the references of the processes object are
#' garbage collected. To clean up earlier, you can call the `kill()` or
#' `kill_tree()` method of the process(es), from an `on.exit()` expression,
#' or an error handler:
#' ```r
#' process_manager <- function() {
#' on.exit({
#' try(p1$kill(), silent = TRUE)
#' try(p2$kill(), silent = TRUE)
#' }, add = TRUE)
#' p1 <- process$new("sleep", "3")
#' p2 <- process$new("sleep", "10")
#' p1$wait()
#' p2$wait()
#' }
#' process_manager()
#' ```
#' If you interrupt `process_manager()` or an error happens then both `p1`
#' and `p2` are cleaned up immediately. Their connections will also be
#' closed. The same happens at a regular exit.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' p <- process$new("sleep", "2")
#' p$is_alive()
#' p
#' p$kill()
#' p$is_alive()
#' p <- process$new("sleep", "1")
#' p$is_alive()
#' Sys.sleep(2)
#' p$is_alive()
process <- R6::R6Class(
cloneable = FALSE,
public = list(
#' @description
#' Start a new process in the background, and then return immediately.
#' @return R6 object representing the process.
#' @param command Character scalar, the command to run.
#' Note that this argument is not passed to a shell, so no
#' tilde-expansion or variable substitution is performed on it.
#' It should not be quoted with [base::shQuote()]. See
#' [base::normalizePath()] for tilde-expansion. If you want to run
#' `.bat` or `.cmd` files on Windows, make sure you read the
#' 'Batch files' section above.
#' @param args Character vector, arguments to the command. They will be
#' passed to the process as is, without a shell transforming them,
#' They don't need to be escaped.
#' @param stdin What to do with the standard input. Possible values:
#' * `NULL`: set to the _null device_, i.e. no standard input is
#' provided;
#' * a file name, use this file as standard input;
#' * `"|"`: create a (writeable) connection for stdin.
#' * `""` (empty string): inherit it from the main R process. If the
#' main R process does not have a standard input stream, e.g. in
#' RGui on Windows, then an error is thrown.
#' @param stdout What to do with the standard output. Possible values:
#' * `NULL`: discard it;
#' * A string, redirect it to this file.
#' Note that if you specify a relative path, it will be relative to
#' the current working directory, even if you specify another
#' directory in the `wd` argument. (See issue 324.)
#' * `"|"`: create a connection for it.
#' * `""` (empty string): inherit it from the main R process. If the
#' main R process does not have a standard output stream, e.g. in
#' RGui on Windows, then an error is thrown.
#' @param stderr What to do with the standard error. Possible values:
#' * `NULL`: discard it.
#' * A string, redirect it to this file.
#' Note that if you specify a relative path, it will be relative to
#' the current working directory, even if you specify another
#' directory in the `wd` argument. (See issue 324.)
#' * `"|"`: create a connection for it.
#' * `"2>&1"`: redirect it to the same connection (i.e. pipe or file)
#' as `stdout`. `"2>&1"` is a way to keep standard output and error
#' correctly interleaved.
#' * `""` (empty string): inherit it from the main R process. If the
#' main R process does not have a standard error stream, e.g. in
#' RGui on Windows, then an error is thrown.
#' @param pty Whether to create a pseudo terminal (pty) for the
#' background process. This is currently only supported on Unix
#' systems, but not supported on Solaris.
#' If it is `TRUE`, then the `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` arguments
#' must be `NULL`. If a pseudo terminal is created, then processx
#' will create pipes for standard input and standard output. There is
#' no separate pipe for standard error, because there is no way to
#' distinguish between stdout and stderr on a pty. Note that the
#' standard output connection of the pty is _blocking_, so we always
#' poll the standard output connection before reading from it using
#' the `$read_output()` method. Also, because `$read_output_lines()`
#' could still block if no complete line is available, this function
#' always fails if the process has a pty. Use `$read_output()` to
#' read from ptys.
#' @param pty_options Unix pseudo terminal options, a named list. see
#' [default_pty_options()] for details and defaults.
#' @param connections A list of processx connections to pass to the
#' child process. This is an experimental feature currently.
#' @param poll_connection Whether to create an extra connection to the
#' process that allows polling, even if the standard input and
#' standard output are not pipes. If this is `NULL` (the default),
#' then this connection will be only created if standard output and
#' standard error are not pipes, and `connections` is an empty list.
#' If the poll connection is created, you can query it via
#' `p$get_poll_connection()` and it is also included in the response
#' to `p$poll_io()` and [poll()]. The numeric file descriptor of the
#' poll connection comes right after `stderr` (2), and the
#' connections listed in `connections`.
#' @param env Environment variables of the child process. If `NULL`,
#' the parent's environment is inherited. On Windows, many programs
#' cannot function correctly if some environment variables are not
#' set, so we always set `HOMEDRIVE`, `HOMEPATH`, `LOGONSERVER`,
#' `USERNAME`, `USERPROFILE` and `WINDIR`. To append new environment
#' variables to the ones set in the current process, specify
#' `"current"` in `env`, without a name, and the appended ones with
#' names. The appended ones can overwrite the current ones.
#' @param cleanup Whether to kill the process when the `process`
#' object is garbage collected.
#' @param cleanup_tree Whether to kill the process and its child
#' process tree when the `process` object is garbage collected.
#' @param wd Working directory of the process. It must exist.
#' If `NULL`, then the current working directory is used.
#' @param echo_cmd Whether to print the command to the screen before
#' running it.
#' @param supervise Whether to register the process with a supervisor.
#' If `TRUE`, the supervisor will ensure that the process is
#' killed when the R process exits.
#' @param windows_verbatim_args Whether to omit quoting the arguments
#' on Windows. It is ignored on other platforms.
#' @param windows_hide_window Whether to hide the application's window
#' on Windows. It is ignored on other platforms.
#' @param windows_detached_process Whether to use the
#' `DETACHED_PROCESS` flag on Windows. If this is `TRUE`, then
#' the child process will have no attached console, even if the
#' parent had one.
#' @param encoding The encoding to assume for `stdin`, `stdout` and
#' `stderr`. By default the encoding of the current locale is
#' used. Note that `processx` always reencodes the output of the
#' `stdout` and `stderr` streams in UTF-8 currently.
#' If you want to read them without any conversion, on all platforms,
#' specify `"UTF-8"` as encoding.
#' @param post_process An optional function to run when the process has
#' finished. Currently it only runs if `$get_result()` is called.
#' It is only run once.
initialize = function(command = NULL, args = character(),
stdin = NULL, stdout = NULL, stderr = NULL, pty = FALSE,
pty_options = list(), connections = list(), poll_connection = NULL,
env = NULL, cleanup = TRUE, cleanup_tree = FALSE, wd = NULL,
echo_cmd = FALSE, supervise = FALSE, windows_verbatim_args = FALSE,
windows_hide_window = FALSE, windows_detached_process = !cleanup,
encoding = "", post_process = NULL)
process_initialize(self, private, command, args, stdin,
stdout, stderr, pty, pty_options, connections,
poll_connection, env, cleanup, cleanup_tree, wd,
echo_cmd, supervise, windows_verbatim_args,
windows_hide_window, windows_detached_process,
encoding, post_process),
#' @description
#' Cleanup method that is called when the `process` object is garbage
#' collected. If requested so in the process constructor, then it
#' eliminates all processes in the process's subprocess tree.
finalize = function() {
if (!is.null(private$tree_id) && private$cleanup_tree &&
ps::ps_is_supported()) self$kill_tree()
#' @description
#' Terminate the process. It also terminate all of its child
#' processes, except if they have created a new process group (on Unix),
#' or job object (on Windows). It returns `TRUE` if the process
#' was terminated, and `FALSE` if it was not (because it was
#' already finished/dead when `processx` tried to terminate it).
kill = function(grace = 0.1, close_connections = TRUE)
process_kill(self, private, grace, close_connections),
#' @description
#' Process tree cleanup. It terminates the process
#' (if still alive), together with any child (or grandchild, etc.)
#' processes. It uses the _ps_ package, so that needs to be installed,
#' and _ps_ needs to support the current platform as well. Process tree
#' cleanup works by marking the process with an environment variable,
#' which is inherited in all child processes. This allows finding
#' descendents, even if they are orphaned, i.e. they are not connected
#' to the root of the tree cleanup in the process tree any more.
#' `$kill_tree()` returns a named integer vector of the process ids that
#' were killed, the names are the names of the processes (e.g. `"sleep"`,
#' `"notepad.exe"`, `"Rterm.exe"`, etc.).
kill_tree = function(grace = 0.1, close_connections = TRUE)
process_kill_tree(self, private, grace, close_connections),
#' @description
#' Send a signal to the process. On Windows only the
#' `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM` and `SIGKILL` signals are interpreted,
#' and the special 0 signal. The first three all kill the process. The 0
#' signal returns `TRUE` if the process is alive, and `FALSE`
#' otherwise. On Unix all signals are supported that the OS supports,
#' and the 0 signal as well.
#' @param signal An integer scalar, the id of the signal to send to
#' the process. See [tools::pskill()] for the list of signals.
signal = function(signal)
process_signal(self, private, signal),
#' @description
#' Send an interrupt to the process. On Unix this is a
#' `SIGINT` signal, and it is usually equivalent to pressing CTRL+C at
#' the terminal prompt. On Windows, it is a CTRL+BREAK keypress.
#' Applications may catch these events. By default they will quit.
interrupt = function()
process_interrupt(self, private),
#' @description
#' Query the process id.
#' @return Integer scalar, the process id of the process.
get_pid = function()
process_get_pid(self, private),
#' @description Check if the process is alive.
#' @return Logical scalar.
is_alive = function()
process_is_alive(self, private),
#' @description
#' Wait until the process finishes, or a timeout happens.
#' Note that if the process never finishes, and the timeout is infinite
#' (the default), then R will never regain control. In some rare cases,
#' `$wait()` might take a bit longer than specified to time out. This
#' happens on Unix, when another package overwrites the processx
#' `SIGCHLD` signal handler, after the processx process has started.
#' One such package is parallel, if used with fork clusters, e.g.
#' through `parallel::mcparallel()`.
#' @return It returns the process itself, invisibly.
wait = function(timeout = -1)
process_wait(self, private, timeout),
#' @description
#' `$get_exit_status` returns the exit code of the process if it has
#' finished and `NULL` otherwise. On Unix, in some rare cases, the exit
#' status might be `NA`. This happens if another package (or R itself)
#' overwrites the processx `SIGCHLD` handler, after the processx process
#' has started. In these cases processx cannot determine the real exit
#' status of the process. One such package is parallel, if used with
#' fork clusters, e.g. through the `parallel::mcparallel()` function.
get_exit_status = function()
process_get_exit_status(self, private),
#' @description
#' `format(p)` or `p$format()` creates a string representation of the
#' process, usually for printing.
format = function()
process_format(self, private),
#' @description
#' `print(p)` or `p$print()` shows some information about the
#' process on the screen, whether it is running and it's process id, etc.
print = function()
process_print(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_start_time()` returns the time when the process was
#' started.
get_start_time = function()
process_get_start_time(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$is_supervised()` returns whether the process is being tracked by
#' supervisor process.
is_supervised = function()
process_is_supervised(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$supervise()` if passed `TRUE`, tells the supervisor to start
#' tracking the process. If `FALSE`, tells the supervisor to stop
#' tracking the process. Note that even if the supervisor is disabled
#' for a process, if it was started with `cleanup = TRUE`, the process
#' will still be killed when the object is garbage collected.
#' @param status Whether to turn on of off the supervisor for this
#' process.
supervise = function(status)
process_supervise(self, private, status),
## Output
#' @description
#' `$read_output()` reads from the standard output connection of the
#' process. If the standard output connection was not requested, then
#' then it returns an error. It uses a non-blocking text connection. This
#' will work only if `stdout="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will throw an
#' error.
read_output = function(n = -1)
process_read_output(self, private, n),
#' @description
#' `$read_error()` is similar to `$read_output`, but it reads
#' from the standard error stream.
read_error = function(n = -1)
process_read_error(self, private, n),
#' @description
#' `$read_output_lines()` reads lines from standard output connection
#' of the process. If the standard output connection was not requested,
#' then it returns an error. It uses a non-blocking text connection.
#' This will work only if `stdout="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will
#' throw an error.
read_output_lines = function(n = -1)
process_read_output_lines(self, private, n),
#' @description
#' `$read_error_lines()` is similar to `$read_output_lines`, but
#' it reads from the standard error stream.
read_error_lines = function(n = -1)
process_read_error_lines(self, private, n),
#' @description
#' `$is_incomplete_output()` return `FALSE` if the other end of
#' the standard output connection was closed (most probably because the
#' process exited). It return `TRUE` otherwise.
is_incomplete_output = function()
process_is_incompelete_output(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$is_incomplete_error()` return `FALSE` if the other end of
#' the standard error connection was closed (most probably because the
#' process exited). It return `TRUE` otherwise.
is_incomplete_error = function()
process_is_incompelete_error(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$has_input_connection()` return `TRUE` if there is a connection
#' object for standard input; in other words, if `stdout="|"`. It returns
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
has_input_connection = function()
process_has_input_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$has_output_connection()` returns `TRUE` if there is a connection
#' object for standard output; in other words, if `stdout="|"`. It returns
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
has_output_connection = function()
process_has_output_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$has_error_connection()` returns `TRUE` if there is a connection
#' object for standard error; in other words, if `stderr="|"`. It returns
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
has_error_connection = function()
process_has_error_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$has_poll_connection()` return `TRUE` if there is a poll connection,
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
has_poll_connection = function()
process_has_poll_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_input_connection()` returns a connection object, to the
#' standard input stream of the process.
get_input_connection = function()
process_get_input_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_output_connection()` returns a connection object, to the
#' standard output stream of the process.
get_output_connection = function()
process_get_output_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_error_conneciton()` returns a connection object, to the
#' standard error stream of the process.
get_error_connection = function()
process_get_error_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$read_all_output()` waits for all standard output from the process.
#' It does not return until the process has finished.
#' Note that this process involves waiting for the process to finish,
#' polling for I/O and potentially several `readLines()` calls.
#' It returns a character scalar. This will return content only if
#' `stdout="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will throw an error.
read_all_output = function()
process_read_all_output(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$read_all_error()` waits for all standard error from the process.
#' It does not return until the process has finished.
#' Note that this process involves waiting for the process to finish,
#' polling for I/O and potentially several `readLines()` calls.
#' It returns a character scalar. This will return content only if
#' `stderr="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will throw an error.
read_all_error = function()
process_read_all_error(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$read_all_output_lines()` waits for all standard output lines
#' from a process. It does not return until the process has finished.
#' Note that this process involves waiting for the process to finish,
#' polling for I/O and potentially several `readLines()` calls.
#' It returns a character vector. This will return content only if
#' `stdout="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will throw an error.
read_all_output_lines = function()
process_read_all_output_lines(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$read_all_error_lines()` waits for all standard error lines from
#' a process. It does not return until the process has finished.
#' Note that this process involves waiting for the process to finish,
#' polling for I/O and potentially several `readLines()` calls.
#' It returns a character vector. This will return content only if
#' `stderr="|"` was used. Otherwise, it will throw an error.
read_all_error_lines = function()
process_read_all_error_lines(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$write_input()` writes the character vector (separated by `sep`) to
#' the standard input of the process. It will be converted to the specified
#' encoding. This operation is non-blocking, and it will return, even if
#' the write fails (because the write buffer is full), or if it suceeds
#' partially (i.e. not the full string is written). It returns with a raw
#' vector, that contains the bytes that were not written. You can supply
#' this raw vector to `$write_input()` again, until it is fully written,
#' and then the return value will be `raw(0)` (invisibly).
#' @param str Character or raw vector to write to the standard input
#' of the process. If a character vector with a marked encoding,
#' it will be converted to `encoding`.
#' @param sep Separator to add between `str` elements if it is a
#' character vector. It is ignored if `str` is a raw vector.
#' @return Leftover text (as a raw vector), that was not written.
write_input = function(str, sep = "\n")
process_write_input(self, private, str, sep),
#' @description
#' `$get_input_file()` if the `stdin` argument was a filename,
#' this returns the absolute path to the file. If `stdin` was `"|"` or
#' `NULL`, this simply returns that value.
get_input_file = function()
process_get_input_file(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_output_file()` if the `stdout` argument was a filename,
#' this returns the absolute path to the file. If `stdout` was `"|"` or
#' `NULL`, this simply returns that value.
get_output_file = function()
process_get_output_file(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_error_file()` if the `stderr` argument was a filename,
#' this returns the absolute path to the file. If `stderr` was `"|"` or
#' `NULL`, this simply returns that value.
get_error_file = function()
process_get_error_file(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$poll_io()` polls the process's connections for I/O. See more in
#' the _Polling_ section, and see also the [poll()] function
#' to poll on multiple processes.
poll_io = function(timeout)
process_poll_io(self, private, timeout),
#' @description
#' `$get_poll_connetion()` returns the poll connection, if the process has
#' one.
get_poll_connection = function()
process_get_poll_connection(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$get_result()` returns the result of the post processesing function.
#' It can only be called once the process has finished. If the process has
#' no post-processing function, then `NULL` is returned.
get_result = function()
process_get_result(self, private),
#' @description
#' `$as_ps_handle()` returns a [ps::ps_handle] object, corresponding to
#' the process.
as_ps_handle = function()
process_as_ps_handle(self, private),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_name()] to get the process name.
get_name = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_name, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_exe()] to get the path of the executable.
get_exe = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_exe, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_cmdline()] to get the command line.
get_cmdline = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_cmdline, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_status()] to get the process status.
get_status = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_status, self),
#' @description
#' calls [ps::ps_username()] to get the username.
get_username = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_username, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_cwd()] to get the current working directory.
get_wd = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_cwd, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_cpu_times()] to get CPU usage data.
get_cpu_times = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_cpu_times, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_memory_info()] to get memory data.
get_memory_info = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_memory_info, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_suspend()] to suspend the process.
suspend = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_suspend, self),
#' @description
#' Calls [ps::ps_resume()] to resume a suspended process.
resume = function()
ps_method(ps::ps_resume, self)
private = list(
command = NULL, # Save 'command' argument here
args = NULL, # Save 'args' argument here
cleanup = NULL, # cleanup argument
cleanup_tree = NULL, # cleanup_tree argument
stdin = NULL, # stdin argument or stream
stdout = NULL, # stdout argument or stream
stderr = NULL, # stderr argument or stream
pty = NULL, # whether we should create a PTY
pty_options = NULL, # various PTY options
pstdin = NULL, # the original stdin argument
pstdout = NULL, # the original stdout argument
pstderr = NULL, # the original stderr argument
cleanfiles = NULL, # which temp stdout/stderr file(s) to clean up
wd = NULL, # working directory (or NULL for current)
starttime = NULL, # timestamp of start
echo_cmd = NULL, # whether to echo the command
windows_verbatim_args = NULL,
windows_hide_window = NULL,
status = NULL, # C file handle
supervised = FALSE, # Whether process is tracked by supervisor
stdin_pipe = NULL,
stdout_pipe = NULL,
stderr_pipe = NULL,
poll_pipe = NULL,
encoding = "",
env = NULL,
connections = list(),
post_process = NULL,
post_process_result = NULL,
post_process_done = FALSE,
tree_id = NULL,
get_short_name = function()
process_get_short_name(self, private),
close_connections = function()
process_close_connections(self, private)
## See the C source code for a discussion about the implementation
## of these methods
process_wait <- function(self, private, timeout) {
"!DEBUG process_wait `private$get_short_name()`"
c_processx_wait, private$status,
process_is_alive <- function(self, private) {
"!DEBUG process_is_alive `private$get_short_name()`"
chain_call(c_processx_is_alive, private$status, private$get_short_name())
process_get_exit_status <- function(self, private) {
"!DEBUG process_get_exit_status `private$get_short_name()`"
chain_call(c_processx_get_exit_status, private$status,
process_signal <- function(self, private, signal) {
"!DEBUG process_signal `private$get_short_name()` `signal`"
chain_call(c_processx_signal, private$status, as.integer(signal),
process_interrupt <- function(self, private) {
"!DEBUG process_interrupt `private$get_short_name()`"
if (os_type() == "windows") {
pid <- as.character(self$get_pid())
st <- run(get_tool("interrupt"), c(pid, "c"), error_on_status = FALSE)
if (st$status == 0) TRUE else FALSE
} else {
chain_call(c_processx_interrupt, private$status,
process_kill <- function(self, private, grace, close_connections) {
"!DEBUG process_kill '`private$get_short_name()`', pid `self$get_pid()`"
ret <- chain_call(c_processx_kill, private$status, as.numeric(grace),
if (close_connections) private$close_connections()
process_kill_tree <- function(self, private, grace, close_connections) {
"!DEBUG process_kill_tree '`private$get_short_name()`', pid `self$get_pid()`"
if (!ps::ps_is_supported()) {
"kill_tree is not supported on this platform"))
ret <- get("ps_kill_tree", asNamespace("ps"))(private$tree_id)
if (close_connections) private$close_connections()
process_get_start_time <- function(self, private) {
process_get_pid <- function(self, private) {
chain_call(c_processx_get_pid, private$status)
process_is_supervised <- function(self, private) {
process_supervise <- function(self, private, status) {
if (status && !self$is_supervised()) {
private$supervised <- TRUE
} else if (!status && self$is_supervised()) {
private$supervised <- FALSE
process_get_result <- function(self, private) {
if (self$is_alive()) throw(new_error("Process is still alive"))
if (!private$post_process_done && is.function(private$post_process)) {
private$post_process_result <- private$post_process()
private$post_process_done <- TRUE
process_as_ps_handle <- function(self, private) {
ps::ps_handle(self$get_pid(), self$get_start_time())
ps_method <- function(fun, self) {
fun(ps::ps_handle(self$get_pid(), self$get_start_time()))
process_close_connections <- function(self, private) {
for (f in c("stdin_pipe", "stdout_pipe", "stderr_pipe", "poll_pipe")) {
if (!is.null(p <- private[[f]])) {
chain_call(c_processx_connection_close, p)
#' Default options for pseudo terminals (ptys)
#' @return Named list of default values of pty options.
#' Options and default values:
#' * `echo` whether to keep the echo on the terminal. `FALSE` turns echo
#' off.
#' * `rows` the (initial) terminal size, number of rows.
#' * `cols` the (initial) terminal size, number of columns.
#' @export
default_pty_options <- function() {
echo = FALSE,
rows = 25L,
cols = 80L
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